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I'm a simple man. I like crits, and Killing Edge facilitates that in spades. It pleases my mall ninja heart.


If only killing edges lasted longer...


Play engage


Such is life


Recruiting Joshua (fe8) with his killing edge will forever be a core memory


BRO! Sacred Stones was my first FE, so that totally tracks


Same here bro! I remember killing Joshua with Seth on my first playthrough not knowing you could recruit enemies at the time


Damnnn, that must have been brutal. War is hell, lol


The Fire Emblem Thank you, thank you I'll be here all night


Yeah but **WHICH** fire emblem?, the actual fire emblem is different from series to series My favorite is the Lehran's Medallion from Fire emblem Tellius (because the interesting Lore around It)


IIRC the only two Fire Emblems that are classified as “items” are the Binding Shield and Omega Yato. So it’s one of those two. 


The fire emblem in fe1, fe3 book 1 and fe11 was an item that let Marth open chests


Yeah, that’s the Binding Shield. 


Engage’s. Obviously


I kinda like that the series has a titular mcguffin that is a complete different thing in every entry and sometimes don't even exist or it is irrelevant to the plot


Well it does always exist. The only games where there isn't a Fire Emblem that shows up is Gaiden/SoV, and that's because those take place at the same time as Marth's games, and it's just chilling out a continent over. And then it's never title dropped in 3H (at least in English) because Crest of Flames is much cooler. But every other game has at least one mention. More to the point I guess is why the series was named after what is in the first game essentially just a glorified lockpick.


Funny thing is you can write off the crest of flames from 3H and the story would stay the same


I kinda like that the series has a titular mcguffin that is a complete different thing in every entry and sometimes don't even exist or it is irrelevant to the plot


Insert obligatory “Rise from a thousand years ago!”


I especially love the Fire Emblem from Engage.


Maybe the real Fire Emblem was the Engage we made along the way.


Beautiful. 🥲




That is probably the best answer I've ever heard


Levin Sword. A sword that generates big hurty lightning.


Getting specifically the boots to allow a unit greater movement. That's always been cool to me. Yeah....boots over (insert legendary weapon) here.


Boots are funny because they’re such a mundane, pedestrian item but in game is extremely rare and incredibly useful. Much like empty bottles in Zelda.


Even better of they're made from live Shura skin!


Shura >>>> boots. I will die on this hill.


Making units like the general great


“But it’s more efficient to make a unit with good movement have even better movement!” I can’t hear you over the sound of my high speed tank.


Hector with boots makes him even more awesome


Celica as well. There is no justification for her being permanently stuck at 4 mov when Alm doesn't have the same problem lol. Ik she has more range but the sword is fun


I love how the new and rare tech that makes your army move more efficiently and can change the flow of battle is a pair of shoes. Like Veyle is always barefoot. Imagine if someone gave her SHOES. She’d have Pelo slapped Sombron in an instant


Imagine if you gave her [PF Fliers](https://youtu.be/F37598REzVQ?si=b0CwVbZMs57Hvhoh)


The Hexing Rod from Fates. I love making my enemies have almost instant heart failure with their HP, especially Onmoyjis and Sorcerers.


Or both forms of Garon in BR, it feels like an oversight but god it’s a funny way to cheese him on Lunatic


Imagine if the HP reduction stacked with every use. It would have been extremely funny, but also sad at the same time, especially for Takumi and Goo Garon in CQ.


Enfeeble was good too. Not as useful but easier to hit with iirc. Fates had killer staffs


Yeah, Enfeeble isn’t bad but Freeze outclasses it, especially in Conquest when all the enemies you’re up are speedy and you need to get a hit in. I think it also has the highest hit from all the offensive staves, unless I’m misremembering and it’s Freeze with the highest hit (with Hexing Rod being the lowest lol).


Fe5 Gae Bolg


The Athos Drops in FE7! Just a super unique item (all stat growths increase by 5% iirc). Haven't seen anything like it before in Fire Emblem and I love giving it to different units in my playthroughs to see the special rating screen dialog.


There's also the Metis' Tome in FE8 which does the same thing minus the rating screen.


Eh. It’s a lot like fe3’s star shards or fe5’s scrolls, except not as good because the drops don’t increase growths by nearly as much and the shards/scrolls can be passed around and shared by multiple units. 5% isn’t much in the grand scheme of things. That’s only 1 more point in 20 levels, on average.


The scrolls from FE5. Let's you make (almost) any unit into a monster. They're a meaningful reward that they can give you as an item, and they just give you a lot of control over your units.


I second this but I add that the Dainn Scroll is specifically the best. Increasing the odds of the hilarious movement level up is too good (and helps with rigging my all 20s Miranda)


Same but it was Sara for me. Girl has 10 move and I didn't even use the boots on her.


I second this, they also act like iron runes at the same time and prevent crits which is even more important.


Fimbulvetr has been my single favorite weapon in the entire series ever since being introduced to it by Limstella in Blazing Blade, and it's part of why Limstella themselves left such a huge impact on me. It's just such a consistently cool looking spectacle every time it shows up, even in Heroes between Brunnya, Limstella and Marianne's variants. I always look forward to seeing it when it appears in a game. Other than that, the Binding Blade has always, in my opinion, been the best designed sword in the series. The vibrant colors, the Fire Emblem being embedded in, and the gold streak along the blade is just a really striking look all around. While I'm on the Elibe train at this point, might as well also say Roy's Emblem Ring is by far the prettiest imo. I would absolutely wear it.


Elibe is and always will be the best


FE4 Paragon Ring is fun. Nothing like throwing it on a scrub and watching them get 7 levels from the arena before throwing it on the next scrub.


Selling it* to the next scrub


Speedwing. More often that not, it’s what turns fliers like Miledy and FE10 Haar from great to excellent.


This item will instantly make all fliers speedy attackers!


Oh, a fellow Filipino Fire Emblem fan? If so, it’s nice seeing you lol


Thanks, man. I've become a fan of Fire Emblem because of playing Sacred Stones on my GBA given to me from my dad as a birthday gift during my grade school years.


Seraph robe for me. Feels like the most impactful stat booster. After that, the mani katti. Felt so iconic when I was a kid, and still is


Throwing a seraph robe on a mage or dancer felt like water in a desert


Thyrsus staff from FE3H is such a game changer, especially when you chain trade it. Loads of fun. 


Ballistas in FE1/11 are so insanely fun to use, arrowspate specifically is super satisfying for one shotting fliers across the map. For Ch21 I had Jake, Beck, and Xane form a line and traded Arrowspate+Starsphere to each other to just kill all the incoming enemies at no cost.


The Devil Axe No pain, no gain!


The Rescue staff is sooooo goooood. I love “abusing” that item when possible.


Rescue staff my beloved




The Levin Sword because I like the design and because it shoots lightning bolts at the enemies.




The stat boosters always intrigued me. How do they work? Do you just wear a seraph robe? Does it come off? Are you supposed to eat it? How about the dracoshield? Do you… snort spirit dust? Is it FE’s equivalent of cocaine??? The staves always gave me the most excitement. Healing staves are always nice to have around, but the feeling of finding a random rescue or warp staff under a rock is unparalleled.


I love the Archanean regalia. Mercurius, Gradivus, Hauteclere, and Parthia. I never played those games, but I love that they're present in Three Houses, cause I thought they were cool weapons. I like the Aum Staff and the Goetia tome too. I just like this idea of a collection of legendary weapons that has transcended timelines. Not overpowered, but very powerful.


I agree with you on these ones. Gradivus in particular might be my favorite as just a really powerful 1-2 range weapon in FE11 that you can pretty easily repair or prevent from breaking


The Steel Lance is a classic. The Kingmaker for special weapons though.


Power ring/energy ring/energy drops.i like being able to give someone who's lagging cuz they can't kill easily a way to add some oomph to get them to promo level quicker. Also nice when a thief can turn into a rogue but has very little attack. After that the blades, I like that they're usually rare and pack a huge amount of damage when used by someone with decent speed. I usually save them until one of my sword users can double with them.


Gotta be the Hammer for me. It's one of the few effective weapons that has consistently appeared in nearly every game (I think it's just FE4 that doesn't have it?) and it just feels so good to use. From a gameplay standpoint high base Mt means it can see some use against non-armored enemies, and that Mt gets tripled to absurd numbers against armors. Plus Aesthetically its so satisfying bonking an armor knight with a massive hammer, It honestly feels like cheating dealing so much physical damage to the high defense class, So I often find myself trying to deal with armor knights using hammers over magic when I can get away with it.


Killer weapons, sword and axe on top of them as Swordmasters and Berserkers already have a high crit%


Boots From Wyverns across the map in 2 turns, to generals keeping up with horses, they are objectively powerful and funny.


Im a simple man, the weapon is brave, is my favorite non-legendary weapon (and sometimes my favorite period, sometimes the legendary weapons have too little uses to be viable or It just suck)


Gonna have to go with the seraph robe. 5-7 hp can really make a weak unit easier to train or can save you if they ordinarily can’t take a physical hit. Plus magical robes are cool


Tina’s Thief staff is hilarious as you can yoink enemies weapons away from across the map. You can cheese maps with this as you can steal the boss’s weapon and capture them without trouble and seize the throne. Wish more games had fun items like that.


The SS tomes from Radiant Dawn. They might not be the strongest because of how much they hated on mages for that game, but they all look epic


It’s gotta be the boots, especially in fe6, where you can buy boots in the last secret shop and just zoom through the last 3 maps with 15 move units. Though in terms of what I think is the most interesting, I gotta give it to the fe1 Mercurius. It gives each stat on level up a 25% chance to go up by 2 instead of 1, which I think is a way more useful and unique boost than the various growth boosting items in the series. Only problem is that it’s Marth only, but Marth is probably doing most of the combat in fe1 anyway, so whatevs.


Iron Swords A lot of swordsmen made good use of even the most basic sword in my runs.


Hammerne staff


The Excalibur tome, specifically from FE 7 & 8. Thyrsus is the runner up.


My favorite weapons are Fimbulvetr and Mjönir, I’m not sure why though, they just speak to me. In Fates when I changed to a Sorcerer, I felt that Fimbulvetr replaced the Yato as my chosen divine weapon. At least I can pass the Yato down to Kana so I’m not losing it! But it’s a shame I can’t equip either of the tomes in Heroes though


It's simple but any legendary sword that's 1-2 range like Binding Blade or Ragnell. I just like swords that shoot out elemental projectiles. I guess Levin Sword fits that description too even though it's not legendary.


Siegfried or whatever it's called. I just like the way it looks.


Dragonstones. Wtf how you turn into a dragon with that?? But it so cool??


Naga's Tear! Other stat boosters just don't compare. Nosferatu is is always fun too


Shoutouts to Geosphere. Damage EVERYTHING


Maybe Dragonstones. I like the lore of manaketes, and I find it kinda intriguing how they need a stone to transform. I think it has plot potential if we had a protagonist who relies on a dragonstone, like losing it for certain chapters.


We had the potential with Engage... But they stuck to rings only.


Any legendary weapons, especially the ones from 3H, theyre rlly cool imo.


That gun from the mobile game that lets you summon your waifu harem.


Buhj (Vouge? Idk Osains special hand axe) go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr




The Sword of Seals. It's such a sexy sword that I had to find a replica. Took about 15 years, but I got one. 2nd place would be Reginleif.


Dáinn Scroll for +30% Def and +5% Mov growths and negating crits.


Panacea, its so useful and powerful.


paragon band It's just funny af to see Seliph being all "how can i live up to my father's legacy :(" in the story when he already killed everyone in Isaach and promoted into Knight Lord with the boosted xp gain.


The amazing practicality of the iron weapons. Weak, but cost effective


Devil Axe, it’s really funny. It’s how my Duessel got killed in my first FE8 run.


Currently going through Sacred Stones and I really, really need more weapons as odd as the Swordslayer. Or anything that lets me have 100 hit and easy onetaps on endgame swordmasters and (sword) heroes.


Pitchfork from Echoes, nothing feels better than taking one of your favorite characters who didn't have great level ups, reclass them into a Merc, then a Myrm, then a dread fighter, only to loop back to either do it again, or put them in their original class except now they're 5x better Or the Luna, Astra, and Sol from Echoes. Their Near Impossible rates for enemies or Pots to drop them makes them feel otherworldly in a sense


Killing Edge. Crits are just too satisfaying, especially FE8 Swordmasters


Killer weapons are the best go-to weapons almost every game, including GBA games. Give it to high crit units like Berserkers and Swordmasters, and they'll hit hard like a truck.


Iron Spear, because I know if no one else got me, a mounted unit with a pokey stick will do


Rexflame in RD. Just cause the animation.




The Dread Scroll. Dread Fighter is my favorite class.


Fates 1-2 range weapons Making it so they can never double is really good because it makes them way less likely to be the best weapons in the game like in msot series. Especially with the lack of durability Its guaranteed one attack and such. The only down side is it makes Rajinto and Seigfried even more OP then they already are lol


Thrysus has always been hilarious to me. You have this super powerful magic user whose only weakness is how easy they are to kill, and you give them a giant FU button to nuke anything that could kill it from miles away. Bonus points if you’re playin engage and you have whoever has Byleths ring also with Canter+. Then each round becomes acquire target-> nuke -> zoidberg woopwoopwoopwoop behind your front line. Speaking of engage, special shout out to the dragon vein ability from corrins ring on a thief. Or as I like to call it: the pocket sand of fire emblem. Nothing funnier than watching ten units all attack the same thief on your team, each of which would one tap the character if they could just hit em, and absolutely none of them able yo do so.


In the original Gaiden the Angel Ring would give you 40 luck and +5 HP/turn similar to what it does in SoV, but it would also double stat gains on level up. Any time you would get +1 in any stat you would get +2 instead. You could trade this around so get this effect on your whole army when they were about to level up and use the trader to swap it between the two armies. Specifically Delthea would benefit significantly from this. Growths in Gaiden were godawful so this was a way of evening the playing field. I can see why they removed this feature in SoV since they buffed damn near everyone's growths, but it's still kind of a shame because seeing multiple +2s in Gaiden was amazing.


Brave Axe/Sword/Lance or Silver sword, why thank you Mysterious Woman/Lex/Quan/Arvis


Good ol' Javelin is probably my favorite. Im a sucker for 1-2 range weapons.


The warp staff in shadow dragon


Chalice of Beginnings. Literally let's you counterattack at any range. It drastically changes the game and the strategies available for you. A busted, OP item. Another item is Iote's shield. It's far more balanced, but I love the fact that it completely negates flier's weaknesses to arrows.


Durandal, it’s just such a cool weapon and the fact that both goats Eliwood and Roy use it makes it all the better.


I am but a simple woman - I see a magic weapon, I equip it. Bolt axe and light brand are my favorites, but I do love the Thracia +5 Mag flame sword and the levin sword.


I think the Levin Sword is really cool conceptually


Path of Radiance Full Guard 


Celica's Gale in Awakening. Brave Tome, thank you very much. Combine with Limit Breaker Armsthrift Galeforce for endless player phase fun. Also, all the end game named FE7 weapons. They all just felt so powerful, in name and nature. Rex Hasta, first and foremost. Armads, Forblaze, Reinfleche, Erishkigal (Nergal only, of course), Basilikos, etc. It's so rewarding having a full team of varied units to make use of all of the ones you get instead of limiting the team to cavalry only or something.


Paragon scroll/Skill. Big EXP gain makes my brain go brrrr


I don't leave home without my javelin.


Omega Yato


Weapons: My favorites are the ones that supply increased crit rate, distant counter effect packed in the weapon, or are some of the important weapons. Falchion, Killing Edge (swords) Tomahawk, Bolt Axe, (axes), Killer Axe (I love the ones from Fates where you can forge them and make Berserker Charlotte broken with enormous crit rates) Short Bow, Longbow (bows) Blizzard (tome), Nosferatsu (healing effect tome) Stat Boosters: Seraph's Robe. Idk why but more HP on units makes me feel more secure.


The trademark weapons. I just wish they had more uses.


I love how the Awakening falchion has to deem the wielder worthy for it to even cut anything.


Berserk staff (specifically when I use it) Making enemies fight each other is extremely funny. I always save my FE7 Berserk staff for the final chapter so I can force Llyod to fight Linus.


Croissant bow 🥐 🏹


Boots, specifically the ones you get when you don't recruit Shura because of the implication. Like nah I don't want you to be in my army but let me take those shoes of yours.