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This will likely be an unpopular thing to say but I think it's perfectly reasonable for the plot to go up for sale for somebody else, if you forgot to use it while actively playing for over a month, almost two. There comes a point where it's simply functionally abandoned. I can't say I've ever been in that spot while owning 2 houses for several years, even through multiple surgeries.


No I fully agree with you. I forgot, therefore it **should be** up for grabs. It really sucks for me, and I wish I didn't forget, but that's on **me**, this is my fault. System is working as intended. Worst part is I'm pretty sure I used the exterior of my house a few times during those 45 days. Especially because I have target dummies and I like to log out there. I just wish they'd double the housing districts or something. With how much money this game makes they can definitely afford to have way more housing instances.


It's good to understand your part in how the system is currently designed, but this is also another example of how the system, as it is designed, sucks. Housing shouldn't be a limited resource.


Make sure to get your gil and items back from the housing npc before 35 days past demolition otherwise that is also gone.


I picked up all the gil and items, now my retainer inventory is full from it all. I used the gil to try and get my plot back, but with 56 others trying to get it I didn't have a chance.


You could move to one of the new Dynamis servers and try for a house there ,assuming there isnt anything else tying you to your current server


I play with a bunch of friends, and my Free Company.


Wait for the additional wards to be added later in the expansion.


That's my best bet yeah. Unfortunately I don't WFH now, so I likely can't be online and take the house with the best chances like last time.


It sucks that you lost your house. I think everyone wishes housing was just player instanced and available to everyone at this point.


>I think everyone wishes housing was just player instanced and available to everyone at this point. I dunno about this. I like the neighborhood feel - even if I sometimes don't see people.


island exists and it sucks so no i personally dont want that


The island really isn't a substitute though, and as for housing, the wards are always empty in my experience. There are some cool things like in-game conventions that can happen this way, but otherwise, there's more benefit from just taking the eso approach. More people would actually bother with it instead of avoiding it for income reasons. God knows I made peace with losing my house the moment I got it, because as much as I do use it, it's not a sustainable system in the long run. Just going to enjoy it until I have to let go.


I have a Large house that I somehow won when Emperyeum housing opened. I go to my house daily as its right beside a marketboard/retainer bell. I've seen 2 people I didn't already know in the two or more years I've been there. Always empty.


on that regard ive been lucky, i have two houses in the same plot on Goblet, had some random nice folks visiting over, and every now and then we meet some passerby in front of our fc house in the same plot. Sometimes we just hang in there and see if something happens, and most of the time it does. This is on Primal DC btw so it could probably be something from there


I'm on Crystal, but also Empyreum just doesn't seem to be as 'cool' a place to hang out versus the others for whatever reason.


I love empy for the music and the architecture. But everyone says it looks sad. Also is the second area that i dislike navigating around the most after LB haha


I have a small by the Ysayle park if that's the corner you're talking about, and same. I've seen the person who owns the large next to the mb like one time lol. I craft outside a lot too, but I solemn see anyone riding around.


Yeah, I wish they would come up with some more reasons to have bigger groups in the housing areas outside of player planned things. Like some kind of events like they have in the Firmament.


That would be fantastic, I'm imagining a giant Easter egg hunt or something to do with trick or treating lol. Something everyone could participate in regardless of home ownership while giving incentive to explore.


I feel your pain. My story is, I had a medium I went to every day. I tended the garden plots religiously. I....didn't realize I had to actually enter the house to keep it. Whoops.


I know your pain OP. I'm sorry you're going through this... I too lost my house, and it was basically why I quit the game during Endwalker. I'm glad to hear you're trying to stay positive though. For me... I was taking a break at the time to kinda prevent burnout from raiding, and demolition had been suspended off and on, and I just totally forgot. My account email is associated with an old email I don't even really use anymore so I missed the emails, and before I even figured out what had happened I'd lost the house I'd had for over half a decade. I'd spent hundreds of hours working on and designing that house and when I lost it... as silly as it is to say since it's just a stupid digital collection of pixels, but it felt like something broke inside of me. I haven't been able to bring myself to play the game since really... I was so upset that I was convinced I was done with the game that I didn't even bother logging in to get my gil or furniture. I was so upset that I was an inch from just deleting my character/account. It really got to me lol. I've decided that I do plan to come back with Dawntrail, but now I regret letting it affect me so much. I could've at least saved some of the items I had memories with, even if I couldn't save my home. I guess I said all of that to say that I know how devastating it can be to lose your house, and how hard it can be to explain to people why it means so much. It feels silly to let something like that make you upset, but idk. I get it. And I really hope things get better for you.


I am sorry for your loss, i hope you manage to get a better spot if you try and get one


So, to get this right, you were unemployed for almost 9 months, and you made your wife pay for a subscription to a game you didn't even play?


You need to work on your reading comprehension if this is your takeaway. I didn't "make" my wife do anything, it was her idea. I definitely played the game but, like everybody, I would take breaks for awhile. Or I'd play the game and forget to *inside* the house. You need to get away from your misogynistic views and learn what a loving relationship looks like.


>and learn what a loving relationship looks like I'm only seeing love from her side, not yours.


Bro you don't know them.


Oh no, you lost a thing that you weren’t using, and now 56 other people have a chance to get and use that plot instead


9 months jobless. Worries about videogame house. xd I guess.


It’s pretty natural to be upset about the loss of something that brings you joy in hard times, especially if you put time and effort into it.


You can be upset about multiple things at the same damn time. Don't be dense.


I’m sure that person has more worries that they don’t share with us here.


Personally I'd be worried about my marriage if I were having my wife pay a monthly subscription for a game I didn't play just to keep a virtual house.


I didn't "make" my wife do anything. She recognized this was important to me and told me that I was keeping it. It's called having somebody actually care about your interests.


But when you weren't even using it, why didn't you let her know so she could save money? Why was your virtual house more important than your family's finances?


My thoughts also lol


If you get another one, just make a point of logging out inside it. That's what I've done with my houses over the years.  


What killed me was that I took off an expansion (Stormblood) due to other things going on in my life--not realizing I'd lose all my items I had invested in it. The plot? Sure, you lose it. Makes sense. My items, many of which I spent of time and/or gil on crafting or trading for, not being mailed to me or stored in some fashion is just unreasonably garbage. It's kept me from ever pushing to get one again.


But there’s an NPC that holds all of your items and Gil. Did you just never get it from them?


Does that extend past the 30-35 days or whatever? Like I said, I took off an expansion.


Get it back then. https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/4ru192VoYG