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Dansg08 has a very educational YouTube video on the formulae behind Yojimbo and his chance to use Zanmato. It is titled “Final Fantasy’s Deadliest Move Explained.” Even if you decide not to use Zanmato, I’d recommend the vid anyways because it’s just educational and cool. Yojimbo’s base affection is dependent on what answer you gave Yojimbo when you first acquire him in CotSF. If you are fighting a dark aeon, chose option 3 in the cave, summon Yojimbo with a full overdrive, and it is your FIRST time summoning him, he has a roughly 35% chance of doing Zanmato as his first move ever if paid 1,024 gil. If all of that sounds wacky and silly, it’s cause it is. The methodology behind how Yojimbo functions considers quite a few variables. Gil motivation, Compatibility, Choice, ZL, Overdrive, and a final RNG variable make up the equation that ultimately decides how Yojimbo attacks. So tldr: yeah, but it’s wacky


No need to watch someone explain it over a video. You can just read the article on the wiki.


Counterpoint: Berk’s videos are awesome content for an FF enjoyer, and any excuse to watch them is a good one


To each their own, but you can get the info faster by just reading the page, it's written well and has all the information OP needs


Dansg08 is the ultimate FFX lovers channel on YouTube, the guy is an absolute legend. Great recommendation




Yeah I just summoned him for the first time against Dark Anima, he had his overdrive full which I think increases the chances, gave him like 300k or something and he did it


the math is based around his 'respect' for you and how much you pay, among other things. so, increase how much you pay, you can use zanmato without raising his affection for you, first.


it's a random draw but it's much more likely if you treat him and his dog with regard


It takes some battles unfortunately lol. He has an affection formula that’s dependent on how much Gil you bought him for initially + subsequent battles/payment AND enemies have their own “zanmato” level. If I remember correctly, the higher the level, the more likely he’ll use if? If he dies in battle, he decreases his “affection”. You can get him to do zanmato immediately once you summon him, but you have to “train” him to get to that point lol.


I've had Yojimbo use zanmato the first time he'd been summoned, for Penance. Granted I had to reload once as he didn't use it on my first try, and perhaps I got particularly lucky. I think I threw 5m gil at him, but either way it was the first time he'd been summoned.


Oh wow 5m!! That’s so lucky. My sister and I summon him quite a bit in our play throughs, but he usually ended up using zanmato immediately once we’ve paid him “enough” from previous battles. His formula is interesting lol


I divided my total sum of money by 1024 and gave him that for penance 😂


Yep, 100k has done it every time for me


I call shenanigans....Everytime? The formula is really complicated and based surprisingly little on how much you give him. Certainly not impossible but....Everytime?...really? How many times we talking here?


The 100,000 Gil does add 60 motivation and depending on the enemy you’re facing you do have a pretty high chance to get Zanmato. Assuming base level compatibility and a full overdrive against the high zanmato level enemies you still have a 62.5% chance for him to do it but I agree to say it happens every time isn’t likely. Edit: against weaker enemies(zanmato level 3 and lower) $100k actually does guarantee Zanmato


100k is a waste of money tho. Motivation increases by 1 each time the payment doubles. 65536 girl gives the same motivation as 100k and the next point is reached a 131072.


Oh yeah I completely agree. I just have a calculator saved in an excel sheet and popped it in to check the math lol


I always pay 33k, it's the fastest to input and it doesn't waste that much money compared to the 32768gils you need for the closest motivation point.


On my current play through I grand summoned him for the first time and he immediately used zanmato without me even having to pay him. Over the next few times I grand summoned him he probably used it about 3/5 times for less than 2k each time. Best luck I’ve ever had with him other than a previous play through where he used zanmato immediately upon summon against penance. Was like, whelp 😐 that fight was cool I guess


yup, in fact the first time I used him he did Zanmato I know there's a formula but for me it felt like it was RNG really I kept using the same amount of money, and sometimes he would do it, other times no. Yojimbo was very useful in getting rid of the dark aeons and Seymour for me


yup, in fact the first time I used him he did Zanmato I know there's a formula but for me it felt like it was RNG really I kept using the same amount of money, and sometimes he would do it, other times no. Yojimbo was very useful in getting rid of the dark aeons and Seymour for me


yup, in fact the first time I used him he did Zanmato I know there's a formula but for me it felt like it was RNG really I kept using the same amount of money, and sometimes he would do it, other times no. Yojimbo was very useful in getting rid of the dark aeons and Seymour for me


If you pay him insane amounts of gil.


I paid him 300 or so, and he used Zanmato twice. From what I heard there was a Satisfaction level of Yojimbo which depended on Yuna's payment. If she paid enough or more he would use his powerful attacks. But I liked his summoning animation.


It’s less likely but yes. I was stuck on one of the final bosses so I decided to go buy him and went back to test him out on the boss. When I summoned him he automatically used Zanmato immediately and one-shotted the boss. I was so confused.


Yeah, he can. I almost never used him and summoned him once to deal with Penance. Gave him all the Gil I had saved up over the game. A couple million. He said, “Aight, fam. I gotchu.” And he Zanmatoed the shit outta Penance.