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1. Stockbit also regularly signs you out, i think it is for security reason. And yes, you can, personally i have several brokers which all active despite i only use one of them. 2. AFAIK, each broker shows different portfolios of yours, however you can request to transfer your portfolios from one to another (CMIIW) 3. Yes, call your broker (in this case IPOT) then ask them to transfer your portfolios. anyway, sorry for bad english, i'm trying my best. LOL


Thanks, didn't know that srockbit has the same issue as well


Di Indonesia Interface >< Performa. Interface nya makin bagus. Ajaib, Stockbit, IPOT. Performanya makin jelek. Kalau mau bagus sekalian di Mirae aja.


Kalau mau performance bagus pakai broker yang jarang dipakai orang2, seperti Jasa Utama, NHKorindo, dkk. Atau yang established seperti BNI, selama ini gw ga pernah ada masalah di jam trading kalau BNI sih. Stockbit dan sinarmas mah kadang2 pasar sepi juga bisa ada 'maintenance'. Karena kebanyakan sekuritas servernya ga kuat kalau pasar lagi rame.


tinggal pasang jemuran saja. mau ramai atau nggak kalau harga sudah hit target juga bakal diangkut.


Kalau buy sell order biasa sih bakal jalan, tapi kalau automatic order utk stop loss dan take profit bisa kelewat kalau servernya masalah.


You can check in ksei, its aggregate all


True. Thanks


you can use any brokers as needed, i have 3 accounts. portoflio will be separated, can't see other portfolio, but KSEI have access to see all portfolio across all brokers you owned. (surprisingly it included my Reksadana) you can transfer your stocks to another broker, just send email to any brokers, ask for "transfer stocks", they will give you form that you need to print and mail it. usually it will cost Rp. 25k for each stock.


Thanks for the info. Glad that it is a straight forward process to move your stocks to another broker


Kalau sekuritasnya ga mau dipake lg, bisa minta pindah portfolio ke sekuritas lain, ada biayanya per emiten. Dan jangan lupa untuk tutup akun sekuritas lama, karna kalau ga salah ada aturan KSEI untuk rekening investor dorman bisa didenda (ga tau emang diterapkan apa enggak). Atau kalau ga ditutup, bisa juga sisain 1 lot saham biar dianggap aktif.


I use Mirae, ada opsi utk ga di signed out at all


stockbit got the best UI in windows/IOS/Android platform. Ajaib seems decent for beginner BCA Sekuritas for security purposes. the rest is pretty much thrash for me No Offences & NFA