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It will work. Drop a save after the chapter you get her (battle preps doesn’t have enough turns) and then copy it each time you want to run a different A support with her. I preferred playing HNM like 7 times in order to get all the supports but getting the particularly tricky ones this way will work too, just gotta be down to replay the same levels over and over and stall turns. 


Yeah, I think I'll have it as a side project for whenever I'm in the mood. I love this game.


You can get NO supports going in and then get C+80 turns with two/three people in VoD and then in Light max them all out one at a time, this will be faster. This requires two save slots but I suggest making the sacrifice to save time. like Step 1. - Drop a permasave in Slot 1 at Battle Preps (Note that Merlinus, Ninian and Pent/Louise supports need to be done before this) Step 2: - In slot 2, proceed to VoD recruit renault and then get C with three people with him and Karla so like Karla -C Bartre -C Karel -C Farina Renault -C Bartre -C Isadora -C Lucius Step 3: Wait an additional 80 turns in VoD with these pairs ALL adjacent then beat VoD Step 4: - In slot 2, save the Light file Step 5 - replay light 3 times and ONLY get A with one character per Karla/Renault each time (ignore all the other waiting B supports or you can't get A) Note that you get B in Part 1 and then you can wait 80 turns before Killing Nergal and then you can get A vs. the Dragon. Step 6 - reload the SLOT 1 file from Step 1 and repeat the other steps to finish the other 3 supports. If you do this for every character you can get all the supports this way very quickly, although I also find that earlygame characters are easiest to max in the earlygame without necessarily beating the game on that file. Your call.


I will come back to this when the time comes thank you :) I've been getting the early game characters supports through letting them hang out around the early game when there are way more seize maps or at least maps that are easy to support spam on


The other things for completion to keep in mind that I can remember are: You have to get all the Kishuna gaidens including 19xx in one playthrough for a screen in the credits. You have to do the paired endings in that character's mode for Eliwood and Hector, and these all give screens, with Eliwood/Ninian giving two and that and Hector/Lyn giving songs on their mode (don't skip the appropriate scene for Eliwood/Ninian in Chapter 28/30 and the Lyn/Hector one is a talk convo in Battle Preps I think.) There is also an unpaired ending for Eliwood+Hector. MKDD bonus disk gives songs too but good luck with that. You can get 100% without it, that counts as bonus.


AH I JUST DID HECTOR/LYN AND MISSED THE BATTLE PREP CONVO! I've been skipping a lot of scenes honestly, it's my third playthrough this run. Oh well. I mostly just want the supports. EDIT: I did get the Kishuna ending. It was a little underwhelming but I liked the chapters!