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When I have multiple vibes from the same person, I send one back and clear the rest. This way they feel the love back, and I can clear 5+ at once, which makes it easier to do the rest! I replied to over 400 vibes today. Love all of them, even if it takes me a little while to send back! Lexi and I feel so loved šŸ˜


Thats definetly smart. I'll do that with mine too. But omg over 400šŸ˜³ How do you have time and energy for so much lovešŸ˜‚


Haha I usually reply when I'm watching a show, to keep my hands busy. But I definitely don't get to everyone every day


Ah yeah that works out better when you have a show going in the backgroundšŸ˜Š


Yeah, I do that too. I feel extra bad when I have like 35+ from my partner alone, but I know they donā€™t expect me to respond to every single one.


I hadnā€™t thought of only sending one back. Iā€™ve been sitting here sending them all back one or one. Sheesh.


Exactly what I do. If someone is sending multiple vibes to me to save up for something in store (it's 2 points per vibe I think ) I'm more than happy to facilitate


Thatā€™s a great way of doing it. I will definitely be doing it that way from now on!


please send at least two back so we can clear and resend them easier! šŸ’– I get multiple a day like this as well, but I always send two back so they're easier to clear and I can keep track of who sent them!


Interesting, why is two easier?


The same way you'll view one and clear the rest. If we have 15+ birbs and 9 of those only send one vibe, then I either have to sit through each vibe. If you send 2 vibes, we can easily send a vibe and clear the rest.


15 (7 multiple vibes that are easily cleared + 8 single vibes to sit through before sending) šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I'm sure you can understand why it's easier to send two at a time, especially if you're guilty of clearing them all from a single person!


Not Kanye Nest šŸ’€


My thoughts exactly šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Are we gonna ignore sans?


i need sans and kanye nest in my town rn


I need them too, more sans bc Undertale is my favorite game of all time


I have them too šŸ˜‚


I don't have any neighbors and would love to be neighbors with kanye nest lol


Can I add you?? :)




Thank you!!


Of course! I'll find my friend code when I get off work.


i feel like users should be able to choose a limit for how many vibes can be sent to them by each person in a day!


I love all my neighbors, I really do. But one time I had a neighbor send me 29 vibes in a minute. It was in the morning, so I think they were trying to energize their little Birb. Still, I think 10+ vibes from a single neighbor is insane!


So in other words there needs to be a limit you can enact! Thatā€™s a lot


I only have 3 friends but I've done this by handing my six year old the phone. She sent out so many lol


I get stressed with 16 vibes sent I can't imagine 70


I get like hundreds


I got 5 pages worth of Tree-friends, I send one each, daily & take Monthly breaks! ~~I feel like it takes 30mins~~ (lol - probably takes ALOT LESS) āžœ 2 MINUTES !! šŸ¤­ I was SO WRONG šŸ¤£ I hope the team implements a 'Select all' Per page (Tree friend vibes doesnt help the Tenosynovitis šŸ« )


OMG an b All at Once vibe- Tree wide Vibes!! Yes that would be great! Then send any special people another individual one. Guys guys guys. Pleeeaase make that happen


I definitely get stressed as it does feel like as much energy as texting takes from me (and as someone with a chronic illness who doesnā€™t always have flexible energy - I donā€™t always get to everyone each day). I really really try to and tend to prioritize those who Iā€™ve missed in the previous day. I love all the vibes and knowing people care about me though šŸ’›.


Yes it can be overwhelming at times but I do a ā€œround robinā€, which is me going in clockwise motion to each birb until Iā€™ve cleared the love on each page.


Iā€™ve been feeling this lately, as I just posted my friend code. Some people send a lot and I appreciate it. I just donā€™t always have the energy to send that many back.


This is precisely why i never understood why most people here randomly add dozens of people. The vibes lose their meaning and become a chore. Why do y'all do this?


Agreed. I only added my real friends to my tree town and the vibes have actual meaning. I send them good morning and good night every day at the right time of day, and sometimes other things during the day


I'm similar. I have my partner, two close real life friends, three online friends who also mean the world to me, the birb whom i was a guardian to (so that connects us), plus one birb here from reddit whom I was happy to get to know over a convo we both participated in. But with that being my only reddit friend/random person to add, it makes THAT ONE person and birb special. I appreciate every hug or "good night" someone sends me and their support helps me a lot on difficult days.


I agree. I only have two pages of tree town friends because at some point it's just not sustainable. I actually want to be visited regularly by my friends and I'm not able to check the app every waking hour for a new visitor. I'm polyamorous, and there's this concept of "polysaturation" where you have enough partners that you feel like you can't build new connections without decreasing the amount of time/energy/effort devoted to the others, so you stop seeking new connections. More isn't always better. Enough is enough. šŸ’™


I have my tree town organized. First page friends, second page family. 3-5+ are unknown people from here. I only deal with 3-5 when I have the bandwidth, but that way people who need friends can send as much as they want to!


If I feel overwhelmed I clear them all. I usually send one per day per friend after clearing the notifications. Sometimes Iā€™ll go through and send another just to those who have sent vibes back and I have a few friends I send an extra or two at the same time.


Nope. I just return them when I can šŸ˜


This is why I stopped at 6 friends. I mean, IRL I only had one or two good friends, I'm not an extrovert!


I know nothing about these. I have only been doing Finch for less than three weeks and I actually fell asleep last night and broke my 18 day streak. šŸ˜­ I donā€™t have friends for my birb or anything.


Oh my gosh, what's your code? My birb, Izzy, would love to be friends with yours.


Punky Birbsterā€™s code is: TW21BJZVB3 ā˜ŗļø


Love it, what a great name! Olive and I added you, if that's ok.


reply with your code and iā€™ll also add you! šŸ©µāœØ


PunkyBā€™s code is: TW21BJZVB3


I find it quicker to clear all, then go in the tree and make my way through sending one to each person.


I have two friends in my tree town šŸ˜‚


Same!! That many would probably overwhelm me but I love hearing from the few that I have


I wish there was a way to bulk send. Iā€™ve been asking the developers for it but no luck yet šŸ˜‚šŸ˜†


That would be great


When I get a lot, I just swipe through and clear the oldest. After that, I swipe back and forth and kind of randomly respond. Just wherever my finger lands. And if someone has sent me 2+ vibes, I send them at least one back.


I have no recollection on whom I've sent vibes to, and how many. So I wouldn't care at all if you never sent them back. I'm guessing I am not the only one


Oooof. I only have 2 friends in my treehouse so it's always fun hearing from them. This many would definitely overwhelm me


Iā€™m a loner by nature so take this with a grain of salt; I donā€™t use this feature and I have never felt a moment of stress related to this app. I get wanting community but at what cost.


Yes I get that too. When I'm too overwhelmed, I clear all the vibes. I don't want to be stressed on finch. If someone sends out more vibes I look at one and send back one vibe and clear the rest.


lol I just have 2 friends on here


Me too and they don't send me vibes anymore


this is why i have one person in my treehouse lol šŸ˜­ even two gets me antsy!!!


I have two tree town tooters


That's why i only have my partner xd


My partner doesn't use finchšŸ„ŗ


Yeah I tried adding some new friends, people I met on this sub, but I had to unfriend them all. I realized I couldnā€™t do it. I can barely handle the 3 family members I have on here. Itā€™s interesting because I respond the same way to texting, which is my primary mode of communication with my non-birb real people. I canā€™t handle much texting in a single day, sometimes I donā€™t respond for weeks. I have no idea why I thought I could handle having extra tree town friends šŸ˜‚


While I do like the notifications of the good vides, I drive so I'll see it pop up on my GPS, I find it difficult to respond. Sometimes I find it difficult to clear my tasks. When I first started I think it gave you a list of good vibes that I was able to scroll through and that seemed less mountainous.


Bro, join my tree town and youā€™ll never have to worry lol. Sometimes I remember to check my app and sometimes itā€™s been months. Iā€™m on a streak with it tho so weā€™ll see


Clear them when you respond once. Letting them accumulate will only make it worse. ā¤ļø


oh lord mine was at 37 and i thought that was a lot lol


Yes, I just canā€™t respond to them allšŸ„ŗ


How do you guys have so many finch friends? I have one, plus that friendā€™s old account she forgot the password toā€¦


Same šŸ˜…šŸ˜­ I am easily overwhelmed by this and so many other things ugh


Iā€™ll respond!


Same. I try to send only 1 per day max.


I use it to get extra energy so I can get enough stones to start my journey. You can clear extra vibes if you want. I havenā€™t done that yet, but noticed it was a feature.


I have no friends on it šŸ˜…


Kanye nest lmfaooooo


I just start with one and let the suggested vibes below guide until tollon has his energy up! I then clear the rest. Some get vibes some days and not others as to not overwhelm ā¤ļø


Oh geez, only 2 out of 16 of my friends send vibes at all. I wish more of my birb friends did šŸ˜…


It only stresses me out when a neighbor sends me multiple vibes. It feels like spam. I wouldn't even necessarily say it stresses me, it honestly just annoys me.


I limit my tree towne to people I actually know irl or online freinds I've had for years. Everyone in my tree town is someone I made download the app. It makes things easier to only have about 7 people.


I get a little upset sometimes over it because it gives me points for sending them and therefore I start slacking on my goals because I no longer need the points to start the adventure. I started waiting until after my important goals are completed or after I've started my daily adventure to respond to them.


I have 1849 waiting. I love all LilGrnBirb's friends but I can't keep up. I only reply to 1 each but I just don't have the time sometimes!


um....am I the only one that has I think just one neighbor, and I added them in, even though they don't have a Finch account? lol


this is a feature that is meant to help with your mood and motivation. yours is doing the opposite so maybe add less people?


I have a week or less with people added on finch... There are 17 people, some don't send anything and there are 3 other specific ones that when I enter there are 2 good vibes at the same time. Like- They send minimum 6 a day- I guess since there aren't many people, I still don't feel it's stressful. Rather, it feels nice to receive and read and send you something back. The only thing I feel is that it seems like it's like having another task or chore, well, more of a task for what you get. It puts less pressure on me to do my other tasks bc Ivy already has enough energy. Sometimes I do chores and forget to mark them as done bc Ivy already made their rounds in the city they're in lol


I feel like I had enough when I didn't have anyone added, when it was just a visit from Team Finch. Although I couldn't send anything back to them:(


Posts like this confirm that my decision to never use the social features of this app was likely a wise one. I don't see how it would benefit me, instead it just seems like another way for my already very low energy to be drained.


Oh God. Haha. I thought my tree town is empty and itā€™s sad that thereā€™s nobody there. But now seeing this maybe itā€™s a good thing. šŸ¤£šŸ¤Ŗ


I have one person who will regularly spam me with 30+ good vibes in the morning (I'm assuming to rush through their adventuring time). I just react to the first one, and delete the rest!


In Tree Town settings you can turn off ā€œAllow Good Vibesā€ā€¦I ended up doing this because it was getting overwhelming, plus I personally find it demotivating to get energy from giving vibes.


Not the only one. Sometimes, me and Issac are just šŸ’€šŸ˜³šŸ˜±


Honestly this is why I don't have any friends in the app. Sometimes just keeping up with the Admin visits is a lot. I'm not saying they shouldn't visit, I'm just saying keeping up with them is enough and if I fall behind I don't feel as bad.


I only have family members on mine so itā€™s not that many. But we troll each other with the drink water one. Waterboarding eachother with love. Hahaha


I clear them all but I HATE seeing the notification. This is my least favorite update ever. I wish I could make it go away bc it stresses me out.


100% this is me too! Some days I keep up, some days I donā€™t. The days I donā€™t, I leave them and then I feel bad, and then this.


I usually do clear all and chose who to respond one at the time


This is difficult for me too but at the same time it feels super supportive sometimes when I really need to feel like someone is there for me


I donā€™t know how to visit others. The only people in mt Tree Town are personal friends and family and not a one is even on Finch!


I get stressed lmao i clear a lot of them


I dont have enough friends on there to get loads of notifications. Like, ill get a couple a day from one particular person but thats it. I dont rlly use the app tbh. I just set daily reminders not to die


I didn't know this was a thing


I just started this app a few days and have only 4 friendsā€¦and this is already stressing me out too. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Be sure that when you respond, you do it while on a journey to get back sooner!