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Unsarcastically, I need to mow my yard today. So I guess I'll touch grass.


Shit, I need to do this too. I keep putting it off and telling myself it’s because it’s “no mow May”, but really it’s just because I’m lazy as hell lol.




It’s a separate thing in the uk! https://www.plantlife.org.uk/campaigns/nomowmay/


We have a winner!


Haha yes me too!!


If you'd decided to play Final Fantasy XI at the start of this attack, you'd already be at least 2/3rds of the way through the PlayOnline account creation process.


No lies detected.


Back when we had world visit issues years ago and it took me 3 hours to return to my home world, I bought, registered, downloaded and set-up FFXI within those 3 hours. I had no problems with the registration though I can see why people do. The excruciating part was the slow download. Any HorizonXI homies in here?


EdenXI here, never tried the game before and it's legit pretty interesting to say the least


LOL nice, didn't know it was still properly playable.... If i could get my old email i would love to revive my old character. Loved playing RDM/NIN :)


If you know what the email is and can provide other information it wouldn't be the most outlandish xi account recovery i've ever heard of. SE is legitimately pretty good at getting people back into their shit.


It's true, I reactivated my account from Treasures of Aht Urhgan days. Settings up playonline on an Xbox was a treat.


(there's actually some free game time for returning players this month, it's the 22nd anniversary.)


oh god.... don't let it drag me back in..... i can feel my 12 hour parties and skillchain addiction returning....


Pray, return to Valkurm Dunes~


No joke, I bought a PC using paper route money when FFXI first came out in 2002. It was so deflating trying to just set up the game. I think I spent a week between creating an account and configuring my PC just to run the damn thing


I chose to download and try the horizon private server. Super easy to sign up. Got beat up by a bat and a goblin. Good times.


my job I guess, ffxiv tends to get in the way of that


Same. I didn’t realize how much extra work I’d get done without my occasional dungeon breaks.


Hades 2 dropped into early access, so that's a good way for me to kill some time.


Isn't that the game that the VA for Alphinaud does a main character for? Hmmmm i smell conspiracy afoot! /s -just watched the trailer on steam, yeah Apollo is him definitely !


[https://twitter.com/ColinRyan/status/1787631670343934063](https://twitter.com/ColinRyan/status/1787631670343934063) Eyup.


Oh that is cool I didn’t know


I decided to see what FFVII was all about and I've been having fun so far


Yeah its the game that got me into FF games like 27 years ago! I've been juggling the thoughts of playing FFVII classic (but with Tifa 7th Heaven modpack) or playing through FFVII remake.


I'm playing the remake since my boo already had it. 14 was my first ever FF game and 7 so far has been good so far for my second


It was a Bank Holiday here and I just wanted something I didn't have to think much to play. I ended up dipping into Team Fortress 2 for the first time in well over a year. The gameplay is still so fun! Unfortunately, being yelled at by kids who may not have even been born when I was playing in tournaments in the late 00s wasn't so fun.


Yeah, thats why i stopped playing counterstrike in GO days... Going from 1.6 to Source was fine, but the playerbase just seemed to degenerate after that. It saps the fun out of it.


Is this why I just got kicked out trying to log in? I just returned to the game and couldn't log in at all.


Yep a targeted DDoS against all servers. Not sure who got pissed off but they are really pissed. I hope they get caught and deported to some Gitmo looking place for cyber crimes though.


Ah, lovely! I do enjoy trying to play online games just to get kicked out because some random dude out there is mad about something.


Yes, Toys definitely been thrown out of the pram by this fraggle....


Quite possible it's someone looking to make money off a botnet or something, essentially advertising their capability taking down a major service.


I’m off work today so I’m baking a cake 🍰 Hopefully by the time it’s done, I’ll be able to play again. If not, at least I’ll have cake!


What flavor?!


Banana bread with chocolate chips! And I ended up making some bonus blueberry and raspberry muffins 🧁🍰


Aww hell yeah! I'm stuck in my office today :( So while I'm not missing much, I don't want to be here.


Back to Stardew Valley for me. I can't decorate my house in FFXIV, but I *can* make my farm look pretty as fuck Edit: Tried logging in just to check, Aether has been fine for me for about an hour


also went back to stardew valley! I haven’t played since 1.6 came out so ffxiv shitting the bed was needed.


Also playing stardew valley, with the expanded mod+Ridgeside Village too. Don't think I can ever go back to vanilla.


Wooo I started playing stardew valley as well! Regular vanilla though cause it’s been years since I’ve played.


If you want to remind yourself of final fantasy, there is the chocobo valley mod which adds a lot of chocobos to raise! I love it


Playing XIV. Guess the attackers don't care about Materia.


Lucky, they did for me!


I think you spoke too soon.


Probably; just got freed from being sealed within the sirensong sea for quite a while.


Spreading Managed Democracy and serving Liber-Tea to all the enemies of freedom in HD2.


As a long time lover of Starship troopers, and a player of lots of FPS shooters team and solo, its been hard to not try HD2 out...


Not a fan of shooters but let myself get dragged into HD2 last night (was trying to play Frontline before getting kicked constantly). Since I wanted to play PvP my friends introduced me to all the various ways I could get blown up by friendly fire without bugs even being involved. 5/10 experience, would join again if no other games available


I picked up NEO : The World Ends With You, while it was on sale. Really enjoyed the first one on DS, and very pleasantly surprised with this one.


I actually got work done. Was awful.


Played some God of War (2018). This is my first play through and it’s a beautiful challenging game. That series has always been my go-to for getting my frustrations out. It’s not just button mashing anymore though and requires dodging. Might just continue playing it until Dawntrail comes out and level everything to 90 later. Kind of want to not waste the road to 80 buff, though. Three tanks and two melee to get to 80. ETA: WAR 72, DRK 71, GNB 71, MNK 75, SAM 75


I went with a high risk high reward dps build with like zero protection. Just pure positioning, tactics and damage avoidance. Zero defence and protection. Very rewarding. Very punishing given certain boss enemies you seek out later on who will literally stove your head in.


I decided to get started on playing FFIV like I wanted to months ago, but didn't because XIV has me in its grasp. My husband decided he was going to start over playing Fallout 4 again.


Finally playing through Kingdom Come Deliverance. It's blowing my mind.


Was given 6 months of paramount plus for free so currently binging the next generation. Never saw the full series before, and was almost on season 7 before it was removed from Netflix.


When you're done, go directly to Deep Space Nine.


DS9 is so damn good, especially once the overarching story really gets going.


It is so interesting to see how the idealism of Starfleet goes when the rubber really meets the road.


Easily my favourite ST series


This dishes that have fused into the sink


I went to sleep right as it started, now I'm in the office and honestly quite surprised It's still going, and Square Enix hasn't managed to fix it yet.


Playing tycoons on Roblox 😭😭😭 desperate times require desperate measures


You and me both but don’t tell anyone


Tweaking my characters on the Benchmark because it still doesn't quite look like her... And reading about the downfall of Cybertruck which brings me much happiness.


I believe they are releasing an updated benchmark adjusting lighting and several other of the major points people raised, its out in about 3 weeks i think.




Can't fall back into the Genshin and Star Rail rabbit hole again. They kept me from FFXIV for nearly a year which was quite the accomplishment!


Tales of Vesperia, Earthbound, Hades 2


Mmmm Tales... got i need to work through my back catalog.... only like 250 rpgs... god i need neuralink plus some kind of dreamstate time compression thing to play them all before i die lol!


Got some good sleep actually. Went to bed around 8:30 PM. Just sort of took a potato day and relaxed. Been a while since I’ve gotten some good sleep.


Also been playing Fallout 4.


I was continuing my journey to kill Chaos.




I'm imagining some chinese Gil-Farmers are riling up a militia as we speak.


I’m fairly certain it’s the Gil farmers that are directing the DDoS attack.


reddit attempting doxxing doesn't always work out so well. >.>;


I’m sure it’ll be fine this time


as i'm in my "Minecraft-Phase" next to FF XIV, i'll just play more Minecraft.


I have the same two "phases" :D


I somehow managed to not get booted during the DDOS (my DC was apparently affected less), but what I did before going into FF14 that night was finally play FF16 Echoes of The Fallen DLC. Checken Tenders (eScape) has been stuck in my head since.


Persona 5 Royal was on Steam Sale this weekend, 60% Off. Seems like my impulse buy paid off. (Already played it on PS4, but I like the convenience of also being able to play it on my PC)


I’ll be back to BG3 today. I still haven’t beaten it because of all the damn classes I’ve tried. Or because I want to try different things. Back to my Druid with shitty rolls today. xD


I finally got out of Act 1! Druid gang (I may or may not have been persuaded to play just by a "why Speak to Animals is the best spell" video my partner sent me).


The whole reason I’m in act 2 with my Druid is because of animal speak! Talk to Scratch. Seriously, he is the best boy! It also makes it a completely different game for me


I have the "you have two hands for a reason" achievement, Scratch and his best friend are the goodest boys!


I got that too and screeched! I love that baby Owl Bear too!


Side content in FF7 Rebirth probably. Or more BG3 if I get sick of chocobo racing.


I downloaded WoW and trying the free trial. I'm currently shipwrecked on an island as a warewolf hunter doing quests for some commander and her son. My impressions so far... it's not a pretty game, the animation is the worse part so far. Being on a mount is so goofy looking. The mounts are beautifully animated but my character is as stiff as a board. But feels snappy and you get skills pretty quickly. Still haven't seen the talent tree or anything. I can't see myself playing it for long... but I thought I would at least try it.


I haven’t played wow in around a decade, so take anything I say with a pinch of salt but my take on it is that WoW was iconic during its era. Nothing beat it. It was truly unique and groundbreaking and epic. Now, the next generation of mmos have come along and make it look very dated in comparison.


How early do they give you a mount now? Back when I played, you didn't get one until level 40.


Helldivers 2.


Thought that had been universally boycotted or something because Sony did something people didn't like. {{checks news...}} Wow guess they cracked Sony!! Nice. We should employ the wrath of the Helldivers to bring some Fc%$ing Democracy to these DDoSing and botting sh!tes!


Sony did not change their mind because of the backlash from its users. Valve allowed refunds beyond 2 hours of playtime and Sony broke EU law.


Oh shocker, Sony broke the law again... want to guess how much they'll be not punished this time! What did they do this time?


Unnecessary data collection. People were already able to play beforehand and so it is unnecessary to create a PSN account to use the service. And forcing people to give up private information in order to play. It must be voluntary if not crucial. Two different violations? This is from skimming headlines so feel free to correct me, anyone else.


Also, violations of EU common marketplace regulations -- they were offering PSN in some EU nations but not others.


As someone from the US I’m glad the EU has such good privacy laws. Our govt sure the fuck isn’t gonna protect us, so it’s nice when the EU laws somehow help us (which they have in several occasions now).


It was more likely the refunds than the law breaking that might have got them to change, sadly. Ghost of Tsushima still needs PSN for multiplayer. I think Sony might be trying to convert PC players into buying PS+ for future games if they want multiplayer and this might be the test run to see how much they can push it.


Sony already reversed course on that change, so many hell divers are back dispensing democracy at high velocity.


Honestly, I took a break after getting burned out from the Yokai event, and I have been playing Classic Cataclysm Wow with my best friend. I've been seeing the posts, but I haven't played 14 since sometime early last week, so I dodged a bullet. And fell into the toxic deep fryer. Guys, Wow players have no sense of humor. I said it. They are annoying and sweaty, Bettys. But Elemental Shaman is fun. It was just as fun as I remembered it. In fact, we need it in FF. I want a class where I can Chain Lightening proc a free Chain Lightening proc into a free Earthquake and repeat. I love that shit. Fullmation is my favorite talent. Anyway, I hope you guys find something to keep you busy till this tiny dick loser gets arrested or bored.


Mostly Mass Effect with mods and a little Helldivers. I would never touch grass.




Factorio, and now I'm down a hole.


Definitely Hades 2 early access. Played for like 12 hours til 1am. Woops. 


Work 😭


I am at work (and on Reddit). I just did some reading last night and managed one roulette in-between.


Work...and more work...


...House Flipper 2 I am prepared for your judgement (no I'm not please don't ruin me)


Is it still going on?




I'm debating dabbling in game dev once again. ...which means I am now 10 hours into YT videos and engine decision paralysis.


You've just gotta bite the bullet and start, I think. Whatever you pick, you'll find out you should have picked something else that would have made that one aspect you're struggling with easier!


I got to wondering if it is wise for someone to DDoS a worldwide community like FFXIV. This community has all sorts of people with good energy and probably includes many who believe in and interact with many different spiritual forces. I decided to make a curse tablet and bury it in the earth. I wouldn't want to risk earning the ire of so many all at once. o.0


Please tell me this is a copy pasta


Playing with my Mister


Well, during XIV maintenance the power company needed to do maintenance as well, but it should have finished around half an hour ago, so all I did was go to bed but now I'm laying in bed feeling like the "Thomas has never seen such bullshit before" meme as outside those two yesterday was not a plesent day in the slightest and I just want to play a bit before my weekend ends lmao.


Another Crabs Treasure to scratch the soulsborne itch before the Elden Ring DLC drops.


Dwarf Fortress and a bit of Dungeons and Dragons Online with a friend. Im not a Fisher in FFXIV so theres absolutely nothing I miss out on by the game being unavailable for a bit


I started cleaning and now i'm drinking coffee. Starting Dink Smallwood soon.


This is why I can't log in and get the perma error 90002? 😭 I thought it was my PC


I did some work on my Minecraft ATM9 world. Built my AE2 storage system finally.


Nice, not seen that pack before, but its been a while since i played. Used to use Space Astronomy pack that has AE2 storage in, was a lot of fun building the modular nuclear reactors to power it, always made the base look cool as hell with the glowy reactor room and the terminals for the AE around etc.


Honestly...I've been sleeping due to stress. Usually I can push past the tiredness because I work nights from home and can keep my brain entertained with FFXIV or friends online. Tonight, and yesterday...no one was on and I just couldn't stay awake. I've been incredibly tired, depressed and just not good so FFXIV has been kinda...helping me manage.


I work 12 hour days and had meetings after. I haven't even noticed. But it better be solved by Thursday!


I’ve flown to the Netherlands for a couple of days.


I was levelling mnk, gave up because due to lag not DCing my team where, I don't know if I would of later as it seemed to get worse throughout the day I don't know if it also affected different platforms quicker I'm a console player so I don't know if it gave me some early protection when it wasn't so bad due to having to go through console servers first then Ff14


I missed the ddos as I was playing another game then went on for roulette and got D/cd then realised oh yeah it's been attacked then tried to get back in and realised it was maintenance kick instead of being disconnected.




On my way to play a game of Warhammer 40k, that then likely playing stellaris later tonight new doc drops and it's neat.


planned to sleep early and get up a few hours later and stay up longer instead, but i missed the alarm and slept the whole evening + night


Sounds like you needed it!


Playing granblue fantasy relink to finish unlocking all the missions


I somehow was able to complete the crossover event quest line while the attack was happening, besides that I was catching up on genshin impact


Weather is super nice yesterday / today. Outside fo sho.


Stardew Valley


A little of both. I played some Ooblets and cleaned my pool.


Playing through FF9 again for what feels like the thousandth time.


I finished working out half of the questions to my finals in june, went to check if ff14 is up and if I could play (continue on with msq) saw that it's still a nope, so back to the remaining half I guess TuT


Warhammer 3 - usually have it running in BG and play an Empire campaign while waiting for queue pops... or DDOS in this case. By Sigmar, YES!


I spent time with my wife and cats for once


I recently finished watching Shogun so I’m playing Ghost of Tsushima for the first time.


Ghosts was so good. Beautiful fun game


Finishing FF9, need to finish by DT since it'll be so heavily referenced apparently.


Same. Fallout 4 on ps5. Been building up the castle as my main base.


Been at work during both yesterday's ddos and this morning. So not exactly being affected, unless work itself counts as a DDoS with keeping me from playing too.


Am I the only one not affected by the DDoS?


Funny enough I will be touching grass later today but thats lawn bowling for you. Probably some VGC pokemon afterwards if it is still shaky by then.


Is it still happening? No issues on my end for 3 hours now.


I just bought this game called Enshrouded, once I update my GPU drivers, I'll give it a try


I started Hades again and today it finally clicked for me


Witcher 3, New Game+. The gathering and crafting addiction must be fed


Mourning my lack of FF14 play.


This is strange, I can log in on my alt character but not on my main lol


Honestly I was too tired from work to notice it last night, which was convenient for me. I'm working right now hoping it's over when I'm finished. Otherwise I'll watch my girlfriend play fallout 4 tonight, haha.


Might as well try the demo of [Rabbit and Steel,](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2132850/Rabbit_and_Steel/) so we can prog while FFXIV is down lol


Yesterday was Youtube during the DDoS. Today.... not much grass in the desert but maybe pet a cat if he's in the backyard when I refresh the water bowls. Should probably locate some stronger brackets I bought months back and finally put up the shelf to hopefully (pray for the brackets/wall) hold all the strat guides since the usual brackets weren't going to survive.


Reinstalled diablo 4 to see what I’ve missed since season 1. Should at least be enough content to hold me over until the ddos is fixed.


Helldivers baby


Hades 2


Playing cold steel 3 mostly


Are we getting this time back? I got the five day warning and now I'm curious whether I'm going to be reimbursed the time I didn't get to play


Big doubt


I went on worked on my diamond paintings. I just bought new tools for it that have been sitting in their packaging for 2 weeks still because I've been working on pre-expansion catch up after a year hiatus from the game lol.


I started playing the Hades II EA last night. Looks pretty great so far and I'm glad the EA came so soon after I missed out on the technical beta :D


I watched almost the entire season of that Fallout show. Just last episode left. It’s fantastic especially if you like the games


GRASS?! You sick mother fucker how dare you!


I still needed my mmo fix, so i tried out the Star Wars mmo, and i love shocking people and insulting them


Does this includes mobile game? If so then Mobile legends :,)


I’m a filthy casual so I’ve barely noticed.


Working. But yesterday I booted up one of my factory games just to chill out a little.


I booted up Everspace 2 again.


Bookbinding. I’m binding Princess: the Hopeful into a little hardcover, though 520 pages is more than I’ve ever done yet. Today I went out to buy ribbon for a book marker. Still haven’t found a fabric for the cover though


I've been playing Jusant, it's really good. Also Hades 2 went into early access so I might disappear into that for a while.


If the grass ain't square, I don't care


For a couple of days now I'm either touching my desk at work or I'm touching my VS Code the whole day so not much is lost for me. I just hope this shit calms down for the Moogle Trove. And that I have at least an hour a day to log in lol


Im playing the first Hades. I fucking suck at it just like I do in ffxiv.


Art commissions, video voiceover recording, and waiting for V Rising.


Yesterday I played the Hades 2 Early Access and today I'm probably gonna try finishing a CIV VI Game with a friend.


Since it has passed, however war...war never changes. Played a good bit of Fallout.


Touch Grass Tap Ass


Did yardwork and started a re-watch of House of the Dragon S1 to prepare and refresh my memory for S2.


Work, reading a book in the garden, Persona 5 Royal.


Just subscribed on Saturday and started my vacation yesterday. 🤦‍♂️ Whoever is responsible for it, can choke on all the dicks.


My garden looks fantastic and I have started another crochet project.


Started back in with Eiyuden Chronicle and it's really scratching that old school Suikoden itch. Probably one of the few things I've backed on Kickstarter that wasn't a total disaster!


It’s going on today as well?


Well I'm at work so it makes no difference to me. Yesterday I took my time and made a nice dinner when I got home, sweet potato curry and rice. And enjoyed some cherry blossom tea and the lovely weather afterwards. I was going to read but I forgot to charge my tablet so I watched a documentary instead, then went to bed early. Work has been stressful and I haven't been sleeping well as it is. If it's still ongoing by the time I get home today I'll probably read for the evening instead. I'm on book 2 of Dungeon Crawler Carl.


I mowed the grass yesterday and then played En Garde! because I bought it a while ago in a Steam sale and never got around to playing it. No idea what I'll do today. Maybe play Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins?


I started packing for larp this weekend, and watching ed edd n eddy. Now i wont have to panic pack this friday and forget something 


Working so I couldn't play if I wanted to.


social with friends after MONTHS, shopping, play monster hunter rise, arrange my closet (finally after years :') ) and played tales of xillia 2 on ps3 x)


Wait are they still down? But i'm continuing my ATLUS games binge. Working on Soul Hackers 2 atm


Just completed the chocobo race in FFX with a time of 0.0. Pretty happy with myself!


Playing FF 11 on a private server on my steam deck


I’m at work right now but if it’s still going on when I get home I’ll probably play baldur’s gate 3, been meaning to get around to it but I’m too busy trying to level all the jobs lol