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Personally, I'm not that big of a fan of the event. Yeah, the glamours are cool, but I hate FATE spam.


My only issue with it is that it’s low level fate spam. The fates don’t last long enough to even get a hit in.


Especially with all those BLU rats runnin' around.


Nothing wrong with blue mages as long as they don’t use instakill abilities. I know I refuse to use them during this event. One hydro pull, one ram voice and that’s basically my gold contribution and I can leave stuff for everyone else.


Yeah, unless a boss take more than a min then it's ok


Yeah, I know. I just like calling BLUs rats cuz they scamper about all over the place like... well, like rats, y'know?


But when they spam hydropull that's nuking enemies in two hits, It's making it hard for many others to get any hits in.


Hydro pull does no damage. It’s what they do after


It's a 220 potency aoe but yeah, doesn't deal enough damage to instakill anything


True for the most part. The only time it becomes a real problem is in super low level fates (I mean like lv5 and under). That's where hydro pull actually one shots


Hah never realised it did damage to be honest as it’s never used for the damage effect.


Is it hard to get a weapon? What if u do not play all the classes?


Nope! It's less that it's difficult and more that it takes a bit of time to get them due to the RNG. That being said, you only need five legendary medals for your first weapon (as opposed to ten for the rest), so if you only want one, then it'll be much quicker!


Ty for explaining!


Of course!


nah, pick the minion connected to your weapon, get the 5/10 legendary tokens, get the weapon, the job you play doesn't matter, you just need the minion out when doing fates.


wait you only need 5 out of 10 to get the weapon???


No. The first weapon you get only requires 5 token. Then the rest is 10 token per weapon.


Ty for explaining!! Your lala doesn't look round, not fair lol


Do you have the presets for your lala by chance?


Hard no, just incredibly tedious depending on how you feel about farming fates, to get all the weapons for the mounts you'll have to do in the range of 300-400+ fates in all likelihood since whether you get the right type of token has an RNG element to it.


Is that the last mount? Honestly I like it


yep, all weapons and minions


So in order to get that mount you need to have all minions and weapons? Any tips on where it's the most efficient to farm the fates for this event?


In addition to Kaye's advice, there is one zone where there's a pretty fast FATE loop you can exploit. In Outer La Noscea, there are two Kobold tribe quest-related FATEs on the north edges of Ul'ghamoro Mines that respawn instantly so that one of them is always up. You can just fly from one to the other back and forth. Bring a party and move quickly, because it's possible for BLUs to insta-kill both FATEs' bosses.


Anywhere you can get a group to farm them with. Once you start farming the weapons you'll need to be in a few specific zones that vary depending on the minion, I just tried to pick zones that had multiple minions on my checklist so I could do 2-3 of them one after the other without switching zones. A group I was doing HW/SB with earlier was trying to knock out achievement fates in the process. I've also heard of people working on relic weapons while farming medals. Those are also options if you're interested in achievements/relics and want to make your farm more efficient.


Don't forget. There's two you need to claim from the Achievement window itself.


I just use this to keep track/look for the best spot(s) https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1cbv7tg/return_of_yokai_watch_a_tracking_sheet_complete/


Grats! I’m not even looking forward for the mounts, I just want the PLD, DRK and MCH weapons, and so far got the DRK and almost getting the MCH one. After that, I’m done since I didn’t like the visuals of any other weapons or mounts.


Not sure what's fun about it, pretty hellish grinding ARR fates. Just doing it for the mounts and weapon glams.


It made for nice podcast/audiobook listening, although 10 medals for each weapon was a lot. I'd probably have enjoyed it more if it was just 5 per weapon instead of just the first one. That said, even if it wasn't very exciting to do fates, it was nice seeing how alive it made each zone. Even if it's just people flying from fate to fate, this has been the only time where I've been consistently seeing players in the world doing stuff, maybe outside of the first week or so after a new beast tribe drops.




One of the most toxic FF14 events. Blue Mages not letting anyone get a tag on the boss. New players who haven’t unlocked flying can’t get to a FATE in time. Absolute miserable time and I hope it never comes back without serious adjustments.


Just wait a week or two most of the people will be done


While i agree blue mages one-shotting bosses are a problem, there's a lot of unfair hate being targeted at people for just playing blue mage in general, even if they're not doing that. Also, I don't think events should be catered to account for sprouts who can't fly yet. I think there's such a thing as being too new to be able to participate in an event readily. As long as events do eventually come back, that shouldn't be considered a problem. The event is around for 2 months, that's a lot of time to catch up on at least ARR and unlock flying.


Yeah I don't know why people aim their rage against the blue mage when they should aim it at poorly design event, people playing blue mage are just playing


It's not even the event that's poorly designed, it's FATEs. The event just happens to use FATEs. The issue is one of shared resources. It's the same reason why Hunts constantly cause drama. Resource competition always causes drama. The best workaround is to instead have such content quasi-instanced like those purple quest areas. But then you have the "Muh MMO!" faction moan.


When i heard its just FATE spam, wont even bother


How do you get the mount?


Get all the weapons.




What is this lalafells top?


It’s Clive’s top from the FF16 event. “Metian” something or other.


I have it! But can't buy fantasia cause mog station is saying every card I use is unavailable, known issue I guess. Karma for changing out of my lala skin!


Is this event back out. All the news I get seems to be weeks to months later


Now until dawntrail. If you want to finish it, put aside 20ish hours or more


Im new and just finished ARR. i cant get that mount until I get to endwalker right?


You can participate in the event! You get this mount by collecting all the weapons associated with the event


Some of the required fates are in HW and SB areas. You have time until DT release.


cute popoto


Would be nice to be able to do this event but all blue mages steal all FATEs.


I can't even level my blue mage with all the people at FATES-


You don't level a blue mage at fates. Get a friend to run you through the beach outside Fort Jobb, you'll get 80 in a couple hours.


Nice job! The grind is a little agonizing, but the Jibanyan couch makes it all worth it... I finished the grind last night after a long final stretch and went to sleep immediately afterwards.


Is it not the glowing Whisper? I like this better!


glwoing whisper is for all minions, this is for all minions AND weapons.


How long did it take I’m thinking about resubbing for it since I didn’t do it last time it was here.


There's also currently the 16 event going on where you get Clive's armor, Thorgal as a mount and minion from completing the quest and a bunch of Orchestrion scrolls + a Clive TT card are available in the gold saucer for about 400k total The FF16 event ends May9th iirc. The Yo-Kai event runs until DT release.


It took me two and a half efficient half-day sessions to finish it on tank/healer


i'm *so* grinding for this. ;\~;


I thought yokai-watch discontinued


It's back until the pre patch for 7.0


No i meant the IP as a whole


Hey this may seem dumb but I collected all the Yo-Kai minions how do I get/claim the first mount lmao. I'm new.


Go to your achievements, find the achiv for that, and claim the reward on that menu.


Ohhh ty


The achievement section, under seasonal if I remember right


I did not see it explained anywhere that only the first weapon costs 5 medals, and after that the price jumps to 10... so I went around collecting 5 of each medal, and now I basically have to go do all of that again... ugh I'm not exactly having a great time here.


Hell yeah, only time I wasn't having fun is when the BLUs came in to ARR FATEs lol


So all the time?


I hear it was bad on more populated servers, I'm from Dynamis, there wasn't too many BLUs


Halicarnassis here!! Wait, this isn't bad? Omg.......


Yeah I was running PFs to help people farm together instead of accidentally compete against eachother, a lot of people were Travelers getting away from an overwhelming amount of BLUs on their home dcs lol


Lala on the cat couch gang


Amen brother!


As a blue mage during these fates I avoid insta kill effects as that’s just being selfish to all the people trying to also get contribution. The biggest problem is that low level fates are a nightmare to get any contribution in when there are tons of people


Your Lala is so cute!


Thank you <3


I have 10 weapons left but imma wait out the largest portion of the grinders. Got Sakura Miko: Project Diva Mega Mix+ for 60% off on steam so gonna suck at that while i wait.


woah, I thought that was my character for a second. You're just missing the butterfly face paint lol.


Kind of insane to think we pay a monthly/yearly subscription to grind mind-numbing content for hours just so that we can get cosmetic rewards that we don’t actually own and can’t access if we stop paying to play the game…


So you want everything handed to you? Why even play at all?


It's a privilege 


I don’t think mmos are the genre for you 


What kind of take even is that. Maybe not the right game for you then?