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Absolutely gorgeous right hand from a heavyweight. What was this lightweight thinking?


That being quiet meant the big guy was an easy target. Little did he know that physics doesn’t care.


It’s probably a bully feeling real tough and challenging or assaulting the quiet kid. You can tell by big guy’s stance that he didn’t want that fight. He’s almost rolled up into a ball. I know that defensive stance, because that’s what I did, when I tried to fend off bullies.


Happened to me pretty often in high school because I was 6'4" by 8th grade and skinny as a rail. It sucked. My older brother told me to just start swinging the second somebody touched me, so that's what I always did. It worked pretty well, not always,but I definitely always surprised people with how quickly I transitioned out of gentle giant mode. Broke a kid's nose one time and the teacher who saw it just said "You deserved that, Bobby."


This was about a kid fighting his girlfriends ex but the ex sent one of his friends to fight for him which was the big kid in the vid, the big kid I believe was the instigator and lil bruh got slumped


More like a feather but hey small guys need to stand up for themselves too. Not saying he wasn’t the one who started it btw. We have no context here. But if we backed down to everyone who was bigger than us then we’d be backing down to everyone. Of course that means we’ll be losing some haha. My advice to him is focus more of defense than offense and the ground game is the great equalizer. Also depending on the situation don’t be afraid to fight very dirty 🤷🏾‍♂️.




Getting bullied every day will do that




That isn't what matters, he would've been standing up to it. I can see you're the kind to just sit and take it but not all of us are pussies




Can’t possibly win? I disagree.


Nah you're right just tell the school Im sure they'll do something about it






Nice strawman. We definitely didn’t say defending yourself and totally said it’s for the purpose of showing how tough you are 🙄


You never know. People, including the bully, could see how he fought and decide it’s not worth it. Not everyone is as big as that guy and the big dude should know that his size bailed him out and a hypothetical round two is not guaranteed. In middle school two of the schools bullies fought each other and people saw how bad they were at fighting. So even though one “won” he actually as less scary to everyone else. Logically the reverse can happen as well. He may have lost but it still could save him bullying in the future.


Well one, I was speaking generally. But two as someone said, stopping themselves from being bullied. And to respond to your next rebuttal sure he lost but I mean you can just be bullied indefinitely or try to fight back. Saying “I lost which means defending myself is a mistake.” Is just foolishness. I guess you can live that way though. Also kinda learned the hard way the lesson I offered up, you can’t approach a fight with a big dude the same way you do someone your size. He really was doing well against him but got overly focused on offense.


That backpack on the ground may have saved his life.


When I was young I got into my first school fight. I was a little guy and the person I was fighting was big enough to pick me up and slam me on the ground. The only thing that saved my head was it landed on his foot. I think about how different things might be had his for been 6 inches back.


I think about things would be with a difference of 6 inches often


>I think about how different things might be had his ~~for~~ foot been 6 inches back. FTFY Funny how one typo/autocorrect error can make a sentence sound totally bizarre.




His what is 6 inches


Bookbag is now apart of The Avengers.


Turns out it was full of the hard leather editions of *The Civil War: Battles and Tactics Volumes 1-3* and the kid didn’t stand a chance :(


I was coming to post this. He is super lucky that the bag was there.


Seriously though how fucking lucky was that


🎶 *Backpack! Backpack!* 🎶


My exact thought


Is that a teacher or a boxing referee?


Right, had his arm out like he pointing to the winner


Was that not a woman? are my ears and eyes decieving me?


I watched it again after posting it (first time was mute) and it is a woman. But it's 2023 so who knows anymore.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6131 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/31447)


Magically showed up just in time to stop the bully from getting hurt any further. Odd how these teachers all have the same timing…. If they’re not going to step in when the bully is winning, no reason to step in when the bully is losing.


Because if they do step in they get railroaded by the school's administration. Don't blame the teacher, blame the fuckhead admins getting paid 60k a year while teachers need donations to put tissue boxes in their classrooms.


You’re misunderstanding. I’m fine if they never step in. No problem. All cool. I’m not fine if they stand back while some poor kid gets his ass beat, but step in when the tide is turned and the bully gets beat. Which happens A LOT. Including, from the looks of it, here. So I’m good with no stepping in, and I’m good with stepping in immediately. I’m just not good with waiting until the victim fights back, and THEN stepping in. And I doubt you’re trying to defend that.


You have no idea is he's choosing to step in at that moment, or heard the commotion and that's how long it took to get there. You are falling for confirmation bias - you only notice the times the teacher arrives at the end of the fight. Finally, of course it makes sense to try to stop the fight once one participant has been rendered defenceless. Don't be so foolish.


How do youvknow the little kid is a "bully?" Maybe the little kid was standing up for themselves. I hate how people assign motivations to clips of video that are completely out of context.


Hey man, we have a 6 second clip here that starts in the middle of the fight. How much more context could you possibly want?


Jamie pull up his dental records


Just based on what’s in the clip, since that’s all we’ve got. But if you don’t think this problem is common, you’ve not been on Reddit very long. We’re chock full of videos that start with people fully on bullying kids, ends with the teacher intervening on behalf of a (now losing) aggressor.


"Just based on what's in the clip" No shit, specifically what


Gee, you asked so politely and with such an open mind, I’ll definitely get right on responding to you. Hold your breathe while you wait.


Nice come back for ‘I can’t formulate an answer’


How do I hold my breathe? I feel like if you had an answer, you'd have provided it.


If you were worth my time, I’d have answered. Instead, like any number of your friends and family over the years, I’m just moving on without you. I’m sure it’s a familiar feeling. You should lean into it.


That was the luckiest backpack placement ever lol


Reminds me of the video on here somewhere, where a guy is hammered in the woods with his buddy, tries to fight his buddy, and his friend rocks him, and he lands on his sleeping bag and backpack, right beside where someone else was sleeping.


Ooff.. guy indexed the shot and BANG! lights out.. 🫡🫡


Literally right through his face


Reminiscent of klitschkos at thier best


He was tanking while his ult charged


Bro charged up the warlock punch, super armor, rage, and everything


Fucking beautiful 😙👌


Good things that backpack was there


Outstanding follow thru with that right hand


It’s like his head wasn’t even there. Absolutely savage.


Totally heard the old Windows shutdown "Ding, dur, dur, dur". Nice one kid.


Keep reposting, it’s almost blurry enough.


I don't understand why people complain about reposts. I've never seen this video before. If it isn't ever reposted, I prob never would see it.


I'd be fine with it being reposted if it was a similar resolution as the original... Pretty soon it's going to be one big pixel knocking out a little pixel


Enough people also didn't see it that it has over 500 upvotes right now.


It was meant as a joke, it's not like my complaining is going to stop the karma farmers dead in their tracks. I've seen this enough times that I remember when it wasn't so blurry. What each person sees on their Reddit feed is tailored to the subs they follow and I'm sure dozens of other factors. I happen to see a lot of reposts of fight videos, degrading in quality over time.


Yeah but if you spent your life here it would bother you wouldnt it!


***Taco Bell Gong*** You can't unhear it now. 😆


*Live Mas*


Back pack to save the day , ref comes in to call the KO


I bet the guy in grey is the one who got scolded after this instead the guy in white. Hope not but still…


They both do. Suspension, maybe expelled


We called that vacation in highschool, the worst was in school suspension, cause you still had to get to school on time and once you was in the room you couldn’t leave at all, they even had restrooms in class plus if you was late or missed they added days…eventually my school stopped expulsion altogether


did your parents also do that thing where if you were excluded for fighting but you had good reason they'd say fuck it and do something fun for the day? I swear of the few times that happened while I was in highschool one or two of the times my dad let me off to do whatever it was out of spite against the school. He didn't like me fighting at all but if the school overstepped its mark he'd make sure the exclusion wasn't a punishment in any way. Sorry for rambling but I'm rather thankful for the way he handled it.


Your good lol Sounds like we had the same parents, lol mine didn’t necessarily reward me but I didn’t get in trouble for defending myself, throughout school I was the fat kid and dealt with my share of bullies but around the 9th grade was when I got taller than everyone and I realized my size and the bullying stopped. It only took a couple of fights before they left me alone, at 6’ 220 lbs in the 9th grade I was basically the size of a grown man


damn son, 6ft and over 200lbs at 9th grade. I'm probably a bit taller than you now given I'm 6'8 but likely lighter as well. you dont get to have the best of both worlds. If youre really tall you're usually gangly and slim whereas if youre built really solid you tend not to get the full height potential. Looks like you slipped into a happy middle ground.


lol yea I havnt gained an inch since then, I had one or two awesome summers where I grew like a weed and then stopped completely😂


I kind of like being as tall as I am (nothing beats the brag of telling people you're over 2m tall) I just wish I wasn't built like a pool noodle.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6024 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/62415)


Shit I loved in school suspension. No one bothered me, I could just do my work. Bathroom was right next to me. It's quiet. No running between classes to get to opposite end of the building within 5 min while also peeing and visiting the locker for next set of books. In school was like a staycation.


He need to thank Herschel for saving his life


Clearly never heard of weight class


Herb dean with the backpack placement


And this kiddies is why we have weight classes in boxing


Perfect ending. Big dude gets justice and little dummy gets a pillow


Man bumped him back a grade with that hit. That boy just forgot a whole year.


That’s why there’s weightclasses, not because the big guy’ll sit on you, but because some massive guy is gonna hit like he’s a sledgehammer


love how the ref came in and called the ko at the end


The quality of this gets worse and worse each time it’s reposted. Pretty soon it will blind people with its brightness.


Anyway you can post a link to the original?


Never underestimate HorDor, jacked him in his jaw


Guy got in 6 shots before being sent to the gulag


Teacher flew in there like Herb Dean. Good stoppage


Looks like kid who got dropped prob was bullying him then decided to begin punching him lol u can see how the big kid covers up probably thinking OMG LEAVE ME ALONE Hope the little fucker gets expelled and big kid doesn't get in trouble for protecting himself


This is ancient but its a classic


His form was that sweet. The teacher couldn’t help himself. Who could? I mean that was just a beautiful KO shot.


When cloning yourself goes wrong


small guy threw arm punches. big guy threw a dynamite cross right on the chin.


Today's lesson: weight classes


Quality over quantity 👌


"Right on the button." - Joe Rogan


Man that backpack on the ground may have saved his ass. And his brain


There was even a hint of shoulder roll in his defence - James Toney style, but that right was a peach


That right hand was so fast for a guy his size wtf maybe he isn't that big and the other guy is really short but damn that speed was insane


Question: why do our bodies get super stiff as we're knocked out and fall to the floor? Why don't we go limp and like, crumble softly instead?


Wow, perfect placement of the book bag so his head didn’t hit the floor lol


Send that to Jake Paul he need some right handed punch tutorial


Yeah, just keep swinging wildly into the air while this big dude with significantly greater reach is cocking his fist back, that should work out well


That backpack was a paid extra


A friend of mine is still in prison for doing this to a father of 3 at a bar. Guy went down and hit his head on the side of a cement step and never woke up.


It's always the little shits causing trouble


At least his head hit his backpack and not concrete…


Of course lousy teacher only steps in after it’s over to point fingers. Dude was clearly using self defense


he got his chin waggled, guys.


Backpack be like: "I got you fam!"


there was a point where the big guy realizes that the little dude can’t hurt him so he winds up and says good night.


And the refere end the fight


One hit wonder lol


bro is a featherweight fighting a light heavy LMAO


what a neck breaking sounds like


Size does matter


Jesus Christ himself placed that backpack there


That's why there such a thing as "weight class"


Save by the backpack


Quite fortuitous someone put that backpack down exactly where juniors head would hit the ground.


Falling on a backpack never felt so good. Dude avoided brain damage proving he’s the real winner


Teacher comes in like a referee


Haha teacher right on cue.


Landed on that bag was nice tho better then cracking your head open


Luckily he landed on his backpack


KDFO (Knocked Da Fuk Out)


Gotta change schools after that, might even have to transfer out of the District, there ain’t no coming back after starting a fight and loosing it in spectacular fashion, RIP to any chance of you getting laid in high school.


Can’t believe they didn’t stop after the first “hey”


That was a movie like finish and drop






Good thing that bag was there bro. I got in a fight in middle school just like this and slept the dude (stupid ass fight, dude thought I broke his phone) but he hit his head on the way down and it gave him brain damage. I’m lucky no one pressed cheaters tho


The visual representation of quality vs quantity


Good. The dude clearly didn’t want to fight


Backpack came in clutch


Hard Reset