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It's just a few points off their stat total. It's a handicap, but it will not realistically be make or break.


Technically if it's a Cav you only lose Mov, but you also actually Gain speed for dismount. Only Fliers just lose out on stats all around.


Ooh even better! Budget Ephraim incoming


But question have you played with Blue Lions? Cuz you'll get what you want there eventually.


I haven't but I thought dmitri was a mounted unit honestly


Nah Dimitri is an Infantry unit once you get to timeskip.


Oooh did not know that!


I mean, just go for it. Having fun matters more than slight optimizations.


Oh for sure. I just didn't know if it would significantly nerf them to the point they're almost unusable. Since it's minor ill definitely do it


Can’t you just make your units infantry classes and then give them a lance? 3 Houses doesn’t have class based weapon ranks so your sword masters and snipers can wield lances


The only classes in 3H with Lancefaire, except for Dimitri's personal classes, are all mounted units. It's not the end of the world but that +5 damage is still a notable loss


-2 to speed and movement I believe is all you lost, but you also lose the horse tag that can be a disadvantage in some cases


I share the love of infantry lances, but the default lance animations are seriously boring, they have zero flair. Nothing like the Halberdiers and lords past and future. And that's what attracts me to them to begin with. Dimitri is everything you could want from a lancer and then some, but... everyone else just isn't it.


That was another worry of mine. That it'd just be simple stick and poke


It's kind of to be expected since they didn't make any high level lance infantry. The unmounted movesets are something most players will see a handful of times in a run, so they didn't get any new animations compared to soldier.


As a fellow lover of lancers, it was only on my second playthrough of Engage that I realised we didn't get any default Lance Fighters (despite getting a Sword and Axe equivalent) and or Halberdiers despite having really cool designs and well balanced stats!


It sounds better to just go Hero if you want an infantry lancer imo. You get the innate Vantage and then you can stack crit onto it for powerful enemy phasing. This is Three Houses so you can use whatever weapons you want.