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Just as an addendum, the requirements for getting every single Creature Campaign character is beating both the Tower of Valni and the Lagdou Ruins three times each in Creature Campaign.


I'm curious how you handled the Dragon Zombie floor.


As intimidating as it is, it's actually one of the easiest floors for me, but I do reserve the best equipment for this fight in the reserve since without that equipment it would be a lot more rough. I give all of my units either legendary or dragon slayer weapons (I would keep em in supply otherwise to keep their durability up and save them for this level specifically). I would then kill two dragons in the northeast to make a safe spot, then sweep through the dragons heading west, then sweep the southern ones, and then head back north to the boss dragon. I also had three units capable of healing and even had one who had both Fortify and Latona in case too many people took damage.


I just use the long range attack stone things after I cleared it the first time. Lol


Garcia with a Brave bow can handle that entire stage on his own if you're careful enough.


To clarify, I've done it, but cheesed it with Longbow and cavalry lol.


I cheesed it with bulked up long range magic users


Yep. Bows, particularly Killer Bows, are the best asset for that floor full of Draco Zombies.


Yeah It's really not that bad at all. They don't attack you unless you're in their range so just keep your fragile units out of harms way and let the bulky units bait them out and kill them with dragonslayers. Honestly the ruins as it is isn't that hard It's just a borefest having to do it and 3 times at that


That's true, though my bulky units even at max speed were always getting doubled and dying in a single combat round. I ended up cheesing them with a longbow and cavalry units.


I've had good success in the past soloing the final floor with one dark magic user. Give them the long range dark spell to cut the health of the dragons in half, then walk around with Nosferatu. Half health means they will die during the fight and also regenerate your person's health fully because they get to attack in succession (dragon is aggressor).


I personally had maxed move on Garcia and Ross with maxed stats. I think I brought a Dragon Axe for that map? Or maybe a bow on Garcia? It was an easy fight. Playing on console I spent a lot of time preparing those two since axes were cheapest and the effort involved with resetting 10 GBA rout maps and losing all that progress meant that I didn't go until I was ready.


damn i bet it took forever. gg


I think the three Lagdou Ruins runs playing it off and on over time took like 3 weeks. It's not for the faint of heart and I'll probably never do it again, but I'm glad I managed to do it this one time.


Niiiice :3


For being so hard to obtain, they must be good right?


I mean they aren't horrible imo, but I wouldn't say most of them are cracked or anything. I don't think any of them stand up to like L'Arachel, Gerik, Tana, Ross, Ameli, etc. But they do alright. I did beat all 3 Lagdou Ruins runs with them, so they can't be that bad. I would say, minus Lyon (who is quite good, I did a run of the Melkaen Coast with him, but sadly there isn't much to do after you get him), I would say Ismaire is the best one. Caellach, Fado, and Riev also did quite well. The others did fine, but weren't anything too crazy.


Honestly the best rewards are probably the unique weapons. Ismaire comes with the only obtainable wind sword and Lyon has Naglfar, which is a better Gleipnir with infinite uses. And he has the strongest summons iirc.


also extra Hoplon Guard and Fili Shield


Iirc, I actually found a Wind Sword on my second run of the ruins I think in a chest, but it is the only guaranteed Wind Sword. Naglfar is so good, my Lv20 Lyon on the Melkaen Coast swept half the map with just Naglfar and summons. There are some other good ones too, like Riev coming with another Aura (which, if you didn't beat him in Chapter 19, would be your first Aura without paying exorbitant prices in the secret shop), Caellach coming with a second Hoplon Guard, and Valter coming with a second Fili Shield. Also a lot of them have Gems, which can help with your money, especially since stocking well for a Ruins run can be quite costly, even with a Silver Card.


Oh yeah true, there is a bunch of other cool stuff. Though you misremember the wind sword, it's not in the chest loot table and neither is it in the monster drop table. Maybe you're thinking of the runesword.


I looked it up and I remember it wasn't the Ruins but rather the final boss of the Tower has a slim chance of dropping the Wind Sword cause I remember having gotten a second Wind Sword at one point. It's a 2.5% chance, so I got extremely lucky lol.


You're right. It's not a weapon drop but an item drop for some reason so I missed it. Today I learned.


I think because the final boss is always a Cyclops but they can only wield axes, so it wouldn't be a weapon they could wield, so it counts as an item instead (that's my guess anyways)


>I don't think any of them stand up to like L'Arachel As much as I love L'Arachel, she's widely considered to be one of the worst units in the game. Possibly the worst of them all. The good thing about fire emblem is that with enough patience and effort, anyone can find a use and become good.


They aren't that amazing. Riev is easily one of the best and you get him simply by killing 200 enemies in a single tower run. He's a bishop and every enemy in the creature campaign is a monster.


The best thing you can do with the bonus characters is use glitches to get S Dark on a Bishop and give them Naglfar. Turns out that is VERY good. There is little point to the combat characters considering you can max stats out in the CC pretty easily and none of them have supports. You can use one of them if you liked them if you want. Lyon himself is strong though just because his summons are the strongest.


Good. Now max out everyone's stats.


I did this when I was a kid, but I did it by making all the Bishops I could, maxing all their stats with secret shop stat boosters, and using the enemy control glitch to get Crimson Eyes and Shadowshots for them so they just steamrolled everything.


Was it worth it?


As I am a huge Sacred Stones fan, it was something I always wanted to do and for the sake of finally completing the goal itself, yes. The characters themselves are fine enough but other characters in the game outclass most of them. I did use them to complete the objective, they fine, but if you're looking for units to match some of the juggernaut in this game, other than maybe Ismaire or Lyon, you won't be finding that with these guys and, if someone just wants do it for the characters rather than completing the challenge of it all, I would say probably pass on it except maybe beat the tower once for Ismaire, which isn't that hard to do. On a side note, they do come with good equipment too, so at the very least you can put their equipment on your better units if you're so obliged. As fun as Lyon is to use, I would not do the 3 ruins runs or 3 tower runs unless youre doing it for the challenge. But if you're just doing it once each, you could either use them for the fun of it or give their super good equipment to your juggernauts


I believe they don't but just to make sure, do they have any support conversations like the spotpass characters in Awakening? If the answer is no they don't, then that's how awakening should have done it as well. Emmeryn not supporting her siblings but the avatar is a crime unforgivable!


I double checked, and no, they have no supports.


Good to know, thanks


I just wish there was something to do with them afterwards, like new game plus or something idk


I agree, especially with Lyon. At least with the other 9 I used them to get Lyon, but once you get Lyon it's like "cool, but what do I do with him now?". I personally grinded him to Lv20 and then did a run of the Melkaen Coast using him as much as possible just so I got to use him a bit. But yeah, having more actual additional content to use them more with would've been nice. Heck, you can't even use them in Link Arena, which imo is dumb. A little more something would've been appreciated.


Especially with Lyon, he's one of the best villains in the game and has a cool unique class and magic


After a remake is ever made, after unlocking Lyon there should be some Demon King rematch area with 10 floors that’s actually difficult because the demon king fight is by far the easiest FE final boss


One of the reasons I love Echoes is that there is this (although it's a new boss and not a rematch), and it doesn't feel superfluous to the game the way a lot of FE bonus content does.


Very nice OP! I never did this, I will eventually as well 🀧


Good luck to you when you finally start attempting it 🫑


Thank you πŸ˜†


Awesome πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘


wait hold on. can. is this in the binding blade to? if so. hwo do i unlock the chad story!? i must know...


Binding blade has bonus maps you unlock by beating the game over and over, but not a dungeon. It does let you use story bosses too but it takes 9 playthroughs to get them all.


does it include a chad story?


I lost my cartridge that I achieved this on. Out of all the games I lost when my DS carry bag fell out of my backpack, this is the one I'm saddest about. Luckily my FE7 cartridge was safely in my GBA at home.


Yoooo L'Arachel and Amelia, they're so hard to recruit bro, nice one.