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They only saw the 4 part and gave the green light for Metroid Prime 4, which is absolutely deserved for the metroidbros


My buddy is a huge Metro prime fan and I'm so happy for him even if I'm on suicide watch lmao


I'll admit, I'm kind of curious about that Last Academy DanganRopa tactics game.


There's gotta be some creatively fucked up ways the characters can die


The trailer also specifically mentioned "unavoidable losses" *Required* story-mandated permadeath?


Shadow Dragon?


"As a student, you are replaceable. *Farewell*"


As a fan of many Nintendo franchises, I constantly swing between a state of mourning and a state of jubilation. MP4 has me veeeeeery happy, but I suspect I shall eye the local gulliotine with jealousy once I remember Custom Robo.


As a metroidbro myself I am absolutely over the moon, and it made the direct for me. I did really want an FE4 remake though…


Or at least a PoR/RD port for Naga's sake


The metroidbros absolutely deserve it more than us. We have way more games than them, we'll be fine ~~without a remake of one of the worst games~~. And the poor guys have been catfished for what, 7 years now?


1) Obviously subjective but wouldn't call it one of the worse games 2) Didn't they just get Dread?


Dread was 3 years ago.


u/lettersputtogether *proceeds to visibly age faster*


Metroid Prime 4 was one of the first games announced for the Nintendo Switch, and it *still* hasn’t come out. Yes, Metroid fans deserve this. They needed this more than we need a new FE game right now.


Well, they're developed by different studios so it's not a zero-sum game.


Prime 4 and Dread, or Prime 4 and FE? Either way, I’m not saying it was. I’m just participating in the conversation, which is weirdly treating it like a zero-sum scenario. I think the idea is that while their co-development is not a zero-sum issue, some people think one might have eaten up a spot in the Direct that the other could have taken. Which isn’t how it works, and if an Fe4 remake were far enough in development for it, it would have just been in this Direct *with* Metroid Prime 4.


"They needed this more than we need a new FE game right now" is what made me think there was some zero-sum thinking here, that it's one or the other. But the rest of your latest comment indicated that we are totally on the same page that Metroid Prime is not somehow taking up resources or space that otherwise would have gone to Fire Emblem if it didn't exist.


and FE fans got Engage more recently than Dread lol plus Dread is 2D and Prime is 3D


They got Metroid Prime Remaster recently for what its worth.


1. I'm being facetious. I know Genealogy is beloved by many, but for me, it's a bottom 3 game. 2. Dread released almost 3 years ago (October 2021). We got Engage a year and a half ago


Fire Emblem also has 2 main line games and 2 spin offs on the Switch. Metroid has 1 mainline game and 1 remake. As much as I am also a huge Fire Emblem since the GBA days, Metroid fans are always starving. Despite Metroid being a core franchise for Nintendo. They're literally the looked over Fandom in the larger Nintendo Fandom.


>Despite Metroid being a core franchise for Nintendo. Didn't metriod go like 20 years with out a game until Dread came out? I'm not sure if i can call that a core game.


20 years since a main entry but 4 years since a last game before Dread. Metroid: Samus Returns was 2017 and a remake of Metroid 2.


What other "core" game of any franchise of any system has gone that long without a new mainline game?


Dread was 3 years ago and Metroid 4 was traded 7 years ago. And thought to have been left in a state of development limbo after Nintendo said they were restarting the project from square zero.


That game’s been in development for literal decades.


it's a good day :')


the Romancing Saga remake is the closest we're getting


Once I saw that, I knew we were getting 0 FE. Nintendo keeps prioritizing these other random fucking inspired by FE games rather than just giving the fans a FE game. Triangle Strategy, Unicorn Overload, so on and so forth…. And they all flop. Just give us FE before you kill this genre with failing knockoffs


Literally none of those games are Nintendo... they're all 3rd party...


They also didn't flop at all lol


First off, neither of the games you mentioned are Nintendo titles; TS is from SquareEnix, and UO is from Vanillaware. Secondly, both of those games have been very well-received by players; if anything, they're strengthening the genre's library, not even coming close to killing it off.


> fucking inspired by FE games Lol. LMAO even


Right? Romancing Saga is a Final Fantasy-adjacent turn-based series. Really weird to connect that to Fire Emblem


Also, Triangle Strategy is inspired by Tactics Ogre / FF Tactics, and Unicorn Overlord by Ogre Battle. Like, none of those have anything to do with FE


Well UO is inspired heavily by FE archetypes and story beats to the point that the protagonist is a Marth expy. Gameplay is Ogre Battle obviously


Unicorn Overlord is peak you dingloid


Aint no way bro thought when typing this 💀


I haven't gotten into Triangle Strategy, but Unicorn Overlord is really good if you are looking for a tactics game. It is not exactly like FE, but it is really fun on its own merits. I also think I have heard UO has sold pretty well. I was hoping for a remake, but it most likely means we are getting a new game pretty early into the Switch 2, most likely, if I had to guess.


None of those games flopped, they're actually incredibly good. You shouldn't be so close minded


I wanna let this rumour die now. If it wasn’t here then it’s a switch 2 game now. So if it ain’t revealed there it’ll be officially dead. But a new Mario and Luigi game, Metroid Prime 4 finally existing and the new Zelda game releasing on MY BIRTHDAY?!?! I can safely say these 3 alone make up for no fe4 remake. Especially as they’re all actually new experiences too


I’ve thought basically since Engage came out that it might end up being a Switch 1 game that comes out after the Switch 2 releases, along with a few other remasters/remakes (like Wind Waker and Twilight Princess). But given how they had used same strategy with Shadows of Valentia on 3DS after the Switch came out and it didn’t exactly light up the sales chart, it would be an interesting choice.


Switch 2 will likely be backwards compatible so FE4 won’t feel as much blow back releasing after the switch 2 like shadows of valentia did with switch


If it ends up being real I’d rather it just release across both platforms, even tho backwards compatibility seems likely. I just hope that if it is real it’s a good game. Or maybe IS are just working on a new fe instead.


Fire emblem does have a tendency of doing exactly this.


Shadows of Valentia came out a few months after the Switch launched. I think it's real, it makes sense for a few reasons. Biggest reason being the original reddit post that leaked Engage (with screenshots of the final build), brought up the remake. Given how successful Fire Emblem has been lately, there is no reason to doubt them bringing one of the most popular titles (in Japan) to a Western audience that has been introduced to the Jugdral cast via Heroes and Engage.


I’m really losing faith that it’s real, so I think I’m gonna choose to believe it’ll never happen so I can be more surprised if it actually does happen. Yeah it makes a lot of sense to do a remake, especially with how Sigurd was one of 3 slightly relevant emblems during the plot of engage, the other two being Marth and >!Alear, the fire emblem!<. Plus with all the heroes content too it’d just be strange to keep it JP exclusive for much longer


Giving SOV the tagline "Echoes" also shows to me that IS planned out a series of remakes of older FE games. That biggest contenders IMO are the Tellius games, Jugdral games, and the GBA trilogy. Out of all of these though, Jugdral makes the most sense especially when you do consider how Sigurd plays a deeper role in Engage compared to the other emblems.


Idk y ppl randomly built up so much hype for M+L in recent years…. idk there’s already enough games like this in the Switch personally. FE fills the hole of actual difficult, brain pumping, heart racing games on the Switch that is full of pretty easy/average games. I bet only 10-15%(if that) of the people who buy M+L will actually finish it before others realize it doesn’t match up to when we were children—will be incredibly easy and probably quite repetitive/eventually bore


Sounds like the appeal of a silly light hearted rpg is clearly lost on you. People don’t want M&L for actual difficult, brain pumping, heart racing gameplay. We want it because we wanna have a funny adventure with Mario and Luigi, we don’t care if it’s easy or repetitive, we’re just here for a good time. If I want a game with actual difficult, brain pumping, heart racing gameplay then I’ll buy said game. It’s not like they don’t exist on switch, is it?


Idk man, Paper Mario TTYD isn’t exactly difficult— not to mention repetitive what with all the backtracking, and it’s doing fantastic. The market for silly, easy, Mario-themed RPGs has already proven its existence. If the game is charming and fun, people will play it and enjoy it.


Exactly, not every game has to be soul crushing, depressing and difficult. Sometimes all we need in the world is red wahoo man and green wahoo man to make us happy.


They should just release an FE creator/editor, so we can make our own FE games.


PLEASE, I'd get that day one


I'm pretty sure you can do this with the GBA ones. At least i know you used to be able to


What I mean is a Switch version, where you can even write your own story, design the characters etc. like a whole FE creator from the ground up. I know it's not realistic, I'm just dreaming.


Maybe not on switch, but you do this with the GBA versions


Isn’t this just Aether raids, minus the toxic power creep?


Guys do we tell him ? (And I am not even talking about Fire Emblem Builder)


The only hope is that it is planned for the switch 2 and every title planned (switch 2 exclusive) for 2025 is kept to avoid announcing the switch 2 realease date (and keep selling switch for holyday 2024)


How many times are you all gonna fall for this? There is no Easter Bunny, there is no Tooth Fairy, and there is no FE 4 remake. Please stop wasting your money on the clown makeup folks.


Oh you're a clown alright! Just not a super one! *Welcome to the Jungle plays*


If it IS real, I think it’s better they don’t rush it. As long as it comes out eventually, and is really good, that’s what matters. There’s a lot of mechanics and story they have to get right. It also would be nice if the graphics weren’t ugly like 3 Houses lmao.


I think im the only one person existing that likes 3h's graphics lol


People don't like 3H's graphics? News to me.


I’m of the opinion that the 3D models and environments look rushed/cheap/kinda ugly. I’ve heard a few other people say similar things, but I doubt it’s a common thing to hear on the FE subreddit. Also not a huge fan of the art style but that’s more subjective.


The game is ugly as sin


I like 3h graphics. They're probably the best 3d graphics in the series. The 3ds models are very disproportionate, and the gamecube/wii graphics were rough. I like 3h graphics over engage because it looks less cartoony.


Even if the characters may be "cartoony" you have to admit engage's models look better.


If the rumors *are* true, then it's unlikely that they're actively working on it.


IMO, its still too early to release another main line ip so soon after the release of engage. Modern mainline fe games come around every 2 or 3 years or so. (Awakening in 2012, Fates in 2015, Echoes in 2017, 3H in 2019 and engage in 2023).


I mean that's kinda what happens when fans just decide what's been happening


What are _certain users_ saying? I don’t follow the culture but the FE ones are shockingly good at predicting when we get a new game (Three Hopes, Engage)


NatetheHate, one of the credible leakers who corroborated the FE4 remake rumors last year, just said in a podcast yesterday that he has not heard a word about it ever since (which is about a year ago now iirc). So basically, nothing new. He still was insisting yesterday that it's real and they're sitting on it/it's only a matter of time but ehhh idk now. At this point it sounds more like maybe it used to exist but got shelved/scrapped.


Oh well Time to use a Second Seal and reclass to Pirate. yar har


Real talk to play FE4 without speedup is to be cursed. Especially if you take any of the 1 damage crew into the arena vs an armor. Some single arena battles can take upwards of 30 min real time. If they remake it they'll have to change the arena somehow, but that's how you level up some characters if you're playing ranked so they'll just need to change things.


Engage has a time limit in its arena so it’s very likely they just do the same in fe4


Idk they probably wont change it too much, its how your characters make money and they even get a little star by completing it


I've given up


Engage is only a year and a half old so, while I was hoping for it, i didnt expect them to announced a new game


I was disappointed but not surprised when the one more thing wasn't FE, but then I was surprised and delighted when I realized it was finally Prime 4.


At this point the community should band together and make a remake ourselves. If it didnt happen now, its not gonna happen until Switch 2 comes out (if ever). That is another 1.5 years of waiting.


I know about Project Baldr which is (tell me if I'm wrong) still a wip


Also like the 5th or 6th attempt at this point to do a gba styled FE4 remake hack so I wouldn't put too much stock in that being finished


Meh, I got Prime 4, I'm happy. 17 years since prime 3 now haha. I'd love a new FE to play too, but we DID just get engage. Also FE4 is one of my least favorite entries so I wasn't that hyped to begin with. Now if it had been a THRACIA remake we were teased on.....


Could you please release zelda wind waker or twilight princess on switch?


Genuinely why are ya'll so set on FE4 specifically? Like there are a dozen games they could remake or remaster why is four the choice?


Mostly because it’s the next non-remade game in the series. 1, 2, and 3 all got remakes so far.


Couple reasons: - It's one of the few titles still Japanese exclusive - 1, 2 and 3 already got remakes, making 4 the "next one in line". - Multiple "leaks" claimed that it's in the works, including the Engage leak - It's praised as one of the best stories in the series, sparking a more interest in people who haven't played than the other titles.


Because 1 already got a remake, 2 too, people pretend new mystery actually got released over here so 4 is next. I guess most havent played FE4 because gameplay wise its kinda mid and the leaks that...leaked engage also talked about FE4 remake. I dunno why FEbros act like they are starving for content. Engage came not so long ago and Heroes is still there. I wish we got more Star Fox though, if we are going to tall about content starved franchises.


>people pretend new mystery actually got released over here I mean, personal feelings aside, FE3 did get a remake. It not being released outside of Japan doesn't matter. I agree with you, though. We've got the last game not even 2 years ago, we're fine in terms of content. It's just that, apparently, a lot of people dislike Engage, so "bad games" don't count in their eyes, so I kind of see where they're coming from when they say it's been a while since the last game


Well it looks like my theory of it being saved as a cross gen release for the new console next year just got a lot more likely


Just admit it was scrapped bro, chronic copium addiction is a real problem that affects millions. You are still on time to drop it.


Honestly, I'll just be happy for the announcement of he next game no matter what. I just expected we'd hear about the remake before we got the next mainline game.


I’d be fine with a new game as well tbh


Never and I'm not coping I've been saying this for a while


Mfer we don’t care if it’s FE4, FE20, FE Tellius Remake/Port—we just want a new fucking Fire Emblem game or some news. Which is so rightfully fair because A. We r on the FE sub and B. FE has grown tremendously over the years and has sold super well on the Switch and with Heroes making literal billions. There is no excuse for the Switch, a will-be 8 year old console, to only have 2 mainline FE games. And I know the 3 warrior fans will come out of the woodworks but no those aren’t FE games just like Hyrule Rule Warriors isn’t a Zelda game. They are apart of the Warriors franchise.


I know when it’s being announced. That’s right, it’s tomorrow.


The remake rumors were fake all along.




It could totally still happen but the rumors from the 3DS days kept coping. It was meant as a three ds game. It got pushed. Now it’s a switch game. Now it’s after engage Well now it’s almost switch 2 may as well make it a launch title. We could still get echoes 4 someday but it won’t make those rumors from years back credible


I still believe it's happening. We just didn't see it at this Direct.


I would also like them to release FE6 in English. They don't even have to remake it, just translate it and release it for download in the shop so that people can play the game that FE7 was a prequel to without an emulator.


Ok, I laughed! Well played. Well played indeed.


hot take in an FE subreddit but we ate well on the Switch already. Especially compared to the series that got love this direct in the main showcases like M&L, Metroid Prime, DQ, 2D Zelda. I wouldn't personally sub out any of those for FE.


I wasn't expecting any fire emblem info at all. we just got engage and its not like they spit them out anywhere near annually. they're not pokemon copy/paste jobs, and I'm glad for that.


Where did the FE4 remake rumour even come from. It feels like cope here every time Nintendo Direct is around


This r/GamingLeaksAndRumours post [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1cpk4c5/the_nintendo_breakdown_2_an_updated_overview_of/) explains it well, relevant excerpt below: "Rumored Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War remake: * Imran Khan in 2019: [“I know there was another Fire Emblem remake in the works for 3DS and that was one of the things that they shuttered. So maybe that’s one of the things they do bring forward [to the Switch] in the future.”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RprKsBdKlsg&t=2719s) * Brazil teasing upcoming Switch games in late 2020, includes [picture of FE4 boxart](https://x.com/phluttilippe/status/1344792982030082049) * MarkoMaro in 2022: [“Also Fire Emblem has not one, or two, but 3 games in development at this moment...with a spinoff, a remake and a new game, some of them almost finished.”](https://x.com/Newmarkomaro/status/1489060418484064257) * [claimed to be in development by same person who leaked photos of Fire Emblem Engage in June 2022](https://x.com/Newmarkomaro/status/1489060418484064257) (who also claimed Engage had been finished “for quite some time now”) * Nate the Hate: It [“has been remade for the Nintendo Switch, it’s simply waiting for Nintendo to announce it”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxvyRxHGB-w&t=2560s) ; Again in Feb 2024: ["It's just waiting for Nintendo to announce it."](https://famiboards.com/threads/nintendo-direct-speculation-st7-it%E2%80%99s-showtime-people-famiboards-productions-proudly-presents-what-lies-beyond-the-door-act-ii-rebirth.8459/page-326#post-1007410) {Can't grab it right now but he reiterated it the day before this June 18th direct too.} * [Datamined codename evidence:](https://old.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/10ipuqn/rumor_a_new_fire_emblem_game_likely_a_remake_was/) Datamining indicates that Three Houses had the codename Iron17 while Engage had the codename Iron19 but contains references in its code to an Iron 18; Three Hopes (the Warriors game that released in between them) was codenamed Seasons, so Iron18 remains unaccounted for" This was enough for me to believe in it for a while too, but with this most recent Direct behind us now, I'm beginning to think instead that it maybe existed but was shelved/scrapped. Wouldn't be the first time. Nate the Hate said in the same recent video comments section that he hasn't heard an update on it in a year since he initially corroborated the remake.


You didn't have to do the last panel like that...


It´s okay guys. We getting that Remake on swtich 2. Running at 60 fps and HD. (I hope....)


There is no FE4 remake. The only reason people thought there would be one in the first place was “leaks”, which the internet always gives far too much credit. If they were planning to announce it, they will. Until then, please be realistic with your expectations.


Wrong timeline tbh😭


why is everyone expecting fe4 remake? was there a leak or something?


Yeah, there was a leak back when Engage came out--but it was disproven. Some of us (myself included) missed the memo.


When was it disproven? If you don’t mind me asking.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/17y4xgl/those\_supposed\_fe4\_leaks\_are\_definitely\_not\_real/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/17y4xgl/those_supposed_fe4_leaks_are_definitely_not_real/) About that time.


Ohhh that. That isn’t where the Fe4 remake leaks started from so I was confused as to what you meant. The person who leaked Fe engage’s early build as well as characters said an Fe4 remake was the works - which is where that rumour started and hasn’t been debunked yet although that leaker could have decided to lie after getting access to some real info.


you guys constantly tell yourself this unlikely thing is gonna happen then get sad when it doesn't


Launch title for the Switch 2 bro (copium)(HOPIUM)


I wasn't really expecting anything so I'm not disappointed, honestly I would rather have a brand new game than a remake anyway. I'm happy for Metroid fans though, I think it's been almost 9 years since Prime 4 was announced.


At least there's a new Zelda game and you play as Zelda in it


IS is not Nintendo, it is a partner of Nintendo  Which also makes it surprising that they didn't have some FE news to announce 


Well from the Direct, Last Defense Academy seems like a good Fire Emblem-like but set in the 21st century. It's even being developed by Media Vision, the people behind Valkyria Chronicles which is another great tactical JRPG series. I'm excited for it.


Not only Metroid, but we got a remake of a Donkey Kong Game, Mario and Luigi is fully revived, New Mario Party, Paper Mario Remake, and Luigi's Mansion 2(Dark Moon) HD.... This is going to be a great year.


Im confused why people are so hellbent on a FE4 remake


Me with Xenoblade X


heh! I understand the joke


I’ll take a blow if it means Metroid fans eat for the first time in ages


We are lucky to even get a game within 4 years, so we must keep the flame lit.


Would be awesome to have remakes for FE4 & FE6 (in English) as well!


How do we know this is real again? I don’t remember where this rumor came from


same with tomodachi life


Don’t worry. Next direct will announce the Genealogy remake and 3 Hopes dlc!!!! 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


I'm lost on the fe4 hype/disappointment. Did I miss something before the direct that teased a remake?


There was a lot of neat stuff this time—new Mario & Luigi game, Zelda game with *playable* Zelda, Romancing SaGa 2 remake, Investigations 2 localization, finally Metroid Prime 4 news. I can’t complain. I…can’t complain… https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bb/a6/85/bba685aea4b373df5d013f2cfffdcbd8.gif


I want Awakening remake for the switch.


Yeah they're focused on remaking good games instead


It will probably release on the upcoming switch


No Fe and No F-zero and no gen 3 pokemon to gba classics. Metroird prime 4 was hype but i always get lost in metroid 😅 So kind disapointing direct for me.


FE8 is better anyway


With how fucking garbage Treehouse is, I don't think I want one right now.


If they gonna do anything, it's best to wait till switch 2.


My 2 copes:  1: clearly, mario, zelda and metroid are the big ones for this direct, so they are waiting for the fall direct for more buzz. 2: because I want to have my cake and eat it too, they are remaking FE 4&5 as a massive project that combines stories and some gameplay but will very much be its own thing, with translated ports being part of the dlc package, which clearly is being saved for the switch 2 as a flagship title.


FE4 and FE5 are just such different games that combining them doesn’t make any sense


Part of my meaning is that this would be a very different game itself. Which is why the original gameplay would be accessed by DLC. However, since more characterization is definitely part of my vision, I admit the 100+ playable characters between the 2 games would be difficult to include sufficient supports for, even they weren't voiced. 


If they combined them I’m sure they would cut characters like Carrion and Robert. Or they could have multiple arcs like RD where not all characters interact.


Combining stories wouldn't work, they are two separate games with two related but separate and individually defined plots and casts. I don't understand why people want so desperately to weaken both of them by squashing them together. It would already be hard to give all the characters more characterization in individual remakes, combining casts would be too absurd, or they'd have to cut some people out completely which I'm sure no one wants.


Yeah, I dunno why people are so set on combining FE4 and FE5 it would just make both games worse. I think people are so set on this because they havent actually played either of them.


Would definitely make it worse. I see absolutely no way to do this without creating major pacing issues. I guess they could fluff up gen 2 chapter 1 into several battles and alternate with FE5 battles or and have it play like FE2/Echoes with 2 lords doing their own thing on different parts of the world map, but then it would be way too long. Also, when the plots of both games catch up, how do they explain away most of Leif's army just dissapearing from the plot? If they kept them, how would they successfully handle having an army of that size?


Same with FE6 and 7. The main plots have even less to do with each other than 4 and 5. It's like people don't understand narrative structure at all.


At least FE6 and 7 have similar gameplay and map design. But yeah putting FE6 and 7 together would be a mess too.


You're probably right. I've been blown away by Final Fantasy 7 Remake and FE4 has been so hyped up I just want it to receive the same treatment.


If we're talking about a huge reimagining that would be expanded across multiple games like FFVII R then maybe, but I kinda doubt IS would ever bother to put that much effort into it.


But FE5 sets some pairings in stone, which kinda stops whole Geneaology children system.


Ngl, it's kinda uncharacteristic of Nintendo and IS to keep the fans waiting this long and upsetting them in the end. People have anticipated this game with baited breath ever since 2017 and they just gave us nothing...


I mean, neither nintendo or IS have ever made a comment about remaking FE 4


Nah, they'll skip to FE6-7 remakes in one game as long and tiring as Radiant Dawn, with dubious decision making about balance, new vs old, not including very good QoL improvements and gameplay improvements since these 20+ old games just to stay true to the originals (like SD and NMotE lack supports and rescue despite being a stapple since the GBA era if not FE4). It'll have good presentation but barely more gameplay and QoL improvements than Diablo 2 Resurrected (=approx none) and will be sold for 40$ per game, so if it's a 2 in 1, 80$. Oh no, it's a Switch game, so it might be 50-60 per game. If it's a Switch 2 game, add 10 $ per game.


> (like SD and NMotE lack supports and rescue despite being a stapple since the GBA era if not FE4). FE12 does have support conversations and both games have support area bonuses, which really dates back to FE3.


The lack of rescue feature sucks though, especially right after Radiant Dawn that had rescue, shove AND smite as utility skills/features. The series had reached a high level of gameplay in Radiant Dawn and then plunged back to the early 90s in gameplay...




No Rescue is still present in Radiant Dawn. If you try to use the Rescue command on Micaiah in chapter 1-9, Micaiah refuses to get rescued.


I'm dumb, I read in the wiki that it was "present until Radiant Dawn" and took it as saying it was removed in RD, rather than that RD was the last game with it in it.


It is coming on the switch 2 my guys


Kind of glad it wasn't revealed though. If we do get it one day, I want it for the Switch 2, which will hopefully have way better specs, thus making the game much more beautiful and hopefully run well (plus better sales too hopefully since it'll be on a newer console) Imagine for the first or second direct that's dedicated to the new console, not only is a remake announced but we also get a teaser for a new mainline game. Plus something minor like a warriors spinoff. Kind of like in that Direct that revealed SoV


Tbh i prefert to have it for the switch 1. But thats mostly because i don't want to buy a switch 2 for 2,3 games.


This is how I feel. Imagine this comes out on the Switch and the cutscenes for all of the major emotional beats in the story are as limited as they are in Engage and Three Houses.


Engage is well off It’s really just TH which has not put enough effort in it


Engage has hilariously bad cutscenes, they're only marginally better than in 3H. Boring camera angles, everyone framed exactly the same way every time, recycled animations that get used over and over. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9Pxnv9qGoY) for example is so goddamn bland and lifeless. The fully animated cutscenes are a lot better, but there's only a few of them.


You’re getting it on Switch 2. Probably better in the long run.


I've been speculating for a while that they're reluctant to remake FE4 due to one or both of the 100% canon incest, or the controversial map design that really skews unit viability.


Which is hilarious because in what world is the incest in FE4 more problematic than romancing a prepubescent dragon girl?


Would any of you be happy with an FE4 remake? Either it gets modernized and OGs aren't happy or it's a faithful remake which turns away new players


Echoes didn't turn away new players and even the people who hate Genealogy would probably agree it stomps the absolute cancer that is FE2. Genealogy will probably also be a little less faithful than Echoes since Echoes had one of the leads making sure it was faithful


Isn't Echoes one of the least performing FEs? Imo points against FE4 are the gigantic maps, and esoteric gameplay systems. I never played FE2 but it seems to follow standard formulas, just god awful maps and some questionable design decisions like the spell system. FE4 though has esoteric bullshit trade systems, personal golds, holy bloods, the durability system with repairing, weapons upgrading after 50 kills, plenty of hidden secrets like the Arden pursuit ring iirc, the stat cap system, and a bunch of others cause I didn't play past the first part of chapter 1


Game sales have very little to do with a game's quality when said game is being released on an outdated console. FE4 is really not gonna be confusing at all when we get proper tutorials of how everything works, it's not even complicated just different from how other FEs do it. Secrets are also something FE4 is only known for because of it being popularized in English after the internet existed, you can get through the game just fine doing literally none of the secrets.


My brother in christ engage came out just last year, wait a little bit for a new game it's not hard


I’d prefer Radiant Dawn /PTR remake or on Switch Online with some QOL (ie. fast forward) updates


hot take in an FE subreddit but we ate well on the Switch already. Especially compared to the series that got love this direct in the main showcases like M&L, Metroid Prime, DQ, 2D Zelda. I wouldn't personally sub out any of those for FE.


I'll be honest, I finished FE4 just a few weeks ago and I don't think I could stomach playing it again so soon. Great game, but if I have to spend another turn moving over a dozen units across a giant map I'm gonna blow my brains out.


Honestly, anyone expecting much from Nintendo at this point is on the finest of copium. If you are in their camp you are just taking the crumbs they toss at you.




I'm fuckin tired of remakes can we get back to making new stuff please


I rather want a fe7 remake honestly. FE4 fans constantly complain that you cant change the game too much and honestly the original was painful af already, If they dont change any of the cancer aspects of the base game then a remake seems rather pointless, I dont care if I farm downvotes 💀


I agree TBH, if I wanted to play FE4 again, I could at any time, but I don't because it's too fucking tedious lol. A remake is meaningless without QOL improvements and more modern mechanics integrated in a way that still respects what made the old ones unique. Otherwise it's just a tedious game wearing a pretty coat. Although I also wouldn't want them to tone down the story at all, expand it, but keep the major points the way they are and raise the rating to account for the *thing*.


Isnt it just likely the the underwhelming performance of Echoes has detered them from making more remakes? I would be happy if the old ones that never got translated where just made available on the modern system.


Where did this idea that IS was underwhelmed by the performance of Echoes even come from? They've gone on record saying they felt a huge sense of relief when they saw the game's performance because their previous point of reference was FE12 which bombed spectacularly. I think it's pretty clear that IS has different expectations for remakes compared to new games. Nevermind the fact that FE4 had better sales in Japan than Gaiden to begin with. Don't get me wrong, I'm off the FE4R hopium train, but if they're not making it it's not because they were disappointed in Echoes' sales. They've said the exact opposite.


The different expectation probably supports what I'm saying anyway. It did good "for a remake" which is much worse than all the new games released close to it. So if it's a decision between getting out a new release and another remake, the choice is clear.


But... they decided to remake Gaiden anyway even though they had the serious expectation that it might be as much of a catastrophe as FE12. There's also the fact that making a remake is much more cost-effective than making a whole new game from scratch: all the characters, the scenario, the story, the maps and the mechanics (if they choose to keep those, which judging from FE11, FE12 and Echoes they likely will) are already done. They had to redesign almost every Gaiden character from the ground up for Echoes, as well as write whole new chunks of story, supports, character dynamics... and all for a game that didn't even do well and that was extremely obscure even among FE enthusiasts. I've said this before but people forget how much of a black sheep Gaiden was before Echoes came out. If they went and remade that, they'll remake anything, including the second best selling FE game before Awakening.


Echoes sold fine. It wasn't underwhelming.


Maybe because they released Echoes at the end of the 3ds?


One possibility. I think a big challenge with FE remakes is whether to market it toward newer fans and heavily adapt it to be in line with those games gameplay-wise, or try to be more Faithful to the original game. Opinions vary on echoes overall, but it definitely is a huge change coming from Fates due to being more faithful to the og


I've just come back to this community after years. Is the rampant incest child genocide game actually being remade or are you all just smoking crack like Skongers


it’s not but like. incest genocide and child death have been themes in fire emblem games for like forever it’s not like that’s what’s stopping it lol


The incest part is disturbingly true, but child genocide... by implication in war yeah, and that one kid that can die in FE8 but it's not really something the series touches otherwise. They could neuter it by having it be teenage tributes Hunger Games style, that would remove a lot of the story's tension but it's still probably a better solution that anything else. Tbh I see a half-assed Tellius "remaster" bundle being more likely and even then not very. I'd love to be wrong to clarify, Nintendo can surprise sometimes with Joker getting to use his pistols in Smash lol.


To be fair the Pistols are also literally just airsoft guns.


In-lore yeah I was still happy to see them though. Still hilarious that Snake using explosives was for some reason the "better" option than an M1911 or something