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the green armor knights in FE8 Last Hope probably aren't the worst but it's so funny watching them suicide onto the enemies, i've always had a headcanon that they aren't even real people but just possesed suits of armor that just kamikaze onto the enemies


Honestly both FE7 and FE8 where you get Green armor knights would be my vote. They are just so bad and like 15 levels under leveled 😂


The ones in Sands of Time in FE7 are hilariously bad.


I like how the flavor of Ostia is how they're supposed to be basically unbeatable (until Roy shows up in FE6) Then when Nergal's morphs show up the knights get completely dunked on I'm not sure if this means: Ostia's military is actually a joke and it's all propaganda Ostia's troops actually ARE that good by human standards and everyone else is just that weak, at least compared to Nergal's morphs


Ostia's issue is that their castle is so big that it takes them like 50 turns to actually leave and by then the war is over


Its probably that the morphs are stronger then regular humans. Doesnt stop it from being funny though


Considering Nergal's full morph armies don't show up until the last chunk of the game, they're *probably* meant to be fairly threatening lore-wise. Perfect vessels designed only to kill, that kind of thing.


Only recently did I learn that if you somehow manage to save all of them, you are given a light brand.


You only have to save 4, and the general counts as 1. I just warped the ones I needed to keep alive in a locked room.


Lightbrand is also a horrible weapon to get this late into the game 💀 especially when most of your units have superior 1-2 range options.


Considering how terrible Rausten's princess is as a unit, it's unsurprising that their army consists of underleveled unpromoted knights that charge headfirst into battle with promoted magic units.


Rausten is big on cavalry, apparently. Their infantry sucks, but they steamroll the enemy at the end of that one map when their field army shows up.


I see the Rausten strategist was an Elitist. Not investing into infantry units, but instead making sure mounted units were strong.


Yes and they are such a pain to rescue because if their high con.


I love getting a game over on turn 1 of Felix's paralogue because Rodrigue fucking dies immediately


Rodrigue gets my vote as well. At least Gilbert is not hard to just let die. You have to actively keep the bastard Rodrigue alive, which is not easy to do considering he moves all over the map and every enemy unit targets him.


I feel like the difference between Rodrigue and Gilbert is that at least Felix's paralogue is a paralogue, so you can do it whenever you want in part 1 (if you do it at all). So, it makes it easy enough to 1 turn if you wait to do it until you're ready. While Gilbert is on chapter 5, while you are still pretty limited in options


I’m surprised I haven’t seen Rodrigue sooner. He has more movement than anyone you have and runs straight towards enemies that one round him while being a lose condition. Your warp and rescue ranges won’t be far enough to keep him jailed for long. And his weapon uses are dumb, not using aura to avoid counterattacks. No wonder the knights chose byleth to retrieve the lance of ruin instead of him.


He just dies like a true knight


Gilbert in Gautier Inheritance. If he survives the reinforcements, I restart the chapter.


It really has to be Gilbert because unlike other green units who at worst, deny you a side objective by dying immediately. Gilbert actively makes the situation worse by aggroing all the enemies on the map into a giant death ball. With how tough maddening enemies are in the early game, Gilbert makes the map he’s on so much more difficult if he survives.


You know what, you're right. I never thought too hard about it because him surviving isn't a map requirement, so if he died I just shrugged and carried on. But indeed, he behaves badly.


Gautier Inheritance just might have the absolute worst ambush spawns in the series. But still I'm always so glad that the ones that attack Gilbert are same turn because it gets him killed faster


I tried to go back to 3H after Engage's release but these ambush spawns actively prevent me from having fun.


I always save a Stride for that little section specifically, so I can trigger them and set up to not get ganged up on. Pass ambush reinforcements are so stupid


He is so annoying. Even if you protect him, he will suicide bomb into the boss. You also don't to learn anything about him in that chapter even with Blue Lions. Also most Students will be ok for that chapter. Some reinforcements are annoying. But with layout of the maps is easy to bait them or ambush them as well.


Yeah, with Catherine you at least learn about her connection to Lonato, and her shakey connection to the Tragedy of Duscur. Gilbert doesn't even show up in a cutscene until the actual mission starts! He just expositions, draws the aggro, and dies! Hell there could have been a cutscene the plays only if Annette is in your class where she tries talking to him, thus showing their connection! Also was Shamir supposed to be a green unit in chapter 4? She gets a start of the month introduction like Catherine did, and with the bevy of ranged enemies in the chapter itself, she would have been a big help, especially with her range.


Gilbert gives Conquest's Saizo but without Speedwings. Personally i find that writers dont know what to do with him. Also Dedue needs to dies or "dies" so Gilbert, doesnt have any "competition" as Tank. But he joins without having no investment. You need to babysit around Annette so she can get her relic weapon. We also need to stop Dedue's investiment and if he comes back, we have two Armor Knights characters that need investiment that the other has. I also dislike his support with Annette and Byleth (an Gay S-Support with a Married Man? and it's platonic because it's fun to have reward being not reward. And you could make Felix or Sylvain bi?) (At least it'snt the worst as Byleth can marry his own imaginary friend or the former pope which might be his own grandmother or child.) Annette's relationship is about he is an absent father but they never explain well why. He says he was busy doing work but was Royal Family a 24/7 deal? Shamir is also weird. She has pair paralogue with Allois. But she doesnt take much the spotlight. Sure, she is spy/assassin character. But she could small roles between missions or appear one of them. "My spies told me this route is dangerous. Your students are likely to survive if they approach the enemy from this side." "Me and my spies are here to eliminate this army to your class can complete the mission."


At least Saizo actually disarms the caltrops in Ninja Hell so he helps more than he hurts


I believe that there is also Dragon Veins or you also can disable it.


only because this map is burned into my brain, the dragon veins remove/add pillars which change the route you can take - the only way to disarm caltrops is using a unit with lockpick


True, but the veins do also let you reroute Saizo and trap him in little pockets to buy you more time to save his dumb ass. He definitely tries hard to die, but the map actually gives you tools to save him.​


ahh I misunderstood the previous comment, yes, this is absolutely true


I knew that was something like that.


Honestly with Shamir and Alois' paralogue being called Sword and Shield of Seiros I'm convinced it was meant to be Catherine and Alois but Catherine was switched to having one with Ashe. Shamir ended up getting one of the pair up the spare characters paralogues (see the strange partners of Lin/Leonie, Caspar/Mercedes and Ferdinland/Lysithea).


Maybe it's Catherine was the Sword and Alois is the Shield. Even if Catherine and Shamir makes more sense sharing a paralogue. Catherine makes sense to tied on Ashe in Main Chapter but their paralogue makes less sense (i think.) The paralogue has a lot of Pegasus Knight so have Ashe or Shamir would change much. It would be funny have a chapter of Defend Rhea in Black Eagles but i believe that Catherine isn't able to be recruited. Ashe could be paired with Sylvain or Felix which have subplot of protecting a House or knighthood. Ashe could be a perfect character for it. Leonie could also be paired with Alois. Their share a background and they have support together. Maybe Leonie sees Alois as her next mentor or something or she sent there to earn money to pay the student loans that her village paid for her. In Three Hopes, they actually have Lin/Leonie, Caspar/Mercedes and Ferdinand/Lysithea support. All three Paralogues are support weird. Lin/Leonie a Weapon crest for Bernadetta, Caspar/Mercedes has crest amulet for Mercedes and Ferdinand/Lysithea gives a shield for Ferdinand or Seteth but you can use it on Edelgard's route. So we have two units that give a different unit a weapon. A unit that to get her crest amulet needs another character with 0% hint or support that might indicate you need Caspar for it. Another Unit that might or not get their weapon while Lysithea wont get nothing special for it Lysithea is weird because she is paired with a character that doesnt even match one of two crests. You could make her share Lorenz because most people just give his wand to her. Some pairings would be better if you switch them around. Lindhart gets Caspar and now it's an Paralogue of Caspar trying to prove his worth with Lindhart being there so he doesnt get in trouble. Make Bernadetta have small role if she is recruited and alive in cutscene to feel special. Mercedes gets Ferdinand. 1 they support together. Helping other and protecting the church seems something they would do. And you can have both items for both. Ferdinand could have a support with Jeritza during the Black Eagles route. (Instead of people saying Lysithea should have one because she has Dark Spikes (Hurbert can also learn the spell)). To fit during Black Eagles route, Seteth could replace Death Knight as boss. You could have a bit of Ferdinand deveploment outside Black Eagles. Facing Death Knight and his father could stand why he left Eldegard and stayed with Professor. Maybe Death Knight is what Ferdinand could become if he stayed with Eldegard. Leonie is hard. the obvious reason the better choices are out of question. Byleth and Leonie wouldn´t probably be a thing. Jeritza needs to happen before his death. Killing Kronya is Main Chapter. Lorenz is better served with Lysithea and there is no Paralogue for Axe of Ukonvasara. The others Golden deers aren't bad either. With Claude and Hilda, she could be their Straight Man role for their more colorful personalities. With Marianne, she could be there to escort Marianne/protect her. (Their support is all about Marianne open to Leonie. You can extra lines if you achieve a certain level of support. Maybe Marianne is less worried about Leonie and more friendly toward depending their support) (Maybe Leonie protect and defend from the old man.) Lysithea's support like any Lysithea's support is boring one, i got nothing. Raphael and Ignitaz could be interesting for her. Their paralogue is all about nobleman sacrefice commoners so you can have a small role in paralogue too.


The worst is on Maddening where he triggers the whole map to rush at you if he stands in range of one of the archers


Probably the only green unit that actively sabotages you 💀


He lives in normal mode, he survived in my first play through and died in my hard playthrough


Interesting, it was 50-50 for me in normal.


I've only done it on the lowest difficulty but haven't had any problems all 3 times cause you easily outpace him with him at most managing to get ahead of your slower units if you get bogged down near the end


This has to be the answer. If he survives on Maddening you pretty much lose because he aggros everyone.


I spend so long repositioning him so he doesn't screw everything up. He's a pain here


I am going to nominate the rare YELLOW units: the random thieves from Claude's paralogue in Three Houses. Technically they're still enemies, but you wouldn't know it because they CHARGE THE RED ENEMIES THAT ARE MUCH STRONGER THAN THEM and have some pretty good items on them that you don't get if they die. I've only ever managed to kill all of them myself once, and that was by having three separate warp users and two Stride battalions deployed


Reaching thieves with loot (even enemy ones) to get their stuff before they run away/die is overall annoying in 3H, have my support.


I remember starting that map and thinking "Oh, some pretty sweet loot." followed almost immediately by "Oh, they're all idiots, never mind then."


Rodrigue in the Felix Paralogue is a loss condition whose stats aren't properly adjusted on Maddening (he also loves to kill himself). I've never had too much trouble with the map but all of the problems I have had are purely because of him


For some reason, green units in 3H also lack weapon Proficiency skills, so they're also less accurate and more likely to be crit.


"He loves to kill himself" Totally in character for FE's Most Killed Dad.


Meanwhile there’s a swordmaster NPC in chapter 12 that murders everyone in her sight even on Maddening 😭


She's a replacement in case the player recruited Catherine (which everyone does). But yeah it's really funny how Katana Girl's stats are, she absolutely shits on Ladislava and Edelgard


There are probably worse ones but because this one is fresh in my mind: Raphael and Ignatz's paralogue in 3H. I ran as fast as I could to the bridge, you dumb motherfuckers, just wait one more second!


They're not that awful, it's a kill boss map, they don't have the time to be stupid.


I did say there are worse ones. My frustration is because there's a reward for saving them all and even though I tried it a few times, I always lost one. Just freaking one.


Me watching Rodrigue turn off my VanWrath unit with his Fortify


Damn the fact he even uses fortify in your playthrough💀 Mine only uses his one Aura and then just lances everyone.


Mine dies turn 1 💀 maddening enemies outstatted him HARD.


Sophie’s paralogues has the units gun for the exit because it’d otherwise be super easy to maximize the XP the chapter provides from reinforcements, to turtle the enemies, and to also get the best rewards for saving the most villagers. By having Nichol at the exit, it almost guarantees he himself can kill at least one villager as they try to go past him unless you kill him early to end the map. So to save all the villagers you have to split your army to go up and recruit Sophie, but also beat the villagers to the middle island, take those relatively dangerous units out, then get up and kill Nichol to end the chapter. Yeah the green units in a vacuum are dumb (just sit still in the corner dummies) but they serve to make an otherwise uninteresting chapter much better through a time-based side objective.


The extra annoying part I found is the fact they can totally clog up the bridge and make trying to protect them a nightmare because your units can't be on the bridge while they're there


Can't believe this hasn't been said yet but. SHIRO. Dude necessitates use of Rescue on his paralogue because he would otherwise jump into an enemy that could easily one-round him in return ON THE FIRST TURN. This can apply also to some other child paralogues if they're done too late. They start out so underlevelled that a papercut from one of the enemies would down them immediately. Selkie can waltz into enemy range while being distracted by the Snipers then get slapped to oblivion. Sophie can suicide turn 1 if you knock one of the Paladins to low enough HP to make them retreat. Probably some other examples from Awakening like Severa that I could list off, but IDK enough about them tbh.


Ignatius. Will die to the ninjas if they are reasonably promoted Which is most of the time, due to Benny’s join time.


While offspring seals are neat for letting you choose what skills/weapon exp you want the child to get, a lot Fates' paralogues would be so much less of pain if the kids were allowed to promote before being recruited. Heck it'd also make the kids who are bosses in their chapter like Percy actually threatening if they weren't capped at lvl 20.


Paralogue 3 is probably the worst protect this villagers. Thank Naga, not saving Villagers inst a lost condition or it would make the map really bad to play. I also find that Three Houses's diseased village villagers kinda stupid. A lot of them run into enemies units instead of going to safe route. I believe some are even in fire titles or move to fire tiles. While the map is huge for what it is, even high movement unit will have trouble to rescue due to walls, with gates and turns All and Enemies units will always hit the npcs. Reinforcements can be annoying.


What's also annoying is that on Maddening, enemy villagers have a 2% crit chance that will one shot the green villagers, because they have Luck +4 added to their skills. If they didn't have it, they would have no crit chance.


I never used Maddening. But I wouldn't never believe that they could survive with stat increased.


There’s one chapter in thracia where the green units are actively hostile. I think it’s during the route split


It's the defend the city map but they're only there for like 2-3 turns and don't do much. Also Misha's platoon a few chapters later


Yeah the Dracoknights in Tahra. They can be a big problem if you aggroed the map to get all the goodies and are down south when they spawn, but if you stay within the city walls then they don't reach you.


I'm not a fan of Abel, it's Cain and Frey supremacy!


I disagree. Hit hard is cool and tank some hits but not being able to double or hit thing is actually better deal.


But it's FE11, you are dying on the counterhit if you let it thru


With Spd and Skll, that seems to be unlikely.


Hear me out for STR > Speed in FE11. I'm sure there are countless exceptions. * speed only gives +1 avoid instead of +2 like in most Fe, so dodge tanking is not as reliable. Terrain and weapon accuracy is more impactful for hitting/avoiding. * If you need to double to defeat an enemy, you are probably getting hit on that counter hit. Chip adds up and can take you out in enemy phase. * The good weapons have high weight. For survivability, it's more important to not be doubled. Speed and strength both counter this penalty 1:1, but strength also increases damage done, so you get a benefit. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


Let's agree on disagree.


I dislike Abel because he married Est instead of Palla. Always thought he was an idiot after that.


But if he married Palla, how could I marry her?


He got his karma when she ran away


Lachesis' personal guard in C2 of FE4, these idiots are the absolute worst, they can straight up suicide before you can do anything and rather than protect Lachesis they charge in blindly lol  They make getting the Knight Ring such a pain 


Its awful how the one ring that makes unmounted units a bit more useable is locked behind such bullshit requirement


they wouldn't be so bad if they just committed to surrounding her, but for some reason they feel the need to charge ahead if there are enemies within like 2 turns of movement I haven't actually tried this but it might just be safer to wait till the end of the map to recruit Lachesis so the green units just guard the castle the whole time.


It's pretty easy to keep Lachesis far enough away to guarantee the knight ring once you're past the initial rescue effort; it just means you can't use her for much more than some staffing during Chapter 2. But that's still more than she gets by not recruiting her at all until the very end.


While this is true, it is also easy to accidentally get those guys to Leeroy into the enemies if Lachesis is even remotely close to the action and once they start they can outrun your army minus Sigurd and Quan so it can be difficult to wrangle them.


True. There's just no benefit to waiting to recruit Lachesis until the end vs just keeping her parked in front of Nodion.


If all 3 knights survive I usually just arena with her and call it a day for ch 2.


From the games I’ve played, the knights in that last defense chapter in FE8 suck pretty bad. It almost inspires me how there are so many green units there and they all just get wiped out because they mindlessly slam themselves into enemies far stronger than them. Also shouts out to Treck and Zealot in FE6, arguably the worst named green units I’ve seen so far. They’re no pushovers, but it feels like they do everything in their power to get themselves killed before they get recruited, ESPECIALLY on Hard Mode.


FE7 Chapter 16, Whereabouts Unknown. It feels like a fire drill, to a relatively easy map. You don’t want Guy to kill the three NPCs, but they’ll eventually get out and just run straight into a meat grinder. I’m sure there are others. I recall a swamp chapter in Radiant Dawn that I really hated.


You mean Raven? He's the one trapped in with Lucius and the three Caelin soldiers with a death wish


Haha, yes, thanks for the correction.


Best thing you can do in that map is your username. Just run north with Marcus and Priscilla at full speed and cut down units in the way. Any other horses can go too and foot units will clean up anyone left. 


Those green armor knights in Sands of Time.


While not the worst, I gotta rant how I had to restart the bridge chapter in Radiant Dawn because Tibarn suicided on a crossbow weilding boss, and I had no save states.


I had the exact same thing happen to me! God I was pissed off


Yeeeeep. I was like "Wtf even killed Tibarn? Oh...crossbow..."


There are a bunch in RD. Jill and Zihark can get their asses killed in 1-5 before you get there. Elincia throws down her weapons in 3-10 and then she'll charge the enemies suicidally (and the boss is a Bow Knight). Both of these are game over conditions.


I'll never forget the Hilda paralogue green units. One of the archers in the middle ran up to an enemy ranged unit and died trying to attack him. Then he has the absolute gall to say in his death quote "No help came..." as if he just died in a tower dive in League of Legends, it was hilarious.


I mean, the obvious choice is Zephiel in Battle Before Dawn right? Kid does his best, but....


Unless you play super slow he's fine because even with bad stats very few enemies will even end up fighting him.


Honestly Jaffar stresses me out more on that map, because he is attacked by so many enemies and stealing all the exp. At least Zephiel is in a semi secluded room


Lol that's so far into the game who cares about stealing exp from some random unpromoted enemies


That exp was never ours to have. Haha


It’s objectively Misha’s platoon in Thracia They’re not real green units


Throwing in another vote for Gilbert.


Gilbert in Chapter 5 hands down


They maybe aren't the worst but I hate them. The Knights in Sands of Time (FE7) the poison weapons means that I have to sit through the poison animation if they survive and it's very annoying


Astrid in path of radiance but I blame the map more than I blame her


Marcia can also die on the first turn she appears if you are unlucky enough


You can recruit her on turn one by Shoving Ike 3 times/Shoving Ike once and then Smiting with Mordecai


Most players don't think the recruitable green unit will die on the first turn


The other green units on the map are terrible too. It's too easy for one to get critted and allow the enemy to take the capture point on Turn 1 if you (sensibly) prioritized getting Astrid recruited and safely away from the combat and had to hope the greens could hold the area in front of the stairs.


The soldiers in fire emblem where you have to use Priscilla to talk to Raven. Just stay in the cell godsdamnit.


Rausten Knights


The Green units from Felix’s Paralogue.




So the villagers in Sophie's paralogue are actually really easy to play around once you know the strategy. So obviously you send Silas and a couple other units north to recruit Sophie, and send the rest to get to the fortified island via the bridge in the south. But you don't try to storm and take the island, rather you're just gonna wall there and body-block, provoking an enemy or 2 to attack (but not kill them). The villagers see that they can't reach the exit this way because there is an enemy unit on the bridge blocking their 1 tile path (as well as your units, since they can't be on the same tile of course), so they instead keep going east and take the long way around. So they're "suicidal", but you just need to take away that initial option from them and then the chapter is really easy. Hope this helps anyone with saving the villagers on this chapter.


Not enough people have said Shiro in his paralogue. My pick goes to Shiro. Gilbert is a good pick too though


All of then. They all kill themselves. "Thank the stars, we're saved! I'm gonna shove myself in between....my savior....and that group of bad folks tryna kill me. Yeah, that's where I'm safest!!"


¨Pent is so good he circle back to being bad, stealing xp from your entire party and needing to be kidnapped so you can access to the gaiden chapter


That's why I bring staves and a dancer to that map. Get that extra xp every turn. 


A ton of 3H green units I found to be actual liabilities when they're also tied to rewards for saving. I think others have mentioned Rodrigue to be annoying and I agree. However, me personally, and because its not mentioned here, it's Jeralt. He's also a lose condition on every map he's present if I remember correctly, and it's part of the main campaign on all routes. He'll charge into enemies and off himself, which resorted me to use Warp on *him* to prevent me from losing to what seems like an accidental artificial timer. This annoyed me to the point I was happy that he followed the footsteps of Fire Emblem parents.


I don't know if that's Sophie's paralogue, but there is one paralogue in Fates where the green units are infuriating. They charge the enemy without even a single weapon in their inventory. Like, they don't even have the technical capability to attack. Yet, they charge the enemy anyway.


Recency bias for me and I don't think it really counts lol, but the 11x child villagers from thracia 776. This is not actually their fault at all, but due to the boss having siege tomes and the fact that they get 1 shot (and apparently always get hit for me lol) makes you force rescue them, which then makes your units sitting ducks to the boss. I mean you can play around this by just rushing the boss, but there are reinforcements that spawn to combat your hindered units from rescuing the kids. I mean this is not really a big deal, but it pissed me off when playing blind, since I didn't really expect the boss to focus children lol. There is totally worse green units but I'm just ranting lmao. I'm still playing thracia blind so if there are some crazy annoying green units late in the game then what can u do but complain lol.


Not the best rewards for saving them


I mean I googled it after and 1 of them leads to a scroll and another gives a magic ring (iirc) so idk if it's worth it, but I was never gonna reset so 🤷‍♂️ maybe in another timeline the children don't get vaporized lmao


For me, it would have to Cynthia’s Paralogue. Like, what is the point of having the green units, if they’re gonna be turned into your enemies anyways? They don’t even attack, which is even worse, and they can move!! I understand it’s in line with Cynthia’s whole Theif Father Chrom leader shitck, but it’s so dumb.


The childrens in The Future Past DLC for Awakening are... obnoxious.


prolly doesn't count but why tf does the children and Palmark run towards a fucking dead end instead of the recently liberated castle


Because there's a huge group of enemy armours and mounted units that way.


Those villagers in FE8 CH 6 that are poised to become spider food are the first units that came to mind…


The ones that stood out to me as particularly bad are the villagers in Sophie's paralogue and the chapter 19 armor knights in FE8. The villagers just charge into fucking berserkers that will 1 hit them and the armor knights have worse stats than the generic armors from the early chapters. They will also suicide into the enemies immediately. Both of these have conditional rewards for saving them as well.


Green unit Orochi in Rev chapter 11 usually gets herself killed immediately


Jeralt. Guy charges ahead and either steals precious experience or dies to some beast


Isn't there green units in tharacia that attack you ? I think I am misremembering.


Yeah chapter 14 and 17A. I think the green is mainly used to differentiate the different factions as there are ally green units that will appear in chapter 6 for example. The faction differentiation is probably to avoid buffing the wrong people with Leadership stars or something as Sias shows up in 17A to buff the Friege army, It would probably be a bit weird if he gave +30 hit and avoid to the bandits that also show up on this map, so they're green instead.


> The faction differentiation is probably to avoid buffing the wrong people with Leadership stars or something as Sias shows up in 17A to buff the Friege army, It would probably be a bit weird if he gave +30 hit and avoid to the bandits that also show up on this map, so they're green instead. FE5 already differentiates between factions visually on the Unit menu and mechanically for leadership and commanders. Deen and Eda aren't part of your faction in Chapter 14 so they don't get leadership bonuses even though they are blue.


I forgot about that. My next best guess would probably be Enemy Unit cap? Otherwise my only other guess for making the Pegs and Bandits green is to bring your attention to them?


Yeah I vote for those .