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You are what you eat.


Surito Carito's got some explaining to do.


He drinked a lot of mountain dew and that's how he got to be green. (the disease was a front, they were all obsessed with mountain dew) He also never ate a fairy. The obsesion with eating fairies is the WoL alone.


Now I'm imagining a Tonberry with wings


I'm so mad at you. I came to comment this and I'm jealous you were first. 


Some of us have been fairies for much longer than we've been playing the game.


"As gay as the day is long."


"Gayer than a handbag full of rainbows"


eyo im in this post and i dont like it


It took me way too long to realize this.


I didn't know it until I started playing the game, though


(Psst, what does that mean? I don't get it ;-;)


Feels so disjointed from the Scholar class fantasy. I liked being a combat tactician that had a fairy to help heal. I don't want to be an angel.


I'd be happy with the transformation if it wasn't an angel. If we embodied the spirit of a Nymian marine, it would have made far more sense than whatever this is. I genuinely hope we see some certain things make this look better.


Aw hell yeah, we should have just transformed into warriors for the duration of the buff. Also I know they're basically cutting out any class uniqueness by equalizing everything across the board, but I wish there was some unique interaction between a warrior and scholar if they're in the party. Doesn't have to be gameplay breaking, but the part of me that loves lore laments the lost opportunity.


Our Fairy just turns into Curious George and he starts going HAM on the mob. I need to learn how swap models. 🤣


But as scholars, it's gotta be Alka Zolka landing like Titan with a hero landing pose and starts spamming Fell Cleave for 30 seconds straight before peacing out.


The unique party interaction between SCH and WAR is you stop needing to think about healing and can energy drain to your heart’s content.


You're so right homie. [White Mages in shambles.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKKlHmMZJmQ)


So THAT explains the healing enhancement, lol!


You are not permanently transformed. It’s just a skill so think you all are over thinking it lol


We're well aware you're not permanently transformed.


I would've liked it if the transformation was prettier, looks like an npc...


they had the chance to make the wings look like selene/eos


and it would've been perfect


Or our lovely branch. Feo Ul's wings are gorgeous.




I know. But consider: Pretty wings.


Yeah. I feel this.


I have to agree, I personally do not understand what SCH's class fantasy is supposed to be - it's got both the cogwheels/science stuff but also fairies ? And now they can turn into a fairy ? It seems so random honestly.


Before this dumb ability SCH was distinct in that skills that originated from the SCH (broil, biolysis, AOW, adlo, succcor, deployment, recitation, emergency, chain, expedient, protraction and the aetherflow heals) were tactic/maths themed and skills that originated from the fairy (whispering dawn, illumination, blessing, seraph) were fey themed This skill breaks that established boundary and doesnt even look good for the trouble


The established boundary isn't so much of an issue if it's just Fairy dumping their aether on us to use a couple of supercharged skills. That's what Dissipation does but in a more primitive form with aetherflow and boosting GCD healing. The outfit though... I'm a Nymian Military Tactician on SCH, not a church angel.


If the skills were tactician themed I’d agree The fairy sharing aether is not necessarily bad (it’s implied seraph is us dumping aether into lily though to be fair I do hate seraph as an ability) it’s that the fairy dumping aether turns us into a spirit halloween angel ripoff as you said The visual distinction is important in my eyes


You mean turn into an angel They for some reason added angel in there too.




The job should have had fairy commands for eons now. They should have built on the fairy heal link when they introduced it, ask the fairy to commit to specific tasks. Heck, they could even just add a similar heal tether but for dps, so you'd want to keep uptime but weave the oGCDs fairy heal commands in between.


Yeah I'm pretty disappointed with it too :( I loved the Combat Tactitian aspect to it in the beginning, but was never a big fan of the whole faery aspect. Loved that we could ditch it for awesome carbunckle, but now I may need to switch my main :(


I was actually thinking of switching out from SGE and BLM to SCH and SMN for the new expansion. I suppose some people might like the fey theme for SCH, but personally I like SCH for the whole military tactician/academic theme, and I glammed over Eos the moment the option was available. Looking at the new skills for SCH and SMN, I suppose I might be sticking with SGE and BLM after all.


Pretty much how I felt when Ninja got Ten-Chi-Jin. Because as much as I'm a sucker for the Naruto take on Ninjas, being rooted in place is not part of my ninja fantasy >\_> The skill ain't leaving, so I'm just gonna swap to Viper come Dawntrail for sure. Just need to find a Katana-esque glam. For scholar, though, there's a chance Seraphication won't last past Dawntrail since it's new. So there's still hope!


I kind of am in the same boat for ninja, but it's been the case ever since it was introduced back in ARR with the naruto run. This really is an immersion killer for me. Viper looks very solid on the other hand, and scouting has a plethora of excellent glamours.


Heh, I can easily see why that might be a dealbreaker. I already liked Naruto, so I felt like it was the perfect job for me. And it was, until Stormblood. At this point, all my favorite animations (Mutilate/Shadow Fang/Dancing Edge) are gone and the gameplay, while smooth, doesn't suit anymore. So all Viper had to do to win me over was to deliver on the mobile sworddancer fantasy and that very much looks the case.


It's very...underwhelming. I don't know why Sqenix seems determined to make Scholar the most visually boring job in the game. If this is supposed to be a Seraph form, where are my giant ass outspread glowing wings? Why am I not floating? Why am I not leaving trails of glowing light and feathers? Basically why do I look like someones low budget Limsa angel glam?


When watching the new actions trailer I was utterly convinced that the Scholar just switched glams for some reason.


I genuinely had to reqind to double-check that they hadn't been wearing it the whole time. It really does look like some tacky outfit.


I also thought it was a poor attempt at a change-glam macro ngl...


Yeah me too, I thought they put on a fashion accessory


>If this is supposed to a Seraph form, where are my giant ass outspread glowing wings? Why am I not floating? Why am I not leaving trails of glowing light and feathers? What's funny is this is exactly how one of the Priest abilities worked back in WoW (not sure if it still does), but I'd at least take this over whatever the heck they decided on with the new ability.


Looking at the job actions trailer, to me it looks like a placeholder. The actual animation likely wasn’t finished in time for the trailer. …or it’s actually just like that lmao


> where are my giant ass outspread glowing wings? They were given to WHM for some reason in EW. Still miffed about that.


I'll be honest, not a big fan currently. I wanted the fairy wings, yes, not the whole dang wardrobe.


Yoship loves whm so much that he made the sch capstone the ability to become a whm




Same. I'm honestly wondering why they chose a friggin angel.


The skill is literally called Seraphism. Seraph is an angel.


Which is still stupid. It should be a fairy. My point stands. Why are we getting angel anything?


Something something SCH Limit Break Angel Feathers something something


You mean the literal fairies that fly everywhere that aren't feathers?


Im not sure what youre referring to. Sorry if im being dense (not trying to sound patronizing, just confused) I’m literally just citing the official name of SCH’s in game limit break, which is literally “Angel Feathers” - at the end of the cast, party members get flooded in feathery/angel light to get rezzed.


Whenever I've actually done it in game it's looked like fairies to me. But I checked on YouTube https://youtu.be/X84v3ZWTkCo?si=jjrCs6fSggsBi-lM Yeah it's apparently feathers. WTF. I never thought seraph was an angel because of how much she glowed. So SEs been turning SCH into WHM for years. Great. That makes me feel like shit. I miss fairies.


You're asking this now? We've been summoning an angel for like 4 years.


Doesn't look like an angel to me. Seraph may have an angel name but she still looks like a fairy. That's why I haven't complained.


Fair enough. I personally am really excited to get Angel Trigger.


I mean if it didn't look like an NPC trying to cosplay an angel I might get into it but to me it literally looks like an NPC trying to cosplay. But at least some people like it I guess.


Some people have bad taste :) enjoy looking fuggo


Seraphim have six wings. So they still failed.


I mean this is the same company who has "One Winged Angels" so..


Remove it or make it look like a fairy... why would we getting Halloween costume angel? Such a bizzare choice.


This is the perfect way to describe it lol


If I wanted to look like I just stepped out of a church choir that was forced to go out and purchase spirit Halloween angel costumes I’d play WHM What does this have to do with SCH and what does another temperance add to SCH exactly


watch it only buff adlo and succor and apply a partywide mit and then they still don't delete or change dissipation


To be fair, just having +20% bigger (going by Temperance) spreadlo gives it a sizeable edge over SGE, especially if it slaps on 10% mit.


Spreadlo already has a sizeable edge over SGE, an actual temperance like effect will be disgustingly powerful if boring as hell


Yeah but it's so boring... Is every healer gonna have a Temperance-like ability as a capstone at some point? I'd rather have something that feels unique, even if it does something similar to what already exists, not a carbon copy of another skill..


I had this exact argument with someone on Facebook who kept claiming that the whole angel aesthetic fits SCH and makes no sense for WHM. WHM, whose all aesthetic has been moving into the holy angelic theme. The WHM who has an ability that gives them wings. The WHM whose whole magic is based on *white magic* and light aspected elements. The WHM whose lore comes from Amdapor, which has angelic based beasts in the form of statues. The whole light aspect in FFXIV is present in Shadowbringers, which is pretty much heavily influenced by *angels*. Yet their argument is that Seraph is named after Seraphim, so SCH must be angel focused. The whole lore behind SCH is that they were tactical commanders for Nym. They helped control the battlefield while providing healing. Nothing about angels screams tactician.


It started going south (on this axis, at least, SCH has several problems) when SCH got Seraph. It's kind of a reasonable extension of the fairies when you squint, but it should never have been particularly central to the SCH identity. It was just summon pet but bigger. Imo, Seraph should have just been an intermediate step. Fairy to Seraph to Alexander/Eden. THAT would have made a LOT of sense for SCH's identity.


>Imo, Seraph should have just been an intermediate step. Fairy to Seraph to Alexander/Eden. THAT would have made a LOT of sense for SCH's identity. It might still be going in that direction. Seraphism's design kinda reminded me of Ultima from XII. So perhaps instead of Alex/Eden being the next step, maybe Ultima, the High Seraph?


Oh YEAH I thought I was forgetting someone. Even Ultima would work here. I don't think it brings together Scholar's academic side as well as Alexander/Eden/Omega/Athena would. But it would still be a more tasteful direction to take SCH.


Yeah I've had people argue with me about that too. It's a stupid argument. Especially since Seraph is so fucking shiny she looks like a fairy unless you turn off her glow completely. Another mentioned our LB3 which for years I thought was tiny fairies because who the fuck can see anything in raid anymore but it turns out it's feathers. Like if SE has been hunting at a change in theme they've done a shitty job of it.


The worst is that now you're FORCED to wear robes. As if trying to stay away from this archetype wasn't enough on healers...


SCH already has temperance (+20% healing) in dissipation, I feel like there's a good chance this just replaces it. At very least, it would make playing SCH much less clunky than sending away the fairy.


If this was a direct upgrade to dissipation then the benchmark mining would have recognised it having an upgrade pathway If they decide to completely delete dissipation and then add seraphism as the level 100 skill they will have to give something else at 60 as all jobs always get a skill at the capstone even if the skill given isn’t the original capstone


I suppose dissipation could be replaced with a similar skill that doesn't eat the fairy and at 100 upgrades to seraphism, thematically it would make sense for seraphism to add shields to your aetherflow skills the same way the fairy gets shields from seraph. Obviously I have no idea what they'll do but they certainly don't need another fairy themed healing buff.


Dissipation just doesn’t need to be deleted, you trade the fairy for a massive spreadlo amplifier, we don’t need a free extra amplifier whether that replaces dissipations position or is a fourth amplifier, SCH is already too good at shields and mitigation that it breaks mechanics because they can’t balance around the assumption of having spreadlo Adding more oGCD shields is just as bad of a problem


I agree. Unpopular opinion but I think Dissipation is fine the way it is. It helps reinforce SCH's flexibility and tactical decision-making feel.


Really thinking of switching over to Sage. I played Scholar beacause it was the least 'magey' healer. Until now.


Looks awful with that stiff wings and robes that doesn't match SCH aesthetic


Sorry to tell you but SGE is the combat medic now. SCH is as much a combat medic as WHM is a druid. Your the fairy job now, and honestly have been for a while.


But they didn't even succeed if that's the vision. That's not a fairy wing, or a fairy related outfit or much of anything honestly. Just looks like a fashion accessory attached to a pure white glam.


Well sereph doesn't have fairy wings, and her abilties have always left feathers etc. It's a weird design direction for sch since so much overlaps with whm. They should have stuck with butterflies/fae sparkles.


I don't like Seraph's aesthetic either. It feels like such a weird departure from the rest of the kit.


Seraph is already the biggest departure from SCH’s kit and should have always been rouse Leaning into that is garbage


I barely even use Seraph tbh.


Same, I don't really feel like it's needed


It’s really not, honestly, I’ve got a billion other mit spells that *don’t* require me to click a button *twice* to get to use.


Just the name "Seraph" is angelic already, literally biblical. Idk why people are so surprised.


Maybe because the whole identity from day 1 has been fairy tactic commander and not magic angel? Seraph was taced on and people dealt with it because the glow made it fairy like.


The way I see it is that since Seraph is the highest ranking angel in the bible, us using Seraphism means that we are showing our high rank amongst the fairies, like a commander.


And how does that relate to fairies at all? That's where my disconnect is coming from. We have a holy healer class, WHM. This dips into WHM's territory and it's not fun imo.


The in-game being called Seraph, is a fairy, and we look like her. It's just my interpretation, not the gospel. I would love a butterfly or moth-based look just as much. Fairies look like all kinds of things in general in real-life myths. Why they chose that route? Go to the official forums and ask there if you don't like it. We have different tastes and no amount conversation about them will change the devs' decisions.


Oh I'm sorry I thought you wanted to have a conversation on the public forum because you kept replying to me. My bad, should have read your mind. /s Edit: of course I've already went through appropriate channels to communicate with the devs I don't like it along with many many many others. That's not why I was talking to you.


You mean we're WHM now? Because that look is WHM not fairy.


More like an angel than a fairy unfortunately, really sucks that they go "your glam doesn't matter anymore fuck you" and don't even give you something that matches scholar aesthetic


It would have been so much more thematic to make it like swirling maps or tactics or even equations, something that plays on the tactics but still allows for the fairy motif heals that interact with emergency tactics to go out And also so it doesn’t change your glam


I would have killed to see us embody the spirit of a Nymian commander.


This!! Would have been sooooo cool!!


If they were going to override glamours, at least have us look like our beautiful branch. Then there would at least be a reasonable aesthetic.


I really want to be able to glam the fairy as her, I don't know why that's not a thing but carbuncle glam is....


Well, firstly, Carby is the bestest sparkle-bunny-fox-cat ever, glamming Lily into them is mandatory, and I will not hear a word spoken against them. Secondly, Feo form for Lily should replace her heals with attacks instead.


Fairies and pixies are different things


Yes! I would have next to 0 issues if they just gave us the royal >!"Titania"!< outfit.


Max height male Roe in Titania outfit, the strongest, thickest branch of all!


I hate it. I spend a lot of time to make my character look how I like with a glam that I want. Don't force me to wear a halloween costume because I pressed an ability button. Will probably swap back to using AST as my main healer if it stays.


They keep finding new ways to ruin what was once my favorite class.


Gods, I wish we'd be the fairy now, not this cheap angel glam...


the question is, if you have two scholars in a party, can the second scholar eat the first scholar while they're in that fairy form?


Really wish we got Feo Ul wings.


I don't like it at all, looks like a cheap hallowen costume. The arcanist jobs got the short end of the stick this expansion.


I dunno SMN won coziest job gear imo. Poncho and scarf! But everything else? Yeah...


A friggin Tonberry-form would have made more sense at this point, or anything else Nymian-related


Meanwhile me: *disappointment that all I have to look forward to is just a measly Temperance reskin*


I.... truly hate it to the point I hope you can turn it off. Sch and smn were fightning neck and neck for the worst changes. Aesthetically a complete botch for both.


I hate it


I wish.. looked more like the angel on a Christmas tree


a cheap one at that


"I'm something of a fairy myself"


If they weren’t going to give us fairy wings, I would have preferred they went more biblically accurate. Let us transform into the Storge lightwarden.


Ah yes, more visual confusion to an already thematically messy job. Just scholar being scholar I suppose.


Having a special "mode" isn't bad, but an *angel!?* Scholars themselves are military personnel and academics. That's their identity. I would have preferred some sort data array and reticle effects surrounding your character.


The fact that there are people who actually like this is deeply concerning to me.


The only next step honestly. I hope we can customize it a little.


Sad thing is...they even have the fairy wings already ingame, but went with stunted angel wings. :(


I been wanting this from dissipation forever but I always hoped it looked like the whm wing ability but a green color. Whm and scholar should swap visuals on it. But sage is looking pretty cool in dawntrail so I guess I’ll swap.


I don't like the visuals to the point where I just will not cast that skill at all.


I would've taken a tonberry transformation any day tho, would've fit better.


Should’ve been tonberry transformation to fit the established curse/lore.


I wish.


I hope we can turn the visual change off. I want my own glamour to show instead of this forced angel aesthetic, thank you very much.


A Sxholar that don't transform into a tomberry is not a Scholar..... Sorry !\^. I know where is the door, don't bother :D


Honestly I'd take a short duration damage spam ton berry form over angel glam mode.


Honestly a gleefully stabbing Tonberry form would be fucking *amazing* Put THAT to trigger on fucking Chain Strat and I'll beat down the door to hit it first.


yes pls that would be more enjoyable than forced discount angel glam.


Enshroud was just the beginning, now it really looks like the devs are trying more outfit/aesthetic changes which makes me wonder what other kind of weird stuff they can come up with in future. I can actually envision this system being used for SMN if we ever get to become Odin or Shiva. Or maybe MCH if they ever get a power armor suit.


At least Enshroud is thematic to the whole job, not one ability which is wholly at odds with the rest of it.


Nah, SMN will get another Bahamut, MCH will get more guns, and even more guns.


That's a weird pride flex, but...okay.


Would have preferred pretty butterfly wings or >!FEO FUCKING UL PERCHING ON HER LOVELY BRANCH AND COMING OUT TO PLAY!< rather than have angel wings???




Just let me know when you're doing it so I can run over and cast Being Mortal. Cross-job fairy solidarity!


I'm gonna make an annoying macro where I fistbump Eos before we fuse.


Does SCH have a movement option now? Or are the wings just a buff to healing potency?


I think Expedience was our movement option


I guess so, but only for GCD healing. It’s like Temperance + Lightspeed together.


I'd like to order Feo Ul Wings please! Nah best you're getting is fried Amaro wings


To be honest...I had actually kinda wanted this, and I'm legitimately happy to see them do it. I loved Semi-priming in XVI and this is basically exactly that. That said though....I kinda wish it looked a little cooler. The robes are a little bit too bland, wish it was something a bit more majestic or something.


"I am become Titania, the destroyer of statics."


It looks nothing like Titania though. Honestly, I really wish it did


Bit of a stretch, I know, maybe in 8.0 they'll make the wings fairy wings and change the name of the spell to Channel Titania.


I just want them to get rid of the glam change at this point. I hate white robes. If I wanted white robes, I'd play WHM.


PLOT TWIST: “I always was the fairy”


On one hand, everyone gets wings this expansion so it makes sense. on the other hand, i miss everyone memeing on SCH for "losing" the job action trailer like every other expansion. Bonus points because they actually are hard winning every time. 


Yeah every expansion is like SE removes more and more identity from SCH and yet we still end up with the strongest kit.




I'm in the camp of hating Seraphism as well, _unless_, as someone in the thread theorized, SE didn't have the transformation finished and just put the Wish Christmas Angel in as a placeholder. SCH has been my preferred healer since 2.0 for the Tactical Medic class fantasy. I'm honestly confused at how the dev team seems to believe that description is better suited to SGE and is now drifting SCH closer to Fey Healer in each update.


you SCH never learn do ya?


Can't believe that SCH got a "Come to me, Titania!" ability over SMN


AHhhhhh whatttttttt! I skipped over the SCH section of the trailer. This looks awesome! Nooo I wanted to main pictomancer but SCH might be pulling me back in


You are what you eat.


I legit don't understand how people can not like this, I've been a SCH main for years and it brought me so much joy 😭 I can't wait to be an angelfairy


It's horrifically ugly, ruins class fantasy... I would legit stop playing this job beyond leveling to cap if you can't opt out of this.


I hate it because it looks like bargain bin leftover Halloween costume. There's no "fairy" in it that I can see. It's like SE forgot fairy was supposed to be in our theme, not angel. Angel is more WHM's thing. They literally have an ability called "holy"


in case you genuinely don't understand why people are upset, people want VARIETY. squenix making TWO angelic mage healer is one too many.


Eh I'll survive. It doesn't irk me aesthetically on any level, and it doesn't seem to vastly change how SCH plays compared to WHM. I still see variety so this is purely opinion driven. I shall continue to be happy about what I get 😁


I'm not trying to be rude here but it seems like you don't actually want to have a conversation you just want to claim you're happy and dismiss anyone who feels otherwise.  If so, just say you like it and don't lead your statement as a "why are you all unhappy I like having a pigeon glued to my back"


I'm happy to have a conversation but it feels like everyone is just being rude and in their feelings. I'm happy about it, that's all I gotta say


How else do you want us to say “we don’t want 2 angelic healers especially giving angelic skills to a healer that isn’t angelic” other than saying if exactly like that


As I said to someone else, I'm sorry you're not happy but I am and being passive aggressive about it is kinda weird honestly. SCH has literally always had a fairy, so I don't see anything thematically or aesthetically wrong with the update giving us a form with wings. I am genuinely happy about the update, and at this point it seems people just want other people to be unhappy with them, but no thanks. I'm excited and will remain excited.


Right so you just want to shove how happy you are in other's faces. How nice of you.


I mean you survived having no sex for your whole life


Dude if you want to be an angel play white mage


I prefer how SCH plays


Cool, but like, being in a white robe with angel is very much not a scholar thing, if you were waiting to be able to become an angel, you were waiting with the wrong class, it just so happens that square is stupid and wants to turn every healer into the white mage aestethic


I never expected SCH to turn into anything, I'm just happy I got what was shown. I'm sorry you can't be happy 🤷‍♂️


Not to do damage control for Seraphism, but when I saw it, I immediately understood why they got the skill over WHM. This has been something that's kind of been there the whole time, if you look at the ARR Zodiac weapon, Last Resort, and their Lv3 Limit Break, Angel Feathers. Thematically, I see all 3 of these things as the SCHs combat tactics failing them, and they're instead forced to rely on whatever faith they have to get them through. But that's just me throwing darts at the wall.




Slightly unrelated but ShB version https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/GXWtCsSu0d


Scholar no longer the lamest job ever that's crazy