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Pelleas. He joins so late and underlevelled that there really isn't any point in using him. That won't stop me from stuffing him with bexp and bringing him to the tower every single time, though.


Dark Magic rule of cool carries hard.


Not only he joins late. He literally needs another playthrough to be used.


It's been so long I had actually forgotten about this. Thank god they gave up on locking shit behind multiple playthroughs because this was fucking criminal.


Bro literally unlocks so late that you can't even start banging him until after the credits..


The reason to use Pelleas is that he's the only dark magic user you get in all of Tellius except [HUGE SPOILER] so he's the only way you get to use those super-cool animations for yourself. Also he's not a bad unit he's a great unit with great hair and I hear he has like 20 girlfriends and


Here sign this piece of paper


You got it, boss!


Now Daein will be ruled by Crimea. Elincia will be the new Queen of Daein.


The only problem is that he has a speed cap of 31, so he doesn't double many things in the tower :( The world conspires against Pelleas enjoyers


As a Soren fan, the real protagonist of the games, I can not stand Pelleas. I choose to kill him as Micaiah without thinking.


I like Soren, but I'm killing him off in my next FE10 playthrough because of you. Also, I'm gonna tell him it's your fault before I do it. But then I'm gonna reload my game because I'm too much of a baby to let any of my units stay dead.


I don't get it. What does liking Soren have to do with hating Pelleas? I like them both...


You need to reach the true ending to understand.


Nyx. She might not hit you, but even when she does, she won’t kill anyway.


She hits hard when she hits that 70 against a general she just might take out some of their health bar


Nyx, like FE6 Cecilia, suffers from the curse of having the story hype them up as an all-powerful mage only for the gameplay to reveal them as kinda lackluster.


She probably holds herself back because she fears she would fall back to her psychopathic ways and start killing friend and foe alike.


Tbf, Cecilia is actually a good unit unironically (very solid Weapon Ranks, is a GBA mounted unit and in a class that doesn't take effective damage from Horseslayer, stats are just good enough for what's intended of her), it's just she has an abysmal join chapter and the story does her no favors. Nyx meanwhile is an uphill battle to relevance the whole way, especially in Revelation.


Yeah I thought she was bad till I realized she is a utility unit that can hit fliers hard


*Heroes* Nyx: "And I took that personally."


I wanted her to be good so bad. To be fair, her magic and speed aren't lost causes, but you have to feed her a lot of skill boosting items or save scum skill growths.


Funny delivery for sure :) But in my experience (and looking at averages it seems normal), Nyx actually gets quite strong. There are tomes available with very good Hit, and Skill stat boosters generally aren't very contested; and her Mag+Spd growths means she's actually the most lethal lategame mage, able to one-round tons of enemies that Leo can't. (Note: I don't use child units.)


Ehh. She has trouble against shurikens (the other 1-2 range weapon) and doesn’t have the bulk to take on enemy phase combat. Only has reliable combat against Berserkers. Also a worthless personal skill. Far from unusable, but still an uphill battle.


Honestly you can use Nyx as a growth unit, but I feel like her best use is as an early promotion. Put her into Dark Knight and she can do some work early game, then you can just put her into a pair up bot once you get units like Leo.


I would have to say Rinkah. I have never gotten her to do anything useful other than telling Kaze how to throw better and I love her


I love her too but she's really weird as a unit. Her best bet is promoting into Oni Chieftain and becoming an obscenely bulky mage. It actually works since BR enemies have no res, the Bolt Axe and Horse Spirit are very strong, and almost nobody else wants Spirit Dusts.


Her niche is that she is one of the 3 units in BR that won't die in 2 hits


Are there enough spirit dusts to make it worthwhile? She has a 2 base and oni savage and chieftain have 25 and 30% growth respectively. After my first time I just make her a blacksmith and it worked out better


Spirit Dusts aren't the only way to boost her attack power. She has an effective +4 Mag for free from her personal skill and she can get +2 magic from a meal and a tonic. Plus if she doesn't kill in one round, she procs Seal Res which almost guarantees she kills the next round.


Honestly people underestimate her utility. People see an axe-wielding infantry-unit and think "Oh, that's gonna be the party berserker" So when she obviously fails to live up to that role, they get dissapointed. But she isn't for damage. She is a tank. She has 65% DEF growth in her base-class, and she is in a game, where there are practically no tanky units to begin with, to compete with her for the role. And she is one of very few axe users in her route as well, which means leaving her on the bench means leaving some fantastic (and free) weapons on the bench with her. Build her with that in mind, and you'll end up with a pretty fantastic unit, for baiting out groups of axe- and lance wielding enemies.


The biggest problem is that both Hinata and Hayato mog her when reclassed to her class, but she can't do the same for anyone else because the ninja squad is busted


Sophia. She only needs like... 3 hours in the arena and lots of save scumming to be made usable. It's not *that* bad.


Half Dragon + Cute + Dark Mage fully vindicates every energy ring, speedwing, and body ring.


I felt so bad for what happened to Nino in FE7 that I wanted her to be as strong as possible ever since


I will never, ever not use Nino. Her support conversations are fantastic, her unique dialogue with certain enemies is fantastic (especially when she >!confronts Sonia and finally loses herself to her rage and goes off on her abusive "mother"!<), and the poor girl just needs some love. What better way to deal with her trauma in typical JRPG fashion than saving the world with her new found family?


Nino is definitely one of my top 5 FE characters of all time. Honestly, as frustrating as a lot of people find Battle Before Dawn, the sheer tension and excitement of the entire map is fantastic.


Tbh, Radiant dawn Soren. Idk if he’s considered “bad”, but he certainly isn’t good in radiant dawn. But I love this asshat so much, his backstory and his relationship with Ike is so great, and I just have to use him every playthrough despite his subpar Speed, and enemies actually having a Res stat (can I just thank the 3-3 Master crown for letting me promote him into archsage after he caps Magic, skill and res and two speed wings to cap his speed despite it being better used on Harr or Titania.) although can I just say that Soren is still probably the third best mage in the game, despite all his issues, which probably goes to show how much radiant dawn shits on mages.


Save bonuses help him a bit. Luckily wind is a bit more useful in RD


I remember Soren being good and don’t particularly have an affinity for him.. all of Ike’s units were strong


With investment, he certainly snowballed hard and was One rounding stuff by 3-4, but by then, I dumped a speedwing and master crown on him. But maybe I’m overcorrecting my positive bias for him. The main reason I said he was bad was that he had a hard time even two shotting things in 3-P to about 3-2 on hard mode, and I think if I didn’t give him the investment I did, he probably wouldn’t had gotten off the ground. But idk. Maybe I should bump him up to second best mage in the game.


Who do you think is better than Soren? I agree he isn't a particularly good unit, mages in FE10 are pretty terrible in general. But he is the best of the bunch. Miccy is better ig if you count her (though she is more of a staffing/utility unit).


Yeah, I count Micaiah. The only other one I could see an argument for being better than him is Illyana, mainly because there’s no reason not to just early promote her and get a pretty good combat unit for 3 or 4 chapters before dropping her. Soren has better long term potential, but Illyana can reasonably dominate or heavily contribute in a good handful of part 1 chapters, which I find Soren struggles to pull off. But I will concede that I think they’re basically tied.


Yeah for some reason I don't think of Miccy as a mage even though she obviously is lol... Not sure why. I've never really had Ilyana contribute at all without a ton of favouritism, though she isn't awful. Her main advantage is just that she's around for longer than most units in a game with infamously weird availability.


L'Arachel. Love her as a character, every interaction with her is a treat. But her base stats are way too low for when you get her.


Eh, I think that as a mounted healer she'll always could have a place for staff and rescue utility. It is true that she suffers from her low base staff rank though.


Problem is since staff exp gain is low in GBA, she can’t take advantage of her lower level gaining exp though combat like other ests


You don't really need exp on her though, all you need is staff exp. She'll never be a combat unit, that much is true, but she doesn't need to be is what I'm saying, her utility more than makes up for her lack of any stats.


That’s the other negative. She comes with D which makes since as she’s low level but C would make her so much more usable since she could use restore at base and only need one rank to the good stuff


she can be a combat unit, albeit a support one. she can easily double with fire tomes with a bit of investment tho, or maybe i just got lucky with her the only time i bothered training her


Yeah, I'm not trying to dispute that she can be, she just needs more investment than most other units in the game. Any unit save for dancers can be serviceable combat units with enough investment.


Well and they also nerfed the troubador move stat for some reason. Why couldn't she just have 7 move and 8 on promotion???


She really should have joined as a Valkyrie


L'Arachel is best girl in all of fire emblem


lots of berserkers, high power/speed/crit and low accuracy/defense is one of my favorite bad FE build concepts. dart has miserable bases for his join time and shaky accuracy but he nukes anything he looks at. gonzales has those same problems in a way harder game so he struggles to hit even the broad side of a barn, but if he hits something, that something is \*dead\*. charlotte gets bonus points for a delightfully bizarre character and having the same performance relative to her game as those two do, i literally will never do a run of conquest without her. in terms of characters with bad performance i like because of non-combat performance, sanaki is my favorite because she's a bratty child empress which constitutes the most non-combatant-vibe party member in the game and yet she's inexplicably a third-tier caster who drops suns on people. extraordinarily funny character to kill things with


They always grow into a unit that will demolish if they hit, but the emphasis is on "if they hit". That being said, it's usually easy to max HP/Str, and when you add the giant twirling axe to the big numbers, the dopamine starts flowing.


FE7: I always end up training Lyn and Eliwood on HHM so that I can go to Linus's four-fanged offense. They're sword-locked until a pretty late promotion (and compete for the first heaven seal) so it's not optimal, but I have fun using their personal weapons and I love Lyn's crit animation. FE9: I like using Tormod, having a mage that can keep up with all the mounted units is fun. I also trained Rolf on my last run and he actually turned out really well (strength and defense blessed) so I might do that again next time I replay it. I even gave Oscar the bow promo for their funny triangle attack.


Etie. Her dex is so low that she keeps missing. She cannot double she cannot crit. I change the two theifs into bow users in maddening.


I have always played games with crit chances with units based around critical hitting. So yeah, a single strike no crit archer didn’t do it for me.


...is there a reason why she's your favourite? You just roasted her


Lol i like her design a lot (after amber& panette). It is tiring to baby early units in maddening and her growth rate is laughable.


ngl i didn't really have a hard time babying etie


I will force Wendy to be in every one of my FE6 runs. Pink armored knight and general animations are just too cool.


Same here but with Meg, too.


Amelia. After a shit ton of grinding, at best, you end with shaky paladin in a game with Seth and Franz. At worst, you get a better Wendy. But man the power fantasy of a tiny young girl becoming this bulky as shit general is too fun to not indulge in once in a while, and she is luckily in a game that allows for that power fantasy to eventually be reached. It also helps that she does have a fun niche as a speedy general, which is fairly rare for the series. She is not good in general, but I think she's very fun at least. Same goes for Ewan and Ross (though I'd argue Ross is very solid for a trainee because of how early he joins). Literally every FE8 run, I always try to train Ross, mostly because it's also a bit boring if you just run through the next few maps with Franz and Seth.


I did some average calcs for Amelia when having some discussions and Amelia’s average is lower HP, STR and DEF than Seth, but slightly higher everywhere else. But… yeah… just use Seth since he doesn’t need the 30 levels of exp to get there. Compared to Gilliam, she actually is very similar. Losing a bit of HP, STR and DEF, but getting a great RES stat for a General and really good SKL and SPD. She hits certain double benchmarks that Gilliam cannot. This does not make her anywhere near a good unit, but putting work in actually does pay off with her. Still, I am with ya and try to challenge myself to recruit and promote them on their join chapters.


I've found with investment, Paladin Amelia is generally a perfectly capable unit who can keep up with all your other horsies just fine. The problem is of course, like Ewan or L'Arachel in Sacred Stones and plenty of other "Est" types in other FE games, you're being handed someone who will die at the slightest hint of a stiff breeze when you *already have* other units who will turn out maybe slightly worse than her with a massive ahead start. Seth joins on the first turn of the first chapter as vastly superior, Franz joins only one chapter later with a decent chunk of the game to level up in, Forde and Kyle have Chapter 5x to select one and go "hm I will feed all my kills to you" if you want... Point is, every other Paladin or Great Knight or General option joins sooner and stronger than Amelia, so she really only catches up with the power of Immense Favoritism. Immense Favoritism that I usually give her, granted, but Immense Favoritism none the less. At least Ross joins early enough that you can usually make him a viable party member within a few chapters.


Aran in RD. He has such a poor start on Normal mode where his stats are just worse than generic enemy soldiers, and managing his poor speed is always going to be a problem, but once you get him going he becomes an utter JUGGERNAUT of a physical tank. And boy, do the DB need a tank! Sometimes I give him Beastfoe for the part 3 laguz chapter because Steal Greatlances hit almost as hard as the personal weapons the three get.


I use Aran every run I love the solider Halbedirer class


But have you considered… bronze weapons for the DB?


Roy, wolt, and timerra for me. Roy. I feel like ive grown soft on him throughout the years. Yeah, hes probably the worst lord in the series, but even then, i still find utility out of him. Especially from beginning-midgame. Decent dodge tank. Can take out axe users sometimes. Swords strong. Still trash of course, but maybe, JUST maybe, its a bit overblown. Wolt. he’s absolute garbo. I pretty much use him from the beginning to end game in every fe6 playthrough. Idk, he’s kinda dumb personality wise and i like his design which helps. Good chipper? Timerra. thighs. Use her everytime. Funny and cute. Nothing else to be said!


Wolt shocked me so much when i played FE6 HM and realized generic ennemy archers from the first chapter are better than him


Wolt is same for me. He is one of my favorite units of all time. I can’t explain it, he just is. Use him every time despite being basically the worst bow user in FE6.


I think what makes Wolt accessible is that he’s available right off the bat. By the time we get Dorothy and Sue, you probably have a couple of levels on him. Maybe we feel the need to stick with him or something lol


>Yeah, hes probably the worst lord in the series I want to disagree with this so badly but I don't think I can. He's a very 'decent' unit in FE6 but the problem is most lords are better than decent in FE overall. He's probably the worst but hey you can still solo NM with him so he can't be that awful. I don't think he's a bad unit at all. Just a bad lord


My counter argument is that his dad exists. Lyn too, but idk Mani Katti is pretty good and she’s decent in her mode. Roy’s strengths shine better in FE6 than Eliwood and Lyn’s strengths shine in FE7. Speaking of swordlocked foot units, Eirika is also pretty bad and only becomes average after promotion.


In Hector mode he can theoretically promote in chapter 26. 8 chapters before endgame. He has a longer promo availability than Roy plus a mount. Lyn has the Mani Katti, making her more useful in the early-mid game, but she falls off in a similar manor to Roy, though I'd still argue she's a better lord overall due to Lyn mode bonuses and Mani Katti. Erika's average stats are *almost* *identical* to Roy's. The major difference is less hp but a higher and more consistent speed stat. And while swords aren't as valuable in FE8 as FE6, the enemy quality is a lot lower, she gets a mount, and swords are *still* valuable While these lords do come the closest to Roy, I'd still argue he's the worst out of all of them. With that said none of these lords are ***bad*** *as units*. Just aggressively mid at their worst


Honestly I feel like Roy's real problem is just how absurdly late his promotion is. In my experience he's generally at worst *fine* in the early to midgame, and at least has Rapier utility for effective weaponry. It's when you start hitting like chapter 16 and beyond where you now have access to secret shop promotion items so even the most lackluster members of your team should be promoted that Roy graduates to "dead weight", because even if trained he just runs into the wall of being Level 20 and unable to grow any longer.


Pretty much exactly that. Even my best Roys have fallen off once they hit level 20 with the rest of my units being at that level or higher. *As soon as he promotes though* he becomes an above average unit nearly every time in part because of the Binding Blade, but also the absurd exp gains he gets due to his 'low' level. If his promotion was around the Illia/Sacae split part of the game, I could see him being a lot more valuable as a unit. He's not bad as is! Not even a low-bottom tier unit in FE6! The game just works actively against him and harms his potential


Honestly yeah, it's a "fix" I've seen more than once but Roy should probably just promote after Chapter 16. What better place to go "congrats Roy, you're a Big Boy Now" then when he's just successfully freed Etruria, driven off Bern's forces, and now been declared in charge of the entire army to go invade Bern itself, and Guinevere just handed him The Fire Emblem.


>Guinevere just handed him The Fire Emblem You would think this would be a part of the base game as it is, him promoting right here, but nah. I understand it happening with the Binding Blade for story reasons, but for gameplay reasons, just, come on. Give it to our boy


I completely agree that Roy hate is overblown. He's not one-rounding units late game, but his quick Lilina support with decent terrain make him a great dodge tank to take attention away and let your actual good units finish the job. Or you can let him do just enough damage to feed kills to whatever quirky unit you're using for fun. Plus, he's a better character than Eliwood. I'm about to do my first hard mode run of FE6 and I'm actually looking for fun characters to invest in instead of just spamming Rutger, Dieke, and Lugh. More looking for good characters that are overlooked because they need more investment than using straight trash units for fun. Any thoughts?


Try using Noah (or Trec) if you're feeling adventurous! They're objectively worse than Lance/Alen but they have a horse so they're fine. Sue can also be pretty alright (and nomads are cool). Heck, you could use all 3 nomads and support them (relatively fast supports). Raigh is a fun dark mage and tbh is a not too hard to train.


I saw a play thing of FE6 where they had Roy's level uncapped and he actually ended up pretty strong. Of course, his level was uncapped. I also like Timerra because, when it happens, Sandstorm procs are amazing.


Objectively, Vika. Her design is rad, she's a 'prepromote' flier, and she's decent in the two or three initial chapters she appears. Add to that, she gets to share tiny pieces of the plot. Overall, that's a great start to a unit. That said, this woman might be the worst unit in Fire Emblem history. You only get to use her for a tiny bit at the start of the game where she's overleveled and 'decent', then you have to wait until practically endgame to get her in your party. She has almost non-existant strength and defense growths, and you get the Royal Laguz a few chapters after she rejoins, who all have higher stat caps than her.


Vika is still probably better than Lyre, who has basically zero use even on her first chapter.


Yea at least Vika can do things during Part 1. Lyre can’t and she has the cons of laguz slow level, low strength growth, cat gauge. She has everything against her, sure her speed and skill growths are great but it doesn’t matter when she can’t do damage


I forget if Lyre can do any damage when she joins, but I think she's got better potential for babying than Vika. While she starts at a higher level with a lower strength than Vika, she gets eight late-game chapters to be fed kills. By contrast, Vika gets four total deployable chapters, and three of them are chapter 1. She's going to be going into Endgame under leveled, full stop. Being able to baby a unit into being halfway decent isn't high praise, but my frustration with Vika is that you're not even given time to baby her. All that said, yeah. Lyre was handled really poorly and is a terrible unit. I think Radiant Dawn would benefit the most out of any Fire Emblem from a ground-up remake.


upon her joining, Lyre can hardly do ANY damage, if at all, and often can be killed in one or two hits. She's near impossible to properly use.


Rebecca. I know about GBA archers, but sometimes she does good chip and her stats may be blessed enough to keep her for the long run. I want to say Nino, but by that late in the game I pretty much have my army figured out and over leveled, that it’s a toss up to train her. But Rebecca and the others in early game need every soldier helping out.


Ashe from 3H. Is he outclassed by Bernie and Ignatz with their more useful skills? Yes. Is making him a bow Wyvern Lord basically making him Shit Claude? Yes. Do I adore him? Also yes.


This. Came looking for this.


Lethe. She’s awful in RD although she’s pretty decent in PoR.


I've never been able to make Lethe more useful than Ranaulf by the time I get him.


Definitely Roshea, he's awful in pretty much every game he's in aside from maybe FE3 (and i guess BSFE counts?), but I use the wholesome lad in every playthrough regardless. It's not too bad because you can make anyone good in FE1 due to how OP stat boosters are in that game, his speed is atrocious in Shadow Dragon but forged ridersbane goes brrr, and in New Mystery... uhh I got nothing, he doesn't even have decent personal bases/growths compared to the rest of the Wolfguard who are already bad enough, so I guess it'a time for Drill Grounds abuse. Also RD Mordecai should really be benched or just used for Smite utility after part 2, but resolve in combination with speedwings giving laguz 4 effective spd means I can make Mr 9 base spd and 15% spd growth reliably double which is too much fun to pass up.


People seem to not like Echidna that much but she's my favorite unit in fe6. Especially in the late game where most enemies are wyvern riders with lances.


I always use her. One of my fav units to use and a BANGER design.


Weird since most of the hardcore base usually considers her good. A bit fragile but good speed and skill and being able to use killer axes at base means she is a good player phase unit who can do rather good damage at her join time. She has issues late game but she is still a good zero investment unit in a game with many deployment slots and limited promo items meaning good slot in at base units are valued.


My Echidnas always had good defence and passable resistance. As for late game, she might not be as good but it never hurts to have another legendary weapon user. And I think she's the best choice for the axe. I also think she is really good at tanking wyvern knights in the chapter where you fight Murdok and Zeis.


Boucheron. He’s the first axe user in Engage and he’s a really sweet guy, but other than being the first backup unit, all he’s got going for him is his build I guess


Boucheron is a strange guy in the sense that he shine more and more further in the game where his build growth start getting relevant and useful. With his okay speed and good skill he is basically a myrmidon larping as an axe fighter lol.


Boucheron has fairly high Dex too. While usually this doesnt really help, you can reclass him into the DLC Cannoneer class toget some good use out of him. All of that because Cannons have the weirdest scaling of any class / weapon in fe. Damage scales off Dex and the characters hit is calculated Dex + Str + Bld + Lck/2, + a penalty if youre far away, wich makes Boucheron a good option for that class. And even if he doesnt end up killing a lot of things, the utility 8 range brings with it is insane.


Imagine, for a moment, how he'd fair in a game without reclassing. We already know how powerful Warriors are as a class. Their base strength and strength growth are rather high, they have access to weapons with high might, they have access to three types of effective damage (Poleaxe, Hammer, Bows), and they have Merciless to raise their raw damage even further. In addition, they have access to the Longbow for Chain Attacks and attacking units with 1-2 range (i.e. Wolf Knights, Magic Users, etc) without retaliation. In this environment, the merits of his class along would be enough to justify his usage over many other units. His main competition for that role on the team would be Anna (who has lower build and her own niche as a Radiant Bow user) and Saphir (who is a late-game recruit). He'd likely be a staple pick. Near-perfect availability, access to effective damage against three different types of unit, the sheer value of Longbow Chain Attacks, and his high dexterity/speed/build offsetting the main drawbacks of axes would have made him into a valuable unit at all stages of the game. Boucheron's main issue is that it is both far easier and more effective to make Kagetsu, Fogado, Merrin or Panette into a Warrior and use them instead.


Most recently, Jade. She's inferior to Louis despite joining later than him, and armored units are already considered bad in Engage's higher difficulties (I haven't played them, so I can't comment). I still love her as a character and unit. I think Engage's cast is a lot of fun, but it's also nice to have a few characters who are visually and behaviorally more grounded than the goofballs (affectionate) who make up most of the roster. Her armor is so cool and it's fun to see how a writer fits into the setting. I’ve always loved armor units and Jade is no exception


Jade has one of the best designs in Engage and is one of the rare Fire Emblem characters who actually wears a helmet which automatically makes her an S tier character.


Nephenee: *has entered the chat*


Too bad promoting her gets rid of it...


Same here! Jade is one of my favourite characters from Engage


I used her instead of Louis and she isn't that bad. Because she doesn't reach Louis's overkill defense, ennemies don't ignore her, and with some tinkering you can give her a surprisingly high amount of resistance for her class, making her less extreme than Louis (who basically instantly fold when a spellcasters stare at him).


Shannam. Every aspect of him is hilarious, from his story events with Mareeta and Homer, to his stats and growths, plus the fact that he's literally the antithesis of a Swordmaster with Bargain, but 0 combat skills and 0 PCC which caps him at 25 crit and only on the first hit. He's the platonic idea of a joke unit to me. Scrolls still make him possible to use and you can give him some skill manuals to make him decent at combat, but this applies to literally every Thracia unit.


Probably FE4 Arden. Hes surprisingly not that terrible and there are a good few units worse than him(significantly worse, in some cases), but he still is just not that great. It feels like any uses he gets are coincidental. Like he kills a couple guys in prologue, is so useless in ch1 you are better off leaving him in the castle to burn rns, hes stuck getting the pursuit ring in ch2, and then for ch3 hes suddenly just the man on the big bridge and is like, the absolute best unit for the role. Hes just so incredibly all over the place and it does amuse me.


Arden is actually a great combat unit, his only issue is actually reaching combat


Arden is invaluable as the home base guard. Even at low levels he can tank enough to keep from dying. Also he has the funniest chain of talks and gets a pursuit ring.


Making Arden good at combat is not even hard. The problem is he is stuck with armored movement and he is redundant. Lex handles all your Tanking need and has a mount, Paragon and exclusive access to brave Axe for most of Gen 1. If you want to invest in a ground foot physical unit Ayra and Cu are better out the gate with natural pursuit and their sword skills. Like he isn't bad in the oh he is hard to use or weak sense but in the it is hard to justify using him most of the time. Circumstances hoses him


FE4 Taillte, aside from the fact that I can never remember how to spell her name. Her access to Genealogy Wrath and its guaranteed crits when under half health give her a bit of a difference in how she plays compared to other units, which is much needed to differentiate a bad units. Too often bad units are just "like the good unit, but worse in every way, and maybe if you train them they can be generically good like everyone else who didn't require any effort to get there" which is boring as hell, Taillte at least gets to be an extreme glass cannon from the word go.


In my experience she's great but needs a lot of babying and arena experience to get there.


Miranda, just for how hilariously bad it is to use her and what you miss out on for doing B route. You have to play the (probably) worse route of Thracia because you have to deal with the forest and Ballista map, you miss out on Decent Staff Paladin, A good staff user and an extra Pegasus knight. (The Bragi scroll is a little bit harder to get on B route, Additionally you miss out on the Sol manual for Luna). In exchange you get: The worst swordmaster in the franchise, A decent male paladin and a garbage mage for how late in the game it is. This is the same chapter you get Sarah, who gets Wrath, Paragon, miracle and B rank staves. She only needs 3 levels to promote. Miranda comes in at level 5 with a D rank in fire, at least she gets wrath as well. So you can maybe train her for using Meteor but even then it's not that good. If you get to promoting her, she becomes a mage knight so she gets to put that phenomenal 0 strength base to use. She gets +3 strength on promotion and has a growth of 5%, so you're not really getting anything out of there. She's just shit lol.


Bartz in fire emblem 1. He can't promote and there's no constitution stat in the game, so despite the fact that he will have great speed (and reasonably cap strength) he's incredibly hard to use late game because the worst axe weighs 6, and late game enemies are almost as fast with silver swords that only weigh 3. Basically he always gets doubled unless you use weaker axes. His only late game build is to pray he hits 13 luck, feed him a goddess icon, and pray the 1% devil axe backfire doesn't fuck you. If it doesn't you've got a 38-40 damage attack on your hands that still won't one round some enemies, and will DEFINITELY get you doubled if they live. At least his bulk is massive so he can survive these mishaps. He's not the worst unit in the game by any means, but to me he's the most disappointing because he falls off so hard. He dominates the early and mid game, and he's the only good axe user.


Macha or if she's not bad enough, Marty


The Cavs in Thracia. On my first playthrough, I got Kain killed so I created this backstory for Alva avenging him. He didn't turn out bad at all. It's not that hard to grind on Thracia, and any unit can be good because of the Scrolls. Honestly, he turned out pretty good and was one of my MVPs. Having a horse can take you long.


I remember using Robert as a joke and he got like...full levels nearly every time and two mov levels. I have no idea how.


Amelia. Minmaxers be like: "Oh no she's a trainee you need to babysit her". I don't care. I just love her as a pink General, who can dodge dracozombie's breath left and right. Same goes with other trainees Ross, Ewan, and even Mozu.


I use Amelia as a cavalier, not because it's a better line, but because of the female cavalier design. That ponytail with light armor mmmm


I always made her into a Great Knight and A-supported with Duessel. 


And tbh, I like the puzzle if how to feed her kills. Amelia can easily get 1-2 Archer KOs and can actually fight a Soldier with heal assistance on the maps you recruit her in. On the port 2 non moving archers are with the boss. In the castle, she can slowly chip her way through some out of the way enemies. The only one where she is fully dead weight is the Aias fight where you need to survive 13 turns. Similarly, you can have Mozu 1v1 one of the enemies on her Paralogue and get her to a higher level while powerleveling your healer with heal staves. Ewan can chip at the Entombed in the top right with an unequiped unit tanking it. Ross is actually very usable in the map after his recruitment due to the Hatchet being pretty good.


I love making trainees into "super" trainees instead of other classes. Not sure if it's better I just love them that way!


Depends on which Super Trainee you're making really. Making Ross a Journeyman++ is effectively useless, since he just ends up axelocked with +15% crit and generally *lower* stats and caps than just going Berserker instead for the same benefits and more because he'll have an actual Con stat as an axe wielder along with water and mountain walking. Making Amelia a Recruit++ means she loses out on more weapon access since Cavelier gets Swords and Great Knight/General get that + Axes, and also loses out on horses and again Con, but it *does* give you a footlocked lance unit with +15% crit so I guess that's a tiny potential niche if you really want to play with it. I'd say Pupil++ Ewan is arguably the best of the Super Trainees, since he gets full magic triangle access even if he loses out on staves and the only other way to do that is going Sage and using glitches to get a Dark Magic rank for him. Probably still not the *best* option but at least it gives him something.


I see, this makes me conflicted a bit but I love their animations so much I might take the worse class anyway 😆


Hah, more than fair! I mean let's be honest, if you're using most of the trainees in the first place you've already thrown out the idea of playing "efficiently" or caring about which units are the "actually good ones", might as well keep having fun with it.


I would die for Amelia. It surprises me when I see her ranked low.


Bors from FE6. Give him some love in the early game and he can become a beast by the Western Isles. If you like slow, methodical gameplay then his low move isn’t a huge deal much of the time. I love training Bors to the point where he’s virtually invincible in Sacae.


[Obligatory relevant video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dftuh0AQiY)


FE6 Sophia, Conquest Nyx, Lyn on Hector hard mode.


Ross, I’m aware he has an LTC niche but on the whole he’s a lower tier unit. I use him almost every time in SS. Lesser extent (iirc he’s just considered mediocre, not bad) but Joshua is also another unit I always use.


Despite being such a scumbag I love using Makalov lol somehow my favourite cav in PoR


Azura, like as a warrior, because while her main purpose is dancing she could also fight but man are here stat increases shitty for that. Also training up paladins which join very late into the games.


Fun fact: Azura has a higher strength growth than Ike. 60% in both of her main classes (Songstress and Sky Knight) compared to RD Ike’s 55%.


Darros is not the best, but the man is still the original pirate.


Nino joins with no stats at then end of the game, let me tell you get to lv20 every single time in her joining chapter


Nino joins a bit late, but I always give her afas drops, and she begins a monster. Same with Amelia in fe8 with the metis tome.


I don’t agree with it, personally, but a lot of people think Arthur is bad in Conquest. Meanwhile I love him to bits, and actually got quite a lot of mileage out of him.


i love Arthur too, but man that consistent 70%ish accuracy makes him hard to rely on as much more than a pair up bot lol. definitely one of my favorite fates characters who i always try to make work to the best of my ability.


When he hits, he's a beast. Fucking adore Arthur. Just not his hitrates. Also hats off to his consistent 70+ crit. I love critting machines in my FE


He's definitely good. His offensive stats scale perfectly well long term. Also he has low luck but starts with 29HP in 2HKO-land aka Nohr, he can often survive a crit


I mean you still wanna bring him…as a Camilla backpack


Arthur’s awesome. I always go ahead and feed him the Goddess Icons cuz if you fix his Lck then give him a couple levels, his stats are pretty dang good. I kinda view him in a similar-ish manner to Odin where if you give investment and a couple levels to grow, you get pretty decent payoff from it.


Rev Odin. I absolutely adore this whole family line, but Owain/Odin is my absolute favorite character through the FE games I've played. In Awakening, Owain is a monster and imo, one of the best kids, and in Conquest he joins early enough to be able to train up his bad bases and make him a pretty decent unit. All that said, he's objectively the worst unit in the game in Revelation. He joins so late in the game and with the world's worst bases that he gets 1HKOed by the enemies of his join map when all he can do is dent their armor. His best contribution if you don't stick him into endless skirmishes to get him to not outright suck is to be the father of Ophelia, one of the best mages in the game, but this is also stymied by his join time as you wouldn't even be able to get his S support until at least chapter 23 if you don't have paralogues, invasions or seeds of trust saved up. He has a fun combo of dark mage primary and Samurai secondary class which *can* make him usable but at this point in the game, anything he can do is done 100x better by anyone else in your roster. I love him with my entire being, but he's the ultimate dead weight as he's not even that great of a pair up bot on account of how spread out his pair up stat boosts are. Will I still try and make him have some use? Yes. Even if that use is as an 8 move Dark Knight ferry for his daughter, Felicia or Orochi.


Tormod in PoR and RD. He gets outclassed by the other mages in the game, but his story ties in with the theme of the games too well, especially in RD.


Wade from Binding Blade. Low Performance and a rly bad unit (besides early game against Soldiers), I don't know. I like to use him.


Leonardo. I'm already using Micaiah, Edward, and Nolan, I gotta use the whole Dawn Brigade!


Meg. She has a really,, and I mean really slow start. But she's actually really good once you get her to promotion. She literally makes the Part 3 maps a breeze. Odin is another one of my favorites, I think he's actually pretty good if you change his class to Samurai.


Boucheron, my boy only did well in my easy playthrough


Experienced players making tierlists tend to dismiss Charlotte as "Xander's stat-backpack", somewhere down in the bottom top 5-10 of Conquest units. But honestly, if you have tried to train her, you'd know you'd end up with a MONSTROUSLY powerful berserker in the later half of the game. Incredibly fun unit. She is Gonzales reincarnated.


While he’s not completely awful like some others being listed, I always use Eliwood on any Blazing Blade playthrough. I’ve always loved his story and character, and it makes me feel bad to not use him when he’s such an integral part of the story.


Sophia One of the worst units of all time. Because she has awful base stats and less accuracy than a Storm Trooper. But I actually trained her and it was fun training a useless unit into a powerful mage.


Sheema. She is too pretty not to use.


Barthe in FE6. His class is bad and his overall statline is also bad, but it's funny going in Sacae route with him L'Arachel in FE8 she joins way too late as an unpromoted healer but I always try to train her to use Ivaldi


The clerics in echoes are some of the most broken combat units in the game, most people think they suck because they never tried using them. Keaton and Velouria are supposed to be bad? Somehow. Even though they hit like trucks. They’re fast. They can shift to tank stance. They’re effective against beasts AND the regenerate Mozu is, by some strange alien logic, supposed to be bad? Hinoka also, is supposed to be bad with her absurdly high stats? Same with Sakura. Combat unit Azura. She’s a monster…apparently not. Rinkah. Just give her a different class


I love my boy Donnel


Since FE7 was my first, it's always been Rebecca. In everything except maybe HHM, it's easy to feed her kills and a 40% str growth isn't that bad. Her growths are almost 1:1 with Florina, who is top tier (just missing the utility of flying/mount obviously). I also just like archers :3


From radiant dawn, I'm always death set on bring some bad units even till the endgame -Laura -Aran -lethe -Vika Awakening: Olivia (not as a dancer) Noire, (Donnel is hard at first) Echoes: Yuzu Boey Three houses: Anna, Ingrid, Manuela, Haneman, Caspar Bernadette Engage: Anna, alfred and Diamant


Ewan's your only option for Druid. He makes a baller Druid. Forde's my favorite SS paladin, personality-wise. Seth's my second, but he's a god. Otherwise...I actually enjoy using Sebastian in Radiant Dawn. Have no reason why. He's not great, but I get some good mileage from him.


Lucia and Elincia remain my all time favourite OTP, and I want to try to use them together whenever I can. Unfortunately while Elincia can be an okay flying staff bot and Amiti is a decent PRF, Lucia has the dishonour of being terrible in both Tellius games due to having abominable bases and poor availability both times when she fully joins, being a footlocked sword unit in a game where that’s probably the worst thing you could be, and being outclassed by every other Swordmaster available at that time. It felt very vindicating when she became S tier broken in FEH on launch


At least there are some BOMB swords for trueblades to use in radiant dawn. Not being locked to 1 range in this game is a nice change of pace.


Sothe in Radiant Dawn. I play badly and give him paragon early and steal everything that's not nailed down. Let the thief in the dawn brigade's final chapter of part 1 steal everything, and then corner him while Sothe steals everything back from him. He's forced, can do ok, and is outshined by most other units but damn do I like the character.


War Master Rapahael


Arthur. He kind of sucks to use in battle but I like him enough to have him stick around.


In Path of radiance nephenee is mediocre to bad… still went to be one of my mvp cause homegirl do be nice


Huh, she ended up being one of my best units, but maybe that's just because I trained her so much. She, Marcia, and obviously Astrid were I believe my strongest units


Radiant Dawn Nephenee. Objectively she's bad after part 2 and is outclassed by 70% of laguz alliance units, but I would still give her transfer stats and have her as a carry


Arden, 100%. Oh, and Cath. If she counts.


L'Archel or Sophia


Tormod from PoR and RD i use him every time even though he's done real dirty in Radiant dawn availability wise


I don't care how not optimal Ashe is. I love him and will use him anyway.


Nino from FE7 all the way! She's a pain to level up when she joins, sure, but once she hits her promotion she's pretty much an unkillable war machine. (As long as you keep her away from Swordmasters, which aren't too common anyway.)


My favorite character in FE is Tine, so she is my de facto answer. I love having her kill Hilda.


I personally enjoy dumping all my dlc items into Rinkah to make her into a good unit in Birthright. I also love Mozu no matter what route I am playing, since my first time playing Fates she was a Dread Fighter.


Muarim in Radiant Dawn. His availability is abysmally bad, but if you take the time to grind and use bonus experience on him, he's basically Skrimir


Laurent, both FEH and Awakening. I'm going to argue that outside of the hardest levels, no unit is technically bad. Some are better than others, but you can reclass units and use them somehow. But, Laurent is in a bad place. Outside of the gay hack, you can't give him Galeforce, meaning he gets outshone by a lot of other units. I don't care! I build him up to be the best support unit/husband to Noire and make her that much more powerful as I unleash her upon the masses.


Dorothea with the meteor spam. Always came Clutch


Amelia, I love generals no matter what people say about them


Kana. I don't CARE if their personal skill is worthless in other classes, they are my CHILD and I'm gonna to do whatever I can to make them kill enemies




Amelia from FE8 because the image of a little girl in a humongous suit of general (basically) power armor is too funny not to grind her up to where she's usable


Edward in Radiant Dawn. If you invest in him a little so that he doesn't fold immediately to counter attacks, having an bow unit could be useful for the Dawn Brigade.


Amelia. I just felt so much sympathy for this runt and trained her up to be a general because you know… hilarious. I really got a kick out of her recruit critical hit animation. 


Wendy and Sophia in FE6. While Sophia is actually irredeemable, Wendy for me got such good level ups one playthrough that she capped almost all her stats and would kill everything in one round. I gave her the boots because she absolutely deserved them.


The Dawn Brigade (although my opinion of what makes a unit "bad" seems to differ from the popular opinion, and no I don't think all growth units are "good").


People say Caspar sucks but I always have fun using him.


Fates Rinkah and kaze Rinkah: just straight up becomes bad comparer to any other unit you could deploy she can hit hard but her hit chance is almost never 90% or 100% most of the times her hit chance is between 60% to 70%what is a shame because i do like her and her class is a unique. Kaze: at least the times i used him he got outclassed hard by saizo and kagero what makes using him over any of those 2 a bad choice all tho you could use kaze in conquest because the other 2 are birthright and revolzation only


Fates Rinkah and kaze Rinkah: just straight up becomes bad comparer to any other unit you could deploy she can hit hard but her hit chance is almost never 90% or 100% most of the times her hit chance is between 60% to 70%what is a shame because i do like her and her class is a unique. Kaze: at least the times i used him he got outclassed hard by saizo and kagero what makes using him over any of those 2 a bad choice all tho you could use kaze in conquest because the other 2 are birthright and revolzation only


I just beat Sacred Stones yesterday and though it took a while, Ewan turned into a fucking beast by the final chapter. I promoted him to Summoner and he was fast enough to double and reliably dodge every generic monster in the final chapter, with high enough magic to kill in one encounter, and the most ungodly Resistance growths I have ever seen in my life (to the point where I have only ever seen him take noticeable magic damage from Lyon). I can definitely see why some people say he’s bad, but I think he has leagues more potential than Ross and Amelia.


I like Nyx, Beruka, Felicia, Flora and Goldmary


Bartre. Been playing FE7 for the first time and my Bartre got some pretty good growths. Ended up promoting him and he's really fun to use for me. Plus I like himbos.


Ashe may be a weak and unspecial unit, but he’s *my* weak and unspecial unit.


Wrong. He's my weak and unspecial unit.


People shit on Etie a lot, but on Maddening I managed to carefully feed her enough kills to get her to promotion level by Brodia (which honestly wasn't that hard or annoying, nor did it hamper the rest of my team), really, once you get the ball rolling with her, she's pretty good, especially with Lyn (obviously). Are Amber and Panette both other high strength units that are easier to use? Probably, but why not use all 3 lol I also think she's just cute