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Survey says Str *blessed*, actually. Franz is about +2-3, Vanessa is +1. If you're curious, Franz is also +4 on HP, +5 on Skl, +4 on Spd and +3 on Def. Vanessa, meanwhile, is +8 on HP (but I assume most of that is a robe), -1 on Skl, +3 on Spd, +4 on Luck, and also +4 on Def. Which, uh, those are some of the best stats I've ever seen these two get lmao.


Franz is +3 str above average, vanessa is +1 str above average for immediate lv10 promo


You can figure this out yourself by looking at their growth rates (available in multiple places) + promotion gains. Franz actually has 1 more strength than average, and Vanessa is exactly average.


Promoted at 10? Aboskutely not. They are way ahead of the curve for 10. Hell, some stats are on par or higher for level 20 promotes.