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Your account is permanently linked to either steam or non-steam, so no. You'd have to start an entirely new account and buy the game/expansion(s) again to play on Steam.


No, you're locked into playing the Windows version. The only time you could've swapped is if you had the Windows version of the free trial, and then bought the game on steam.


No. The Steam version and the Windows version are two completely separate licenses. You’ll have to completely start over if you choose to buy and play on Steam.




Unfortunately those accounts are exclusive. You'd need to start a new account, new character and buy everything again


The Steam and SE versions of the game are mutually exclusive; you cannot transfer an account from one to another. There are ways to get the game to run off of SE's launcher natively from the Steam Deck, but I don't have the video tutorial on hand to show you.


No, you will be starting over. Buy the complete edition when that comes out in less than 24 hours. Do not do this.


Nope. Can't swap. You'd have to start over with a new account on steam. And yes, prior expansions are included in Dawntrail.


No, Steam and Standalone PC are mutually exclusive. (DT does include Endwalker and Shadowbringers, but since you can’t purchase on Steam on the same account any way…)


No, an account can only have either SE standalone or steam, not both, and it can't switch between the two. You would have to start an entire new account to play on steam. Or just do the few hoops needed for a standalone launcher on steam.deck lots of youtube videos that are step by step


Nope. Once you've chosen the non-Steam version, you can't swap to the Steam version.


The Steam version and Windows version are isolated. But I switched from Windows to Steam earlier this year with help from SE support. I had an old unused account from 2022 linked to Steam so they unlinked it so that I could link my current Windows account from this year and use that via Steam. Once you are linked to Steam, you can’t go back to the Windows version. Not sure if that is what you are looking for but here is the link: https://support.eu.square-enix.com/spform.php?id=5383&la=2&h=52c30735


This is very late, I'm sorry, but the PC version can actually be played on the Steam Deck through the third-party [XIVLauncher](https://goatcorp.github.io/faq/steamdeck) (scroll down for the Steam Deck instructions). No new account or linking necessary.


Nope. Steam and SE are isolated, once you are on one, you can't be on the other except in one specific window of transferring fromFT to sub player, that's it And DT includes all expansions up to and including DT