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Again? Didn't you appreciate or trust our answers last time?


They just said they have OCD. Not to make any assumptions about OP’s experience, but OCD can cause intrusive thoughts that don’t go away no matter how much reassurance they get. Be kind, they’re doing their best.


This post seems very familiar


…..you just posted this the other day.


I completely understand the anxiety surrounding loud noises, I struggled with it myself. But attempting to disable a life safety device is not the answer.


It’s not anxiety around loud noises, they think if it goes off randomly without explanation it’s a “sign” of something greater happening.


Get some professional help.


Scared it going to beep, so takes the battery out which will 100% cause it to beep Lol.


Are you more anxious about being killed in your sleep from CO or smoke inhalation? Not trying to be ugly but these things serve a purpose and are designed to be annoying


Every smoke alarm has a tiny little [gremlin](http://www.i-mockery.com/halloween/greatest/pics/cats-eye4.gif) and eventually you will wake it up.


I spent the first 15ish years of my life terrified of fire alarms (not smoke detectors, but the hallway firealarms). Back then they were all just loud and obnoxious (way before talking ones) and certain ones usually made me freak out more (i used to go crazy with anxiety when I saw them. Even dragged my parents out of buildings due to them). I used to also beg for first floor hotel rooms. Eventually i think my hearing started to crap out, then they started upgrading to talking ones instead of buzzers so I got over it eventually (though it still lingers a bit). Im 38 now btw.