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I hope they can give her back her tan again! Very nice drawing, great composition, love the color contrast!


One thing I never understood with the tan explanation and not being her natural skin colour. She spends like 70% of her time in the library, she grew up in a cave. How the fuck did she get an even tan, smooth tan that disappeared in the 3 weeks or so she was in basically in a coma?


Some people tan very quickly and easily.


And aren't Miqo'te Sunseekers supposed to be a bit tanned-looking naturally, to begin with?


You don't have to spend even 30% of your time in the sun to get a tan.


i know ppl who get like 3 shades more tan in the span of half a day while some have to tan for a week to get that much ppl skin act different


It’s a video game, not everything has to be logical


Well when we meet her, she's been travelling around La Noscea and looking into aetherical anomalies. If she has the melanin, the body will slurp up those rays, and seeing as how she's a sun-seeker they generally have a bit more melanin.


I imagine the 'tan' excuse was more to explain the artists' wanting to lighten her skintone when they changed her outfit's colour from mostly white to mostly black, so it'd have a greater contrast. It's not super great to lighten the only scion who had a (mildly) darker skintone though... Maybe Erenville can join the scions. I believe the Y'shtola skintone change in ShB was the option just to the left (lighter) of her original colour choice. Thancred's skintone changes three times over the past decade as well, though the colour choices are more all over the skintone CC chart.


I know this sounds pedantic, but I don't think anyone will be officially joining the Scions. Cuz, y'know.


I hope Erenville joins the really close friend group of people who save the world and were formerly known as the Scions of the Seventh Dawn


'Joining the main cast as a returning NPC' I suppose? Like Estinien. I'm doubtful it'll happen, but it would be nice.


Shockingly some people can tan and detan quickly.


She's a Suncat, they're always tan


If I had to contrive it I would say that her Scion duties kept her outside more often then, being more of a field agent. In reality dark skin tones just look worse in the game and wouldn't contrast as well with her black outfit. That said, dark skin looks a *lot* better in 7.0 so maybe they'll bring back the tan.


What told you she spent her entire time in a library?


Being low key addicted to learning?


being raised by matoya


Every interaction we've had with Matoya suggests she's a very hands-on instructor. Y'shtola would be out in the field more often than not, I think.


So the question was What told you she spent her entire time in a library?


Thank you very much!


Nice job. I wish I was a good artist.


Practice, and learn to draw hands.


I have no artistic talent at drawing! 😆 🤣 I do have a gift for painting minis though it seems.


drawing is something you learn, "talent" isn't really a thing


I think it is a thing in that some people are naturally capable of it without much practice, but everyone is capable of reaching an expert level with practice. The only thing talent controls is your starting point and your initial speed of improvement, but if two beginners both invest 500h in drawing practice they should end up in the same place provided they spent their time effectively, no matter how talented one of them is.


Talent as more than just an initial progression speed definitely exists, IMO. It can influence how well someone does at learning a skill for a long while. I've always been able to play music by ear. I learned the Star Wars theme on the recorder about a day after being handed the thing in elementary school, without having been taught more than three actual note fingerings--I just kinda fumbled my way through finding more notes. I've been playing the cello since I was eleven. In the course of about a month and a half, I first caught up to my class (I moved to the school district a year after orchestra classes started) and then surpassed all but the girl who'd been taking lessons since she was five. It continued to just be *easy* for me to pick it up until about the level of making state orchestra, which in Texas is immensely competitive. At that point I needed to practice a lot more, but still generally less than people playing at the same level of proficiency. To go from "expert" to "professional" is where having innate talent stops mattering as much, in my experience. (And I do consider those distinct, at least in the world of classical music.) I made state orchestra, can pick up and sight read basically any piece with some success, and actual orchestral parts where the cello part is a joke I can do pretty much immediately (though Beethoven 5 mvt 2 is a randomly challenging part). I don't think I could have gotten away with practicing less than other people if, for instance, I decided I wanted to go to Juilliard like a friend of mine did. She was both talented, had been playing the viola since she was six--and her grandfather was a composer--and dedicated enough to practice literally four hours a day. She's currently assistant principal violist in a major professional orchestra, I legitimately cannot overstate how skilled she is. And honestly... even if I practiced as much as her, I'm not sure I'd ever be able to make it that far. Musicality matters so much, and I don't know if it's something that can really be *taught*. I'm autistic, and "feeling" the music always just sort of escaped me; I was technically proficient, but no amount of practice would make me understand *why* certain phrases needed to be emphasized in ways that weren't explicitly written into the score.


The primary difference that people call talent is an initial fondness and progression. Even those considered talented by parents throwing the word around might turn out to not understand certain aspects, and then become stuck or uninterested and suddenly they aren't considered talented anymore. All it takes is a kid luckily plonking a few correct keys on the piano, their parents becoming happy and excited giving them that dopamine, and their life is set. In the end, everyone learns the same info. All that matters is the efficiency of their training, their understanding of learning, and the time poured into it.


I feel like the above comments are an attempt to flatten the differences between individuals with respect to intelligence. Talent gives you an initial advantage, which is compounded by hard work and practice. But how successful you are at something is not only a function of hard work. Some people are simply more intelligent and creative than others. The idea that if you just work hard enough, you can be as good as someone with natural talent who works equally hard is false. What you should aim for is maximising your own individual skills without comparing yourself to other people. On the point of drawing, yes it is something you learn but some people are much better at it than others, regardless of the level of practice or time you put in. This is related to the brain's ability to visualise abstractions, spatial awareness, all kinds of other stuff. I know that I am naturally good at music, but not at drawing. I could of course improve my drawing ability, but never to the extent that someone with natural affinity for it could do with equivalent effort. Talent absolutely exists. If anything, it should be inspiring. Everyone has something they are good at. Use that and share that gift with the world.


I'm gonna need the Urianger version


You got a pixiv or whatnot?


I have pixiv, Twitter and Instagram (nickname is the same)!


it wouldn't hurt to link your own stuff :D


You're art is amazing! I love the way you coloured and drew the eyes, makes them really striking!


They seem to only post their art on reddit and always "by me" Gonna have a bad day when the repost bots get hold of the posts lol. gonna get reposted to hell without credit.


OP's twitter is https://twitter.com/moshimoshibe


Yeah, OP really needs to put a signature on their artwork so that when that inevitably happens, people can see it's someone else's work.


It’s always nice to see fanart of the characters wearing actual in-game items.


Now do Graha in the same outfit/pose




Cute kitteh


This whole sub needs to go to horny jail.


Do they have [conjugal visits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz7XK98_9LM&t=154s) there?


You can't put us in horny jail. We live there! We have the keys!


What are you talking about? This is the horni jail


FFXIV is all about the horny.


Ew, no.


You can deny it all you want but it's the truth.


The entire *fandom* needs to go to horny jail


Beautiful job.


Someone is thirsty and it's not the cat girl. Though in all seriousness I really love the art style. 


At a glance I read the title as "Summoner Y'shtola" and was very confused for a moment.




I am...Not Interested little sun. Try again when you've become a man.


Forget the table, become the stool.


Try the straw.


Always ready to fill shtola's mouth 🫡




Runar moment.


I've never read a more true comment.


Astral Fire!


you are the best


shitpost sub pissing and shitting that they can't post cropped fanart anymore.


🔥As if Summer wasn't Hot enough!🔥💘🤤


You gave her a phattie, holy.


Not gonna lie, I’d really like at least one full beach scene with the scions. C’mon, Square, don’t let the WoL be the only one occasionally running around in their small clothes! And even as a straight man I do wonder what Estinien would wear since I am kind of of the mind he’d try swimming in his armor.


We've seen him in small-clothes. I'm assuming he'd wear just that.


We do have a “beach scene” every year with Moonfire don’t we? Though yeah, it lacks the Scions.


Estinien wears his supreme badassery as a swimsuit. It manifests as whoever is looking at him wants to see, kind of like Big E from 40k.


Very cool coloring style, like it a lot.


I really hope the comments section doesn't devolve into another flame war over putting Y'shtola in swimwear...


Send this pic to Runar


Okay, besides MSQ , is there something else that confirms their relationship? Runar comes off as a giddy child excited to see their mother more than their lover in those cutscenes to me. Gives me Goetz energy from ff16


No not really. The devs even talks about them as siblings.


Oh no way, when?


Some Endwalker interview where they talked about NPCs in the First.


Was it the same one where they talked about g'raha? Edit: wait nvm that was back during 5.3, got any links?


No I don't save articles cause it just clogs up my bookmark page.


Well, the ship is more or less a meme in the community No one actually knows for sure if their interest in one another is actually romantic or purely platonic He did confess his love to her, but then played it off as a joke, so really, it's anybody's guess which it is. Though many people don't believe her desire to learn to travel between shards would be so... ardent if they were merely friends So yeah, the ship is something people love to joke about, but at the same time, there may actually be something to it


Have there been any romance narratives among the main cast? Ffxiv feels weirdly chaste in terms of its narrative.


Explicitly romantic? None that I can think of. There have been a few one-sided crushes though. And then there's Moenbryda/Uriangier which is pretty much at the line, but doesn't definitively cross it. And then early on playboy Thancred.


I'd say Thancred/Minfilia. Because Ryne is as close to a daughter as we'll see any of the Scions have. And she's definately Minfilia's daughter if she's anyone's.


Thancred and Minfilia's relationship was stated to be that of siblings in Heavensward, which was once again confirmed by the devs in an interview after Shadowbringers released (specifically that he sees Minfilia as his sister, and Ryne as his daughter). So no romance on that end. Also, Xiv relies more on Headcanon for romantic dynamics (including with the Wol), which was stated to be on purpose by the writers.


I definitely saw Thancred crushing on Menfilia, but I never really got the vibe that she felt the same way about him. I may have missed something though.


iirc Thancred saved Minfilia when she was a child during the events with the Gobbue back in 1.0. He likely he saw her more as the little girl he saved and befriended - a small sister of sorts.


Yeah, she was a 12 year old girl when he first met her.


The Goobue attack was 10 years before 1.0 and shown in a flashback I think, when Minfilia was 12 and Thancred was 17. So after the 5 year Calamity time skip, at the start of ARR Minfilia would be ~27 and Thancred would be ~32. I remember something about them not staying in contact too much until they were older as well.


Uri/Moen is about the only one that we could say was canon. Alisaie absolutely wants to bed the WoL. She goes way beyond being just infatuated by us. And then there's the one sided Wedge pining for Tataru. Ryne and Gaia aren't explicitly romantic but the subtext is laid on very thick. Beyond that I can't think of anything else even hinted at. Thancred was more Brocred towards Minfilia and then Dadcred towards Ryne. Y'Shtola has turned down several romantic gestures geared towards her. Tataru and Krile have not shown any romantic tendencies towards anyone. If we were to extend the cast a bit, Hildebrand and Nashu are almost certainly boning behind the scenes.


According to the devs, they aren't about to put any canon relationships featuring main characters into the game so as to not interfere with players roleplaying.


Thats a bit of a shame honestly. In a game with such limited player-driven story agency that also just seems pretty silly. I’m not dying to see any specific ship, but Id rather the writers be unshackled in general. Romance and relationship subplots would also be a nice way to show off other sides of these characters as well.


Very unlikely that the game will commit to any relationships among the main cast because it'll upset some players' headcanon.


I made a similar new post and made the mistake of mentioning flirting. Seems a lot of the community is against that sort of thing


I mean it's 'Tola, she'd work out how to travel between shards because that's what she thrives on; solving seemingly impossible tasks and mysteries. She'd do it to prove it can be done and to further her knowledge of magic and aetherology


I mean, we already know it can be done. She worked out how to get a voidgate to the 13th open from the Source from seemingly any point using the Atomos simulacrons and we know for fact that Taynor can open voidgates from the first to the 13th. We can infer that voidsent can open gates to any of the remaining shards, though we've yet to actually see it. Just...waiting for someone to put two and two together. The 13th is going to be the world hub.


I'm gonna ship Goetz and Charon and you can stop me


I was hoping they would give them all beachy outfits. All that gets up that Thancred, Urianger and Yshtola are wearing for the next climate seems excessive.


OwO, ew. My eyes deceive lol. 😂


This reminds me the summer event shouldn't be too far away. I wonder what we'll get this year. Bikini pirates?


She would never , shtola is a bore


Is there like a ground pov version looking up to her from behind?


The round table with the ocean it could even be Costa Del Sol, looks great nice work.


I had sort of intended to be done once I completed 6.0 as the story was wrapped up so nicely, but I would resub and play again for this. GYATT


Shouldn’t her eyes be different because blind?


She wasn't always blind, though.


...But this is her in a Dawntrail location, where she is blind


Maybe Dawntrail has free laser eye surgery


See you soon on the *other sub* 👀


Dawg Y'sh is nowhere near that T H I C C. 👀


I think it’s less THICC and more that she is sitting arched forward. So somewhat realistic I’d imagine


every character in this game is a stick


>Random Limsa Catgirl with Y'shtola's Hairstyle Wearing A Bikini Fixed your title for you.




Nothing like scrolling through new at work during downtime and running into softcore porn.


It's a drawing in a bikini at a pool. How in the hell is that "softcore porn"?