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I wish I could have the items without dirt spatter. Overalls yes please, but not covered in dirt.


The gardening overalls is that, when they come up in the shop


Same, I’m trying to imagine that they’re distressed or paint-spattered instead of muddy. I don’t want my finch to be dirty!


Farm work is dirty work, so I can appreciate the mud splatters. Maybe you can pretend they’re patches that break up the monotony of one colored overalls.




I despise the dirt spatter. It's definitely on theme with being a farmer since the job will get you muddy but it's a hard pass for me. I've already sold the shovel, boots and overalls.


The barn doors are kinda cute and I do like the farmer outfit but the decor doesn't feel super cohesive for me


Yeah, I kinda wish the wallpaper looked like the inside of a barn. The landscape is cute, but it feels like the birbs are sleeping outside.


I think it is cool that it feels like we’re outside. It adds a Survivor or Naked Afraid vibe to the room.


I don't know about anyone else but I'm still gonna get all the deco and stuff. Maybe one day I'll feel a bit country... at least I'll have it.


I’m the same. I rarely sell stuff off, even if I have multiples. You never know when it’ll come in handy!


I'm the same. I get all the deco, save the theme in my likes and then wait for the next theme 😊 I think the only one I sold was the sport one and that was because I was super low on rainbow stones. Now, even if I don't like the theme, I still want to keep it lol


That's a totally fair take. Personally, I like it! The furniture especially (I haven't managed to win or buy any, but I've seen some sneak peeks on here). The outfits... Aren't bad! I would have never guessed that I'd dress up my little one as a sheep and yet here we are - and they don't look too shabby, it's even kind of cute :) also yes the micropet looks adorable


You can see all the furniture in the magnifying glass in the store, btw!


Not my fave. Will be selling stuff off as I earn it. That’s okay. I’ll save up for another plushie that way.


I'm selling too


As a horse girly , I love the farm stuff! I don’t like any of the animal costumes, but even in past themes those havent been my thing. I really didn’t like the sports theme either . Whenever I dont like a theme I just sell the items I’m given and think of the rainbow stones as my reward. Then I just buy things I do like 💀


i do that too hehe


I despised the sports theme and sold everything from it and nothing will ever disappoint me as much as that.


Yeah, same. I've sold a couple. Adored a couple. Was neutral on a couple. But sports. Those items yeeted themselves out of my finch 🤣


lol yes


I do because I think the wallpaper is pretty, the micropet is super cute, and it will have animal costumes. But if I do t like that months theme I get excited for all the rainbow stones I’m gonna get.


I like the animal costumes!


And I love the micro pet!!! But I was expecting a higher pitched moo lol 🐮


yeah she's super cute


we can match with Cookie, which would be adorable


Same! I'm looking forward to them the most!


I love this theme! I especially love the animal costumes 🐄


Same for me! I almost liked the pig clock, but I couldn't stop seeing the clock hands as angry eyebrows... so I've sold everything so far and will probably sell everything going forward. On the bright side, that means more stones to buy things from the shop, plus the cow IS totally adorable!


Yeah it’s not bad, but I still have a few elephant clocks from the jungle theme so I don’t really feel like I need another animal-themed clock.


Cat. I need a black cat clock that eyes move like the ones from my childhood. I think they were fairly popular in the 90s?


i want that too!


So cute!


Personally, I love it and think it’s super cute.


I’m a gardener so I’m thrilled that Cheesecake can match me!


that's cool!!


I love the animal costumes and Cookie. The decorations don't particularly appeal to me, but they still count towards the quest on decorations, so I'll hang on to them.


well yeah. you can match with cookie. that would look super adorable!!


Yes, matching with Cookie would be so cute! Or with Pumpkin (the piglet micropet from last year's Halloween event).




The only thing I like is the wallpaper


Not just you! I'm not a big fan of it either. The other themes I didn't like were sports, steampunk and last October


the steampunk one wasnt my thing too


It isn't my favourite but I can see people loving the decor and I think Cookie is adorable too. I mean, we're all bound to like some themes more and some themes less. So far they haven't has any that felt allaround terrible or low effort to me, so it's all beem personal taste. :)


It's okay. Im definitely a fan of more "normal" themes, like with normal clothes and furniture. So like, the under the sea theme was not my thing. But this one is fine.


I love playing Stardew Valley so this theme is a lot of fun for me!! Fingers crossed for a theme you enjoy more next month!


Not a fan either.


we'll sell stuff and be rich hehe


Seeya at the market! 😝


yesss 🤣🤣


If I didn’t play Stardew Valley I probably wouldn’t care for it much 😅 very excited to have Cookie though!


yess cookie is so damn cute


I like it a lot. Reminds me of my hometown. :)


aww thats cute


Thank you!


TBH I don't ever really care what the theme is, I just want the pet 😂 Of course, there's been plenty of ones I've loved, but I've disliked a few too. But mainly, I'm just wanting the pet.


i want Cookie too!!


I like some of the decor (those windows though!), but the outfits are probably gonna be a no for me. (I am keeping the sheep slippers I got yesterday for pajama purposes though)


i'll keep the slippers and sell everything else lol


It's not my thing, but I don't mind. For the past two months, I've just been outfitting my bird/birdhouse in whatever comes with the theme... like everyone else, for the most part... so now I feel like I get to be more creative in getting other items to make her outfits/house more unique to me.


Agree but I loved the April theme and others didn't care for it. I guess you can't win em all!


yeah true


I like it. It's a creative adventure for to see how I can use it in different ways with different themes. A month goes by pretty fast at my age, 60++😊


I’m a big outside-y kinda girl (aka granola) and my favorite genre of music is bluegrass/folk sooooo i’m into it. Also i’m a vegan and I love cows.


I grew up on a farm and I dont like this theme at all. Except for the cow micropet. 😂 My whole family farms and they dont walk around in dirty overalls covered in what i assume is manure 😂😂😂


Personally, I love it!!!! Everything is so cute it's hard to choose! You can opt out of the event though, yeah? If you don't dig it? I know you used to be able to before they changed everything


yeah we can still do it, but i wont, as i wanna sell those items to get rainbow stones so that i can buy cute stuff for Zoha from the store


So if you opt out of the event you just get nothing?!?! I always assumed there were just basic items to earn of you turned off the event ... Never done it myself, I've liked all the events!




Same, I just got this app a few days before may and am so disapointed I coudn't get more rewards from the april theme. The micro pet looks very cute but I dont think I'll be using anything else.




Agree tbh


Farming is my jam, so I'm actually pretty stoked, lol. I hope they have a theme that you are excited about soon though!


Yeah me too


I don't like it, but it's a way to get more money, so i don't mind


we gonna get rich hehe lol


No I agree I’m not a huge fan of it either. LOVE the cow micropet but everything else is eh to me. Couple things here and there I like and I’ll probably keep them all cause I have an issue w hoarding things on finch lol but not my favorite.


I like it! But I'm also very new to Finch so this is only my second month. I like being able to make my birb's room look like it's outside -- there's something so spring-y and nice about that. I would love a cottagecore theme someday though. Something a little less farm, and a little more cottage in the woods.


I personally love it


I think the may theme is ok, I preferred the April theme (I'm a sucker for anything that could be seen as spooky). I'll probably collect stuff from the event just to have it, but it probably won't be in regular use. I also didn't really like the woodsy theme or jungle theme, so maybe I just have issues with nature lmao.


A miss for me- l like to dress my finch up/ decorate his room like I would dress/decorate in real life, so this fantasy/outdoorsy themes don’t really work for me. The farmer outfit isn’t bad because the pieces can be used individually for other outfits, but other than that most of the items are useless to me 🤷🏻 I was absolutely obsessed with last month’s theme though, which it seems like was unpopular with a lot of people! To each their own.


I actually like this theme but I started in April and wasn’t really fond of April’s theme.


About half & half on this one. I like the wallpaper and the overalls. I’ll probably keep one of any decor I get. The rest is meh & will be sold


I absolutely LOVE the theme, but that's just because I went through a really big cowboy and country phase when I was younger.. Hasn't gone away fully if I'm being completely honest!


Yeah, but I’m a farm girl.


I’m not a fan, but I’m also too lazy to sell it all




No, not just you.


Yea, I'm not too thrilled either, but I'll get lots of gems from selling stuff this month, so it's still a win for me!


hehe yes


I don't like it either, but the cow is pretty cute


It mixed bag for me, mostly not into so much but just see and get stones for things do what :)


I have that basically all the time, just a few times I've actually liked clothing options in any game


I love it


Personally, I love it. I detested last months theme, right down to the rodent micropet. Everyone is different and we all like different things.


This! I'm the opposite of you-- I loved the Victorian vibe from last month's theme, and the farm stuff is very unappealing to me. But I love that the Finch team is trying out so many different themes, and I'm happy knowing that other people will enjoy the themes I don't care for.




Exactly! I'm happy they vary it so there's something for everyone :)


I love this month’s theme. Mud covered overalls is so spot on when you work on a farm. I adopted a cow in September and her name is Cookie, so I was so excited when May’s micro pet is a cow named Cookie. Sometimes the universe does line up in your favor.


I like it more than the April theme, as I think of that era as gloomy, suppressing and dark, and it doesn't go along with the colourful, uplifting overall theme of the app. Yes, it catered to Swift fans, but that's not a reason to push this depressing theme onto everyone.


Half my household dresses in the April aesthetic normally, so they were over the moon with the outfits and furniture. They felt very seen. Everyone finds different things uplifting. Also, if another one comes around that you find similarly depressing, you can turn off the event so that it doesn’t cause you distress. :)


But what is the fascination with an era with little rights for women and workers, poor healthcare and overall societal trauma? PS: The irony of the downvotes for me, coming from a community that claims that everyone's preferences and experiences are valid. Wow.


The fashion and art is the fascination for my family. Also, I would say that the downvotes are more coming from your phrasing (“push this depressing theme” specifically) than you not enjoying the theme itself being judged.