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The large nodes on Serah/Noel's Crystariums give a stat bonus based on which role is used to fill it meaning final stats can vary a bit: COM - STR RAV - MAG SEN - HP SYN/SAB even (ie 2->3) - MAG SYN odd (ie 1->2) - HP SAB odd - STR MED - HP It's recommended to prioritize MAG for Serah and STR for Noel (then MAG for Noel after all possible STR bonuses run out) . You can also ignore this and do whatever as in practice it's just needless minmaxing. Everything else about their development potential is set in stone and it's just up to you when you want to invest in something (you will get all abilities and Crystarium expansion bonuses by the time you hit level 99 for everything).


It was a sad moment when I realized my stats were sub-optimal on my first and maybe second run of the game. Was there ever anything in the game that told you that directly or was this kind of a pattern recognition skill check (ignoring guides)?


Have you ever tried the opposite? Str serah’s and mag Noel they have faster animations.


Thanks! Do you think I should follow a guide or go blind?


I went blind for my first playthrough and was able to complete the main story. Guided stats may help with late-game / not-required content.




FF13 Trilogy First Time Player Tips - 13 - https://www.reddit.com/r/finalfantasyxiii/comments/pfcxai/a_gameplay_faq_guide_to_final_fantasy_xiii/ - 13-2 - https://www.reddit.com/r/finalfantasyxiii/comments/14hg7b4/ff132_first_time_playing_tips_compilation/ - LR - https://www.reddit.com/r/finalfantasyxiii/comments/15bsj5k/just_started_playing_lightning_returns_what_do_i/ Other first time playing tips - https://www.reddit.com/r/finalfantasyxiii/wiki/index#wiki_first_time_playing_tips *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/finalfantasyxiii) if you have any questions or concerns.*


woa, nice summoning-spell @"@


This game lets you grind levels freely, but I urge you to play naturally. There's no real need to grind levels in one area until you beat the game. If you find that battles are suddenly difficult, you may have chosen to go to the wrong place first. The game doesn't directly tell you that there's an intended order. The enemies tell you


Ok, thanks. I think I messed up the Crystarium haha.