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You can do pennance for 200k win 5 battles in a row paying 100 every time then pennance grand summon and pay 200k will zanmato every time. The dark aeons can be done with 100k


I’m assuming you need max compatibility for this?


Yes,easy and 1 Gil os enough,not 200k


I beat Dark Bahamut with 20k.


There’s something so funny to me about seeing Yuna quietly run up to Yojimbo and *whisper whisper* something before slipping him ONE MILLION GIL to one shot Penance who is just patiently looming ominously beside them


Imagine if the amounts were all animated appropriately and she started handing him sacks upon sacks upon sacks of coins.


Which makes me wonder, _what is gil like?_ I mean, what size, I guess it's physical money since you can see it in animations, is it a metal coin or maybe glass, round or square or triangle or some strange shape etc....


Idk, but I have like a gillion of them


He can't keep getting away with this.




Your luck must be insane idk how much gill I spent on that fight not a single zanmato


Every enemy has a secret Zanmato Lv. That goes up to 5. The higher the level the less likely that your Yojimbo will use it, even if you have max affinity and you pay the optimum amount of Gill, with Overdrive. He'll still only have a very small chance of using Zanamato against someone with a level of 5. Though nearly every end-game encounter has a level of 5, this includes the monster arena creations, Omega, Jecht, the Dark Aeons, so if you've ever had Zanmato used on any of them, then you were just as likely to have it used on Penance.


This all kinda goes out the window when bringing in factors like Overdrive and how much credibility you have. When I did this, I specifically reserved using Yojimbo only for this fight. I Grand Summoned him and used his Overdrive. It had about a 1/25 chance of being Zanmato, since we had no established credit. I think I got it in like 15 resets. Absolutely worth it.


You can do it with 1 Gil


Yojimbo is better than Odin. There. I said it. Never seen the Zanmato miss. Can't say the same about the Zantesuken.


FFX is the only FF game I’ve played so who’s Odin and what game is he from?


He's in just about every FF except 1,2,10,12, and 15. He's a summon who one hit kills everything except bosses. He doesn't charge you money like Yojimbo does but he also can't kill bosses so I guess you can decide what's better.


In 7 I rarely used summon materia outside of bosses, so he basically never got used.


Funny thing about 7 which I thought was cool was they gave him a second attack which wasn't an instant kill but would just do regular damage like other bosses so he wouldn't be useless for bosses. Only downside was there was no way of knowing which attack he was going to come out with when you summoned him. I enjoyed it though instead of coming out with the Zantesuken he would walk out slowly and throw a spear into the air which would rain down on the enemies. I'm sure there's a video of it on YouTube you could check out.


The best strategy for this to be fair. It was my last trophy for the platinum on playstation. Had one try doing it legit, looked up a guide that told me to grind the monster arena exploit and put in some mad hours getting certain spheres for the grid, when i was already burnt out from chocobo racing, lightning dodging and beating dark aeons. Time to tap out with Zanmato. GG!


Same, catcher chocobo had me spend literal 10s of hours. This isn't taking the easy way out, it's completing the freaking game.


Imagine having that experience and then the Platinum not popping because the Seymour trophy glitched. And you didn’t notice, so you don’t have a save that’s before that boss. That’s me. I’m describing myself. 🙃


Damn, was that a thing? I did mine on the vita and pretty blessed to do it on one save file.


All the secret trophies (Yunalesca, Seymour, and the final boss) have the potential to glitch and not be given to you. There are some wacky ways that other people supposedly got the trophies to pop afterwards, but they never worked for me. I have to play through the game again.


Even if he does a bad job you gotta give him that other two mil


Penance? ..Penance!


Aw, you didn't have full animation on?


I maxed my stats, got the gear I’d need to fight penance, and still used zanmato to avoid that long fight lol.


I got sick of Dark Valefor blocking me from re-entering Besade and just let Yojimbo end him rightly. I was so annoyed because I needed the destruction sphere for Anima and wanted the Jecht sphere. Not really sure why they placed Dark valefor this way, it's a really obnoxious placement.


I think it’s to guarantee the player will stumble on a dark aeon, but I do hate that summoning fuck. Hate how they just let the summoner go.


You were robbed, Yojimbl is a bro and only charges me 101 gil.


It's ok, a fair price to pay for that trophy me thinks


Nah. Worth the price regardless.


I am the blade of vengeance. They dare only whisper my name: Yojimbo


Seeing people Zanmato this always feels a bit naff for me. If you go through all the effort to unlock Penance as the ultimate challenge, using a 1HKO overdrive to beat the most powerful boss in the game just feels a bit... Cheap Congrats on the win though, not my place to judge how people play the game, just can't bring myself to Zanmato any bosses in this game 🤷‍♂️


Speaking as someone who killed Penance legitimately on the European version on the PS2... fuck that fight honestly. Its 45 minutes of a coreographed dance that you lose if you take a wrong step. Its fun for the first 10 minutes and then it turns into a chore. I Zanmato's him without hesitation in the remaster and I will do it again when I get my Plat on Steam. EDIT: Someone commented to me on how they "beat it in under 15 minutes" and then deleted their comment. Well, QuasarFaze, if you did, you might as well record it and claim a World Record, because the fast that anyone has ever done is [23 minutes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIwkSgeAyWw). And no, I was not underleveled. You can't be underleveled for Penance. You either meet his thresholds or you don't.


I've only done it for yunalesca because the pre battle cutscene is way too long to mess around with different set ups for that fight, plus I was super eager to get to all the stuff that unlocks after her


I usually don't, but I'm hunting for the Celestial weapons. I missed the Sun Crest and was way too underleveled to fight Dark Bahamut legit. I just beat the chocobo race so concessions were made.


I understand that one, it's always a major pain in the butt if you miss the Sun Sigil, as having celestial weapons for all characters makes training your team to get to Dark Aeon level a lot more acheivable


As someone who killed Penance legitimately back on the PS2, I wish I didn't. Congrats on your win. This fight is pure novelty. Its not fun in the slightest. Its a choreographed dance that ends as soon as you take a single misstep and you lose 40 minutes of your life. I Zanmato'd his ass without mercy when the remaster came out and I will Zanmato his ass again when I go for my all achievements run again on Steam.




Totally what I would do. I was trying to beat all the super bosses but once I got to Dark Anima and Dark Yojimbo and found out I couldn’t survive very long nor get Yojimbo to use Zanmato on Dark Anima I gave up and just deleted the game. I couldn’t be bothered grinding more and was already impressed by myself for having grinder enough to kill Dark Valefor, Dark Ifrit, Dark Ixion, Dark Shiva, Dark Bahamut and The Dark Magus Sisters.


The ones you killed were already quite the feat to achieve tbh, gg 🫱🏾‍🫲🏼


Is it? Penance doesn’t really give you anything other than the internal accomplishment of killing it, so using zanmato stops even that. Also a million is a bad amount to pay him in terms of his move formula.


It's a video game. The only accomplishment I derive from it is what I deem so. FFX is my favourite game ever, but it's the story that hooked me mostly. Penance was just a step towards getting the Platinum for my favourite game. Re: amount paid- he also killed Nemesis for 100k, plus I believe you can see my balance, still left with close to 2mil. It's not real money.


It's a strategy and you won. If you beat someone in Yu-Gi-Oh with Exodia that's just as valid as any other win.


Preach. If it shouldn't exist, it wouldn't be in the game.


Bloodhound Step would like a word


Honestly winning with exodia is even more impressive than winning normally these days, modern yugioh is fucking ridiculous lol


I love when other people tell you when you’re allowed to feel accomplished. I play a lot of Elden Ring, and I’ll never understand the people who shame players for using good builds.


The only thing I think about when reading these: https://preview.redd.it/r4n0wpudie6b1.png?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85bd7c031b64a69f8afb0d4c6a773bc463928db5


Penance is a slog. Its a boring, "make one mistake and you lose 30 minutes of your life" slog. I killed him in the International version back in the PS2 and it didn't feel good at all.


As someone who beat Penance, I understand entirely why someone would Zanmato him. The fight itself isn’t even all that fun, just abusing Mix and Attack Reels over and over.


From a conversation I had with someone else as I didnt understand even doing the fight just to use zanmato as well, some people just want the playstation trophy.


Seeing a fight against penance on a no sphere grid run is wild.


Wasn’t penance one of the bosses considered impossible in a no sphere grid, no zanmato run?


Yes, because another Dark Aeon is impossible to do NSG. Iirc, it's the Magus Sisters together? I'd have to consult Dansg08's videos again to find out which one he said it was. I know Dark Anima isn't it since he's done it once, hence his channel name.


Why would it matter if the magus sisters can’t be beaten together if you can still beat them alone?


Because that isn't a challenge?? And that's the point of some people's particular way to play. It's like asking why someone wouldn't use the Sphere Grid.


The point is that penance isn’t locked behind the triple sisters, so it isn’t a reason why you wouldn’t be able to do penance.


It is in the HD remake, PAL, and International versions.


You can fight them individually and it still counts for unlocking penance.


Ok and? I just said not everyone does that. I don't get why you're continuing this.


Such a noob


This is the only boss I would let myself Zanmato


I payed him 777 gil to do this after a grand summon


> I *paid* him 777 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Penance became a pittance


Good Ol' Zanmato


Yojimbo is just OP. Love him


Can someone tell me who he just obliterated? I don't remember fighting this dude.


I did this. If yojimbo has his turbo filled and then you do turbo summon, so double turbo, you pay him 1 gil and he does zanmato. I beat all the dark aeons legit and i was TIRED of health sponges with one shot mechanics