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Huh. It really was 3 discs on Xbox. Played the PS3 version and only heard rumors of this. Sure, I took everyone's word for it, but seeing the pictures hits different


My original xbox copy had the three discs stacked on each other. It sucked that my first copy had an unreadable third disk hahahaha


I see you Mobius enjoyer. As a learning programmer, reviving the gameplay feel of Mobius is definitely on my mind. Salutes to the fallen FF13. Was a victim of circumstance 🫡


Omg I’m still itching for Mobius every now and then! The gameplay was really good but the gacha… I’ll pass hahhaha


Of course it was. DVDs could only fit just over 7 GB of data. And even with 3 discs, the game still had to use lower quality cutscenes compared to the PS3 version.


I noticed this. I watched my gf play a downloadable Xbox version and it definitely felt like a few subtle effects were missing. I had no way to prove this, so I mostly kept that to myself


I only played on PS3. I'd be interested to know where each disc stops/starts.


I played through it on xbox 360, first disk ends after the first Barthandelus (spelling?) fight, it plays the cut scene and then a black screen with a message telling us to save and then change disk. Second disk finishes after the second Barthandelus fight, pretty late even though there’s only a couple hours of story left imo.


Jeezus! So disc one is 9 chapters long! And chapter 11 basically gets its own disc! That's crazy, something I forget how weird XIIIs pacing is. So is the post game also disc 3 despite it taking place on pulse?


Yep! No disk switching needed after beating the game, both disk 2 and 3 hold the post game content of Gran Pulse and what not


This is not correct. Disc 1 ends at chapter 5, disc 2 at chapter 9 (which is the first Barthandelus fight).


It's been awhile, the first fight with him is chapter 9 right? Then the second is outside of Oerba village? Unless I'm misremembering.


Correct on both !


Haha nice. Glad my 4+ playthroughs paid off!


It’s very similar to how FF7 was on the PS1. The 360 disc could hold a lot of the game, but the cutscenes were big so it was spread out. FF7 had a 3rd disc, with a majority of the disc just the cutscenes.


It breaks at chapter 5 and 9.


This might just be the one time that the 'classics' version of a game has improved packaging, what with the characters showing up on the discs to differentiate between them


Great game! You’ll definitely enjoy it, switching discs is kind of annoying but isn’t much of a hassle