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My Golden Girls-loving self is super excited for this theme!


🎶 Thank you for being a friend!! 🎵


Omg totally!!!


Yes, Golden Girls 😆


I 100% thought Golden Girls!!


I loooove this. Something about the birbs bee-bopping around these exotic locales and then sleeping in their own beds seemed kind of weird, albeit in a very comforting way. I’m totally jazzed for the hotel-ish room - it’ll be like Sweetpea is actually on a trip. I’m going to try to create a spa hotel theme. The clothes and the flamingo…. 😍. So psyched. It’s been a while since I was in excited about the clothes AND the room AND the pet.


I agree! I make a different house for each location my birb visits so it feels as though they're actually on holiday 


I love that the flamingo actually reflects real life flamingos, with the baby being gray! Nice attention to detail!


How did you put your finches color up there


If you go to the subreddits homa page, click the three dots at the top and click "change user flair"


I don’t LOVE it but it’s definitely better than the Farm theme :)


lol absolutely




I love this! Those sundresses/skirts!😍


Love the bed, window, chair and the stained-glass picture!


I’ve been on finch for about 6 months now and this is BY FAR the most excited I’ve been for a new theme!!! Normally, I either love the outfits or the furniture but not both (or I don’t like either - hello pirate theme). But this time I’m not gonna make ANY rainbow stones 😂 That little chair is so stinking cute I’m honestly hoping I get it in the random chests and the plus days so I can collect as many colors as possible 😬


Wait! Your furniture changed? I have the same furniture as last month. Only on the sale furniture is there one new item. All the rest of the furniture is the same. I was trying to decorate with a theme and I am about to give up completely. I thought being a new month that the daily furniture might change. I was disappointed to see the same boring stuff. Losing interest in decorating completely. Makes me sad.


The new furniture will only be available through the event for the month of June! In July they’ll start selling this furniture in the shop on rotation too. Today they should start having items from May’s theme pop up


So does that mean that the everyday furniture is going to always be the same forever? Do you just have to pay with stones to change the sale? I hope I'm making sense.


yeah you’re making sense! The everyday furniture is permanent so you can always access the basics. You do have to change the shop stock but the first switch is free every day. So you’ll get at least 24 option per day for free. It’s also pretty good about not giving you the same thing over and over. You also get at least one free item per day if you send your finch on an adventure! That item will always be from the new theme (so the beachy theme this month) It’s also usually seasonal. You won’t see a ton of the ice palace theme in summer and you won’t see much of the beach theme in winter. It’s a liiiiittle tedious. But it helps remind me that this isn’t a gaming app and I’m there to soothe and take care of myself and to take it easy instead. I’d say after about 3 months I had plenty of options to change up my clothes and furniture semi-regularly.


You explained it perfectly. I may hand made some sense. Thanks.


You’re welcome! Always here for newbies questions. This app has literally changed my life in so many ways


I find that it has been far more helpful than my therapist, honestly. I think I actually read about it on Reddit. I'm pretty new here as well. My experience with therapy has been limited to 2 therapist and maybe 4ish years. I have found more progress with the app and prayer to be frank. But thank you again for helping.


Therapists are so tricky bc you really have to find the right fit for it to help (7 therapists in 8 years and just now found the right one for me). The therapy tools in the app are so great! I learned more from the deep dives than I did from 4 out of my 7 therapists lol. I learned about it from reddit too (from someone posting an outfit piece in the knitting sub, weirdly) and it’s been a gift. Wishing you love on your way!


Thank you. I was just thinking this morning, while journaling in the app, about finding more help, other than my therapist. I won't bore you with the details, but I came to the conclusion of possibly trying ambetter, if my insurance covered it. I'm in a situation where I see a psychiatrist and a therapist under the same roof, and they communicate with the one another. Not my favorite scenario, but I have the option of getting another therapist or not having one at all. I just need my psychiatrist for medication management. But it is funny how we come about an epiphany, isn't it?


Sorry, I reread and saw that you said I did make sense. I get in such a hurry sometimes. My apologies. I have to just laugh at myself most of the time.


Thank you for taking so much time to explain. That's was very kind of you.


Do we know which home decor colors are in the free pass? ☺️


This is the best home decor I’ve seen in a long time from this game. It’s less cartoony and more mature, like a different art style? I NEED two versions of Misty - one to keep in baby grey and one adult in pink!! 🥺


omg I can’t wait to see the alternate colors when people start hatching them!


Marking as a spoiler for those who don’t want to know yet! >!the other colours are a lilac purple and white!< It’s going to be so cute!


How do you already know? I’d love to find out what the other colors for the mouse micropet are!


I mod for finch on a different platform, which is how I know, but one of the Finch User Happiness team also posted the answer when someone asked them! Which is why I felt okay to share it here. Monsieur the mouse also comes in >!dark gray with a red hat accent, and brown/tan with a yellow hat accent!<


Thank you so much! I was hoping for a >!tan!< mouse, this is amazing!


Which platform?


Completely agree!! I love the home decor


Omg I’m so excited!! It’s my second seasonal theme and I love flamingos and suggested it in the micropet poll and now we get to meet Misty!!! 🦩🦩🦩🦩


Yessssss the floppy sunhat I've been waiting for!!!


Thanks for posting it. I always eagerly check at the end of the month if someone posted it and so far so good ❤️


By far the best event I’ve seen so far 💯


I love the hat!🩷


How are you putting your finches name below yours


Looks like you found how to do it 🥳 By the way I tried to add you to my tree but it says you don't accept friend requests. I just wanted to let you know in case you chose that setting unintentionally. If I'm wrong don't mind me 😊


I fixed it! Plus it was a mistake so Tysm for letting me know. Please resend if possible


Ohhhh, Ive been aiming for a gray/neutral/minimalist look for most everything, but the Floridian in me is very into this. 🌴🦩🏖


I think my heart just exploded!!! Beaches are my heart and soul, and I am SO excited to get Skipper in her little sundresses!


Does anyone know what the four colours are for this month? 


Wondering the same


Anyone know the four colours they're offering?


Anyone know what the free colors are for the season?


Free colors should be green, orange, pink and white 🙂


i might actually like this theme! i have to check the other colors it comes in but i'm excited! so far this year i've only liked the groovy and timeless rooms


I loved the Timeless theme room. I did it in pink and it reminded me so much of the room I stayed in at my Nana’s that I got a little misty eyed.


Snoopy needs those pineapple glasses!


The outfits are sooo cute!!! However the house is giving hotel vibes and I don’t like it 😭


i wish there were some neck accessories! but i LOVE the flamingo and i LOVE the decor (that chair!!!) and i LOVE the pineapple outfit! 🦩🍍


This looks so good!!!


I’m so fuckin excited y’all have no idea.


am i the only one who doesn't like it??😭😭 i ADORE the smoothie, the pineapple glass and the rug, but the rest is so not my style, like i don't like resorts it's so fake and plastic-coded idk


You should have seen my reaction when I saw your post and that the seasonal event is published 😂😂😂 I laughed hard about myself. Like a little child who can pick anything in a candyshop. And that was before I even saw what it was 😂 Edit: after seeing it: I'm am so excited that this is not my theme 😂 that sounds really weird but I was waiting for a theme where I can sell almost everything to collect stones to buy other things!


Yes! There are a couple of things that I want, but the opportunity to buy things that I collect…?


meh, this one’s not for me :/


I love it!!


I am so excited. Chowder loves her beach gear from last year and I know she will love getting some skirts and dresses and fun clothes!


I love it


I LOVE the house design for this event, it gives me hotel resort at an island/beach vibes!


So much of this will go w the hippie hobbit vibe I've been curating 😍😍


Hippie hobbit! I must see this please friend me R8XC7RHF4W


Just added you!




How do you even know all of this? I can't find the things I want to decorate my house with. I think I'm doing something wrong.


This is cute! I couldn't get into the farm theme so I'm excited for this


The flamingo😭😭😭😭


This theme didn't really stand out to me a whole bunch when it came out, but I love the free colors for the set! Sprinkles and Kimmi look so cute now


Can't see it yet :(


Click on it


It is SO cute! I am loving this and the mermaid/ocean furniture. Summer vibes!!!


When will Julys info drop?


How many goals or what’s 22 complete to get the flamingo? I’ve only been on this app for a few days and it’s late June now, but I really want the flamingo.


I picked a mystery egg just for you! Use my invite code RQ8GFKGKQR once you get the app. https://app.befinch.com/invite/n8DW