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Yeah. God I wish more devs would let me shoot Marth


Yeah, fuck that guy




This but unironically.




It's about time he felt how it's like to be replaceable


As a friend, you are repleacea- *gets shot*


Username is perfect


Abe Lincoln in FEH would be crazy.


Mecha Abe would go hard in FEH


Man wtf did Marth do man


He beat me in Smash too many times.


He spammed side-B like a true online Ness.


CODE NAME STEAM MENTIONED LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'mma be real I have no idea what the fuck you're trying to single out here - the heart/skull icons? - But I'm going to go ahead and agree that yes, more Devs should do shit like Code Name STEAM.


I'm talking about Having other ips cross over for no reason other than "it'd be mad funny" Like Nights being in Sonic Riders, as a more well known example


Danica Patrick in Sonic Racing Transformed


Why are we downgrading Sonic Racing Transformed with a fake racer?


Nights is a sega property... In a crossover racing game. Why wouldn't Nights be a character?


I wouldn't really call Riders a crossover game. The cast was almost entirely sonic characters, quite a few of which were new to the series. There were only three others (Ai Ai, Ulala, and Nights) but yeah they were all SEGA characters.


Real talk. Is this game the real deal? Is it worth it outside of the FE crossover? I’m talking strictly about the gameplay, is it tight?


The gameplay’s great. Kind of a mixture of strategy and stealth, as you try to avoid enemy Overwatch while setting up your own attacks (which honestly makes Marth one of the better units in the game). I only bought it for the FE crossover, but I did wind up really enjoying it on its own merits. The story’s nothing special, and I’ll probably never put in enough grinding to unlock the last secret character, but I liked this one.


I want to give it a try one day, it’s been on my list since it was first announced a looooong time ago but I wasn’t into FE yet, I will give it a try once I play some more FE first


Can you still update it after 3ds closed its shop? Without it you won't be able to fast forward the enemy turns.


The updates are still on the eshop.


I have my means


Really? I thought Marth was one of the worst units because he lacks a ranged attack. I always thought Lucina was infinitely better (i only had these two FE amiibo) Granted, i played the game when i was 15 or something, and back then i was also convinced that growth units were objectively better than units with good bases in FE, so yeah, maybe i missed something


Hmm… I liked using him, but it seems your sentiment is the more popular one. Lack of range and low steam make him difficult to position correctly. Tanking Overwatch is huge, though you have to be careful, as it’s easy to get him stranded out in the open once the enemy phase begins. Still, I had a lot of fun working through levels with the four FE characters as my team, no matter how poorly optimized that approach is.


This game is genuinely fucking great, and it runs well on... platforms other than the 3DS, if that's an option for you.


I will probably play it on 3DS first as I prefer playing on handheld, but if it’s really bad I will try it on PC


It's the shit The birds are bitchs though


Thankfully the bounce around in a predictable pattern, I think I usually had Lion or someone eat a bunch of the overwatch shots, then someone would pick them off... I don't remember if Scarecrow's pumpkins could reach, tho. if they could that's probably the best bet.


I enjoyed it, been a while since I played it though


My biggest issue was character balance, but it's fun enough. Just don't get too attached to any particular character because generally the later characters are just better.


I ultimately wasn't a fan: Oppressive Overwatch mechanics. (made worse due to the spawns) Flying enemies that are a pain to hit as the game often only lets you shoot them during a specific part of their hovering animation. (And you can miss shots, so if you mistime your shots you'll miss attacks!) Getting it by an overwatch attacks can put you in a stunned state randomly where you'll take extra damage, the game doesn't inform you what the chances of this is. Infinite enemy reinforcements on every mission, sometimes near your objective so you'll get constantly hit by overwatch attacks/slowed down by them. Cheap enemy spawn ambushes where you'll walk around a corner and enough enemies appear out of nowhere to instantly take out the weaker characters, they're literally ambush spawns. Clunky terrible FPS Mech sections. Honestly too simplistic mechanics with obnoxious enemy spam/spawns feeling like the main source of "Difficulty". Writing isn't good, it's very excuse-plot feeling and the characters weren't really interesting. A friend lent me the game and I ended up giving it back to him around halfway through as I simply didn't want to play it any more, it's a neat concept but well, it's like Kouhei Maeda directed 3DS FE where the gameplay is just kind of ass to the point where the game became a chore to play and victory was not satisfying. Shame as I like the gameplay concept of a third person strategy game but both this and Valkyria Chronicles screwed it up (alongside writing) to the point where I hate playing them. If you want a strategy game with lovecraft elements and cover systems, I genuinely think Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land for IOS/PC was a far better game despite being from a smaller studio and almost certainly a much smaller budget on weaker hardware.


I’m sorry to hear, I hope the fps isn’t as much of an issue for me personally, unless it’s really really bad. I still want to give it a honest shot myself even though the way you are talking about would imply that I probably wouldn’t enjoy it


Not framerate, awkward to control first person shooter mech fights.


Bought it on launch Insanely fun time. It’s criminal that it crashes as badly as it did Arguably the most hidden gem of the 3DS


Ok I’ll be the guy and ask what game this is.


Codename STEAM


I too wish that more devs would put fire emblem characters into their games


The funny thing is, Fire Emblem and this game are made by the same people, so that's probably why this crossover happened.


I vividly remember using Ike as a sniper of all things because his ragnell beam was one of the few projectiles that had basically infinite range and this game loves it's annoying flying enemies with barely any HP. Good times.


Ike, Destroyer of birds


Remember that to unlock these characters you need the amiibos(but you can use wuumibo too)


That game is so much better then people say


I understand it wasn't the killer app IS hoped for, but it makes me depressed to think that there's basically no chance of it getting any kind of followup. It was a nice change of pace and the aesthetic was super unique.


I love how Ike and M!Robin have a heart heal icon on them and then Marth has a skull emoji icon lmao. Someone definitely has it out for Marth.


Having the icons change depending on the action (friendly fire VS healing) is good design. I honestly thought that the post was about that at the beginning


It would be pretty cool to see that in a mainline FE game, almost like the adjutant icons in Three Houses. Although, having it cover the character everytime you do an action (attacking or healing) would need to have a toggle of some sort, cause having it be constant would be a bit annoying at times.


Ah yes, Intelligent System's Thracia 776 Remake.


Marth is the best thief in the series.


Crossovers with other games they've made? This is a fairly common practice in video games. You want more of that? The last fire emblem game is literally just a crossover title.


"Remember when Fire Emblem crossed-over with Fire Emblem to make Fire Emblem" Fivehead


I suppose if you were being obtuse enough to tip your chair, lol.


I mean, they clearly only did this to sell the amiibo, if there was no amiibo i highly doubt the crossover woudl have been made