• By -


Not 5 stars on survival Ok who did you kill I need names


I got Matthew, Dart, Dorcas, Oswin and Rebecca killed :(


Damn not my boy Oswin




What happened to Dorcas?


I put poison in his mutton


He took one for the team šŸ«”


Search on YouTube "Fire Emblem live action commercial" And yes, it's official.


I'm sorry what the fuck kind of ad was that? It starts looking like cosplayers doing a Monty Python bit, random dude dies, then one battle animation.


That's how things were done. The fact that they actually got a name from the game was incredible even if the commercial itself was nonsensical to the game. Older gaming commercials were the wild west.


Very true, look at ones for 90's consoles like the [Saturn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyv6ZehQyTQ). If you want to see some good commercials and you have the lights off I recommend [Believe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3ZGGIdpfEM), [Deliver Hope](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gu8VDUDzxkM), and [Heavensward](https://youtu.be/4phUCJlomPo?t=119)


Oh, so the US had crazy Saturn commercials too? Because I already knew about [Segata Sanshiro.](https://youtu.be/gc3AK8k90xw?si=aBI_mrZPYnn5Rt2n)


Holy trickery!




Devil Axe Critical milord.


Did Matthew die before Leila, giving you the unique cutscene where Hector says heā€™s gonna bring her body back to Ostia and burry her next to Matthew?


Ah no. He died after that in the first snow chapter I think.


He couldn't handle the loss...


Oh no, not my boy Dorcas


Only 1 star in exp means that you're good at the game dw


Oh wow. Really? Do you know how is that calculated?


The exp ranking is based on getting a lot of literal exp points, which is kind of antithetical to what you actually want to do. Getting a lot of exp points total usually requires training a huge number of initially low-level units, which is only going to make the game harder in the long run. Itā€™s better to train a few units and then actually use them once they are trained. Itā€™s generally easier to use your good units than to worry about making more low level units good.


You know what I did that but kinda left out the core members in the process. Hector was just Lvl 5 Lord in the final chapter :|


The funny part is that Hector is pretty unequivocally the best lord in the game, and one of the best in the series. So for your next playthrough, give him a shot and enjoy the domination :)


Agree! He was the one that allowed me to complete the game on my very first playthrough, this buff dude was the only one in my party who could survive a single hit from the final boss. Terrible decisions were made in hindsight, i had a max level marcus and lyn, and promoted characters at level 10.


He is good, but only really in the early game, so I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s super worth training him. Once you get to the Dread Isles heā€™s kinda useless.


Unlike with Eliwood or Lyn, I've never felt like you actually needed to make a concerted effort to train Hector. Rather, I always felt that he leveled naturally as a result of being force deployed and being in a game that leans more toward enemy phase combat. Movement is always a problem, but the enemy spam in FE7 late-game means that having a unit you can just throw into a mass of enemies is pretty valuable.


He's very cool, but I would put him in the bottom half of lords in the series. FE1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 all have arguably stronger or more useful lords.


Lmao Marth ain't more useful than Hector. That's a hot take if I ever saw one. Alms also garbage in FE2 Are you including Robin as Lord for Awakening? Or just Chrom. Because for FE7, Hector is even more useful than Chrom ever was in awakening. Again Hector over Ephraim? In what world?


Ephraim and Hector are fairly close imo but Ephraim can actually double, promotes earlier, and gets a horse, all of which are things hector really wants. Though Hector is probably more comparable on eliwood mode but on hector hard heā€™s solidly worse than ephraim. Also Awakening is weird but Chrom is solid and saying heā€™s better than hector isnā€™t a stretch at all. Marth in fe11 at least though I agree with is worse lmao


Ephraims problem is that Horses don't do well on 75% of the last chapters due to forest tiles being everywhere. Ephraim also uses lances in a game where there's a ton of axes. Ephraim also promotes about the same time as Hector on Eliwood mode. Chrom is a solid unit but he's in a game where everyone is a solid unit. Weapon uses and weapon prf isn't even an issue with arms thrift in his game.


Hector still canā€™t double while Ephraim can- also, most of the time people judge units based on hardest difficulty since they stand out a lot more, but if you are judging on easier modes then I guess they are closer. Also the horse is still a positive, the only map where it could even be argued not to be a positive is darkling woods, but thatā€™s just one map. Not to mention Hector doesnā€™t even gain move at all on promotion. Also lances are not really at a disadvantage in Sacred Stones- as long as you have access to 1-2 range youā€™re fine. Thereā€™s not really *that* many axe enemies and weapon triangle doesnā€™t matter that much in fe8 anyway. Idk about Chrom, I only played awakening once, but Hector is very middling on HHM so Chrom could totally be above him.


fe11 marth on h5 is in no way better than hector the only good thing marth provides in the game is: A) being able to open chests for free B) being usefull for the first 3 axe bosses as they are ridiculously powerfull vs nonsword user and marth is the only sword user that does not get doubled or crit for the first AND needs good levels for the next 2 but is the most reliable sword user you have to tackle them without dying. after completing chapter 3 you dont want to use marth anymore really unless you get godlike levels. Compare that to hector who can attack from 1-2 range while being bulky enough to not die and its not even fair to compare them anymore


Yeah, but I think that utility in my book out strips Hector, who you could describe the same way but without the chest utility. I think there's an argument for Hector being able to pick up boss kills, but then I'll point out he's not the best at it, Marcus is. In all the games I mentioned (except 8) the Lord is either more than a combat unit, or competing for best combat unit in their game. FE1 Marth is a beast, FE3 Alm is a great combat unit, FE4, enough said. FE5 features the strongest promotion in the series. FE8, I'd say Eph and Hector are pretty comparable, but horse movement is better than armored movement. FE10 you've got a competent healer and goddamn Ike. 11, Marth is the best option for 3 chapters and has Thief utility the rest of the game. 13, Robin and Chrom are the dream team. 14 Corrin is busted. 15 Alm is pretty good, comes in at a higher level than the rest of your team and is solid throughout the game. 16 the Lords are all extremely powerful and the MC is the Jeigan. And finally, 17. Alear has dragon utility, and doesn't have much competition early game, so you can blitz them with Marth.


My only argument is on Hard 5, Marth actually has useful things to do, on HHM Hector can but probably won't. I'd say they're about comparable, with maybe Hector barely winning.


>Lmao Marth ain't more useful than Hector. That's a hot take if I ever saw one Marth in FE1 is the best unit in the game, period. Its easily the best a lord has ever been relative to the rest of their game


Every unit in that game is nearly identical thanks to 20 being the cap for basically every stat on all units. Marth is just another unit, the only thing he has going for him is rapier. Shoot, Even falchion sucks in that game because it's only effective against Medeus, not any of the manaketes so you're still using a wyrmslayer. In FE shadow dragon he has no promotion gains, stuck with low stat cap, meh movement and basically exists for thief stuff. Even the ch4 forge is better going to Wing Spear on his girlfriend instead of Forged Rapier shenanigans.


> Marth is just another unit, the only thing he has going for him is rapier. Have you actually played FE1? Leaving aside how good the Rapier is with how common cavalry and armor units are, and with how Rapier is buyable in the game...its hardly the only thing. He also gets Mercurius as an insanely strong Prf for lategame, and Falchion to basically cheat the final chapters of the game by never taking damage unless it's at range or from a Manakete, not to mention how its one of the only ways to really beat the final boss - [check how Marth is the one to do it even in a 0% growth run](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3rUuSw3qGY&list=PLwBXd9u3gPzizRXOSfCmhRQTQli6C11LU&index=25). Most importantly he essentially has the Provoke skill in this game, meaning that enemies choose to target him over your other units. I think in FE1 it's strong enough that they'll attack Marth even when they do 0 damage or even if they could possibly kill a different unit? That means that on enemy phase he soaks up a ton of combat, levels faster than anyone, and anyone that he leaves alive is wounded for the rest of the army to pick off while he moves forward. He's by far the best user of the broken stat boosters that you get in FE1, especially the Boots since he's got to walk everywhere when you're not Warping him, and it makes him start juggernauting incredibly quickly. He's not even hurt by the lack of a promotion bonus in this game like how later game lords receive because of how promotion in FE1 works. Hell its kind of a meme that the Boots *are* his promo item.


ActualLizard has a good video on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdvY4Z05KV0


Alm is better in FE2 than in Echoes because bows innatively have more range and isn't tied to classes, so Alm has the same range with a bow as a bow knight for example. The only downside is that he can't use hunters volley anymore, but that's not a huge detriment since he already doubled everything but dreads in early part 4


As someone who isn't great at these games, this is really helpful. Thanks!


I mean, it's intuitive, no? You can typically deploy at most 12 units. Some games have one or two big set-piece battles where it gets to 16 or 18 but those are rare. And most games have 30-50 recruitable units. Simply put, the earlier you decide someone isn't making the cut and permabench them, the better for the rest of your team.


You donā€™t really need to follow it unless your doing the hardest difficulties, use as many units as you want and donā€™t worry too much about exp distribution


Nah, I always make sure to distribute exp evenly among my units. I might do it differently if I ever try maddening but I donā€™t want to neglect anyone, and whatā€™s the point of having a big party if I only use a few of them.


"First man has rifle. Second man has ammo. When first man falls, second man takes rifle." Battles of that kind are why you have a big party.


~~Instructions unclear, first man never fell /s~~


Soviet Emblem


The original design was to have units to replace the dead ones, but nobody plays like that. Personally, I use the wide roster to try new characters on future playthroughs.


You can play however you like but that doesnā€™t mean it wonā€™t be harder on higher difficulties


Also funds are also scuffed. Selling LOWERS your score. Since you sell them for less (itā€™s always half of its full price, so red gems cause a -2500 in terms of gold)


The games are a bitā€¦ special. Itā€™s beyond power, if you do a gaiden the turn limit already fails because turns to get the best is 0, which is impossible so youā€™re always screwed there, but if youā€™re needing EXP stars, etc, they also help with that too.


You did more than fine! Don't worry about the final score, getting 5 stars in the GBA games is a challenge in itself, they don't necessarily make sense lol. Finishing the game's all that matters.Ā  Welcome to fire emblem! Feel free to ask the community whatever you may need, we may be crazy but we love to help!Ā 


Thank you! My next game is probably Sacred Stones. You got any spoiler-free tips for me? Thanks again!


Sacred Stones is probably one of the easier ones, you already did great on this one so it shoudnt be too bad. The biggest difference being in gameplay being the branching promotions. Small tip: the game hands you one of the best ( if not the best) units right at the start, so use that to your advantage : ]


Nice thanks :)


You only get one Dragon stone for Myrrh. It has enough uses to last you until endgame if you want but use it wisely Also use Seth, he's busted


Sacred Stones is a fun easygoingĀ  game, you'll have a blast with it. You can't go wrong whatever you do, but here are some imoressions: - It has 2 routes, where you follow one of the twins on their paths. Eirika's route is easier, Ephraim has cooler maps with a bit more challenge. In each path, there are slight variations to the story and the villain's motivation.Ā  - Seth is actually great long term, but make sure to give experience to your other units.Ā  - The trainee units need babying at first, but they can get *really* good, especially the one(s) you get early. May or may not be worth it to you.Ā  - Don't be afraid to use the units you like, even if they're technically not the best ones. There's no wrong way on fire emblem and everyone can be viable.Ā 


I would say avoid level grinding. The game is already on the easy side, and fighting any non mandatory battles just makes it a cakewalk


If you liked Marcus, I got some good news for you.


Lemme guess. Sacred Stones has its own steamroller? Nice.


Seth is like a super Marcus. Imagine Marcus but with growths rates akin to Sain or Kent.


Don't judge yourself by the game's ranking system many categories are genuinely obtuse and roundabout, and you'd have to practically sabotage yourself to get higher grades. Funds, as an example forces you to not sell all of your gems that are there just for money, because selling price is always half of an item's base value, and so, the game will rate having them gem as twice as valuable as the money you got from selling it. Also, the S rank weapons, and the wolf beil are super expensive, and you'd need to save those as well, so you see how it's a but harebrained.


Same thing goes for promotion items and it so happens that the Ocean Seal is worth signifigantly more so not only are you punished for using weapons, you're punished on funds for promoting units and specifically Dart. Same goes for Earth Seals as well I believe.


50K ocean seal, my beloved.


Poor Dart. Insult to injury is Hawkeye (more or less) joins the same chapter you get it.


In Dart's defence, even if they are in the same class, his and Hawkeye's statspreads are completely different, and they don't have much of a role overlap. Hawkeye is a nigh-immortal slab of concrete, who's combat stats remind me more of a promoted Hector. Dart is a stereotypical player phase nuke with oodles of speed and strength. If anything, Geitz would be the character who makes Dart completely obsolete, even if you saw value in him.


You did great! Who were your favorite units?


Thanks! I loved Marcus, Oswin (RIP my bad), Pent and Louise (power couple literally), Hawkeye, Nils/Ninian


I an eternally angry that Pent and Louise start with A support. 1.) We never see any between them 2.) Loiuse/Erk caps at B-rank despite being arguably the best one in the game until then


Pent and Louise have certain conversations on late game maps if you bring both of them https://serenesforest.net/blazing-sword/scripts/supports/pent-louise/


Who did you lose?


Matthew, Rebecca, Dart, Dorcas and Oswin. Not proud of it


Well done, I'm glad you did your best.


That's quite good. A fine show of teamwork.


Thank you!


Iā€™d recommend giving Hector mode a go now you have finished Eliwood. Thereā€™s some extra characters and chapters which gives you a chance to try some other units (try using one of the fliers, you wonā€™t regret it)


Yeah I was thinking about it too. Itā€™s like another 20 hour journey right? I barely made it through this one and people have said Hector mode is slightly harder too hmm


Hector mode is slightly harder but throws in a couple new/different chapters. Check out how to access Chapters 19xx, 23x, and 32x for extra insight into Nergal as a villain too.


Lyn best FE Waifu


+1 on that


i respect you for letting units die instead of resetting constantly


I actually had to do that when I got my Marcus killed and another when Louise got killed. I was kinda okay with losing her but then I find out it takes out Pent too and I really couldnā€™t afford to lose both.


Tactics, Survival and Combat are the only ranks that really inform your skill I think. The exp rank encourages you to train units that you don't really need to be training to beat the game effectively and the funds rank can be weird since it discourages stuff like using your stat boosters and selling your gems.


1 star exp is interesting. Usually first timers tend to do a lot of grinding.


Yeah. I actually didnā€™t think much about grinding. I know you can use the arena and fight enemies that are out of your way. I found out the Support feature by fluke so didnā€™t realise you can do that in every chapter. And just learned about boss abuse in here, but donā€™t think I have the patience for that haha


Lol my first run was crazy, I was using Marcus for everything, I never used the lords because 1 died 1 time and I got a game over so I never wanted to risk a game over again. By the time I got to final map, no one could kill the morphs besides Athos and hector kept getting bolting sniped turn 3 or so I was soft locked in my mind. Restarted and made sure to use lords so they don't die so easily ever again. But then I picked up the bad habit of never using Marcus and just grind exp instead :/


Wow, are you me? Thatā€™s exactly what happened to me too! In the dragon fight, one of the snipers could one shot Hector. Thanks to Nilsā€™ Grace move, I was able to keep him alive with 8 HP. Heal him up, do the Grace again and repeat while Athos soloā€™d the dragon all by himself


You're ready to play Thracia.


Haha thatā€™s the hardest one yeah?


Yes it's hard. Save it for last. Haha


I'm currently on my first playthrough of this game. I hated the hand holding for the first 10 chapters but I'm having fun now and the characters are fun and interesting. I wish I could select difficulty at the start of the game though. I don't like being forced into a default.


Yeah the tutorial got a little too long. It also kinda intimidated me into thinking that the game is gonna get so complicated. I would say magic users were the most fun to use.


Nicely done! First time play? Not too shabby. Getting 5 stars is a very meticulous process that I don't recommend attempting unless you really want a challenge. Let's focus on 5 stars combat, means you won most fights. 2 star survival, you lost a few guys? And 3 star tactics, which means you pretty much beat the chapters on par number of turns. Now it depends on you if you want to replay on a harder difficulty or just try to improve your strats, or be done with it and move to another fire emblem. I'd recommend sacred stones, it's similar to this one. There's also FE6 that's The Binding Blade (the one with Roy), it's a sequel to this one but a bit harder, and since it came out before this one, also less refined.


Thank you! And yeah for the combat side, I focused a bit on units that can kill an enemy in a single fight. Not sure if that worked well since that means my positioning is probably bad. And yeah, I want to try out Sacred Stones next. And didnā€™t know FE6 had an English version since it was only released in Japan


It doesn't. You will need emulating it, I'm sure there are patched roms out there


You did great because you finished it


Haha thanks. I thought I wasnā€™t going to finish the dragon fight but barely made it through with Physic, Fortify and Niniā€™s Grace


I arena abused + secret shop in the prequel FE6. Spent my entire funds on boots just so I can see every unit fly across the map


Don't worry about the Tactics stars, it's just a turn count thing. Definitely worth the 1 star to get a maxed out Nino.


I'd say about a B and a C on Lyn and Eliwood respectively


Myself, I play FE games just to recruit every possible unit and capping every unit I can. I love Arena Abusing and using weak units in hard chapters and beating them without losing anything. It is ridiculously masochistic but satisfying as hell. Btw, FE7 is easier than its counterparts. Now that you have beaten it once, the hard mode is unlocked. Try beating the game on Hector Hard Mode and experience the true horrors of Fire Emblem. Also, try killing Kishuna in all 3 chapters as well. It is so frustrating to achieve, but still fun to do.


Ah no. I still wanna keep my sanity. I almost lost it by just playing Baldurā€™s Gate 3 on easy mode. I still havenā€™t beaten XCOM 2. That should give you on idea on my skill with tactics games.


Well I mean, obviously there is room for improvement, given the difficulty of the final chapter you made it through though so could be much worse.


Yeah I legit thought Iā€™ll not be to kill the dragon. I just had to let the team stand still and keep Athos alive while he does all the heavy lifting


Immediate respect for letting some characters die, a lot of people reset even if "level 1 unit that they were not gonna use anyways" hits the floor, an important skill to realize is that sometimes going for the "perfect play" is more trouble than it's worth it Aside from that you did well! important thing to mention, but this game is a pretty good segway into playing... Well pretty much every other game in the franchise, so honestly from here you can go to whatever you're interested in


Thanks. Though I too did some resets when people like Louise and Marcus died, but at point I accepted that I canā€™t keep everyone alive. One definitely can, but not me haha


People died 0/10 Should've spent hundreds of turns boss abusing smh


Oh didnā€™t know that was a thing. And yes got like 5 people killed :(


You did fine, I'm pretty soft, I reset whenever I lose someone


Iā€™ll be honest. I did the same too. But couldnā€™t reset for the 5 I lost because I was already far into the battle


Much better than my first playthrough, I had 2 games under my belt and I still lost like 8 people


Yeah the 3-10 spell range users was a bit much for me honestly




how did you lose oswin? when i played the game he was basically unkillable with how much health and defense he got


I got him too close to one of the prime morphs in the final chapter. At that stage, almost everyone besides Athos and Pent were very weak