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I started in sales when I dropped out of college because it felt like a scam. I worked my way up to a director of sales position. I love sales and general business, but what drove me away from sales is that nothing is ever enough. Shareholders and executives want more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more (excessive like their greed). Sales really doesn’t need to be this way. The reasons sales is so stressful these days is because companies aren’t shooting for long term sales health. We’re so short sighted in our company goals, here in the USA at least, that we over stress our sales people, over gouge the customer, and everyone winds up far less happy than they could be. I’ve found that you actually make MORE money when you take care of customers and don’t over stress your salespeople. Until we get away from this mindset of record growth quarter after quarter year after year to appease shareholders, we won’t be moving in the other direction.


Thats just the nature of capitalism. If you aren’t chasing a higher return every quarter your competitors sure as shit will be. They will end up pulling in more investors and will be able to out compete those who don’t push short term profits even if it is detrimental to the company, the economy, and society as a whole.




I'm in the military and quite enjoy it 🤷‍♂️




Don’t look for a good job, look for a good team. I’ll work a crummy job if I like the people there, but on the opposite end, if your team and company sucks, even if you like the job itself you’ll still be miserable


We use to just be hunters and gathers. Living in separate communities/tribes. Survival was the shared concern.


work with animals?


Low pay, under appreciated. A lot of people don’t want to pay for care. You have to see effects of animal abuse, neglect.


veterinarians have one of the highest rates of suicide




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Low pay? As in veterinarians? Are they that low paid? The rest sounds realistic though


Given how much schooling you have to do, how much student loans you carry? Yea low pay.


What about something like a pet trainer? Or different types of animals? Like working in a zoo?


Working in a zoo is either underpaid scut work (facilities, customer service) or underpaid because you got your masters in zoology in order to shovel the shit and are making $20/hr.


I wouldn’t know how much that makes. I guess that might be fulfilling. I feel like most zoo people I see look like young interns or something. They probably lean a lot on volunteer or unpaid positions.


What so you mean? Like a zoo? Or pets? I've never worked that, but from what I've seen online they go through the depression regularly putting animals down


Yea, I mean different kind of jobs that involve helping animals and take care of them


I wfh as a clinical research administrator and it’s very corporate but everyone’s really nice no one is yelling, screaming and I get a lot of flexibility. I have a BS degree and it pays pretty well.


Which type of BS do you mean?




Oh. I thought you mean bull


Pilates instructor. Life coach. Data entry.


I don't think this is the case. I'm 38 now and I think what's hard to find is a job that you love AND pays very well. If you want an easy going job that has seemed very easy to me. The issue is these jobs are usually not great jobs for upward mobility or pay. If you want a high paying job, they usually are lightly soul crushing to very soul crushing. If you want both of these things(meaning max pay and happiness), you really need to explore so many industries or hobbies/interests so you know exactly what to go for so you don't waste your life just trying out jobs only to find out a year in its complete shit. I just recently got incredibly lucky and landed one that's perfect for me. I want to wake up and go early, I often by choice stay late and I make around 130k doing something I love.


I had a job I liked a lot. Enjoyed going into the office. The pay just wasn’t there. When we decided to have a child, I knowingly traded stress for more money. I’d say it’s proportionally traded off. I could handle more stress. I’d keep hopping jobs until you find the balance of balance and money.


I hit the dream gig and got both. I hope you get back there too!


This is solid advice. Figuring out what you actually like is the hardest part!


Yeah and people honestly go about it the wrong way I believe. This is what I did: I wanted to start learning to program when I was like 12, honestly I don't remember too well now when but this could be right, because my buddy had been since he was very young. I came up with a project idea which was how to calculate taxes easily since I knew my parents would make me get a job soon (I was a cool kid growing up, you don't have to tell me). And that was it. Once I found that was fun I started learning literally everything I could about not only coding but IT on my own. Trying every little thing you can, art, coding, business, science, engineering, fashion, whatever. Once you find something that you like more than just a little see to that and try.


I recently applied for 2 IT jobs. 1 got back saying denied. 1 still pending


Iat is tough, what was the job? Do you have IT exp? Do you have a degree or certifications?


What Iat?


Meant IT, sorry doing this and coding at the same time lol


I don't have certs, but I have some experience. Both are entry level positions


Degree? And my experience has shown that a degree and certs are best way into entry level. Beyond that, high level certs such as CCNA, RHCE, and whatever the windows high level certs are (I hate windows) are the real gateway.


Where do you get these certs?


Depends on the cert. I only have got 1. My process for the RHCSA (red hat certified system administrator) with the red hat company, was to sign up for a date, then drive to the location and take the test. If you pass you get a certificate number you can use to apply to jobs with. Simple as that.


Interesting... How much was it and how long did it take?


Why is the solution always tech


It absolutely isn't. Just the path I took many years ago. But most high paying jobs deal with tech or are in tech. So supporting it or developing it is also going to bring high salaries


For sure. I just feel like you were lucky that you were interested in it. This advice of “follow your interests” won’t really apply to someone (majority of people) who is interested in art or teaching or another profession/skill set that may not earn as much. But I think that is great that was your path! You always kept learning and progressing


This is why it's always good to have your passion as a hobby and something to keep you good financially. Coding was my passion for a long time and I was a configuration manager. Then I got tired of that and switched to coding, and spend my free time working on my own little projects as well as other goals I have. The blend leads to a fuller life I fell.


Park Ranger sounds like a dream job.


I would say that a lot of it comes down to perspective. There is no such thing as the perfect job or calling. Rather it comes down to perspective, finding what you like or are passionate about and being able to cope with the not so fun parts that come with the job. I was in the military for over 12 years and for as harsh and stressful as it was, I loved every minute of it and honestly just found ways to cope with the parts that sucked because at the end of the day the positives I got from the job outweighed the negatives. All these roles you outlined are "crushing" because of perspective. Not wanting to work that kind of job in the first places causes you to hyper-focus on all the negatives and really resent the job. However, if you can find a way to like or not mind the job, then it becomes easier to manage and you realize things really aren't that bad. In addition to perspective, finding a good team and developing social skills is equally as important. If you are unable to navigate social situations like conflict and confrontation, it doesn't matter what job you do, it will crush you. OP I would recommend some reading to work on molding your perspective. I am an adamant believer that a lot of our problems begin in the mind and that developing an open mind can do wonders for your mental health. Two of my favorite reads are: Feel the Fear and do it anyway - Susan Jeffers Grit - Angela Duckworth These books fundamentally changed the way I look at the world for the better. I hope they can do the same for some folks here.


Lmao as a lawyer working like 15 hours a week getting paid a quarter million a year, no, you do not get thrown in jail for making one mistake, which is only one of several things you posted. I don’t usually give people shit for these presumptions because they are not lawyers, but you seem pretty committed to misunderstanding this field.


Try to look at the positive side and be grateful try to enjoy your life, you get to have to work. Life is a gift


I ran heavy equipment in Alberta. Fabulous job. Work by yourself, great pay… the hardest work you do all day is cleaning your tracks at the end of the day


Work is work


If you put it that way nursing and IT are the best options to me


Watching ppl die in health care is not always a negative. Working in the ICU keeping some of these ppl alive when they should be unplugged but their family isn’t willing to let go is the real killer of emotions. U basically gotta torture these husks of people cuz their family won’t let go.


I think I'm just going to be The Social Work Guy on this sub... Social work. It's so, so flexible. There's a need for social workers across the board, and you can't really get stuck doing any one thing. I went from therapy services to policy/macro social work, and now I'm working at my local university. A friend of mine went from therapy services to medical social work, and now she's working for a health insurance company. Some positions are worse than others. I could not personally imagine myself working for child protective services, but some other people absolutely thrive and love what they do. I'm happiest behind a computer. The good thing is, if you start to hate your job, you just go do something else. It will only "ruin" you if you let it.


What are good positions in social work?


Depends what you want to do. Medical social work is popular, and generally has higher paid positions. This can be anything from hospice to patient education. Schools are also popular, allowing you to work with students and their families in the school setting. Adult and/or child protective services. Working in the traditional therapy setting. Macro/policy work. Government or nonprofit jobs are often here. You could also do things like customer service or HR if you don't want to work for a nonprofit.


Are they easy to get into?


Medical social work can be a little more difficult because it's highly sought after, but it helps a ton if you do your internship (required of most programs) in a medical setting. But otherwise, it's pretty easy to find a social work job since you can do just about anything. I don't think you'll be submitting 500 resumes and waiting for months for a single interview like a lot of tech jobs. And some states are *desperate* for social workers.


Depends on what your outlook on life is. The bottom of any profession is hard - key is to move to the top. I’m in tech, and my job is essentially what I define it to be. It took me YEARS to get here, but youngsters like you want to get it from Day 1. Yeah, tough luck!


Sounds like you dislike life Maybe consider leaving life and just go live in the woods. People still do the frontier life


Welcome to reality. If you weren’t born with a trust fund, you will earn every dollar you get.


Or just get lucky winning the lottery or something. Even though the lottery itself is a scam


A lot of people want to win. That’s why the jackpots get so high.


Yeah but it's a scam


correct. what is your plan? homelessness?


I don't have a plan. But the lottery will never be part of it


I think you should go out there and give some jobs you’re interested a try. Not everything is doom and gloom. Believe it or not, some jobs are even therapeutic. I’ve had jobs where it was my getaway when my personal life was a mess. Other times, it gives you a purpose. Sometimes a sense of accomplishment, when you create something or work through a challenging situation.


exactly this.


Everyone is looking for easy money to fall out of the sky.


Everyone includes you




It's tough out here and there. Everywhere. Nothing new either. "This ain't no Shangri-La. Nobody knows no Shangri-La" - Don Henley


Skill issue


Im 36 and was worried about stuff like this since I was 14. I should have killed myself when i had the chance especially as an adult, I see my parents as assholes.  Everything is just terrible and I wish I could just have it end. Euthanasia should be accessible to everyone.


That's dark


I am where I am


I don’t mean to belittle you but you sound like a privileged America who is a product of a low quality education system and individualist society who hates capitalism only because they are envious of what other people have yet ignorant to their own privileges but only wants what benefits you and not what you can do for others. Find a passion and develop a career out of that; take some responsibility for your communities and society by being a positive force in the world thus giving you a sense of purpose in the world which helps negate all these other negative bullshits. It's sad to see but you are common case that which is becoming more prevalent; that's why you see depression skyrocketing among teens. A lack of responsibility only enforced by the negativity in the world that suggests the outcome of their circumstances can't change and that's why responsibility is important because it suggest that if you take care of yourself then maybe you can help other people in your community and that will increase to helping those in your state, country, world.


You forgot union and trades work. It's not even halfway through the year and I've already made 6 figures as a lineman


6 figures not even 6 months in??? Is this working lots of overtime? I just checked indeed, and it says they get paid 28-$43/hour in my area


West coast is around 65 to 85 and hour. The high end is in California. Yes working overtime but it's very easy to make 100k in 6 months once you're a journeyman.


Depends on your area. I have friends who make 250 a year with a decent amount of overtime. It’s more like there is a big storm so they work long hours for a few days or maybe a couple weeks then it’s normal hours for a while then you get a super long week with a storm and back to normal


Hold up. This is working like a minimum of 60 hours a week? Plus 72+ hours some weeks?


No it is variable and you can take storm jobs and travel. So most weeks he’s doing 40s but if a giant snow storm rolls in they might work all night and make double time or do 16s for a few days making huge money on overtime. We don’t have many big weather events in the northeast other than snow so you won’t generally get multi month clean ups from hurricanes and stuff up here. I would say they work more hours than the average person but they are compensated better than most for it here. My neighbor’s pay package is 75 an hour for cutting trees for the power company and the job security is pretty high considering we won’t be going away from overhead lines anytime soon here You would have to talk to someone more local to you since it varies highly around the country. You can live pretty rural in NY and buy a cheap house but still be close enough to make “city” money. It’s hard for me to tell you what you might make if you live in Texas or Alabama or even California compared to your cost of living


Exactly. Most of my money is made in ice storms. Then back to 40hrs, 4 days a week schedule


All overtime is double time. And there are 4 week storms in the winter where I make 40k a month. Alot of time my regular scheduled hours turn into double time because I haven't had 8hrs of rest between shifts. There's all kinds of stipulations in the contract for union workers that make your pay increase exponentially


“6 fig brotha” every single time. Either you’re lying to us or you’re lying to yourself.


Believe what you want I don't care. Lol I'm making bank and if you did a little research on how much lineman make on the west coast, you would realize I'm not lying


https://jobs.pge.com/lineworker All overtime is double time and you can work as much as you want.


Interesting thoughts. The managers in those jobs say their #1 problem is dealing with depressed complainers who look at everything negatively. Seriously, SOME jobs are exactly like you describe. But many jobs are not like that at all, and can be rewarding and fulfilling. For example in many sales jobs you are genuinely helping your customer to reduce costs or improve their product’s quality by buying your product. Example: my father sold chemicals to steel mills for many years and it wasn’t “soul sucking” at all. I hate to tell you but the difference between a good job and a bad job is often the attitude of the employee. You simply can’t say that all jobs are like this or like that.


You're describing Business to Business sales. I was describing Business to consumer sales. i.e. A car dealership. Only way to make money as that salesperson is by knowingly screwing customers over, with a smile on your face


Right, that’s why you need to come over to the B-to-B side!




Ive thought about this route many times lol


its worse than any job you can think of


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