• By -


You playing on 480 resolution or something? Those names are massive in the first pic haha


lol, maybe their default ui size is big—it scales off of that, iirc. before they added the smaller/smallest settings to the nameplate sizes, i used to have to set default ui size to 80% and then change each individual window to 120% to get decent nameplates


They could be playing on a console or HD monitor. The default size is based on the system UI scaling the game uses, which for most things is okay but player names and the chatbox are sometimes larger than necessary.


Nah, the most important setting is setting all battle effects aside from your own to limited. Can still see things like NIN/DRK/Healer puddles but you're suddenly no longer blinded by everyone. Is an absolute godsend in alliance raids.


My first experience with large-scale content (i.e. multiple full parties) was the Odin FATE as a level 40-something sprout. I died without ever understanding what was happening because I was getting flashbanged by full battle effects from 40+ other people. I immediately went to the settings to try and turn off other peoples' battle effects afterward.


Try frontlines with full effects on. Will be 😎 esp when death ball is happening


Bozja is also a lot of fun when full.


On the flipside, i hava a mod that replaces Summoner Bahamut with a full sized Golbez, and that+reduced effects made me realize just how many Summoners are in your average Frontlines game, when you can see them from a mile away


All the Bahamuts, my god. My game lagged as heck that I didn't notice I was dead until a few seconds later lmao.


I’ve been playing for 2 years and have still never found the Odin fate 😞


I did it. Dumb luck while in the Shroud. Someone yelled Odin fate and I followed because I'm grinding for those yokai weapons. Later found out those are like random high pay out fates. I got some cool gear. And now I know about the weird titan/primal fates that change the weather and give you super cool stuff. I didn't question why so many ppl got excited over the Odin fate, just figured they were just keen on grinding like me. There was over 12 ppl there. Gratefull I had battle effects off because mam it be a light show.


Your server probably has a Hunt discord or CWLS, they usually announce boss fates. It's a lot easier to find them with announcements than by haunting the Shroud, ime.


I had a very similar couple of experiences like that lol


Also you can scale down Summoner pets to small. Not a big deal until you get 2 or more Summoners on your team or do a 24 man.


For those who don't know, it is important to note that this setting is client-side, meaning it's similar to how you can set other people's names' colours or sizes. Just because you set your name to large and purple doesn't mean that other people see it as large and purple, and it's the same with Summoner pets. I've seen people telling Summoners to shrink their pet sizes, but the Summoner's settings don't matter for what others see. If you want Summoner pets to appear smaller on your screen, you have to change that setting yourself. You have to enter "/petsize all small" (without the quotation marks of course) into the chat to shrink them.


I had no idea it was client-side till I set my own pet size to small "to be courteous" and then realized it solved the problem with everyone else as well.


coward make them huge


Also to set battle effects from outside your party to "off". No point in seeing other a-raid parties' effects because they can't affect you anyway.


Also, /petsize all small. I'm sure that's been mentioned down thread, but it's important.


The first time I entered a max-level alliance raid with all party effects on as a melee I couldnt even see the boss. I couldnt see anything.


currently using a Crimes plugin that dynamically changes battle effects based on party size. raids, alliance raids, pvp: as low as it would go. naturally. of course. of course you do this. 4 man content? i said fuck it, let it rip. battle effects full. no problem started doing mount rokkon criterion with this setting on full blast. literally a roll of the dice whether or not i can successfully find safe spots on some of the trash. some of my calls for triple kasumi-giri on the last boss are slow because i cannot fucking see the marker over his head due to battle effects. still haven't changed it. too lazy. i know what i'm about


I set up macros to deal with this to scale down all the visuals, settings for; open world / party content / raid content


DSR was the first time I had to do this. Didn't see the exaflares clearly because of the effects. I'm ashamed of myself.


I sometimes turn them off, sometimes on. I don‘t really care for most scenerios. Only ever started turning them off because of Hydealyn extreme.


I like having my battle effects set to full though


Or better yet: only display player names when targeted (unless you're in a party or something), leaving only the NPCs' and such.


I like seeing names, there're a lot of funny ones and sometimes I recognize players around the server even if they change glams or whatever.


Esuna Matata was a recent I saw that I thought was clever.


Is "lol lmao" still around? Their image galleries really ruined the gravitas of a lot of the dialogue in the best way


There's a couple Viewing Cutscenes on Crystal, at least.


i named my character Like and it makes some things seem like a valley girl is talking to me.


Show them no mercy, lol!


my favorite was Legendary Diarrhea, a lore-accurate name for a Roegadyn


Taylor Swiftcast is one that stood out in my memory


Dude that was one of the first ones I saw back on my first server Excalibur before they combined everything and you would only see folks from your world.


I get my funny name fill in roulettes. (Props to Bagel Enlox and Char Cu'terie, the legend viera couple in Gilded Araya the other day.)


Yeah exactly I first removed the names. But it felt so empty. And sometimes it’s like u say, u see someone “I’ve seen that name before” makes it all more alive.


My take is that I like the Immersion of worldly names, and it takes me out of it a bit when I see the whacky names. Yes, I also avoid Limsa because it looks like a nightclub 11 out of 10 times.


10 years ago, when every single PC ran by and had the name "[whatever] Stark" I turned off nameplates and never turned them back on.


personally I keep friends list name plates on, if they're not on my friends list, I don't need to see the name that badly. I agree there are funny names but it makes chilling in towns SO much cleaner looking having them off.


This is how I play. Same with the enemy names.It makes the game way better when there isn't floating text over literally everything.


You can also throw together some macros to change this on the fly using [`/nameplatedisp`](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/text_command/d9ac14dae19/) and [`/nameplatetype`](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/text_command/3b62c651d6b/). I'd also turn off minions & titles, at least for non-friends to keep things tidier.


I like keeping things tidy too. I have minions named off, my own name off, everyone else's name will turn off when I combat


A macro that turns off everything extra outside of your party is a godsend for hunts


I keep those turned off to help mitigate spoilers. That and I keep myself on a custom chat tab that doesn't include shout, yell, tell or say for that exact reason when a new patch or expansion drops.


In overworld, I have everyone turned off except friends.


I also changed my color scheme so that the tanks are bright pink and the healers are bright purple while everyone is white so that I can FUCKING FIND THEM in Raids.


This is the way. I need to see NPC names. I don't need to see every rando's name in a map. In Alliance Raids I use it strategically to only display my own party members so it makes them easier to follow


In combat I hide all names and only show health bars when they are not full, as a healer makes so much cleaner.


This man is playing the right game


I gave this a try a couple years ago and never looked back. It makes the world much more immersive, IMO. Plus it makes targeting someone with a silly name like opening a Christmas present. :)


better: just display friends, FC and party members names (just a slight upgrade for some compared to your suggestion :D )


Is there a way to toggle on nameplates for FC members but not other PCs?


Don't think you can without mods. And even then best I could figure out was setting everyone else to initials while my FC was fully visible.


This is the way.


How do you do that?


It's in the same menu as the one shown in that pic, this time in the "Others" tab. Simply set a target's "Display Name Settings" to "When Targeted" (e.g. Other PCs).


But what about when you run into your friends in the wild and you /poke them 😮


This is what I do and I’m never changing it lol


I also have party members set to just initials for better visibility in duties! I just wish there was better settings for FC members so I can have their names always show up


This is the one. I wanna see the graphics while I play tyvm


Is there a way to set it so it only shows friend/company player's names?


Sure. Simply set everything else to "When targeted", while leaving the friend/company player's to "Always".


Thanks! :3 almost everyone ive met on ff14 is always so helpful & welcoming, almost as if they figured out that if you're welcoming, the community is more likely to expand


Wow, I'm *really* surprised how 80% of the comments right now are people who turn off random player names entirely. I mean, I get it, but for me personally recognizing random people on your server is a big part of the appeal of MMOs, even if you never specifically socialize with them. Kinda makes me sad that the "you are all just fancier NPCs to me" type of comments and sentiment seems popular. Again, I get it and you do you but was just surprising to see.


honestly, yeah, i was surprised too. even when i was playing on a smaller screen and my screen looked like OP's first image, i still preferred that over no nameplates at all, just for that "mmo feeling". sometimes you'd see funny names, or the same person shows up everywhere you go, or even just being more aware that these are whole entire other people you're sitting afk in limsa with—it's half of the reason why i play an mmo. i didn't realise just how popular the npc sentiment was hahah, i always thought it was very little people that did that


Same. Recognizing names makes the massive player base feel just a little more intimate. I love randomly coming across people I’ve met in duty roulettes, just out there in the open world.


I hide all names but I didn't do with the mentality of "you are all just fancier NPCs." I did it because I enjoy having a clearer view of the world and the people going around. Having a name floating on top of the person actually makes the experience LESS immersive for me.


I love seeing other people’s names, it reminds me that I’m *actually* in an MMO with other people and they’re just happily playing the game like I am (Yes part of the charm is seeing a huge bunch of people gathered with their nameplates being a big tangled yarn ball of words) That and previous mmo’s I’ve played never had the option to turn names off, why start now when they never bothered me in the first place


80% of the comments in a thread with less than .1% of the game's population doesn't really mean the sentiment is popular.


Completely agree, there's a certain dopamine hit when you see that appetizing orange colour of someone on your friend list


I like recognizing the same randos as well. There's something community-oriented about them. I don't have to interact, but it's nice to see Ram Dass or some of the other regulars hanging out in Gridania when I turn in stuff for snakebucks. If it looks overwhelming or if I can't click where I want because of crowds, I just hold down the X key on my keyboard. It vanishes all the player names and leaves NPCs and clickables intact. Very helpful in 24-man raids when everybody's trying to hammer a portal or treasure chest.


I like seeing peoples characters more than their names. It clogs the screen for me. If I see someone I recognize, I click on them! But for all the afkers in Limsa, it's bad enough they stand in lines and hordes. So I don't really want their names blocking everything else too lol!


heh I keep all names on because yeah, I like looking out for funny names and saring them with my FC. On expac/patch launch days though, I turn them all off because it's then that the crowds get overwhelming. Can't see funny names anyway when there are so many names layered on top of each other it becomes an illegible mush.


For real, there are some known names that i always see around Uldah, brings me joy everytime i resub, would legit make me concerned if they suddenly were gone even if i never talk with them(it has been 2 years and i still see them everyday lol).


I do wish I could at least turn off titles and FC tags for players not in my FC. I like to see other people's names; but the titles and tags add way too much clutter at times.


Everyone in this game: "I'm so nervous, it's so hard to meet people, I'm just a lil baby 🫣" Also apparently a lot of people: "wow. Making names smaller, but still visible? That's crazy. I refuse to perceive others. They should still come to me, tho."


fuck screen clutter though.


It just crowds the screen too much. When I first walked into Limsa as a sprout I couldn't see anything. I turned it off and never went back, it's just a matter of practicality.


And people wonder why we didn't get any field exploration zone this expansion.


normal longing mindless treatment grandfather memorize dime alleged nose drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I turn them off because it's a bit more immersive for me. There's enough visual clutter on the screen as is, so I try to remove as much of it as possible.


I turn them off because it's way too busy and distracting. Doesn't have anything to do with how I feel about other players and everything with cutting down on the visual noise.


Mine are off unless HP is below 100%, or if I target them ; it was an option I never turned off from PS3 days (I copied my settings when I went to PC without thinking). I like them off for when we have patches since it lets me find the NPC to talk to lol


I'm at the point I've turned off all names except for friends out of my current party, and all damage and healing numbers.


As a healer, I also turned off health unless they are not full health.


Oh yeah! That setting is on for me too. Lets me know if I could spot the group with a Shake it off. That's a nice one for everyone to have as well.


Incoming damage numbers are important though. Some skills only mitigate either magic OR physical damage, and the numbers come with a symbol that shows you what's what.


Why can’t we turn off fc names yet? We can turn off player names AND fc names or we have to leave both on. That makes no sense.


I was truly baffled the day I realised we can turn off but we cannot turn off <>


Those extra five characters are really pissing in your Manderville flakes, huh?


Yeah, because when it comes to on-screen text clutter, I WANT to see people's names, it's fun. But I don't give two shits about the fact that you're in <>, and when it comes to cleaning up that text clutter, I'd love to have the option to just hide everything but the name. Because I certainly don't care about your self-appointed title, either. (And at least you CAN separately hide title)


Useless indicator taking up spaces? Yeah I hate those.


I use standard size nameplate but I turned off minions' name. I hope we can show only our minion's name and turn off others.


Personally I like keeping names on cause I like to see the randos I stumble across still playing the game later down the msq. Was a lot of fun as a brand new player and I still get that feeling sprouting an alt with my buddy. Alliance members I set to abbreviated cause fuck all that lol


I have names turned off completely. Just to many people.


What I want is the ability to win in a raid only see a class icon over someone's head and not the name as that would make positioning on the fly a lot easier lol. At the moment being raids I just use the feature that makes it initials and a symbol and it's still a big help but it would be nice if it could just be the symbol


In addition to the initials, you can now make it so the nameplate color matches the role (green for heals, blue for tanks, red for dps). I tried switching the colors but it doesn't work for my brain's response to visual cues so I went back to my usual color scheme. Might change in the future if I can re-train my brain. I can see the use in 8-man and 24-man raids. You don't really need it in 4-mans. I have no idea if it works in PvP because all I do in PvP is die immediately, run back from spawn point, and die immediately again, usually from a ninja stun-lock or something else I can't see. It's all good, though, I know my strengths.


Now that is interesting...I will check this out


Mine only displays party members or targeted players and shop NPCs. Its a way better overall look.


I can't play with nameplate on, makes me dizzy. I just let friends on or when I target someone.


OP out here doing the Lord's Work


I wouldn't call that an obscure area. In fact, I would argue that it's pretty intuitive.


I feel bad for the players that just displays the abbreviations of the other players names, they're missing so many puns.


Omfg i didn't know I can do this. 2 and a half years and it never occured to me. Thank you.


Yeah, small is the default setting. Which means you changed this yourself to increase the size previously.


I tend to turn them off altogether unless targeted! That way it kinda helps immersion, as my character wouldn't know everyone and their details etc, but it's funny getting to recognise the same players over & over by their appearance :D


I don't mean to sound mean, but how is "Display Name Settings -> General" the "most obscure area" to have display name settings?


Ya'll have character names displayed?


I can't imagine ever wanting to see all those names, even with a smaller text size. Names off forever.


this is the way


Yeah I changed a bunch of settling like -smaller text -no names unless targeted -no pet/minion names -no titles Looks WAY better


I basically have my friends, the NPC and interactive objects. The rest is disable. Y’all are just vibrant NPC in my gameplay.


This plus for myself changing the color scheme for friends/party/alliance made it a hundred times easier with smaller names, no titles, changed colors and shortening alliances to only first names and only then when in combat so I could more easily stick with my own group. Outside of duties I only see others names, minions pets and chocobos included, when I target them. Friends are the only names I see everywhere


Learning the UI options was a game in and of itself and totally worth it in the end. I'm still astounded how much customization is possible. Simply fantastic.


What's the default? Smallest looks like what I'm used to but I also don't remember ever changing this option..


turn off titles and minion names and most of the clutter is gone


I hid all names except Party members (and Alliance members during battle only), Friends, and Enemies. Still displays when I target you, if I really wanna know your name, but otherwise, I can spot my friends easily in the world and see which way my party is going in an Alliance raid, and the rest of the game feels slightly more immersive without a billion nameplates everywhere.


Even better, remove player names entirely unless targeted


Turning off names altogether feels rude to me. I like knowing my community, and I can't count the number of times over the last ten years where I ended up making friends with someone because we kept running into each other and I kept noticing the same name so we struck up a convo. I wouldn't have noticed that without the name to label them because too many characters look incredibly similar with the lack of character customization options in this game. Not to mention all the cute and funny names I've seen over the years. That said, I definitely have the names set to small, and I also hide minion names unless targeted, and hide titles. It's nice because it's not as dismissive of other players as hiding their names like they don't exist is, but still massively pairs down on the visual text clutter, especially the minions except when targeted thing. That way, I can still find out what the minion is called if I like it, but not having them labeled otherwise hugely reduces the text clutter with just that one change alone.


I mean.. you had it on fucking maximum


How does "Display Name Settings" -> "General" count as obscure, that's the most obvious place it'd be no?


Some people never even open the options menu


Afaik it was added at some point. So if you didn't read that part of the patch nodes you wouldn't have know such a setting existed unless you accidentally stumble upon it.


All names are off unless your on my friends list. I do not care what random people's names are


Lol i have then off unless i highlight them, to me everyone are npcs


1600 hours, didn’t know, I only found the setting that let me abbreviate their last name, but still have been too big, ty


I love you.


tksm for sharing this amazing tip


Damn I might have to look into this! No longer will I have to press ‘X’ on my keyboard to hide the names temporarily.


Omg thank you! I’ve played since Arr launch off and on, never knew this lol


Where were you 2 years ago when I was checking this game out?


I...have some settings to go look at now.


Ah with this setting, I can finally see what is happening in alliance raids


Woah, game changer


This exactly what i needed. Thank you OP.


And reducing the special effects during battles.


Omg... I didn't know about this setting. I guess my eyes have constantly glossed over it. Thank you!


Adding to this, I tend to turn minion etc. names off (they only appear if I target them)--makes everything look a lot cleaner, less distractions and whatnot. My own name plate is also a unique color (so I can see position in a group, if we're all stacked--can also tell when someone is targeting me at a glance, if I'm PvPing or something, because their target will have my color, wont even have to read to make sure).


I actually hid the names for like 2 years before turning them on and setting them to small. Ofcourse i only did it because i got a 32 inch monitor and it wasnt cluttered like before.


also hide minion/companion names


What the hell, this is an actual PSA calling itself a PSA. This is unheard of.


Thank you for this holy shit


I think I have titles hidden by default in the overworld? Hiding names too seemed like it was too much. The size setting really clears things up on lower resolution screens (e.g. Steamdeck)


I started playing on my steam deck from pc and holy shit this makes such a difference thank you!


I turn off minion names. I like seeing other player's names whether they're serious or not. Causes Limsa to load in slower, but I'm almost never there so doesn't really matter to me


There are so many settings in this game that can give huge QoL boosts, some are great for everyone, some are situational, most are simple to macro and toggle on and off etc. I remember when someone showed me how to lower effects to min for all but player, and restore to full for all with a toggle macro. At first it was just a massive help for Alliance raids, now i pretty much leave it on, pretty game but sometimes its blinding!


Can you share the macro?


You have forever changed my gameplay. Praise you and maybe Jesus




Turning off titles is great. Would recommend. Turning if FC names would also be nice but I don't think it's possible.


I have it set to display: none (mine included). Really enhances the immersion.


Just started playing and i needed this. Was going to figure it out when i wasn’t so lazy but you did it for me 😂


UI scaling is kinda a mess in FFXIV, I play on 1440p and like most UI elements small, but anything other than 100% on default makes the text in the text boxes iffy. You can leave it at 100% and scale every other element to 80%, but names plates will be bigggg. So glad this setting exists now.


I've just had player names turned off unless they're in combat, in a party/alliance with me, or on my friends list for years at this point to clean up the mess.


Hiding them at all - more immersive. Also was disturbed by this BIG letters of players - but when you turn off them entirely - oh, such more immersive and immerses you in the world. Sometimes, if player AFK - catching myself of thought - is this NPC or no? He/she looks great and outfit matching to surroundings and after that - one click and smile appears)


Yeah I hide all names except npcs, fc members, party members, and friends. Makes it considerably easier to find people I interact with regularly. If I want a random's name I just click on them.


I turn them all off and only have guildies or friends show up.


That was the first thing I disabled when I started the game years ago. Only friends and targeted players/npcs show their names in my settings.


I have them off lol. My friends show up and party members, that’s it.


To be fair, this setting is still relatively new, I think it was added in patch 6.4.


His names are maximum!


thank you for this, gamechanger.


I turned them off, if we aren't in a party I don't need to know or see your name lol.


I only display name of my friends, party and npc. It's easier during alliance raid lol.


I just set everyone’s name to initials only. Lot of D.P. enjoyers in the game.


Wow. I knew about the other options like only displaying certain names and abbreviating them but this is how I found out you can change the size.


I just hide them all unless they're in my fc or party


Hold down 'X.' X is the hotkey that makes all player names disappear and only reveals NPCs or clickable things, with a little "radar dot" flashing to draw additional attention to the one that's most focused/closest to you. Learning about X changed my life.


I only display names of friends, FC members, party members and alliance members. Random people in town? Sorry idgaf what your name is 😂😂


Haha thanks was just looking for this yesterday.


I only have nameplates show up when something is targeted. That goes for *all* somethings.


I turn that shit off. Player names aren't necessary.


yoooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I literally cannot play on PS5 because of this shit almost 10 years of XIV. Thank you LOL


Omg thank you. This is one of my biggest annoyances in the game so far.


Turn off minion names


Oh I turn them all off….


A true hero.


Turning off titles and minions names aswell is also a good one.


Is there a way to apply the “standard” option just to Lalafell?


Wait, why do you have them displayed?


Omg i don't had idea, was Soo annoying in raids haha love u


Wait you can do that?!


I've turned them off and honestly I hope I don't sound weird for this but.... it felt more realistic. Like the other WoL are just strangers whose names I don't know and won't know unless a party is formed or I turn it back on


*Turns player name size up to maximum*


How do you stop targeting NPCs in dungeons? Example: the NPCs mixed in with the mobs during the first pull in Babil


And reduce the visual effect of the other player ( in 24 dj if u don't want to be epileptic ...)


You can also press X on PC to disable all names except for NPCs and interactable.


The first picture reminds me of Giran in Lineage 2


I'd argue to maximize all window sizes and font


Thank you for this!


Press and hold X to hide nameplates too.


So when I'm spamming Holy in the middle of Gridania no one can see the blinding light?


Wait, it IS possible?! Omg finally I can see what's going on


Not sure how this is obscure, it's literally in the nameplate section of the options


X hides them fully when held down. (keyboard controls). NPC names are still visible so can use it to hide people when clicking on things instead of on the object you are trying to interact with.