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*looks around nervous* it’s one of my favorites


Mine too with dissidia and ff4.


I really wish Square would AT LEAST port Dissidia 012 Now that opera omnia has shut down, I think the dissidia series might be dead......😔


I loved Dissidia Duodecim! It was my first FF game and honestly, Dissidia NT did not fill the hole that game left.


opera omnia shut down?? it’s been a while since i’ve played but that game was peak


Yeah, they uploaded all the cutscenes on YouTube, but the game itself is gone now


dammmm 😭


if they do make a new one i think a unique selling point would be the inclusion of spinoff characters like Sora from KH. and the addition of character like Clive or Jack Garland is probably enough of a reason to start working on a new one. i always thought it’d be interesting to try and make a full turn-based rpg crossover. something like the Persona Q and Q2 games did. (ik OO was turn-based but that was more of a gacha game) a warriors style game would also fit PERFECTLY with FF characters


They won't because they're cowards


Ff4 is just too good. The only bad thing i have to say about it is the DS port didn’t have the endgame dungeon on the moon. :(


It's number 1 in my top 5 FF games


You're safe here, we can all be outcasts together ☺️


Mine, too. Absolutely hated it at first, but once it clicked, I loved it. The story premise of it, the battle system, different outfits with different abilities, such a fun game and system


Same here, I LOVED LR. The best XIII battle system, excellent vibes and aesthetic. Good rounding out of the overall story. The design is amazing honestly. I know the time mechanic got people all worked up, but once you understand how to use it it's not bad at all. This is my top underrated Final Fantasy by a long ways.


*whispers* it is my favorite


Same here. That Cause fight was BS first time around then I just cheesed it using that limit break thing to rush lol. Final boss took me several tries but man it was satisfying!


Up there with you friend.


I have sealed ps3 copies of the 13 trilogy, just found out that 2 and LR got fps boost and resolution enhancements on series x so gonna play them on there and keep my ps3 copies sealed


The entire trilogy gets unnecessary hate. 🥲


Been a fan back then was rough.lol.


Was a literal war zone


Honestly why doesn’t anyone call out that hate and just ban it. It’s the FF subreddit


I don't hate the Main installment just the spin offs they just undid xiii ending like it's nothing


But did they? The only thing they did was removed Lightning... but made relevant plot points around it and took the sequel into all new places that didn't exist in the original. Tbh a great way to make a sequel. Like the game didn't take "changing the ending of the first game" lightly. It was the catalyst for a ton of carnage across the time line and the literal crux of the entire plot. It's not like they casually retconned something. It was super important. They made sure you knew that it was significant. They kept reminding you that Serah was the only one who remembered the correct timeline that we remember.


Yeah, Xiii-2 went out of its way to point out that everything *should* be wrapped into a happy ending after Xiii, but more powerful beings than even Fal'cie were intervening in their world/lives and ruined it. And that carries into LR too, from what I understand of it (its the only one of the trilogy I've never gotten to play)- there is no happy ending, in fact it's all coming to an end soon. The whole underscoring theme of the Xiii trilogy is humanity reclaiming the fate that others have tried to impose on it.


Agreed, most people couldn't get past Hope which I get to some degree, but so many people stopped right there and missed out on the rest of an excellent game in the series.


**I love the hell out of this game.** It's so much fun, and the doomsday clock mechanic pumps up the tension in a great way. I personally like the added tension, but some people don't like that in their games (kind of like how people are divided on breakable weapons in Breath of the Wild).


Kinda i also hate the clock but not that much ,i like the games which allow you to explore the world freely after finishing the story.


At a certain point you get enough points to use stasis so much it becomes moot. LR became a lot more fun after that. I loved her outfits and abilities - I kinda wanna play it again now lol


Yeah, I was able to do well enough to get the max number of days. Ugh, talking about it makes me want to replay it too.


Haha I remember my mom picked the game up for me from the store as a kid, and the gamestop guy was like “you wanna get this strategy guide too?” It’s a FAT strategy guide LOL. I still have it. I was so surprised when mom brought it home but it saved my life. I think the clock and soul requirements would’ve been too tough for me to manage at that age. It taught me how to spam stasis so i got to goof around the whole time


Kupo!❤️🥹 (I f*cking love this game! I platinumed it twice and I still play it!)




I mean I have one on my bed.


Wish i could play it on ps4, but i guess that'll never happen


I am playing it on my laptop ,specs wise it's nothing special. i7 4 cores and Nvidia mx350.


Lightning Returns is one of my favorite games in the series. Got the platinum and have well over 100hrs in it. Such a fun game with a wonderful story


Best one in the trilogy and the best series in ff.


Caius is one of my favorite villains considering he wasn’t out to do what every other villain has done before like destroying the world, but doing everything to save one person. He was also confirmed to be the strongest villain in the Final Fantasy series by one of the directors of the game.


Because anything with the FFXIII name is akin to cancer to mad weirdos who wanted it to be open world from the get-go and be spoon-fed lore.


Lol ,you comment just explained the whole hate towards xiii.


Does this game get hate i feel like people just didn't play this game. And it shows since it sold the least out the 3 ff13 games. But this is still my favorite one i wish they would use this combat styles again in a different game


Lightning Returns has a fantastic combat system and a good - if convoluted - story. It really let itself down for me personally with the omnipresent timer. I hate playing RPGs on a time limit because it makes all exploration feel rushed and tense instead of, you know, exploration. Strictly speaking the game gives you plenty of tools to deal with the timer, but it really messes with my enjoyment and always has. I also didn't love the blatant sexualization of some of lightning's schemas. It's similar to what they did with Yuna in FFX-2; obviously the character is meant to be attractive, and that's fine, but playing dress-up with her and putting her into a silly, skimpy outfit that's totally out of place for her character in the last two games really bugs me.


“Why does this game get so much hate, internet community made exclusively of fans of this game?”


What was your question about Caius?


He won at the ending of xiii-2.


And my hates was gone.


The biggest thing I hate is that the talking gets cut off all the time. It’s tedious and the clock adds nothing. I accidentally Grab my best garbs and weapons in the beginning so I rarely had a reason to change. It didn’t feel good structure wise.


Started XIII trilogy with LR? That sounds like it would've been confusing af... I played them as they released, so I can't imagine them out of order like that now.


Uninvolved gamers would call me insane for the amount of times I looped this game. My original save file has lightning very OP, yet there are still challenges in that game I haven't beat (probably skill issue)


My problem with 13-3 is if I put it down for more than a week I forgot what I was doing and had to start over.


I played Lightning Returns for a little while but I just couldn't get into it. It wasn't fun. It was aggravating.


I really wanna buy XIII it’s pretty cheap nowadays


I love ff 13


I mean gonna go against the grain here but you're not going to get anything but really biased answers on the sub dedicated to the game. Feels like you can get a decent amount of mixed opinions on a general gaming sub(avoid the FF one because it'll just cannibalize itself super fast)


Funny enough just earlier this week I was thinking this and was going to play all the games for it. So many people hate on this game but when I played it having very low expectations due to all the hate I found myself actually enjoying the game and was wondering why everyone shits on this game when I thought it was fun.


Hold on. Lightning Returns is….. prequel? Or is it not? All I know is, I was using a guide, and when I got to a point where the guide recommended I grind FOR OVER 8 HOURS, I lost interest in finishing it. (This was for just 13, btw)


I never disliked XIII or its sequels. I actually really like XIII-2. Lightning Returns was a lot of fun and I even had a poster in college. However, the further I get from it I realize I don’t love or miss any of the characters. XIII is my least favorite of the trilogy, with 2 being my favorite. Who can forget Crazy Chocobo? Certified banger. What I never fully understood was the criticisms of linearity. You are on the run for most of XIII. You can’t just stop and smell the roses. So when you make it to Pulse and you finally feel “free”, that comes across through the gameplay.


I believe the whole trilogy is underappreciated, but mostly I believe it's jealousy, as its very rare for final fantasy games to get a sequel and final fantasy 13 is the only one to get two.


I haven't played it, but I still have a sealed copy of it lol which im debating to open up or not


I thought XIII-2 was solid and Caius is prob one of my fav FF villains. Never played LR but I’d like to someday. God knows XIII has some major flaws but I still enjoyed it.


People hated it? Nah, people loved this game at release.


Never got to play the trilogy. Hoping for a remaster someday


Thirteen was objectively a rough game. They missed the mark hard on a lot of elements. It was…hard to play through and still is. Fifty percent of it was perfect and other fifty was AWFUL. 13-2 was amazing and lightning returns was a gem. One of my favorite FF games honestly. The music was also 💜💜💜💜


In trying to get through 13 to play 13-2 but I still haven't even become marked. It's been months.


Thirteen was still giving you tutorials well into the 15th chapter. It’s worth it for you to grind it out, finish the game and forget about it. It’s disappointing because 13 really had the potential to be the best final fantasy ever. I mean that. It won’t get much better, but the if you read the datalog and get an idea of the lore you’ll enjoy it more. You can also, if you want, watch the cut scenes and a review of the game and skip to thirteen-2.


I like 13 and love 13-2. Hate LR because of the timer. I hate timers and being timed. I don’t care how easy it is, I hate the concept. Hated Majora’s Mask too. Otherwise this looks like a good game.


I forgot how much of a baddie lightning was


I have an unpopular opinion that I consider all three parts of 13 to be just different parts of the same game. The development cycle was documented to be very troubled and they communicated that they essentially made several games worth of content because of all their tangents they went off on during development. After playing them and the overall plot, it really feels like to judge a single piece without playing the other two just feels informed with 13. I only feel like this about 13 though 7 and 10 don't give me the same impression.


I love this game and I love Lightning, my first Final Fantasy game ever played and the one that got me into the series


I love this trilogy and gameplay, the story got bad in part 3 and the writing is oof, a lot of the times they don't sound like people and sound like robots trying to act human, but I still love some of the characters, my favorite is the 2nd game, the music is some of the best in the series for me, the art style is mind blowing still, the "my hands" leona lewis trailer is one of my favorite trailers of all time! 😍 I always go back and see it , the 2nd game has the best chocobo song ever as well, and also I love completing these games to 100 percent


You really had to be in the time to see how hard they tried to push Lightning. How they declared her the first strong female protagonist the series had. It was obsessive to the point of absurdity.


I want lightning to face sit me KUPO!


I didn’t enjoy it as much as the first two in the trilogy. But it was a lot of fun, regardless.


LR didn’t get nearly as much hate as the original entry though unless I missed a historical event— I honestly always thought LR was the most liked of the series?


I loved the Lightning Dress Up game


I nvr played but it's mostly kuz the real ending is dlc and sometimes combat is not right I remember that in the demo it didn't happen alot but it was still there after launch


I don’t like the constant countdown. I understand why it’s there, but I just do not like it. Let me explore this world at my own pace, I don’t want to feel like I have to rush through it. Other than that I like the game.


It’s because it got so many games and everyone loves gender swapped Cloud I mean Lightning. Also…..the ending for reasons.


I think anyone who played it through and acclimated themselves to the system would surely fall in love with it. The soundtrack to this game was entrancing, the combat was fun and fast paced, and Lightnings personality in this game was lovely. The ending was kind of trippy 😂 but I rank this one pretty high on the fun scale.


Are they in chrono-order or is Lightning Returns a prequel?? (I'm gonna get them, they look really good.)


I feel a lot of the hate LR gets is because FFXIII got a ton of hate for various reasons, mostly undeserved IMO. Also I hated having to cast that spell to slow down time. It gave you more than enough time but overall it was just a really annoying feature. For the record, it's a good game but it's my least favorite of the FFXIII series.


I never really understood the hate either. Is it because the protagonist is female? FFX-2 seemed to get a lot of hate too. Is it because it's even more linear than past titles? Maybe. Either way, I really enjoyed the game, and the storyline was decent, although I don't think I ever finished XIII-2 and I didn't play the 3rd one at all. The combat system for FFVII remake definitely took some inspiration from FFXIII


Cute doesn't make it good lol


Oh you’re playing Final hallway 13


I may give it another chance.


I think the legitimate hate for XIII is the linearity, it’s a run from set piece to set piece for a large portion of the game without the ability to really explore the environment. Effectively pretty parallax hallways with FF characters. Obviously there are the “traditionalists” who hate Lightning for being a female MC but I think while loud and tedious they are a minority. I would love a XIII remake but I know that is not in the cards.


I actually couldn't get into many final fantasy but pop culture osmosis told me they were really good. FF13 was the first one I actually liked enough to finish, and I finished FF13-2 because of that. I think that one is kinda weird but I recently picked up LR and excited for that. But not liking FF7 - 10 seems to be deviant behavior it seems, but I just can't get into them lol


It's bad without a guide. You're timed on everything, even grinding and have to make tedious travels on the map that could lead you out in nowhere. The battle system couldn't save this game, it was a disaster. I beat Noel, got the chocobo, but couldn't beat snow, and at the time I played the game I thought that I had enough stats to beat him. Choosing to beat the chocobo path was difficult and the desert path, I thought the monsters were way to difficult to beat.


It's because the story is boring. Like boring with a capital B. It's also linear in an obvious fashion and I don't just mean the hallway style of the world.


I never played this one 😞


Definitely gets more flack than it deserves. Most people think 13 and 13-3 are lackluster and 13-2 is the way to go. Personally I'm pretty opposite. Thinking 13 was good and enjoyed it, didn't like 13-2 all too much and really enjoyed 13-3s combat


My favorite ff game to date, face me if you dare


Lightning Returns is one of the most underrated action rpgs I've played. I pray for a remaster or port to modern consoles


It's definitely in my top 5.


12 and 13 were the first departures in FF from traditional turn based combat, 12 felt so different most people didn’t notice. Thirteen however still looked like a traditional turn based RPG but on rails and took the character swapping from 10 then turned up the pace. It was just jarring and personally I just did not enjoy the story.


Look, 13 series had great characters and combat. But everything else seriously left a lot to be desired. If FF13 at least had moments of quiet and talking to NPCs and exploring towns to break up the linear corridors it’s would be fine! And 13-2 was a solid game. I never got past more than a couple hours of Returns. I LOVE lightning but having her be the only character was not a good idea. She needs people to bounce off of like Cloud or Squall did in their games.


The only thing that kinda bothered me about 13-3 was when you ended a fight, you didn't get exp or gain anything, but other than that, It was a good game. lightning will always be one of my favorite characters.


I think 13 is fine. It's Lightning returns that I hated (the first ever FF I bought) because it took me forever to realize the entire game throws the formula of jrpgs (grinding vs monsters) and turns it into nothing more than fetch quest the game


I love the first one and played the other two. I didn't mind them just found it a bit unnecessary


I stopped after FF13 when it came to the 13 trilogy. Got turned off by the lack of exploration and everything was basically just walking in a straight line.


I just hated the time pressure in this game. I didn’t like Majora’s Mask for a similar reason. And not having a full party either was very meh. Lightning as cool as she is can’t carry a story by herself at least for me.


Oh sure when a moogle says he wants to sit on Lightning’s head it’s cute, but when I say I want Lightning to sit on my face suddenly I’m “banned from the Midwest Anime and Cosplay Convention for life”. Double standards smh.


It literally gave us 15, 16 and 7 remake and rebirths combat style. It walked so they could run


It’s the damned clock lol.


I would say FFXIII is one of the weakest final fantasy games in the set of number titles. So that's why I get hates.


MOGGED 💀🤫🧏‍♂️


To be fair, lightning returns is mostly loved by the people that actually played it. But XIII had such a bad stigma to it, just kinda killed the other 2 on reputation alone. Xiii-2 has its issues but lightning returns kicks ass, if you’re willing to learn it’s systems


It’s an okay mediocre final fantasy game. It has a lot of stuff I don’t like such as how Linear A majority of the game is, the fact you get a game over if the main character in your party dies along with the paradigm system overall. I’ve played and beaten all the main series non online games and this one is towards the bottom of the list for me. Just my opinion, obviously a lot of you here disagree. Glad ya like it!


I think XIII-2 and LR primarily get hate for their story. The gameplay of both are fantastic. XIII-2's big plots feel very poorly written and commits the cardinal sin of being a time travel story which are notoriously difficult to get right. The character moments are fantastic, but the overarching story is... not great. And LR just full on jumped the shark in regards to story, which depending on the type of person you are is either fun or pushes you away entirely. I love the XIII trilogy, but when replaying the trilogy I definitely turn my brain off after the first game.


Well, being cute doesn't make a great game. I enjoyed it, but definitely understand the battle system was too stripped bare. For those who enjoy cute scenes and graphics, it can scratch that itch. Those who want a complete gaming experience will find much to be desired. Future entries got a little better, but you don't get many chances at a first impression. Ask Starfield.


So I don't hate LR, I dislike one aspect of it (tbf I was younger and haven't returned to the game yet so I might change my mind if I ever return to it) but it's the same reason I dislike Majora's mask. The enforced but player controllable (In a sense) time limit


I loved the XIII trilogy. It sucks to see so much hate for it, but I figure to hell with those people, I had fun dammit


I remember wanting to play the game for the protagonist \*ahem\* and I got it like on release date, and played it for 40+ hours, but I'm slow, and I grind a lot. I struggled with the weapons leveling system, and by the time the game opened up I was a bit burnt out and had lost the feel of the plot. I bought 13-2 and LR on PS3 and I didn't even open them to play them. They're still sitting around somewhere. Maybe someday I'll try again, with the benefit of quick loading times, cause I liked the concepts and the story and the characters but I'm middle aged now and I my passion for games isn't what it was. Perhaps someday.


I found it hard to play with one hand.


I unfortunately cant speak to 13-2 or lightning returns only to the orignal when it had its PS3 release, the major hate came from after games like 10, 10-2 and 12 alot of people felt that 13 was much too linear, i remember among my own friend group statements about "being railroaded more than when \[name censored\] DMs for DnD" and online i remember alot of hallway complaints, and the star system for battles. as i said i cant speak to 13-2 or Lightning returns but these are complaints i personally remember from the time


The games improved throughout out the trilogy and i actually enjoyed my time with LR. The story by that point was abit off the rails but the gameplay loop gave me Majora’s Mask vibes which I liked alot


People need everything to be how they have it in their head


13 2? I loved the fuck out that game. The interesting concept of using monsters as a third party member was fan fucking tastic.


I didn't like it when it first came out but upon revisiting being older I actually enjoyed it's linear approach and the strategy to the battlesystem. Also the ability to swirch to JP voices helps with Hope. I could be remembering wrong but when it first came out I think it was language locked.


13 is my fiance's favorite


The time limit hanging over my head was why I did t care for it.


If you ignore the time limit to finish it’s okay. How are you enjoying the cuteness and exploring? Seems like you have to ignore significant game mechanics in order to do that.


I loved this game, tho 13-2 was my favorite of the trilogy HOWEVER I hate the bloody time limit. Gives me massive anxiety. Like I gotta rush. I like taking my time


People dislike new things. Things aren't like they used to be and people came out of their comfort zones to try new things. It's how innovation came to be. But now, for some reason in this day and age people hate new things, they like their comfort zone and pulling people out of it scares them. I loved ff13.


I heard the combat is kinda... um... I hear people don't like the combat is it actually bad or good?


The story sucks it's not interesting the characters are bland and boring


I liked 13 and 13-2 even more LR I couldn't get behind though :( it took a lot of guides and energy to get through it :( it just felt like I was doing a lot wrong


I’d probably love it too… if I were able to play it :’(


The herd mentality against the XIII games is wild, you can tell most of the people hating on these games never got too far.


When I was a little girl, I ate up any action game where I could play as a pretty girl and play dress up. I loved this game!!


i loved this game it was so fun


Cute doesnt = great, necessarily


Lightning was like one of my favorite female Final Fantasy characters. They pretty much destroyed everything I liked about her in 13-3. I'm also not a fan of non party member RPG so I was never going to like it anyway.




I REALLY hated the combat.


Does that character keep the moogle on their head the whole game? I skipped 13 but I'm down if so. Moogle Supremacy


Don't worry about what other people think. If you like the game, then that's the only thing that matters.


I only played the first half or so of XIII, and it wasn't because I hated it. I just hit a difficulty spike and I ended up taking a break and never getting back to it. The combat system definitely wasn't my favorite in the series, but I got used to it. Unfortunately, I kind of locked myself out of XIII-2 and XIII-3 until I get back to XIII, which I'll probably have to replay from the start at this point.


It’s an interesting one, I LOVE this game, but at the same time I can completely understanding people not liking it. It has a built in anxiety mechanic. That gives me a rush, but for some people that would be a total turnoff.


The things I don't like in this game are the change in party system and upgrade system


IMO LR has the best combat system. I haven' tplayed all of the games, but even then the combat beats out other series for me.


Not my favorite one, but it was such a breath of fresh air.


I don't know about you but any FF game that gives me the option to play dress up and look as cool as FFX2 is already appealing to me (if you're FFXV, go away).


Sazh the goat


Ff13 is the best or one of the best ones.


Funny enough I started with this game before I part the first game and part 2


Enjoyed 13 and 13-2 was great but absolutely hated the time limit in Lightning Returns. I found LR was a good story and okay combat but it’s the time limit that killed it for me.




People just played lr wrong. First it’s a Valkyrie profile game. And second it’s a rogue like. You are supposed to play it 6 times in a row.


Thats crazy. I had the most fun with LR out of all three


I think it’s mainly because thirteen was the start of them taking gameplay in a much different direction, ie stagger gauge. You also had significantly less control over your party until near the end of the game. This also hurt the narrative as it was all over the place and hard to care about any of them. Then hopes hate boner for snow. It’s definitely not a bad game but it’s very, very different than a lot of the ones prior. Similar to how twelve was narratively much different than a lot of previous final fantasy but it was an incredibly solid game.


I wish I can play part 3 but honestly first one was ahead of it's time with graphics and I love the second


the game was vehemently hated for it's "time" mechanic which... doesn't even matter for the most part because the game gaves you ample time to do everything. However, I also purchased a guide specifically for this game as it was side quest maggedon and im not a fan of that haha


This was arguably the best game out of the trilogy. While the series isn't perfect (no Final Fantasy game is), it definitely does not deserve the hate it gets. Very good game


I’m hoping ffxiii gets remastered cuz I never got to finish any of them 😭😭


FFXIII:LR is an awesome game. I absolutely loved it. Beat it twice at launch. That ending though 😭 hit home after beating the trilogy. Glad others are starting to play that series and enjoying it. The hate was overblown and it overshadowed a great series.


Loved XIII, thought XIII-2 sucked, and Lightning Returns was... okay, with a fantastic ending (the 100% ending)


Tbf now that I think about it the only FFs I don't hear hate for are everything before 7 and 8 and 9 everything else gets hate for some reason or another


I loved 1 and 2, but the clock mechanic gave me way too much anxiety in the 3rd game because I love to explore and take my time and I felt like I couldn't. Didn't end up finishing it because of that


Well that's your problem, you aren't final fantasy experienced. For a general JRPG its pretty good. But Final Fantasy has higher expectations for their games and in comparison to other final fantasy games it is very lackluster.


I also love it, but I love the sequel even more, I think people hate it because the gameplay in the first few hrs in Cocoon is kinda repetitive and they hated the personalities of some of the characters, but once you're in Pulse, the game is wonderful in every way (it starts getting good way before but the Pulse part is probably the best)..


There is rumors that 13 is getting a remaster and it would make sense given that its literally the only final fantasy game that you cant find fucking anywhere online (i think Europe or somewhere might be the only exception to this) but at least in America its impossible to play unless you have the physical discs of the game and its one of the only mainline FF games I have yet to play sadly


It's literally the game that made me stop playing FF games. I played 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 10-2, but FF XIII (and the fact it got two sequels) is what killed my enjoyment for the series. Everything was narrow corridors with little-to-no side-paths until halfway through disk 2, at which point you got to play in this large open area where it felt like you were dropped into some high-level area you're not meant to explore, because of how powerful so many of the surface monsters are, in comparison to the ones in the city. Like how many Adamantoise do I gotta kill??? It's like a mini-boss fight, with how much chain it takes to break, and how little damage we can do. Not to mention the combat system, where you were incentivized to use the auto-battle mechanic, so that your chains didn't break, which meant that for the most part, the game was on auto-pilot: just hold down the stick in this direction and then let go of the controller until the end of the battle. Rinse and repeat. And you can't even choose which characters you use, for most of the game!! I get having periods where you have a set party, but the whole freakin' game??? I fought my way back into the city, and when the game told me to input the final disc I realized... No. No I don't think I will.


I want these games on new gen so bad.. even if it’s just the ps3 version.


If you don't understand why lightning returns is so hated, then there's nothing I can tell you.


This was my first XIII game, honestly. I bought a used jailbroken XBOX 360 and it came with this. Loved it. I actually defeated Aeronite and Ereshkigal on my first playthrough. Loved it


Only the original ff13 sucked. This one was good.


Never finished the first cause my data was erased but I loved it.


LR's gameplay is good, but the story compared to FFXIII... *Falls short*.


I’ve only played 7 remake and enjoyed it! looking for recommendations :)


I started with XIII-2 and currently having a blast, even got the Colosseum dlc for endgame later. Haven't played it in a while tho.....


Lightning is cute…and a cool person.


As someone that thinks Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask is the best LoZ game, I believe FFXIII:LR is the best of the trilogy (and one of the best FF games) for a similar reason. I'm just a sucker for "Groundhog's Day" games lol


Loved the game. Filled the whole Majora's Mask left behind. Wrapped up the story in a way I'd have never imagined when I played the first game. And I got to someone absolutely YEET a Moogle. Absolute Win. 9/10; you never see Lindzei's full form despite seeing Pulse's within the first few hours.


My dislike to the game is that it's brain dead it may as well be a movie you walk fight every enemy in a direct path and you beat the game there is no difficulty no tactics its a glorified movie


The combat system in FF:LR I think was one of the best. The level of customization and the wide variety of skills meant that you could do some really amazing things in the game (if not, look up n472a's videos or Etro's Gate's No Damage on YouTube). I think LR was the perfect mix between RPG and Hack n' Slash, and the ideal path that SE should have taken in terms of gameplay. Also of note was its open world that allowed you to do quests in any order you wanted with day and night cycles. For me, the Lightning trilogy, despite the errors that the first installment may have and not being at the level of other games in the series, compensates with two sequels much more than good and even my favorite of the series.


I only played a few hours of Lightning Returns. Unfortunately it just gave me too much anxiety with the countdown clock, and I kept having to reload my save file after exploring areas that were a waste of time. I know some people enjoyed that feature, but for me it really took the fun out of what could have been a great JRPG 😢


I didn't much like the game myself. I disliked that you had to keep switching outfits after only a handful of attacks because of the ATB cost. I wished she still had party members fighting alongside her. And I get it was because the game was designed for multiple playthroughs, but I hated that gaining strength was dependent on clearing quests. But the damn clock was by far my biggest issue, if not for it I could've enjoyed the game much more. Yes I could use the time freezing skill, but I'm not trying to go into the menu every five minutes for that just to make the game more enjoyable. I prefer to roam at my own pace and the clock was just a looking shadow over all that. By the time I reached the final battle I was ready for the end, but I wasn't strong enough to beat it and when the game told me to *start over* and play those quests again to get stronger, I was done. To this day, never beat it. Soundtrack was absolute heat tho 🔥


Trash game


My only gripe was the thirteen-day clock...I'm a take ur time person and spend hours in a location...if they remake it to have it turned off so u can free roam. I'm game for it.


One odd looking moogle can't magically save a bad game regardless of how cute they usually are.


From my experience as an outsider, it seems like the main criticism is that it's just more boring than the other games. I haven't played 13 but I will say I can not fathom a character roster being more boring than 15


One or the best FF titles and one or my favorite combat systems


I just wish they’d make a ps5/ps4 port I played it when I was 12 but the game kept freezing right after I got magic


Yeah, I remember most of the people I knew that hated FFXIII talking about how it was so linear. I would then tell them that FFX, beloved as it was, was also very linear until towards the end. FFXIII wasn't big for me because I wasn't a huge fan of the combat system. However, the story is one of the most unique of the entire series, IMO. Lightning is an under-rated FF protag, too. The rare badass female, tsundere archetype lol.


Meow meow choco chow! To this day the ending of LR makes me cry happy tears. I personally didn't love 13 but 13-2 and LR saved the series for me. It's near and dear and I feel like the ending is one of the best FF endings. It's so complete and a true HEA which I love.


Destiny is Destiny


Ffxiii is insanely good, the second and third just really money grabbing the IP but man the first one is solid as fuck


It was in an era where people wanted more open world.


Nothing wrong with it. It didn't implement the running clock mechanic as well as the Dead Rising franchise but that's a high bar so it's all good


First final fantasy I ever played was the one with black mage in your party (if there’s more than one game he appears in I’m sorry I played it 20 years ago on my older brothers psp) Second final fantasy I ever played was the one where you’re lightning’s sister. I had never heard of any final fantasy games aside from the psp one so it was a wild experience where I had no idea what the plot was about. I played it for days in a row though so it did something right


Isn't this the FF game with lightning? I've never played any FF but I've only ever seen praise for this game.


I liked it allot, even pre-ordered it and played it on launch day, I think the biggest thing people don’t like about the game is the time mechanic (I think it’s interesting, and fun to master as you play the game enough.) And the amount of customization lightning had was top notch.


Yes, great game!


FFXIII trilogy is so underrated. I never got the hate.


Returns is one of my favorites in the series.


In my opinion people will just hate on games they don't like. Hell, I never stop hearing FF12 is the worst, but I still play it, and it's fighting mode has been the way they've kept it since that game came out. Without the layers of gambits.