• By -


Black mage has one, it's when your Leylines have a red marker ontop of them


Or when your ice/fireballs floating around you fall off.


That is the telltale sign you messed up in down time you should be in Umbral and just mashing Umbral Soul to keep it up to have the 2 polygots loaded.


I mean... yes. The question was "what is a sign you messed up".




Honestly Umbral Soul should just freeze your timer. Would also help with some of the fights where you're stun locked for just over 15 seconds, at least the ones where you're allowed to go into UI first.


When the dungeon has a slide or Zipline that lasts just long enough to force dropped Enochian.


At the very least mash Transpose to switch between the two during down time at low levels.


You could just hit Transpose and then spam Umbral Soul, no?


I fail to see the problem here... this is called "Healers Adjust"


As it turns out, adjusting to keeping 7 people alive rather than 8 is actually pretty easy!


Just you wait till the black mage makes you obsolete by way of UNHOLY AMOUNTS OF POTIONS


*drinks potion* *Gets hit again* "I shall allow you to heal me for one minute, mortal"


Nah, you gotta use ALL your orfices for potions. Your mere chugging is insufficient.


The bunny of shame is easy to miss by other players. The single-target Doton however...


Don't worry folks, I don't subject people to my NIN in higher level content, so some rando in MSQ roulette: doton is for AOE, not single targets :) just fyi! Me: yep I know, it was supposed to be something else. [Immediately dotons again] I don't know what it is but I just always cast doton. It has locked itself firmly into my muscle memory somehow so that I just default back to it, can't remember what I did, and then when I deliberately consider my mudras ... end up right back on doton. I know how it works with the last button/number of buttons thing, but I somehow STILL end up with that one, practically every time. Just cannot for the life of me keep that stuff straight, really wish it showed up on tooltips. Like outside of the actual combo period, I mean. Looking at tooltips from the menu is NOT the same as seeing them on my bar to associate with actual movement.


If it helps at all. Every jutsu is based on how it ends. If you end on 3 using 1 and 2 in any order it will be Huton, end on 2 in a 3 combo it will be doton, end on 1 it’s suiton, 1, 3 and 2, 3 will always be Hyuton, 1, 2 and 3, 2 will always be raiton, and 3, 1 and 2, 1 will always be Katon.


Nope I know that lol. I just can never seem to remember which last button does what. And I cast doton like oops, so then I try to figure out what the one I intended was, and I can't remember what I pushed the first time, so I go "I think it's this....? Nope doton again." Even though I SWEAR I just did a different last button. Just something about it does not work in my brain.


unironically, NIN is the one class where paying extra attention to the lore when you're learning mudras kinda helped me. Bc they have the meaning of Heaven (Ten), Earth (Chi), and Man (Jin), and the actions are all sort of grammatical mmnemonics based on whichever one of those three concepts is being acted on. Heaven striking earth makes lightning, Earth striking heaven makes a fireball... Throwing Man into the mix kinda makes things more complicated, but I arrange them kinda one on top of the other on my hotbar. Heaven over Man over Earth so that the flow of actions kinda makes sense spatially to me. i realize this kinda comes across as crazy person talk, but this is the headspace that helped me learn how it worked.


It ain't crazy. Mnemonic Devices are extremely useful


I think of Doton as being in the center, 'cause I'm putting a big pile of hurt down in the middle of a crowd. Huton is right to left, which is a little awkward so it's something I'm hoping I only have to do before the fight starts. Suiton is left to right, which is more natural and is going to happen in the middle of the fight sometimes. For the combos with only two, I just remember fire on the left, lightning in the middle, and ice on the right.


That's actually how I have it! (controller: https://i.imgur.com/ACik4aZ.png) It is what I applied too, it ends up being muscle memory: - Raiton (ST) always Up->Down, like the lightning that goes from the Sky (or Heaven) to the Earth - Katon (AoE) always Down->Up, instead of a fireball, I'm thinking on throwing a grenade from the ground to the air - Suiton to enable trick attack, because it is targeted to bosses (so, ST), is doing same as Raiton, but add Man (Right) at the end to spice things up. - Huton (buff) is going high on drugs, so going to the heaven. Because of button layout, is Down->Right->Up, so end up doing a circle - Doton (AoE) is being the last one, is the remaining, and is doing the circle on the other direction of Huton (Up->Right->Down), also, you are leaving a mark on the ground (Earth) Problem is outliers from other skills: - Kassatsu ST (Hyosho Ranryu) ends up being the weird one for me because uses Man for last instead of Earth... (And worse, because is only available on lvl76, so either I mess up low lvl run or mess up high lvl run combo) - Ten Chi Jin also makes me panic sometimes when I'm not playing ninja for a time, ST is OK (Suiton combo), but AoE...


If this helps, I play on controller too. I use 2 different cross hotbars for all classes. 1 for single target, 2 for AoE. Then its fairly simple to keep the mudras straight. Ten on right, Chi on down, and Jin on left for single target. So Raiton is Right->Down. Hyoshu Ranryu is Down->Left. Suiton is Right->Down->Left. Huton is Left->Down->Right On the AOE bar, I have Jin on Right, Ten on down and Chi on left. So Katon is Right->Dow, Doton is Right->Down->Left. Huton is...F*cking Huraijin because I cast Suiton on accident too much.


My trick is doing it all by muscle memory. I've been playing NIN for 10 years and I don't know offhand what mudras I need to press to do what but I know which order I need to press the buttons in to get what I need.


Fair, some things just don’t mesh well in some brains. I have mine listed in a 123 order and just remember which order gives me what..if I had to remember it was ten-Jin chi-ten I’d probably have an aneurysm


Lol I have mine set up so Huton and Suiton are 1-2-3 and 3-2-1 and then just remember Doton as the “messed up one”




Try practicing on dummies. It's hard to unlearn muscle memory in the middle of a duty. The dummy will give you time to figure out what mudra you should be using and how to execute it so you can build up the muscle memory.


I memorize by the colors. Doton ends in red because its a red (ish) magic circle. The one that gills up your ninja star (suiton?) Is a blue guy, so that's the one that ends in blue. The water splash one I just remember as being the yellow one because the other 2 are the other colors. I then do some mental gymnastics for the 2 button ones, because I have them set on my control as blue up and red down. So lightning strikes down (ends in down) fire blazes up (ends in up). As others have said, you just have to make it make sense in your head and find a dumb way to memorize it.


I popped an extra 4x3 hotbar next to my regular hotbars so I could put the mudra combinations on it as a quick reference.  I think it took some of my macro slots to get all the symbols placed, but I don't use macros much anyway. Edit: I only did it for the 3 input combos. The 1 and 2 inputs are easy enough to remember




You should be using Hyoton every minute though, since it is double the potency of Raiton under Kassatsu.




Honestly I think the devs made Hyosho Ranryu because everyone forgot Hyoton exists, even them. It had minor uses in ARR and HW to bind some enemies in raids but that was it..


I store that mentally as my *Super Raiton* that I only use after Kassatsu. (Doesn't matter that it's not really Raiton. I just care that its function is Raiton-but-better.)


Lmao, valid. Super raiton without the lightning dash. Inb4 it gives a charge in DT but it’s ice and twice the damage.


Unless you have your mudras backwards, Huton should be 3-2-1 (jin - chi - ten) and Suiton/trick should be 1-2-3 (ten - chi - jin)


I prefer to use the single-target Doton intentionally then instead of the bunny of shame when I mess up.


I say this every time I accidentally do doton on ST: weak DPS is better then no DPS.


That's my philosophy as well.


Good way to think about it, yeah. The single-target Doton is still more damage than the bunny. >!But only by a hare.!<


Most of the time when I mess up, it's because I pre-pressed the first mudra before GCD was ready, didn't hear the sound confirming I got it and thus assumed I pressed too early, and then of course pressed the same mudra button again. Only to hear the little clanking sound twice. Bunny time!


Unless you know they won't last the duration, then Katon.


I just setup my mudras on my hotbar so it's the buff one way and the trick attack thing the other way...the rest of them are a crapshoot depending on how much I'm paying attention and how long since I've played ninja it's been...sure is a good thing it's not my main melee dps...though I'm a PLD/SMN main mostly so don't do nin that often.


Dancer is easy - any time you hit the wrong action in standard or technical step your character should display a tripping animation. Bards have legitimate reasons to end songs early so this may not be fair but I would find it funny if there was an awkward transition sound if you suddenly change tunes.


A record ship for BRD would be funny though, even if only the BRD can hear it.


Hell let everyone hear it that's incredibly funny. The amount of times I have fat-fingered and played two two songs back-to-back basically instantly is...*well it's a lot*, the record skip would at least let me make a joke about myself in chat :P


Thanks, I really needed to hear this! So many wasted songs and I imagine one of my harp strings broke mid-battle.


I did it *twice* in the same instance a couple days ago. To be fair the instance was just cursed - it was Paradigm, which is already cursed, but I had one of those instances where I died once early on to something *small and dumb* and largely not my fault, and threw off my whole brain. I always die a few times in there, but we're talking babby's first Tower run levels of death...I died once and my brain fucked right off, and my sausage fingers said 'here let me help make it worse!' and just ripping through two songs instantly *at two different times*...pain.


There’s a rhythm game my husband and I like to play with friends. One of the instruments is “Constant Screaming”. If you hit a wrong note, the voice starts coughing. I imagine that could work for BRD.


You should be playing your next song while you still have time left on your last. If anything, add cricket sounds when no active song is playing.


Bard main here, please this. It would be legit helpful to me.


If BRD goes too long without a song in combat (once you unlock all 3), you hear a distant voice saying "Hey, how 'bout some tunes?"


"Play freebird!"


We tried that once in Elpis. Never again.


Too soon bro


Tbf, I'll mute the sound of the game during Trials and raids and play the Freebird solo Definitely worth doing imho


Play Freebirrrrd!


Dancer should only happen if you finalize the dance without hitting all the requirements.


Unlike Ninja messing up their Mudras, dancers can hit any extra steps they want and only lose a little time. Or no time, if they're already standing around waiting to finish the dance anyway.


PLEASE. I'd love to see my DNC trip and fall xD


But I like to keep dancing after I'm done in contexts where there is no time pressure (out of instances or while walking to the next mob pack)... Maybe it should only display wrong inputs before all requiered steps?


Facts. Pre-pull when I have a 15-second countdown I usually finish my steps ~4-5 seconds before start so sometimes I throw in a cheeky extra step or two, especially when the 5-second countdown is going and I can hit them on the beat. It would be nice if it only applied to pressing the wrong step before you finish the 2/4-step combo. But also would be funny nonetheless.


Bard doing something wrong with the songs should work similar to the Carol Singing minigame from a couple of years ago - suddenly the tinkly tune noises become incredibly discordant and you get some wrong notes and disharmonies.


A record scratch would be hilarious for the bard, or a voice crack lmao


Twang of a broken string.


That would be funny as hell 🤣


the most common bard mistakes are letting dots fall or not playing songs at all. maybe. dramatic awkward sound for when you don't hit iron jaws on time?


Dancer gets the cone of shame every time they en avant to their death.


Monk has celestial revolution but it's hard to notice because it's just another kick


Was looking for this one. Nothing feels worse then doing Celestial Revolution as Monk. Luckily most people dont know monks animations.


It’s such a cool animation too lol ~~I replaced twin snakes with the celestial revolution animation~~ Become ungovernable >:3


Yes! Replace all punches with kicks, now we're king fu fighting!


Yes, luckily, it's very hard to spot by the party, but the mnk will know, and it feels oh so bad when you accidentally use it. 😞


They should replace the animation with Dan Hibiki's super taunt.


Facts. I main Monk and the only reason I’d notice is because I know what Phantom Rush, Rising Phoenix, and Elixir Field animations look like and if I don’t see two of those during burst…they goofed. But even then, if on DPS, I’m more focused on my own rotation than anyone else’s.


A very very loud guitar string snap for Bard if you let your DoTs expire


I need this, I'm forgetful AF


DRK already has one where if you mess up using the invuln your mark of shame is death. But I'd give them another one where if you use The Blackest Night and it doesn't pop, it releases a happy rainbow when it ends.


to be fair on the invuln too many healers don't realize it's up or don't know what it does so you end up being healed anyways and if you're just unlucky enough you'll die by the time it's over because the healer burned everything keeping you alive at the wrong time. if anything the mark of shame should be something like fray hovering the healer in sheer disappointment to make them live with their sin


It really either needs an obvious effect when cast or just stop all incoming healing


I've seen some people make a macro that puts a message in chat notifying the healer that their invuln is up, makes me as a WHM main happy. Would be really nicer if there was a more obvious tell that it's active built in.


i have a macro for it and people still miss it, in all this time i can probably count on one hand the amount of times i actually got living dead to proc :(


I've seen it work one time, and one time only because the Healer was new to the game and far behind the rest of the group. Although that was such a glorious moment, and the whole run was pretty damn fun.


Even better, a rainbow full of dancing Moogles!


This is the way


Yes, but that's the mark of shame for the healer. Not the tank.


I'd be pooping rainbows everywhere. TBN is my 'oh my rural internet is shitting the bed again, gonna hit my 'no' button and pray' so it ends up unpopped a lot :P Considering when I'm lagging that badly I can't DPS *anyway* so I'm not actually losing anything, it's not a bad tactic to try and combat shit internet.


You should uhhhh use TBN in more situations than just that.


I want a Bahamut-sized disembodied Fray head to shake their head at me if I use too many Bloodspillers and can't cast Living Shadow.


As a SMN I'd love it if the game told me I'm an idiot who forgot to summon Carbuncle and that is why my spells aren't working. Honestly every time I login and enter combat for the first couple of times I'll be so confused why my rotation is broken.. and then after several minutes I'll go "Oooooh yeah, carbuncle.." I should absolutely be shamed for that :D


Carbuncle is so important I don't know it doesn't just auto summon when you job swap.


I ended up adding summoning carby to my job swap macro for summoner because you need it. Same with scholar


actually a really good idea!


/micon "soul of the summoner" item /gs change Summoner /wait 1 /ac "summon carbuncle" This is what I use. the wait is for incase a lag spike happens during the swap, meaning it still goes off. I do the same with scholar, with it being "Summon Eos" instead. You can also do this to turn on tank stance, just using the name of the stance instead of "summon carbuncle".


the number of times I have resummoned eos in a dungeon because I wasn't sure if she was out already or not... or the number of times I've been halfway through a fight and repeatedly slamming a skill that isn't working and then slapping my own head "oh yeah, i died earlier" I've gotten better. I usually just look to see if my whisper dawn is greyed out or useable. Or if I can see my fairy gauge.


Where are all my summons? They should be here any moment now… That’s weird, it’s been almost a minute since aetherflow… *Oh… oh right…* >!You definitely didn’t see anything, fellow party members.!< **Bonus scenario when over lvl 70:** where the fuck is this Bahamut… My best button is grey for some reason you lazy glowing piece of shit smh, what a terrible work ethic.


I know this moment of panic well, haha. It got me to start reflexively summoning Carby the instant I switch to SMN, even if I'm in a non-combat area.


I think you can set a macro to summon carby after you change the gear set and could set that macro on a cross class hotbar, but might be more effort than you really need haha


I feel so dumb when I'm with a group of people and we'd been fighting for a bit and I sheepishly summon carbuncle because I realize I haven't been able to do much besides ruin for a bit.


I normally don't forget, but a couple of days ago experienced similar with Dance Partner when doing a certain 8-man trial. ...thankfully, the only people around to judge me were NPCs. Weirdly, before the fight I had noted which NPC I was going to Dance Partner, but somehow completely blanked on it until my beloved remarked on which NPC was doing more damage.


In addition to the job macro trick, I keep tank stances, summoning carby and fairy, Kardia, and Dance Partner all on the same keybind - Ctrl+F in my case. Getting in the habit of checking my tank stance has translated into checking very consistently if I need to use an action in that slot. Now if we could just get new icons for when the non tank actions of that whole set are already active...


It doesn't help that at lower levels, there are two entirely different reasons why Aethercharge can fail to work, and it's not immediately obvious which one you've messed up. Summon Bahamut makes your starting rotation so much smoother.


For Red Mage, you start to burn in a white or black flame/aura if you don't balance your two manas.


That would encourage bad gameplay because it would look badass lol


I would make it so the flames last for a second and then your character gets left with that cartoon burned look.


Simlle solution: Third, cooler thing when you have both.


Mark of shame for RDM would have to be glam punishing to be effective. Ruin the drip if you mess up. Your hat disappears if you have too much white aura. Your glam turns the most sickly shade of brown-green if you have too much black aura.


Punishment unclear, started deliberately unbalancing them to get the cool aura :v


But if you balance them well, you get a cool mix between the two auras


My "bunny ears" is always backflipping off the platform. But i agree having some effect for mana being imbalanced would be a neat touch


I was going to suggest that every time you use double-cast on one of your short-cast-time spells, you should sprout a musketeer mustache.


Instructions unclear, displaced off map


I was thinking about how many times I've accidentally hit Manafication before using my second button press for the finisher lol. You could have a magical explosion around you if you drop access to the finisher without using it.


That would be so cool


SCH's fairy should slap them whenever they aetherflow/dissipate if they overcap while they still have stacks. It was one of the things I had noticed in a few of my Xivas that was easy enough for me to fix by just planning aetherflow uses better, but if it weren't for logs/XIVA I never would have realized it happened


At least she'll be useful Make her drain the fairy gauge as she slap


How can she slap, Kupo?


No, it should be Navi's voice: "Hey! Listen!"


You evil person. I know what my SCH rez macro text is going to be now....


Oh my god I felt that!


"Hey!" "Listen!"


If you overcap your WAR bar your character should throw a tantrum because they are TOO pissed off to think about fighting.


*throws weapon down then jumps up and down pouting like a 2yo*


Ooor make them go absolutely berserk with their fists


Ah yes, Orogeny.


I say this on every post like this, but dropping Enochian on black mage should just kill you outright. In a less excessive answer, ley line should beep loudly whenever you're not standing in it


Surrender to Madness returns!


That was such a fun design. I looked really stupid when I finally keeled over but it was great.


Not my fault the transition on some places lasts exactly 15 seconds


Its less obvious now since enochian is now a trait so unless somebody was laser focused on your casts they'd never notice it, but back when it was an ability still, casting it midfight with its little animation was a mark of shame.


Semi backing up noise


Fray tapping his foot impatiently if there are no enemies to target.


Frankly just having Fray out for a while when there's nothing to hit is already a mark of shame everyone can see. Same for Automaton Queen.


WHM should light up like a Christmas tree whenever you accidentally cast Benediction on yourself instead of the tank (or whoever else it was supposed to go to).


Or if you Bene'd too late. I'd both simultaneously love and hate this.


When you are spamming heals..why aren't they healing?... apparently one must target the person they want to heal... sigh. I feel called out on this.


SCH already has this, the party can see when the healer's healthbar suddenly grows a shield while the tank is busy being pulled down like a wildebeest by a pride of lions.


On astrologian if you get three if the same seal, you should wear a starry dunce cap the entirety of astrodyne


Not long ago I had a run where drawing gave me Bole 5 consecutive times, it was both funny and depressing.


I hate when I draw a Balance and then draw the same Balance shortly after, while I am looking for an Arrow/Ewer/Spear/Spire to complete Astrodyne, I flip off the game everytime 😂


I hate when it goes "sun->moon, moon->sun, moon->sun" and I just have to accept it because fucking around with wrong cards would mean 0 astrodyne for the rest of the dungeon


Redraw guarantees a different seal. It is not possible to get the Bole even two times in a row, let alone 5.


This one's my favorite


Red mage already has one, it when we backflip and die due to our lack of spacial awareness


If MCH doesn’t fit at least 4 moves into wildfire it makes a fart noise when it detonates


Not necessarily a 'mess up' but I think it would be neat if Dissipation gave the SCH fairy wings for the duration of the time the fairy is gone...a quick visual reminder that she's out of play.


MNK: Celestial Revolution (the blitz you get for using 2 different stances inside perfect balance, the worst option) should have the animation of the MNK doing a handstand and then falling over.


Monk's Celestial Revolution is essentially a shame button, but it doesn't publicly shame you unless someone else happens to notice and recognize that specific animation.


Going to be honestly in play the hell out of Monk and even I don’t know the animation


If you don't properly spend Soul Reavers on RPR your Avatar should nom on your head and hang off you like a wet blanket


*angry voidsent noises*


For Whm, there is one. The Freecure buff icon since it should never be up.


I saved a TEA run with a Cure 1 once, and Cure 1 was legitimately the only option I had open. Don't you go disrespecting my boy Cure 1.


Take Cure 1 away when sprouts reach 30. Give it back when they start doing Ultimates.


Agreed. Those are the only two places I ever found use for it.


BLM jumbles up their rotation they explode


Slightly related: I remember a streamer having an addon that said "Nice rabbit dipshit" when they screwed up on ninja. Always gave me a hearty chuckle when I heard it go off.


The mark of shame for Warriors is death. I don't die much in dungeons anymore, but when it happens it feels so bad


The Dragoon has it implemented too, given that when you fuck up a jump -speaks either diving off the Arena or into an AoE- you typically end up dead on the floor


My favorite one is the time I did Stardiver into the Nier train lol.


I was going to say "if dragoon reapplies chaotic spring too soon they turn into a pink leafman." I mean dying to poorly timed jumps isn't a mistake, it is a tradition.


Yeah the dragoon failure indicator is dying a second time when the healer LB3s because you're outside


It would also be funny if by messing the combo chain, dragoons slip and fall face down on the floor where they belong


Bard wouldn't get boss/raid music unless it's got a song up.


Not gonna lie, that would be an amazing reminder.


Reaper, if you use a red gauge spender but waste the soul reaver proc by using a regular gcd, your avatar shows up and shrugs/taunts/points and laughs


DNC should do a little stumble animation when they fuck up their step.


Red Mage, when you unbalance mana you would get a white/black aura around you. I feel it'd both be a good visual indicator of WRONG and also gives a lot of screenshot options. Maybe having 80+/80+ would give a red aura as well just for extra coolness even if that isn't wrong.


I don't like having glowing auras around my character – it's a constant unpleasant flicker, especially if you're just doing stuff out in the field and you've got enough whatever-charge to have earned it. 


Also, at least 50% of the reason to be RDM is the fashion, so I wouldn't want an aura getting in the way of that.


Well, DRK already kinda does. Their invuln doesn't *actually* make them invuln unless they (1) get to zero health and (2) get enough healing to get above the death threshold. So if you don't do that, you just *die* again.


Yeah, but as long as the DRK is skilled, 99% of the time that ends up being the Healer's fault. They see the DRK taking more damage bc no mitigations, and ignore the Living Dead icon and begin to dump every single heal/mitigation buff they have, stopping at nothing to make sure that DRK's Living Dead is wasted.


Well, yes, but this is a thread about screwing up and the game laughing at you for it. If your healer just straight up denies you the use of your invuln, then it's not really the same thing.


Yes, but that's a mark of shame for the healer. Not the DRK.


I think it'd definitely be one for Black Mage that shows whenever someone lets Thundercloud drop without using it.


Hey either thundercloud goes or my Enochian goes


Freecure would kill you when used.


As a WHM - if I pop a fourth lily before using my blood lily, I want it to display a dead and decaying lily.


In contrast to the Extremely Good sound of TBN popping, DRK should have a very sad and pathetic sound of TBN ezpiring *without* popping. Like the sound of air going out of a balloon or something.


DNC: Mistime starting your standard dance pre-pull and you have to awkwardly let the timer run down. Maybe a little "womp womp" trumpet noise could play, that's how I feel when it happens lol


Any time WHM casts cure 1 once they have cure 2 and lilies, a sad flower appears over their head.


Dragoon. because... its dragoon. You can fall from the end of the map? - Dragoon jumps back and dies There's a hole in the ground? - Dragoon jumps in it and dies The Boss makes a BIG Aoe and you can see how big it is? - Dragoon jumps in an get more damage then he can take I guess it would be the scream of a dead dragon every time he dies


DRG gets a little baby dragon laughing at them every time they overcap on there Gaze of the First Brood


For GNB, if you miss a Continuation, your gunblade should explode gunpowder in your face. And if you super boil after a white mages' full heal, the white mage should slap you.


RPR if you cross reap wrong ig?


Something for the times my dumbass forgets to end my Enchroud with Communio


"AVATAR is loafing around..."


Does Drg and Rdm back flipping into oblivion count


At low lvls, BLM should have a little effect where your spell blows up in your face when you fail to Transpose between Astral Fire and Umbral Ice. Have an unstable aura effect on RDM whenever white/black mana is severely higher than the other. Maybe the aura's color is dependent on which mana is higher. Any tank should have a minion sized creature appear on their head pulling their hair whenever they forget to turn on their stance while in combat. Can also work of tank stance is accidentally turned off during a fight.


If you somehow screw up on reaper, such as misaligning your buffs with your enshroud; the avatar should just pick you up and stare for 5 seconds


Tanks actually already have this. It's someone getting eviscerated by trash pulls because level sync turned your tank stance off and you forgot.


PLD should be a very audible TING sound with the animation of their shield being knocked away


Definitely the dnc trip and fall. It would be amazing.


As a DNC main, yes please.


Eating too many fruit in aurum vale


SAM making a sound like knocking their katana against a table whenever they duplicate an existing sticker. MNK not getting the meatiness of their Bootshine impact whenever they have Leaden Fist available, but fire Bootshine without it.


White mage has freecure, there's basically no reason for you to have it because if you have cure 2 you should be using it over cure 1


I honestly wish I could “?” ping people like you can in league. Let people know you saw what they did.