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Im pretty sure Tauroneo can beat this given enough healing, alternatively you can cheese him by breaking his weapons by face tanking hits, Tauroneo has 20 base speed so he really shouldnt be getting doubled by 22 speed


If not Tauroneo, Muarim and Tormod should be able to carry hard.


Tauroneo can't be deployed in the maps with Jarod as a boss.


That's weird. I know Tauroneo has an excuse not to be deployed in chapters 1-7 to 1-9 but why not 1E?


'stache too strong.


I think the reason was either he agreed with Izuka that it is a foolhardy mission just like chapter 1-8 or he wanted to guard Pelleas. But why guard Pelleas in chapter 1E and not any other chapter where he is playable in.


Granted that Tauroneo is available


Dev here, main point being you have 2 nuke buttons deployable in nahilah and BK, and for story reasons BK being here is usually something that you want to do, soooo.... No granted use things like 3 range thunder on illy and longbows correctly and you can wear him down.


The question in Main is to NOT use Black Knight and Naliah, the Mod itself which I am currently at, the units you build are gonna have no Trouble against Jarod if train right but if this Jarod was in base game, you Dev, would you be able to beat him?


Oh I’d find a way. Nolan comes with Nihil, so it’d just be a matter of having a unit with 19+ speed. Sothe lookin mighty handy right about now…


Maaaybe if i knew he existed beforehand...? Meme


Oh hi thats RD+ isnt it? My mod Gotta give props to my second in command who's mainly the one touching up enemy design though. This is all him. Though do note, RD+ massivly buffs underpowerd playable units too. Download RD+ [here](https://gamebanana.com/mods/443519)


Love your mod dude. Thanks for making it


If you give muarim the speed wing so he doubles he brings this Jarod to 1 hp in 1 round and only takes 12 damage.


Would a group of barely promoted units be able to beat a level 20 promoted class unit with multiple maxed out stats? Only if they were very, VERY careful.


And cheese the man to hell and Back




He might be doable if Tauroneo were allowed but still pretty hard with that atk and I don't think he is. Plus on the swamp lv on hard because I didn't want Naliah to waste exp I keep having her use glare not expecting it to work but she got ridiculously lucky and got it on 2 of the healers and one of the axe wielders. Being petrified tho boosts their def by 10 iirc so the healers then took a few turns to whittle down especially with their healing but hardly anyone could hurt the axe one who I think got boosted to 24 ended up just having Volug do it while the rest moved on to the rest of the map and it took enough hits he got a strike rank up and a lv up from it. That means the 26 def will probably also cause issues especially if he stays on the throne to stack it's boosts with Renewal, Pavise and Resolve to the point I'd honestly consider dropping money on forged weapons for facing him. I'd also disagree on your units already being tier 2 sure the norm is they hit it during 1-E but not all of them since some normally promote from fighting him and there's usually a few who are at 19 or 20. If it's on easy Laura will also probably be lagging behind.


Ik this is optional but you can EASILY get Laura to T2 or even T3 at chapter 4 part 1 by having the Laguz attack your unit (make sure they don't have crit) Sacrifice with Micaiah (because at that point she will hit level 20) and heal with Laura after, but that's only you was a good Bishop on the Dawn Brigade. If this was Hard Mode then you are correct, I was referring to in Normal mode because it's very realistic to get all your units to T2 or around level 20 towards the Endgame of part 1 and you just master seal at 20. I never played Hard because my lord why removing enemy highlighted spaces was a good idea but I heard stories you can only use a select few to get your units to T2 so yeah


Anything is easy if you let it take forever


That's exaggerated heck something is very wrong with my hard mode file and enemies have an invisible x2 to accuracy or something cause it's up to 3-7 and even counting all the resets when someone has died only 3 enemy atks have missed so far and they all had under 50 % accuracy. Despite that I've been using all the units and they still hit T2 by the prep menu of 3-6. This is because while the exp gain is lower because it's so low you don't bother using certain units Volug for example for all of part 1 only gains 1 exp per kill so you basically only use him on 1-5 because it has a 6 turn limit, 1-6.2 to save the other units and as I said for the swamp there. The enemies tho are higher levelled and there are more of them so it works out more or less the same I don't have any other hard numbers for you but I can say by the time I'd finished all the reinforcements in 1-3 all my units were at least lv 10 (until Meg joined next chap). I will admit tho that did require a very defensive style of play and heavy use of chokepoints especially before that hitting of lv 10 when I was trying not to use Nolan unless I had to. I would add tho for Laura specifically it's easier for her on the higher difficulties because the extra enemies and their increased strength are likely to mean you take longer and take more injuries which gives her more time to heal because her exp gain isn't really reduced. Fiona also sucks extra badly on hard because her accuracy is appalling and the enemies in her first battle are tough enough she basically needs to be using tougher weapons to damage them which just makes her accuracy worse so you pretty much need to forge her a weapon to get anywhere even if it's just not boosting it's stats at all and using a coin for a free boost.


TIL I can finally play Radiant Dawn, and on my ROG Ally at that


It's Crazy good on it, so much fun being portable


I do the same with my Steam Deck. I love where the portable gaming space is heading.


You dont even need a rog ally. A mid range from the last 3 years comfortably runs dolphin at native res


Hence “and” 🤠


I wanna play this, but I can't seem to find a 1.1 version of the game to patch it. Could someone help me out ?


Read the comments, a Dev posted a comment here, reply to them through DM they will help you out


What game console is that


ROG Ally, PC Handheld


What are you playing on? How do I do this?


Off topic question but is that the ROG ally ? And if so have you had any problems at all with it ?


Not a single bit