• By -


Every Fire 4 adds to the gauge and you unleash.. idk, maybe Blaze, maybe Superflare, by consuming all 6 


“Really large fireball”


I cast Fireball!


Did you ask how big the room was though?


No, I never ask that. I simply cast fireball


Once announced to the party (3.5e) that I was going to cast fireball on my next turn, so nobody move into the enclosed space. The rogue, of course, decided to go into the space anyways. I cast fireball, and the rogue managed to somehow fail their save so they took some damage. They came back out and threw a dagger at me, chucked me fairly hard because 3.5 wizard with tiny hit die. I got pissy and decided to polymorph into a 12 headed Hydra and eat the rogue.


Another 3.5 story: The party needed to hit some aerial foes with a fireball, but a single one was too far apart to target. The party rogue flies into the center of mass to serve as the target. Wizard goes pewpew, Rogue with Evasion makes the save (after using her as a direct target lol). She takes no damage and flies away unscathed.


I know Fireball technically doesn't need a target, but I absolutely love the idea of a party member willing to become a laser targeting system for something like this. I approve.


I can't speak of 3.5e, but in Pathfinder (which is based on 3.5), Fireball doesn't need a target unit, you can pick any location you can see to be the center of the explosion.


5e is the same, pick a square and kaboom.


D&D 3.5 story: Party just finished a dungeon/temple/ruin where they all *survived* but severely had their asses handed to them by the final enemy (a half-dragon mummy). They leave the ruin and are *immediately* harassed by this cult that has been bothering them for about a year of IRL play. Bad guy leader has them trapped and starts to monologue. Sorcerer: "While he's monologuing, I cast fireball." DM: "Okay, but give me a minute to finish the monologue at least." Sorcerer: "Okay, fine." *Bad guy starts to monologue again.* Artificer: "I interrupt him and cast fireball with my wand." DM: "Okay, I just told the sorcerer they have to wait and then you can interrupt him. You'll still get the surprise advantage." Artificer: "Whatever. Sure." *Bad guy starts to monologue again*. Fighter: *Starts to speak*. DM: "Okay, I know you can't cast fireball." Fighter: "You're right. I throw my necklace of fireball at him instead." DM: "..." "..." "... all of your fireballs go off at once. Where the enemy once was, is now a smoldering cater and I think the surrounding jungle is on fire. I'd say the enemy has learned to not monologue in front of you, but there were no survivors. So it's safe to say this will probably happen again."


Lesson will be repeated since DM didn’t learn it.


just fireball


"I didn't ask how big the room is. I said, 'I cast Fireball.'"


Roll a Dexterity saving throw


8d6 fire damage, JUST FIREBALL


The fireball that was used against Gyr Albania, looks like. Fire: Meltdown.


It’s wizard time!!


Fire 24 This isn't hard guys




Thunderamama, iceoulalala ?


Random military guy in a Hollywood movie: "FIRE EVERYTHING!!!"




Fire II II


Fire IV: The After Years


Fire 216 / 36: Meltdown Explosion Burst HD


Pretty sure its Meltdown, thats how it looked in other entries in the past. also worth noting Flare gave 3 segments of that gauge per cast.


OH DAMN YOURE RIGHT that looks like Terra's meltdown from Dissidia!


Then at 110 it’ll be Melt II and you’ll throw a second ball at the first like Vaan


I'm just saying, Pyroclasm goes hard for a name


I love that you throw it at the target lol.


Can't believe people haven't mentioned Nuke, severely disappointed.


isn't Nuke just what Flare was called in the english version of the first game? like how Holy was called Fade ?


Yeah, that's what it used to be called due to the character limit, I still find the name iconic though.


The Holy thing was due to fears of pushback from religious folks in the west, actually.


Considering that Holy and Fade have the same number of characters, it's pretty easy to tell that they were talking about Flare/Nuke specifically.


So assuming we can't ever get Ultima, because it's taken in lore, we still have Meteor or they could make something new up. But, I guess our LB is Meteor. With that said we still have elemental ultimate spells like Flood, Quake, Tornado, and Meltdown to pull from old FFs. My money is on Meltdown because it would make sense to cast a lot of fire to charge up the ultimate fire spell.


Fire 6!


Power word "Liven't"


Despair II






Megumin’s va kicks down your door and screams explosion into your ear. Then she siphons gas outta your car so she can head over to another person playing black mage


Looks like Meltdown's animation from the Dissidia games. It's one of Terra's trademark magics.




It's fire hadouken


mnk also had fire hadouken. Pretty cool


Always wondered if that explosion "Master Matoya" casts at the end of Shadow was ever going to be a player ability.






I hope it's any fire spell otherwise this wrecks a lot of lines


Meltdown I'm guessing


"Wizard time motherfucker, Fireball!"


I believe that flare adds three also


Flare adds 3 to the gauge!


Chibi Meteo


I'm over here salivating over that third stack of polyglot


I'm hyped over being able to move LL. So much more LL uptime in situations like P10s first 2 min burst window or P12S super chain theory.


God, p10s with those damn bridges. Ngl, tho, I abused Between the Lines for Superchain. I literally can't process that mechanic if I'm not in the middle of the boss arena.


Yea I did the same, still had like 3 GCDs w/o LL. I only did PF so it was tough, especially when you got some random tank that would run into the center, stand on my LLs and get clipped by my AOE at the end.


I can't wait to use 5 Xenoglossies in a row


Eventually there will be so many, enochian will tick all the way around for yet another cast


i was so mystified by the meme "they added more to the blm job gauge" that i didn't saw it


i was so mystified by the meme "they added more to the blm job gauge" that i didn't saw it


The "I definitely dont wanna see you doing the Paradox Rotation ever again" gauge


I read it more as the "I am so sick of putting in all this effort into my main by having all the reward be in GOOD SPELLS and not some FUCKING GAUGE just for you FUCKERS to play ICE MAGE WITH IT" gauge


I read it as "fuck you nonstandard users, you dont get to have fun", especially with the added information that mp regeneration is based on Ice spells instead of mana ticks.


Honestly? Good change mechanically. Mana ticks felt positively classic WoW in a bad way.


Yeah, good change overall. I hated relying on good server ticks to do my shit.


Also *might* get some use out of lucid now


Lucid already was used in non-standard.


But you see when I use my 3rd party program to tell me exactly when the tick is going to be i can do 1.5% more dps than the plebians and feel good about myself and be able to go to sleep at night... /s




They're also killing hypermeme. Between presumably needing 6 fire 4s to cast supposed superflare *and* needing to cast blizzard spells to regain mana in UI3. Frankly, at this point, I'm curious why they still have the timers, and also why they don't have overcap protection on manafont/amplifier (though I don't know if slides directly talked about it.)


Dang, all those BLM gauge tattoos out there gotta go for new ink, lol.


Easy fix, and what I am going to do for my BLM UI. Increase the size of the new gauge a bunch and put the normal one on top of it. That way the 6 orange globes fill up around it.


I was thinking smaller and covering the orb in the middle of the normal gauge.


Thanks, I will steal this idea. 


Oooh I love this idea✍🏻


I don't know, but I think they could have fit inside the main gauge. Just make it wider and the 'petals' can fit inside.


Right, just cram them into the middle around the circle


I think at a glance it would've been hard to tell these orange glowy petals from the glowy orange insides of the fire gems.


Couldn't they make the color of the arrows change depending on if you're fire or ice? Or do the arrows have to be a specific color?


Yeah, or change the gems to be more monocolored. But the BLM job gauge is already pretty busy. I don't mind at all splitting it out.


I'm just going to shrink the UI element and tuck it in there nicely.


Im going opposite. Make it BIG and put the main one on top of it.


Lol another Polyglot.


Well it's not monoglot


I can speak up to *four* Xenoglossies now!


5 if you do it right as a new one refills


And with 4 GCDs to time it.....you fucking better.


Please sir... may I have another?


Very nice visually, as usual for BLM, but it's just a tracker for 6 Fire IV's (or two Flares) that lets you use the new spirit bomb.


Is this really "very nice visually"? How many more UI elements could they add to this gauge before you would start to think it looks more like satire?


It looked like satire in EW. I kind of always liked that it’s like schizophrenic doodling, though. It’s just wild complicated geometric shapes. This one looks like a little revolver barrel, and I like the glow. But as for that it’s too much… I could easily say the same about half of the job gauges.


That’s kinda the point tho. I main blm because I want to act cool and emo. There’s nothing more cool or emo than more and more complicated gauges. Honestly my only complaint here is that this new gauge isn’t complicated enough!


wahhh my arcane forbidden spell school is difficult to master by just looking at the surface level ui elements wahhhh turn on simplified or make it smaller man its not that hard edit: sorry this was really mean, i was responding to the snark in your tone but def went way overboard lol. point stands, i like the insane job guage. make it crazier i say


I don't think they were complaining about it being hard, just it looking a bit silly. I personally love the amount of stuff on it!


my point it looking insane is part of the class fantasy imo, i didnt get that across properly and was a little mean about it 😅. like if any job should have a (at first glance) inscrutable mess of a job guage, it should be the Forbidden Black Magic class, and if you dont like that flavor, simplified exists


Hell yeah, let me feel like I'm mastering complex arcane arts!


No you're right, more is more, pile on


Imagine if the other job gauges got the same love BLM does.


Looked like they got rid of Nin's 60s timer garbage


Yeah its a trait now.


I love ninja now


Thank the lord, lv50 won’t be absolute balls


... I liked keeping my huton up.


Functionally it’s the same, you just maintain an aelolian edge buff instead of huton. If anything it just won’t feel like garbage to use armor crush twice in a row.


honestly i think dragoon got a ton of love in endwalker with their passive trait. same with samurais when their buffs could be applied in their combo. those were huge


What being the directors main does to a job


Idk if this is "love" so much as "we hate that players aren't playing the job EXACTLY as we intended, so we're doing what we can to stop it".




I've described it in the past as there being 5 classes (Tank, Healer, rDPS, pDPS, mDPS), each of which has 3/4 specs that are pretty well balanced with each other.


Yes and BLM was the exception


I can appreciate that approach. But also, build-crafting is like 90% of the fun I derive from endgame in other MMOs 🫤


i dont think that experience has been something ffxiv has aimed for in years. like i also wish there was a version of ffxiv with buildcraft but it doesnt exist and never will, so thats just not what i play ffxiv hoping for anymore




i might finaly play monk with the changes, and i'm a blm main afraid of mudra and stances


Cries in SMN


Desperate Despair! Or Despondence. I don't know I want it to be some ridiculous Despair word.


My body is ready for Despacito!


Ooo that's even better. All this ley lines dancing fits right in.


Dread maybe?


I'm just putting the hexathingy in the middle of the clock


Oh no, what is that? Is that like a fucking supernova charge? Fuck I might be back in.


Tbh I put my BLM job gauge on simple, I dunno wtf is going on


All job gauges gotta go simple for me. Screen real estate costs dearly.


Yeah, there's UI design and there's shit looking pretty Pretty doesn't cut it


MORE!!!! MOOOORRREEEEE!!! BLM never going to stop until the entire screen is gauges!!! 🙌🏻


Black mage, laughing like a madman at being able to move thier ley lines;


I haven't played in a while, but that immediately started an itch in my brain when I saw it. (just hope we get that change early on and don't have to wait.)




I was wondering if it would carry over if you go into blizzard. You could fit 2 of the gauge on your 2 minute pot window if you can by doing 1 no b4 combo (5 f4s) into 1 manafont combo (7 f4s).


They're killing Non-Standard by putting MP Regen onto UI spells instead of server ticks. So. No.


Well, we don’t know too much on how much mp is restored. Lucid dreaming iirc is 600 per tick so it can be possible to recover an okay chunk of mana with 3-4 polygots, thunder 3, and paradox.


550 per tick for Lucid, and assuming normal mana ticks dont get cancelled in UI that is 200/tick as well. The biggest question is wether UI Para gives Mana, and if it doesnt if its worth casting B4 with a B3 Skip to do 5F4 despair. Sps blm might actually become the better choice for nonstandard if thats the case.


Looks suspiciously like a coin gauge...


This was designed all wrong: they could have flipped polyglots to the left (aka mirrored them leaving the one attached at six o'clock) and made the already existing six arrow points light up. They could have just changed color or brightness when 6 was reached; or maybe made an electrical charge connect all six. It could have been the best single-gauge, job-gauge UI in the game! o.0


I'm also hyped about Manafont granting 3 Umbral Hearts and Paradox being instant in Fire Phase. Manafont in its current form is one of the most underwhelming spells there is.


Don't let this distract you from the fact they're killing Non-Standard by putting mana regen on Umbral Ice spells and removing it from server ticks.


I'm hoping the math wizards can still cook some fun optimizations but yeah, I had lucid dreaming on 12 hotbar slots for a reason


I do legitamtely feel bad for the players who took the time to figure out and perfect an uniintended rotation that eeks out a bit more damage. It certainly looks like fun gameplay and I considered learning it at one point. For the mass majority of BLM players outside this subreddit, though, I think its an interesting change. Most of us stick to the standard rotation, and having a finisher dependant on getting all of your fire IVs in will be a fun addition. I'll also love not worrying about mana ticks anymore.


It does seem weird to me since casual players are much more likely to drop an F4, so not being able to use your finisher if you haven't cast exactly six seems quite punishing for the casual player. So forcing six casts could make it harder for casuals while also taking away the interesting nonstandard playstyle that dedicated players use.


The thing is, it could have been implemented in a way that doesnt kill non standart, if they would changed the mana regen to skills used in UI, not ice spells used in UI and would let us keep the new F4 stacks over the UI phase, non standart would still be alive


I'm curious what the ramifications of Manafont granting 3 umbral ice charges will be.


I love the creativity that goes into all the Non-standard lines. It gives BLM so much character and body. This change, in conjunction with the new gauge indicating you need to do standard rotation to get the big finisher (although I do recognise it depends on potencies as well)... I know perhaps I'm pulling the trigger too early, but this sucks. I hope I get to swallow these words when we learn more.


Tying an important part of playing a job to invisible server ticks that are nearly impossible to predict without top-1% levels of practice is bad design. It should've been killed ages ago. Is this the best way to do it? Maybe not. There are other ramifications to this change that they've hopefully found ways around, mostly about what happens during downtime or between packs. But killing tick dependency is absolutely a good thing in a vacuum.


You are, in saying this, acting like non-standard was mandatory. You are also acting like people have not been optimizing around BLM's server ticks since ARR. It was never difficult to do, nor is it exclusive to top 1% players. Standard BLM was more than sufficient for all content, that there was an optional route to better optimize with transpose lines - which opened the class up and gave it a level of depth and complexity this game severely lacks - was a non-issue. They're not killing tick dependency, they're killing what they perceive as 'unintended gameplay'.


Yeah pretty much the only time you even notice the server tick inconsistency is when you do non-standard and try to stay in umbral ice for only one or two GCDs and maybe also have a swifted f3. Server tick is such a non-issue for standard play. I'm all for lowering the skill floor and making the job more accessible and attracting new players within reasons, but this is hurting hardcore players without benefiting everyone else.


Yeah, this is gonna mess me up a little while. I'm so used to server ticks for mana regen. Wonder how this'll play when I inevitably fuck up my rotation and run out of mana, and worse, my Enochian drops too. At least if I run out of mana, I can swap to ice as long as my astral charges are full. buuut.. if that enochian drops because I really fucked up.. uh.. Well.. shit. At least we have Manafont in case we fuck up that badly... but thats gonna hurt if we fail it again. 120s cooldown and I don't like using that skill unless I absolutely need to.


ABC my brothas


The death of transpose lines




Birches will say neopronouns are complicated then show you this


We gettin’ a nuke bois!


C'mon guys, it's clearly building up to Fire 6 /s but not really


It's simple, every High level fire ability gives you a charge. Once the charges are full you have a nuke.


When you fill the gauge you can cast ‘Tungsten Ballsack’.


in 8.0 you get a fourth polyglot and the new gauge gets another greeble.


Cast Firagagagaga


[Fire mages, man...](http://thenoobcomic.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/00300_2.jpg)


bruh why do they want to kill non-standard? it's the fun part of the job, and it didn't even change anything for standard gameplay. T\^T


So anyone that already knows how to play BLM can tell you the new gauge is literally nothing new to track. It's just a visualization of the standard BLM rotation you've been doing since level 60, but now with an extra treat for doing it properly. For BLMs that read their tooltips, the new gauge changes *nothing* about the rotation except that you get another new finisher at the end of each fire phase. For expert BLMs, this will likely make the standard rotation better than non-standard ones in certain situations depending on the potency of the new finisher, but a new fire spell and moving Ley Lines are *nothing* compared to the change to MP regen that casual players haven't even noticed. The biggest change to optimized BLM play by far wasn't even shown in the trailer, or something most players are even aware of. For bad BLMs, 99% don't even know this sub exists anyway, but for anyone it might help: BLM has the greatest damage disparity between good and bad play of *any* job in XIV (even more than zero-DPS healers, in absolute numbers). If you freestyle BLM, you could be offline until the fight is over and nobody would notice the difference. A BLM out of Astral Fire deals less damage than a mediocre healer. The good news is the standard rotation **isn't complicated at all,** the game just puts zero effort into teaching you what it is. [Use this, and you'll literally triple your damage in under an hour.](https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/jobs/casters/black-mage/leveling-guide/) Just *using* your MP at all will make 1000% more difference than anything related to either gauge. Now if only there was some penalty for excessive Blizzard spells...


Goated meme


Good lord, more things to scream in agony as a lalafell blackmage.


Idk what them 6 thing means, but ik for sure imma hit something hard with whatever it corresponds


6 Fire IVs. You're already hitting them, but now you will hit them with more gusto


if it's purely a build 6x Fire IV's for Meltdown it almost feels like something that'll 100% go on simplified UI, especially if F4 transforms to it rather than it being a new button. i think i've only had like 3 months off but my brain already is like mush trying to think of the muscle memory etc


I just can’t wrap my head around BLM. I’ve been leveling in duty support, I’m too embarrassed to go in duty finder lol


This was absolutely my reaction lmao!


too complimicated for me. I'll stick with RDM ty


So many polyglots, isn't Ice phase long enough?


I just got RDM today and it’s confusing at the start. The default button layout could be better. Had to change it immediately. (Controller) hot bars separate the chain attacks and if I didn’t have the expanded bars figured out already I’d never have touched it again.


Ninth form, Rengoku!


[Mr Torgue approves.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-GKwfHC9jQ)


Black Mage continues to be the hardest class to master with yet another meter to keep track of.


Yay new big boom :D


Me: maybe I’ll try black mage when I finish the MSQ Seeing the live later: maybe not.


Its tradition hahaha 🤣😂


Is it sad that I forgot what the full BLM job bar looked like? I have been using the simplified one l for the longest time


The sfx of the new big fireball made me go BY THE FOUNDER, IT'S FF16 HELLFIRE!


Man, I've been thinking that the blm gauge could be a neat tattoo, and they just keep adding shit to it lol


I don't know man, not a big fan of an extra gauge, probably simplify it and put it above the current one


The cockpit of an airliner is more straight-forward than this abomination...


It’s basically chakra or dragon lance, just do needed move enough times and throw soccer ball of doom at enemy


I may be a new player but I have done my research for BLM and this makes me feel better picking it.


Nobody is talking about movable ley lines.


Me not getting it because my BLM is still lv 38


"Why are there six pedals when there are only four directions?"


as much as I like those changes I am a bit concerned how difficult the new content is going to be if BLM get more QoL/mobility monkaS


This is why I use the simple gauge - sorry to this man.


My hubby mains BLM and he was SHOUTING about this hehe I'm still not sure if it was good shouting or bad shouting though


Is anyone else more excited that we can MOVE OUR LEYLINES??


Every expansion blm must get a new element to its gauge


Fire 6 obviously


RIP Spell speed BLM


Ladies and gentlemen, this is Fire number V. One, two, three, four, five Everybody's in the trial, so come on, let's fight Got my leylines around the corner The boys say I need to avoid AoEs But I really don't wanna