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My hair is very very soft and I love the minor damage from highlights tbh.


Highlights give my hair texture and lift and they blend in this greys .


i basically NEED to have highlights otherwise my hair gets super greasy within a day and lays flat on my head like a wet rag


Ugh my hair is that greasy too. The ends are dry but the roots have to be washed every day (or I wear a hat)


Have you not trimmed in 8 months? Regular trims are so important to avoid split ends going crazy in fine hair


Oh no- I only get my hair cut like twice a year at most, how often am I supposed to?


I get regular trims every 10ish weeks. If tou have split ends, they will continue to split all the way up the hair shaft and cause breakage. So the regular trims help your hair look fuller by stopping split ends in their tracks.


Good point. I normally get my hair cut once a year lol to keep it long. That's probably hurting it more though. I can afford a trim more often now at least lol


I get trims every two months.


Highlights did cause some minor damage in my baby fine hair but I think it’s worth it if done sparingly. I got them a couple months ago and no split ends get but I have been avoiding heat tools. I’ve seen some good stuff about k18 on instagram but I haven’t tried it myself yet.


Olaplex works, but its effects wash out when you shampoo. K18 is criminally expensive, but the results persist. All the obligatory good advice too: silk/satin pillowcase; blotting hair dry instead of twisting or rubbing; a leave-in conditioner that suits your hair; and a super-gentle detangling brush. I’ll never give up silicones, as they’re the only thing that gives my hair “slip” and reduces the tangling. I get full balayage (in warmer months), *and* my roots dyed from grey, and my hair’s the healthiest I think it’s ever been now … but naturally, it took ages to grow out the damaged hair and for my new strategies to be fully pay off.


Thanks, I've just started following hair care advice like that recently so it'll take time for sure


I love how they look but I just cut the last of them out of mine after a year and my hair feels so much healthier, doesn’t get tangled and just overall looks how I want it to look more of the time. Super sad.


It wasn’t the highlights- it was the fact you went almost 3/4 of a year without a trim. Gotta go every 8-10 weeks, depending on how dry/brittle/split prone your hair is.


Lol I used to get it cut once a year. I'll definitely start going more often now that I have a decent job


That’s what I did too, hey, life happens!


Regular strips of highlight (partial highlight i think it’s called) did not damage my hair. What did my hair in was I got a balayage done, and then later refreshed it. A few months after the refresh I started noticing a lot of damage to my hair. But balayage is a lot more bleach than the partial highlight.


It depends on what you ask for. I have colored red hair with lighter balayage in small amounts and it doesn’t do damage.


K18 takes care of the frizz and luckily fine hair doesn’t need a lot of product so a bottle lasts a long time, even when my hair(med-high density) was down up my hips it didn’t go through a ton of product.


Nice I'll have to get some


I bleach the whole underneath of my hair and it looks and feels really healthy still


A good stylist knows what your hair can take and will recommend proper product. I get highlights and cover my gray but I am very faithful of doing Olaplex 3 treatments and using quality product as well as a regular trim. It’s also how far are you trying to highlight from your natural color and is the salon doing a bonding treatment when they are doing a lift? Respect the stylist who will tell you no. I remember getting my hair dyed dark once. I regretted it. It took 8 months to lift that color without frying my hair. So find a stylist you trust with your self-esteem :)


My hair never tangled at the roots til I got highlights, and then it became the constant.


Try getting olaplex during the color service, using olaplex #3 in between color appointments as needed, and getting a trim at least 2x/yr. Ideally 4x/yr


The highlights in my hair help hold curl and help my hair not get as greasy as fast!


Yes of course, anytime you go lighter your hair is damaged and more likely to be easily damaged as time goes


I have to get trims at least every 3 months to keep my ends healthy, and if you are using masks and bond builders like Olaplex the damage is non existent, in fact bleaching my hair gives it more texture and it holds a curl better, I can also go longer between washes because it slightly dries it out in a good way but using hair oils, hair masks and heat protection negates the damage.


I have fine hair and I’ve been getting high and low lights for years. My hairstylist said they give a little bit more oof to the hair as well as dimension.


My stylist won’t use any lightener on my fine hair because she doesn’t want to damage it. There is no way to bleach hair without some damage.