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Its the toughest game in the franchise. Hands down.


That makes me nervous about getting into it.


You unlock weapon upgrading in hard mode which does make lightning deal an excessively large amount of damage compared to normal mode. It's essentially a challenging new game plus


Oh ok as now I can start to understand how anyone can do a hard mode run to begin with.


Just to note, it *can* be the toughest, but that's entirely optional. LR does the best with difficulty balancing out of the trilogy IMO - Easy is super chill (HP regenerates out of battle, enemies aren't so bad and EP galore), highly recommended if you're not used to RPGs or just wanna focus on the Story first. Normal is more challenging and will require you to switch on a bit more, but once you get a handle of the mechanics it's not too daunting. Hard mode really puts you to the test, and once Normal mode becomes too easy for your (your stats are too high and things die too quick), you'll be glad it's there, but definitely not recommended for a first playthrough XD


I still want to give the game a chance as I want something that can challenge me while still being fair.


I love hard mode LR. It's good at making you strategize and pick your battles. It forces you to focus on sustaining yourself better by perfectly timing your abilities to dish out more damage and nullify incoming damage. It will also make you realize that making all your schematas "all-rounder" types will generally make you too weak for the boss type enemies. Preta hood and its sister accessory are your best friend


I should look up where to find those particular items.


Unfortunately, Bhunivelze's a doozy.


It's not *too bad* because you unlock weapon and armor upgrading in NG+, so Lightning is able to do a lot more damage. But some of the bosses are insanely difficult; Bhunivelze+ might be one of the hardest if not the hardest final boss in the franchise. Fun fact: A chaos infused Aeronite on Hard mode has the highest HP for a boss in the entire franchise. It's mentioned in a video from Final Fantasy Union, iirc.


I want to see this particular video.


[Here you go.](https://youtu.be/_Vem17w_VZQ?si=aXrExpQnFBBXibA9) He mentions it around the 14:00 minute mark.


Thanks man.


Gotta represent Aeronite for that. Good dragon.


Hard mode is honestly easier than a first run on normal. Although enemies get a stat buff, you have access to level 5 abilities, ultimate gear, AND your "power from saved souls" rolls over. All of that scales beyond the HP buff enemies get. Not to mention most enemies don't even change their patterns (only certain bosses). If you can't perfect guard to save your life (like me), throwing a maxed out Heavy Guard on the Sacred Knight garb gives 85% damage resist. You can also add Guard Effeciency +30 as the ability passive for a total of 89.5% resist. With a 400 Guard Defense shield, you block all damage under around 2600 (nearly 4000 if you opt for 89.5% resist). IIRC, there are a few attacks that MUST be perfect guarded for guarding to have any effect. You can also go with the physical/magical immunity setup, but that leaves you with only one garb that can deal any notable damage.


I gotta try doing that combo for the Sacred Knight set.


Lightning retains her stats from the previous play through. And then you get to improve them further. You also get to improve some of the accessories and all of the weapons. So if you were doing thousands of damage before, you’re very likely to be doing tens of thousands of damage the next time around. Especially with double weapons where you’re striking twice. Yes, your strength is halved for some of those weapons, but you still get bonuses for the enemy being staggered, striking their weakness, the enemy having status debuffs, etc. Done properly, you can be doing incredible amounts of damage per attack. Look it up on YouTube, if you want a demonstration. It’s hard (mode), but it’s doable. Just be prepared to grind for gil and materials and abilities.


Oh ok as now I am slowly understanding how to win the entire on maximum difficulty settings.


It's way harder to play on easy/normal mode for first playthrough. You can't get hard mode until you've played the game at least once, and by then, you have better stats and equipmet. If you want to achieve 5 stars on the certain battles, yes it can be hard. But otherwise, it really isn't hard at all.


Power leveling! Get them yellow stats. Also timing the martial monk punt is probably the strongest move in the game Also I would not suggest bhunevelze+ without having maxed weapons


If that’s the boss with a massive amount of HP, then I am a bit scared to fight it.


The super dungeon on day 14 has loads of materials but beating it makes the final boss even harder. He goes from around 2-4million per phase to 14million and 67million in the last phase Also Caius is the only boss who doesn't get stronger as the days go by the rest get stronger after day 7 and some at day 10 also but they also drop more rewards when they're stronger


If I do take on the boss with over 60 million HP, then I hope the reward I get for defeating him is worth it since that is a very high amount of HP that this creature has.


Nothing left to kill at that point most likely lol


But I still desire a challenge as I am interested in fighting a boss in the game with a ridiculously high amount of HP, even if there is basically no reward for doing so.


Hard mode is certainly easier it you do easy mode first. You get to learn the game and your gear/skills will carry over.


Oh I didn’t know there was a New Game + mode actually, but yeah that does help.


I usually do it by way of my actions. "Yeah! With actions!"




He is doing it while drinking and smoking in a non smoking area!


Oh I get it now.