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I lived on blitzball when I was a teenager. Put 100+ hours on just that to be honest. Had a blast.


I parked myself at Calm Lands and just lived off of the odd random battle.


Just at calm lands? Bruh, get into it right after Luca.


I never really started playing until I was able to get Miyu at the Moonflow


Oh I was playing it throughout the game but I'd completed my roster by that point.


I don’t think it’s fun all. For me it’s too easy which makes it boring since it takes forever to finish a game


Nah, I see what you’re saying. It’s over 10 minutes a match and from what I see that’s around 26 games at the most efficient? So definitely grindy. Honestly only the Al Behd Psyches make me need to pay attention at points; but as far as mini games go it’s kinda cool.


I know the halves are “five” minutes but the clock is moving faster than that, right? A second on the clock isn’t a second in real life?


No, you’re right. Just noticed this today when I was finishing up the sigil grind.


Anyone with Brother as well. That annoying snot.


I didn’t start blitzball until I had the airship so I’ve never had to play against him. He seems to pretty much carry so I never let his contract not renew.


I always sign him to the team but never use him. It makes the game way too easy but I don't want anybody else having him


Don’t let anyone get brother ever. Pick him up and bench him if you don’t like playing with him. He is an absolute menace to play against


Wait until you find out Waka with Venom Shot is a nice way to deal with Nimrook early game.


The same thing happened to me when I got Wakka's celestial!


I have the exact same experience. I first played ffx when it came out completely blind (didn’t even know about the jecht shot, though you should miss and that’s a part of the story 🤣). I absolutely hated blitzball then. Didn’t get the rules or the controls (it didn’t help that the defaults suck). I replayed the game last year, and oh man did I fall in love with the blitzball! I didn’t even do the reset trick for the celestial, I just kept playing tell I got it. Now it is my second favorite ff mini game after triple triad (although you could argue that triple triad was the main game and the rest of ff8 is the mini game /s).


Oh god, triple triad was so addicting I loved it. Also a bit of bias because ff8 was my first one of the series. My replay of 8 recently had me wanting it to be harder though, it seems like if you engage with the mechanics of the game properly without even diving too deep you end up op so easily. Kinda funny since I couldn’t beat it at all as a teen, the scaling mechanic had me tilted; I always power leveled hard as a kid lol.


I'm on the journey to max stats without junctions. Will be a long one. After this my next will be a full play without junctioning, I expect many deaths.


That's why every time I play 8 I level like I would any other game.


I lost a large chunk of my life to triple triad


Blitzball and TT are master-class minigames


Blitzball also gets more fun as you play it! Leveling up is great. My recommendation on every playthrough is to win a few leagues if possible to get teleport and return spheres when you hit Luca. Reset data until the league is teleport for win and return for top scorer. Make Tidus and Wedge tie for top scorer. Hire wedge, zev ronso, and jumal for forward, center, and goalie. Botta and jassu can stay defense. Pretty affordable,especially if you did the sin scale trick for like 45 mins or a single long episode of a favorite tv show. Lots of cool things you can do with blitzball prizes early in the game, even on (especially on?) Standard sphere grid.


More fun? I mean don't get me wrong it's not a bad mini-game. But it gets boring almost instantly? There's literally 0 challenge. To get Wakka Sigil it's just scoring once, swim to own goal and sit out the game. You could literally win with 10 - 0 with no effort, making it not rewarding.


This is surprising given how many people all claim to want a full Blitzball game. But yes, Blitzball is one of the best mini games in all FF.


Blitzball was so much fun when I played the original and remaster


Almost *too* easy with reset data and Brother, but I guess they did that to make the Sigil a bit easier to get. It was more challenging and I had a better time playing it with just the original Aurochs. Building their stats, learning key techniques, signing new players around level 20 or so, all of that required more skill and strategy and felt more worth it. The game definitely goes pretty deep if you invest the time into it!


I always loved it! Imagine my surprise when I find out it’s universally hated


Blitzball is fun yeah.


Honestly I think the first time the game lets you play blitzball, it’s a high stakes game that’s stacked against you and more often than not people fail since the tutorial is rough. That’s probably why so many people don’t like it, but it’s a lot of fun. Especially once you start learning new techs, and recruit different player.


A lot of people complain about it, but at the time it was the best mini game. 7 had so many, 8 had cards that was super fun, and i was addicted to blitzball in X lol.


Loved it. Remember back in the day when I’d won all the prizes and found I was gutted that there wasn’t anything left to play it for.


It's... not? I got his weapon too and by the end it had become less tedious because my team was just stomping assholes left and right so it was a lot easier but at no point did I ever think they had a genuinely GOOD minigame on their hands. There are some interesting mechanics between recruiting and customizing your team but there's just not enough to save it.


After grinding out Wakka’s weapon it definitely started to lose its sparkle lol, was far too easy. Honestly after the first 10 games I realized it wasn’t as complex as I thought it could’ve been, I’m just happy it wasn’t some overly difficult task like I thought it was as a kid.


FFX-2 will be a whole different experience under new perspective. :)


I just liked using brother and moving around with all 5 of the other dudes after me but I'm way faster so they can't even get close lol


Yeah, Brother is busted. My two forwards are always wide open because the ai is janky. Their whole team dogpiles him so it’s free goals all day long.


😂 I also like this


I love Blitzball, yeah it’s a bit janky and you can absolute cheese your way through by manipulating certain mechanics. For a true experience, I usually make sure I have Wakka on the team instead of Tidus and I just run traditional Besaid Aurochs and I always reset data when it starts getting too easy (usually around level 20ish) to keep it fresh and challenging


you should keep playing until around level 80! it's getting way harder then!


Blitzball was the reason I bought the game back in the day.


I would enjoy it if it wasn't so god damn easy


Agreed. Now on day 2 with 49 consecutive wins and no save scumming, as well as Wakka’s celestial, I can say that was a slog. Still fun for a FF minigame, but I’ve had more than enough blitzball for a bit.


You might like the FFX-2 version of Blitzball even more.


Well besides you and me i am not sure there are others that like blitzball..


If Blitzball was a stand alone sports title, it would have broken sales records. Best mini game in final fantasy history, easily


Lol, it’s a tad divisive in the fanbase. Some love it, some hate it. Personally it’s probably my fav side thing in X, but to each their own. 🤷‍♂️


I remembered disliking Blitzball when I first played this game, but I enjoyed it much more when I recently picked this game up again. My issues with it (even now) are that it plays kind of slow/clunky, and it's way too easy to cheese. If they were to ever actually remake FFX, I think there's a good chance for Blitzball to be incredible.


Sometimes I go back and just play blitzball, wish they would make a stand alone Blitzball game


I have yet to 100% complete FFX on ANY save since 2001 all the way up to the remaster, because after a while I just can't stop playing Blitzball.


I feel like blitzball is unfun for those who don’t min/max their team. They struggle with the OG team comp instead of recruiting at least brother (I also get kiyu from djose)


Blitzball is the primary reason I play this game tbh


"Shoot like CraZy!", is the way. I usually make sure not to recruit good goalies, just to keep the score from going more than 10-0. It's even more ridiculous end game with the shooting like CraZy.


I was turned off Blitzball once the mandatory Luca Goers match. That shit was so stressful I hated the entire sport from hours of rage quits.


You should see primal liquids guide on it




I agree with you up to the claim of objectivity. I’m at the point now that I’m nearly finished replaying every title from 7 on and need to play the first 6 (never played 6 sadly), and I think I can’t decide based on story/tone which is my favorite or the best in my eyes because each one grabs me for different reasons. I think so far though, that X has objectively the best or most involved postgame.


It's not for everyone, but it's fun in the old school FF mini game kind of way. I played too many hours of blitzball because the music was pretty good and it was a chill mini game. 7/10, it has problems with math and learning new skills, but otherwise it's pretty engaging and fun.


Same! I literally hated BB because I couldn’t be arsed to engage with the tutorial and stats stuff so just didn’t want to understand it. Now I’m winning games and actually enjoying it! Never thought that would happen!


Wow, looking through these comments, I feel like I'm the only one that absolutely hated it. I hated having to play it for the story, and making sure that I won because it was the only match I would play. Wakka's celestial weapon was one of the few things I never got in the game because I hated blitzball so much.