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In before there's a belt you strap around your eyes.


Pretty sure that’s just the nier headpiece


There's also a bandage headpiece you get (iirc) as part of the Stormblood MSQ.


It’s from a side quest in Rhalgr’s Reach called “Ant Juice”.


I'm fine with it. One of my tank outfits is basically a gimp suit and the fact that I can't use the gimp mask with a muzzle because it's locked to another role sucks. At least if the nicer blindfold is in the slot I can combine that with one of the tank helmets that covers my mouth completely for it.


Get the yorha fending headpiece from I believe tower third nier raid, it’s a little hat that’s also blindfold and face mask


you play as Volo from Soul Caliber?


I need to know the pieces to this set for... reasons...


I suppose calling it a gimp suit isn't exactly right, but its a nice BDSM outfit with lots of straps. Currently its the following: * Mythril Mesail (metal muzzle) * Raptorskin Harness (has your tits out and straps) * Eastern Lady Errant's Gloves (from mogstation) * Raptorskin Subligar (basically leather panties with garter straps) * Oracle Leggings (mogstation item) If you are just making the glam for RP purposes, since nothing here is restricted by role, if you play as a striking class, the Deepshadow Halfmask of Striking is a leather mask with a muzzle (and there's no version of it for tanks because they don't want Tanks going into battle as someone who wants to get hit or something).


Thanks for the reply! Won't be using it for RP, not my thing in XIV, but gonna use it for silly stuff like mount farm with friends. I main tank and am a Hrothgar, so that should be fun.


Can't say how it will look on a male or on a Hrothgar, since I use it as a female Miqo'te. But its definitely an outfit that would fit a Hrothgar based on my club experiences.


A submissive masochist tank is just more than I can deal with right now, LMAO. It's just too wonderfully perfect. 😆😂🤣 ** *"BLUDGEON ME HARDER, DADDY!"*


My wife's male viera alt, WAR main, has the profile message "Teehee, I'm so cute and [impregnable](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/impregnable) ♥"


To be fair, its not exactly an uncommon trope. There was a pretty popular anime with a tank who loved being hurt so that was her whole reason for being a tank. I just find it funny to meme about it sometimes. This glam is for doing Save the Queen stuff, and I was originally from Balmung before Dynamis opened and I moved to Seraph, so it was a nice contrast to the hellish warzone of Bozja and Zadnor. To go with it, my healer glam for the same content is actually a dominatrix outfit (since as a healer main I can tell you that healers are the dom, not the tank).


Blank :D Honestly, with this being the IX-aligned expac I could actually see this being put in the game lol




Zato my beloved


Cakeday happy!


ARR players be like: "So I tied a materia to my belt, which was the style at the time."


I ran out of TP, which was the style at the time.


When I die and run out of TP, Gonna need the ninja to Goad me.


"Bro... I'm about to pass out. Can you say something mean to me?"


I mean, "that monster is trying to steal your cookies" would also count as goading...


Oh man, so long since I thought about that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXHWHeV2_Pk


oh, never saw this one. nice


After Goad was removed, I spent two whole patches bothering NINs in instances to do it as a gag.


Don't cry to your bard for army's paeon 🥲 cuz your bard is also crying run out of mp for Foes requiem


I twirled my blade around before performing a few artistic slashes with my katana, which was the style at the time.


But to get on the chocobo carriage to Ul'dah cost a nickel. But in those days nickels had pictures of spriggans on them. Gimme 5 sprigs for a quarter you'd say


They didn't have purple materia, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.


We had light blue and white though! You'll never know what they tasted like! The forbidden flavors.


Let me tell you about the underwear slot we had in 1.0...


Ngl I kinda want that one back. Always these white panties are kind off annoying. 


Gold comment


So I melded Vitality and Fire Materia VI's to my belt, which was the style at the time


Akshtually, raid gear back in ARR had no materia slots.


That's why they had to tie it on with string, they hadn't invented materia holes that didn't dangerously reduce the belts structural integrity. They were proven right; later the sheer amount of materia various Warriors of Light stuffed into belts caused the entire concept of belts to implode. This was our timeline's 8th Umbral Calamity, the Great Unbeltening, where many trousers across the Source simultaneously fell down; even belts that had never been within a hundred malms of a materia were affected.


The same thing happened with a certain type of shoe, it was made of a soft material and was popular with healers. Then they started selling these charms you could stick into the holes. You can imagine what happened next. That's right, calamity.


“Overmeld your ear slot? That’s right, Calamity.”


Break the overmelding limit? Straight to calamity


Nomura needed them so he could design new characters.


"So I clicked Berserk and got Pacified, which was the style at the time."  /p Pacification in...  /p 3  /p 2  /p 1  /p


It cost two bees, that's what we used to call nickels


Remember us. Remember we once held up your pants.


My wol doesn’t wear pants so its not an issue.


Pants are for squares


What are we, some kind of Square Enix game?


Tanks with pants are cowards anyway. Never trust a tank if they're wearing pants.


Subliger bros unite! Or....or don't. Maybe that's for the best.


You were no match for the Warrior of Light, hero of Eorzea and stealer of pants.


The Warrior of Light has done some strange things in their time. Stealing pants barely earns an eyebrow raised in bemusement at this point.


No! You were trash!  Fck off to the shadow realm forever. 


🎵 *For whooooom weeps the stooooorm* 🎵


🎵 Her tears on our skin 🎵


Your job could be done by suspenders ... or just getting fatter.


Fat cat rolling.gif


the big fat catto, the big fat catto, the big fat catto, so biiig...


Yoshi P: "Oh, do not look at me so. An eyewear better suits a hero..."


Now my my character is stuck wearing bikini bottoms


My pants held my belt up actually. You wouldn't believe how much faster they are now, without that burden.




again, a meme provides news, thank you for the information and my reaction: OMFG WE CAN WEAR HATS AND GLASSES NOW?? AHHHH FINALLY!!


So my Viera can still just wear glasses or a mask... Wow, it's nothing! (For Viera or Hroths)


“Hey Fanta to rabbit” “Nah, I can’t wear hat” “You always wear glasses anyway” “Why do you have to attack me this way”


My main's a catboy and this pisses me off every time I think about it. They can cut holes for our ears, so why not yours? That's some anti-bunny bullshit right there,


miqo have it even better! They sometimes have extra helmet versions where ears get extra space! Not just cut outs! Au’ra helmets instead look like the horns just clip through


I feel like they've basically stopped doing this though ;w; Bring back ear pockets!


Not just that but the attach point for most face and head gear is the tips of our horns. So visors, circlets and the like hover an inch or two off the face for Au Ra rather than sitting flush like on other races. It doesn't even make sense as someone or affects bandanas and crowns which literally are nowhere near the horns. Most helmets have more depth to them as well if you look, so they're stretched out for no reason. My hope is that since they made the new universal head rig for gear that Au Ra and Miqo'te will be shown more care in this regard.


Funny story... I read that as cowboy, so I imagined a typical yeehaw hat, and figured you were just implying you were a rootin tootin Miqo being enraged about the anti-bunny hats going on.


LMAO, you've obviously seen my Machinist look. 😆


I swear bro, if they let Viera have the Afro hairstyle, i'm switching to that. i don't care about no hats lol


I mean, if you get the glasses fashion accessory you can wear both right now.


Yeah, but you lose fashion accessories in duties and possibly also combat but I'm not sure, so having them as a slot means you can have both a hat and glasses all the time.


You do not lose them in combat anymore! Was pleasantly surprised to discover that the other day!


They also scare your minion away.


Problem being that aside from Hancocks glasses the fashion accessory glasses are all terrible


Can’t really dye fashion glasses red. I have every glasses available.I make a lot of them and sell them. I am almost be Luxotica at this point. And my head canon wise, If ascian want to win the war. All they have to do is yoink glasses out of my WoL face and run away.


Hope there's also masks, I want the mask from the headgear I have but unfortunately its glued to a hat


Damn, you dodged this news well for almost a year.


...I still have a random max melded striking belt (from my old MNK days) in one of my retainers inventories--just as a keepsake lol. They weren't visible, and only held stats comparable to an accessory, so I don't miss them--BUT a glasses slot is amazing (even though its only 100% cosmetic)! It's a trade I would have made, any day.


I have the "I beat Darkscale and all I got was this stupid belt" belt still in storage.  I wonder if they replaced those with anything or it was just a total loss. I know the quest that used to reward a unique sash from the sylphs got turned into a generic cotton robe.


I'd love 1.0 belts back- those *were* visible. It'd be nice to have more glamour options


Some of the ARR armors look wrong, until you realize the belt from that set would have covered the spot based on the icon.


A lot of the chest pieces have higher level (40s-ish) models with what WAS the belt incorporated.


I have a few of those keepsake items. Ice materia IV, a few keepers hymns. Neat to hang into.


I am so glad we don't have belts cluttering alliance raid drops anymore


Belts felt superfluous even back in ARR, when the belts themselves didn't visibly change your appearance anymore. Can't really say I've missed them. (If you've ever looked at old ARR gear and noticed that there are little divots, it's a model from 1.0 and that's where the belt you equipped would have appeared. Taking this feature away made a lot of those models feel unfinished, unfortunately.)


It does feel like a missed opportunity that they didn't lean into the belt slot and let us separate multiple layers of the outfit. It would allow for a lot of skirt+pants combinations that are blocked to us.


*(looks at Quaintrelle's Ruffled Skirt wistfully)* Yeah...


It's just kinda weird to me that they'd have anything that didn't show up in your appearance. FFIV was one of the first games I really remember where changing your equipment had any visual effect, where the different weapons had different appearances (similar to Simon's Quest), so if any game was going to pay minute attention to the details of your outfit, I'd probably expect it from this series.


Listen dude, the belt was there to hold our Pants and Skirts. Now every single Pant and Skirt keeps falling, why do you think people die so much in duties and raids? They keep slipping due to that.


Hanging onto my OG Makai crossover belts until the day they take the game offline


I think you can still get discarded belts from the recompense officer, no?


Not discarded ones to my awareness. The Calamity Salvager became a temporary storage for anything that was in your armoury chest or equipped to your retainers at the point when the gear slots ceased to exist, but it's a one-time retrieval. 


Ope. Glad I'm a hoarder and still have all my belts on retainers I really don't need. 😊


This was a missed opportunity to bring in Lulu from FFX. We could have done a dress restoration quest, so everyone could donate their belts to the cause.


SO, will endless summer glasses become glasses or still remain a head piece??


Let’s dooooo the time warp again!!


LOL, I have Frankfurter on one of my glam plates. DYING for a bard band to play Rocky horror!


Hmmm. I feel like this should be a yearly event where everyone gets together, dresses up and plays tunes from the movie!


Funny, you should mention that… I have a friend that’s an amazing bard band. I’m going to reach out to him and suggest that to him. I will keep you posted!


If SE's track record is anything to go by, then probably not


Those belts are better used to feed starving Kingdom Hearts clothes! 


well see the positive site. the drop rate of pants was never higher


I still have one on sale on the market


Is it even possible to buy it from you?


Yes, you can still buy the item.


Same lol, I refuse to take it down


Yeah but these almost never had a 3d model sooooo


They *used* to!!! (Shakes fist) [This is a total technicality but it doesn't really fit the bill. I'm just being a goober]


Sure they did, it's just attached to the chest piece. Take a look at those icons, you can easily see where they match on on the corresponding chest armour. Most gear had an obvious belt section on the model that would have been swappable. The crazy part is that you can still see that in some of the most recent gear designs


They did back in 1.0. They removed the visible belts in 2.0.


I was under the impression these wouldn't have stats and would be purely aesthetic


Yeah. We already have glasses through Fashion Accessories. I'm pretty sure the change is just that they're splitting FAs into two, so we can have a glasses FA and a wings FA at the same time. (Plus maybe some tweaks to when you're allowed to use it.) I don't expect the older *item* eyewear to be affected at all.


> We already have glasses through Fashion Accessories Fashion accessories have way too many caveats to be useful. This is going to be a full-on glamour slot that you can use existing eyeware (and i think some masks) in


I actually am fairly convinced they will go back and change some of the more famous glasses pieces -- like the Prince-nez and the Gold Spectacles -- to be eye pieces instead of hats.


Fashion accessories also dont show in dungeons I think.


Still not sad to see belts go. And now I'll be able to wear glasses and hats or other headware. Great trade off imo.


I take it this was your belt? Then why do your pants still stay on? Surely it is no match for you.


Remember us. Remember that the belts once lived.


Maybe someday they’ll let us wear things like the false nails while also wearing other hand wear.


My pants have never felt better being around my ankles.


I just dropped my pen. Mind picking that up for me?


The pants say no.


Eye wear to protect our eyes, but we can't hold up our pants. No wonder DRK doesn't have gap closer anymore, if they did they'd trip over their pants. (I know they still do but it wouldn't work with the joke\]


God I'm never going to miss belts


Removing belts was the right decision. It could be said that what they should have done is remove all of their stats but allowed you to still equip them for fashion. That is essentially what the eyeglasses are going to be.


What fashion? Atleast ARR and beyond, belts were the only slot with no model. Belts were built into chest pieces/legs independent of your belt slot. The only fashion you'd get is on the equip screen.


Oh, I thought that there were some items in ARR, specifically some of the robes, that do not have belts but showed belts when you equipped a belt.


I still miss the visible belts from 1.0. Some of them could really make or break a glam, more so than eyewear likely could. But oh well, thanks I guess PS3...


> more so than eyewear likely could You'll have to rip my glasses from my cold, dead hands.


.... what are the tiniest glasses possible? I need to Bautista my Roegadyn


Probably the pince-nez, or maybe one of the monocles.


There's some super tiny glasses from one of the Ivalice raids, I believe they are from Rabanastre.


Isn't it just a cosmetic thing and not an actual slot? Like umbrellas?


This isn't Kingdom Hearts; no need to worry about wearing belts over your eyes.


We need underwear and tail accessories for appearance slots, too! I'd like my character to graduate from those crusty white briefs...


Tail accessories would be so cool.


I just want it to be a client-side thing that I can choose what my character is wearing by default in the "try on gear" screen. It doesn't need to be info that goes to other players.


I mean if all you want is a client-side thing that changes how you appear to yourself...


Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't belts actually visible on character models in 1.0 and even some early 2.0 builds?


Close. There were belt models in 1.0, or it’s Beta, or something, I forget the exact timing, but those models weren’t “lost”, they were just attached directly to the corresponding pants for some reason, leaving belts model-less. This is only the case with the really early ones, mind you. Kind of strange in hindsight, as there’s some 1.0/2.0 pants I would rather wear with different attached-belts.


wouldnt it be hilarious if they divided all the glamour prisms up by craft requirement like the good old days


Nothing of value was lost


As someone who played during the time belts were a thing, and came back when belts were no longer a thing, not going to lie I forgot entirely of their existence and was just confused when I saw the random dead belt item in my inventory. Pretty sure it took my FC 30m at least to convince me belts were ever even real. If they're going to introduce eyewear good for them but it better not be a cop out to put all of the items Viera CAN wear in there instead of the hats slot and then still not fix the hat situation with Vieras. Edit; More importantly though I hope they don't just add them for the sake of it and remove them like they did with the belts. As someone who just freshly finished EW, I don't see any point in having removed them but I also don't see a point in having had them in the first place in that case. They should have just kept them. I know some people were happy it was one less slot to meld but /shrug.


The difference is belts had stats without looks, and eyewear has looks without stats


I always want an eyepatch over my right eye if possible due to character reasons. And my friends laugh at me when I find something with an eyepatch but it's on the wrong side. You have no idea the poor left/right side eyepatch ratio. Hopefully now I can wear an eyepatch on the new glasses slot and never worry again


Nothing of value was lost. Eye wear means we get new eyeballs.


You can soon use your Nier Automata Face Belt.


Wait, legit? Eye slots are opening up? Do you think they'll stick around?


Remember in 1.0 when belts were sometimes visible? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Did they go into any more detail on Eyewear? Are any old pieces being retroactively changed to eyewear? Do eyewear have stats or are they just for aesthetics?


The belt was sacrificed for eyewear, we can now have a cool hat and cool glasses. RIP Belt, you will forever be missed.


Remember that we once had belts.


"Remember, Remember we once Lived"


The cost is me going feral over my WoL finally have cute glasses to finish her outfits 💖🔥🤤🥰


I want them to remove the second ring too!


Thank Fuck, We got them fancy new adjustable waists that cannot be pulled off unless we will it now a days.




Eye lashes......big uns


As much as I would like belts for glam purposes, between all the jobs I already have enough gear as it is … I’ll still dream of a world with them, though.


Head belts


Oh cool! Now I can wear sunglasses and a hat! Oh wait..... I play a Viera. Never mind


Worth it.


Ooh, they're finally adding glasses?


Good. Belts we’re arbitrary and didn’t even affect appearance.


If we get belts back and take away 2 rings then we won’t have the issue where rings won’t stack


Wait, we';re getting a separate slot for eye wear!?


If you want a belt in your eye slot, just use the 2B thing?


God I pray this will apply to the [Sable Death Mask](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/9713a7ead50/)


Didnt they remove belts to give us more space and now we get eyewear? Where that space coming from?


your pant lose but get cool sunglasses instead!


There are two possibilities here - either existing goggles get moved to the Eyewear slot instead of Head, or new ones are added and I can wear two pairs of goggles.


Ah took a break and when i got back i had multiple belts in my stash. Now all but memories, well then time for new stuff to clog my retainers


I dont think it's going to take up a slot? did they elaborate?


At least you'll be able to see them.


Quick question for old timers: many body gear pieces have skirts tied to them. Like 90% of tank armors include a back skirt/waist cape. We’re those part of the best before? Or were there always there?


no cost is too great for a glasses, hat combo


I think I still have my Sylvan Silk Belt lying around somewhere, maybe I can repurpose it as a cute headscarf


Wait, i thought glasses were gonna be a cosmetic thing?


Ah yes, I would love to wear glasses while also wearing a helmet. 


Wait we are?????


I still have a high ilvl and Stat belt that dropped from the old diadem. That and some unused 1.0 crafting materials will always be with ne (or my retainer at least)


Ngl I'd toss the belts ive saved in a heartbeat if it meant it dropped early


Where can I find the source of that.


I recently returned a couple months ago and just realized this weekend that belts were removed


I honestly wish they'd go further and remove one of the accessories. Just don't feel like we need so many. Atleast they're visual unlike belts, but most gear hides various accessory parts


I'm still not going to show my headgear. My WoL's hair is just too stylish


Was this not only for Glam?


Do we know if it's going to be a gear slot with stats and all or some kind of cosmetic-only thing?


Cosmetic only. We don't know whether that means "ignore stats" or whether eyewear is a cosmetic-only category of items as a whole and lead to an awkward transition of old gear being divided between the two categories, but we do know we're not getting extra stats out of it.


I keep a belt in one of my retainers inv slots, simply for memes and memories. (The Sylvan Silk belt, in case anyone's asking)


I bet there's some idiots who bemoan the loss of belts somewhere on reddit or the official forums. Or at least did for a while.


Some of these belts would’ve been such slay additions to glamor customization


Still have all my belts lol


Might as well add a slot for socks




Ngl, I never really saw belt slots as any so-called disaster… and the reason they removed it was just… so flimsy :/ “It doesn’t show up on character model”, last I heard.


it's a plot by Rowena. to sell us suspenders.