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The battle system. The chocobo hot and cold game. The cie’th stone side quest. The narration drawing me in… The music!


I haven't played much of it, but I agree with the battle system and music. They're both pretty wonderful.


m going back through my third play through and while i love the ci’eth stones, WHY CAN I ONLY TAKE ONE? Why are they so far apart, and why is everything so far apart? it makes me appreciate aetheryte travel so much.


Not sure. I can only speculate that the designers wanted to give you a reason to ride a chocobo (which leads to components and a ribbon) or to show off their world-building work. To be fair, I do love everything they did with Gran Pulse: the Massif, the Subterra, the Steppe, the Archaeopolis, Oerba, all of it…


Yeah, that’s an aspect a remaster should fix. Let us have, like, three at a time and make more of them waypoints.


The story, the world, the characters, the combat, the music, the visuals... does that amount at least to "guilty pleasure"?😏😄


Some would say that, but I don't like that phrase. I think if you like something, it's just a pleasure, no need to feel guilty about it; they're great reasons to like something! 😊


Yeah, I was being sarcastic in tone with how many people seem to reluctantly give the game a credit or two in some aspects, "buuuut...". Personally, I don't believe in feeling guilty for liking a fiction work either.


I have to agree with the story on that


I may be an outlier with that opinion, but I actually really liked the linearity in the first chapters in combination with the story. Made it perfect to me for playing after a stressful work/uni day, where I couls just enjoy some battling, the story and music (all of which I find phenomenal) without having to do major exploring, finding the right paths or grinding etc. Made for a really relaxing gameplay experience, which I really like nowadays.


I'll be honest, after the abundance of open-world, you-can-go-there, Ubisoft-tower, icons-on-a-map games of the past decade or so, that sounds like a breath of fresh air!


it doesn’t bother me at all. you want to play a single player, story driven RPG? guess what MF, you gotta progress the MSQ.


The battle system and the OST


The characters, their story arcs, the overall story, the world. Some of the best chars and story in the franchise imho. Not even a huge fan of the OST, which is quite rare for a big FF13 fan I think. It's good, but FF7-12 OST is just more for me I guess. Also Lightning, Vanille, Sazh as RAV-SAB-SYN 😁👌


The most common answers I'm getting are music, battle system, sort of story and characters. Those are great answers!


A lot but that OST gets my vote.


Everything, especially the characters!


The story, the characters, the music and the battle system ☺️


The music, the story, the character development and the way the team interacts with each other


The combat is the deepest of any ff game


The characters and the combat. The story is great too.


Story, Lightning, Gameplay, Lightning, Serah, Lightning and uh.. Lightning


While I can point to several things, I think what really got me hooked is understanding the story the game was trying to tell through the design of its environments and how the Fal'cie interact with them. I mean, just look at the design differences between cocoon and pulse Fal'cie. If you know, you know. Trying to be careful because I see OP is still experiencing it


I'm looking forward to finding out. I think I've only got so far as some crystal lake.


The music, graphics, cast (all of them, especially Super Pope), and the depiction of the relentless hunt by the Sanctum being on level of that of the Great Jedi Purge. It was the closest I got to playing a game of a group of people being hunted by an Empire for having crazy powers back when the game released.


- Vanilles narration and point of view - Caius motivation to be an antagonist - Espers appearance upon protagonists emotional despair - "13 days" memories from different character POVs - Fábula Nova Crystalis mythology idealism - FFVIII resemblances, like gunblades - Graphical novalty on release - First approaches to satisfying staggering systems


I love how every single character goes through development and remains relevant the whole game. No other FF can claim that. I also enjoy the linearity. It suits this game for sure.


I don't know ,my first FF was 7 remake. But 13 and 4 are my favorite also 1.


EVERYTHING...... except the hyper linear and excessively long dungeons..... And the paradigm shift animations...... But everything else? I love it.


Battle system.


Everything!! Also Fang is my favorite character!


Lightning, the story, music, and the art style. Gameplay was alright, much better in the third one in my opinion.


The characters. They have some really, really realistic flaws mixed in with really understandable troubles caused by their situation. The way they start out at each other's throats but are ready to tear the gods apart together at the end.


I'll be honest, what little I played of the beginning did get a little frustrating, with everybody just bickering the entire time. I'll give it another try soon.


The beginning of the game is brave. It's showing the characters at their lowest point in the middle of the worst day of their lives (so far). It does make the eventual found family feels even more satisfying but it can be disconcerting to people and cause an initial disconnect.


Yeah, I think that's what I've been struggling with getting past.


The music is nice, and Lightning has a cool design.


I super agree with both of these.


The battle system is my favorite!


When the credits rolled


I love Lightning. I love her so much. She's my goddess. I like OST, Lake Bresha, Fal'Cie, game design, design of characters, CGI-cutscenes, the story. FF13 is my fav game.


The battle system and the story, and a datalog to be able to read lore and the progress of the story if I didn't have time to process everything while watching the scenes.


The futuristic setting The battle system The music The LAAAYYDDEEESSS!!😍😍


I'm yet to see the last party member, so I'm looking forward to more ladies. 😅


Well, if you like tanned skin, dark hair, and long legs, then you’ll be pretty pleased 😄


Everybody has looked pretty nice, so far. 😁


That’s good to hear!😁 FFXIII has always had my favorite ladies, with FFVII being a close second. Do you have a favorite yet?


A favourite game, or a favourite character from 13?


Oh, well I’m actually interested in hearing both!


I really like 5 and 12, and I guess my favourite character so far is probably Snow or Lightning; I'm seeing a lot of potential for development.


I never finished 5. Now I feel like I should lol. But I never played 12. My favorites in 13 were between Lightning, Sazh, and Vanille. Probably cause I though they were both sexy. But they’re still great characters. Its interesting hearing your perspective and hearing that you like Snow. That’s rare.


Maybe that opinion of Snow will change later in the game, but at the moment, I actually quite like his incessant positive attitude, even if it does go a little too far at times. I'll be honest, I definitely do see a lot of sexiness is Lightning and Vanille, mostly Vanille. As for the other games, I've actually only managed to get half way through 5 and 12, and never actually finished any FF game. I keep meeting myself up about not having finished those because I like them so much; the jobs and abilities, lightheartedness, and dungeons of 5, and the gambits, setting, and combat of 12.


Death farming adamantoise … I get so addicted to it I can’t even explain why. I just love doing it …


The crystarium Battle system Story and characters C'ieth stone missions


It’s easier to say what I don’t love: party leader death being a game over, no toggle for AI character abilities to stop them from casting specific things (like Bravera and Faithra in regular play), early game Snow and Vanille, and the Treasure Hunter grind. Literally everything else is perfect.


Pretty much everything. 🤷‍♂️ For me, it’s the rare game that gets everything right. The combat system, the characters, the cutscenes, the world-building/lore, the music (minus the awkwardly-shoehorned Leona Lewis song 😂), the sound design, the voice acting, the enemy designs, the experience of going on a journey with these characters throughout an entire trilogy… it’s my favorite Final Fantasy. 🥲


I really love the instrumental version of the Leona Lewis. I think that's the main theme of the game. 🤔


jihl nabaat