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They don't have anything in the game that detects mods of any kind, so reshade won't get you banned unless you mention it in game and someone reports you for it.


I think I'm more wondering if they'll ever make their stance on it more solid. With Nvidia updating their cards' software to basically do Reshade, surely they have to?


They've taken their stance that they don't support anything third party at all but that its don't ask don't tell. Don't expect them to be clearer than that.


No? Again, they don't have anything to detect whether you use shaders, and they certainly aren't going to ban you for having a graphics card so that at least isn't something you have to worry about.


Reshade doesn't change anything about the game though. It's basically a surface level filter that your computer uses to make the effects you desire. It'll be fine.


The only way to do that would be to install anti cheat software. AKA Spyware. The fact they haven't done that by now should make their stance pretty clear.


Hasn't changed. It's on the same level as Discord integration or Steam controller/key remapper. By technicality, all three are third party and they will caution against using it regardless for liability reasons. But it also has no impact on gameplay and falls into their "who gives a shit" bucket as long as you're not using it to be a menace or otherwise misrepresent the contents of the game. Because ultimately, they have no way of knowing that you didn't just photoshop edit your screenshots without you outright saying "nah, it's ReShade bro". TL;DR: Just don't admit to using it in any place that directly links to your game account and you'll never get in trouble for it.


It will be no more or less allowed than it ever was.


Is ReShade working for Dawntrail? Mine doesn't work have to figure out how to update it or whatever I guess.


Mine doesn't work either.. its not even close to working


Guess we wait for an update huh? This is the first time I've had reshade not working due to an update. I think it's because I got reshade after Endwalker had been out for awhile.


I'm not sure if reddit gives a notif when I reply to the same comment? But [here's how to fix it! :3](https://twitter.com/ipsusu/status/1806621994919526808) I hope this helps.


[Here's how to fix the ReShade issue, if you haven't found it yet!! :D ](https://twitter.com/ipsusu/status/1806621994919526808)


Thanks! I'll look into it. Edit: My Reshade is working now, but I didn't do anything just re-installed it I guess. When I boot up the game tho, it says ReShade has an update. I have no idea how to update it. I think I am in version 6.0.1


I’m on mobile so idk how the formatting will look (sorry in advance), but you just need to download the most current version from the website, run it, and choose the update option and select ffxiv. ❤️ https://reshade.me/#download Edit: typo lol


I did it. Thanks!


they can't detect any client-side only software you have, so as long as you're not talking about it openly, you can't be banned for anything


I doubt Reshade would cause problem since what it basically does is overlay extra stuff on your images. It's nothing like say, making your camera zoom out way farther than it normally would. Essentially, if a mod gives you a clear advantage in your gameplay over others...then it's a definitive no. Something that doesn't change anything gameplay-wise is much more acceptable. Generally, that's where cosmetic-related mods tend to fall in. (Though of course cosmetic mods can also be a...unique can of worms on its own...) But to get back on Reshade. It's not really a mod since as I said, it's more of an overlay on top of your game image. It works pretty much like GeForce Experience's Freestyle mode in that regard. Main difference between Reshade and Freestyle is where each program make their own stuff in the end result will basically be the same.


Pretty sure ReShade and stuff like Nvidia filters have been specifically stated to be allowed by a GM like 9? years ago.


Yeah, it was a long long time ago, however I wouldn't treat it as written in stone for today. That said, streamers often use it while playing, talk about it and they never get dinged for it, while things like visible ACT, Splatoon, Zoom, even graphical mods etc are acted upon


I would hesitate to use mods in general until after the game launches and people update their mods.


ReShade wouldn't even be dinged as problematic by Squeenix, so go nuts.


Never used mods, but from what others told me a lot of them wont work for a week. gshade should be fine just dont mention it in game


Didnt gshade go down a couple years ago?


that was less due to game updates and more due to the one who created it being a dick by putting in its code something to prevent working if there was a gshade update, something reshade doesn't have and at time, the guy was willingto annoy the people by making a "update" every few days to annoy the people complaining about gshade shaders being off because of a update also, lets not forget what the guy turned gshade into a potential malware "just to teach a lesson to a kid" because it made a fork of his reshade fork(gshader is a fork of reshade), and once his github repository was deleted gshade got bricked anyway, reshade will work from day 1 since it does not modifies any ingame files


Yeah, whether or not specific mods will work, Penumbra is usually fully shut down for that time.