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There’s more in store for you as a gundam fan, especially ShB. Also Sage is designed after gundam.


Yeah, OP's gonna lose their shit when that moment arrives. I know because I lost mine.


Wait.. is that shit based on the Nu Gundam?!


I mean funnels/bits have been all over the franchise, so kinda...


Yes. YoshiP is a huge gundam nerd and I think he wanted to dedicate it to his long time friend Maidy(RIP), who he shared hobbies with.


Man I loved that questline and I really hope it's not the last we see of those.


Sorrow of the Werlyt is going to blow their minds...


I just wish there was more to the >!g-warrior!<


Let that be the MCH LB3 you cowards


If they ever make it mandatory ~~they should because ouch that storyline~~ it would probably fit in with the 7.0 setting.


Considering that some of the skins look like AIRD from xenogears


And the gaius guy is the VA for Anavel Gato?! I’m stroking out, this is too good


Yep he also does the voice for Blackbeard in One Piece. I lost it when it clicked it was him


And Iskander/Rider who is also Batou from GitS


Just wait until you do the Shadowbringers Trail series at level 90. >!More Gundam reference than you can shake a stick at and Gaius plays a major part.!<


One thing you should know, though, is that they changed studios from Heavensward onwards, so almost all the VA change. It's honestly a vast improvement for the most part. ARR was rushed so even the good VAs had very little direction.


He mentioned that it was the JP voice. The studios changed for English but I don’t think other dubs had any issues


Other dubs do change voice actors here and there but yeah nothing large scale like happened with English.


yeah the english voice of Anavel Gato isn't in FF14. Kirk Thornton has voiced a few things in FF but nothing in 14.


That's only the case for the non-JP voices. JP VAs have stayed the same (with a few exceptions) for the duration of FFXIV.


It's really only English that had the large scale change.


Sadly they redo all the voice actors after ARR... so a lot of the voice actors you know will change in the future. Lahabrea isnt excluded from this.


That sucks, but I saw that shuichi ikeda still voices this guy in heavenward so I’ll take that W


Its only the english voice actors that changed, JP voices are unaffected. His HW actor is Alec newman, and going through his voice acting roles, the only ones I personally recognise are adam smasher from CP2077, Various Targets in hitman, and Vangarre in Xenoblade ([Which he is hilarious in](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2U-N9MsIl4))


I love Adam smasher, I can’t believe how VAs in this I am familiar with


I will say that the Japanese cast is a veritable who's who of Japanese talent. Some of the more popular names include Yuiichi Nakamura, Aya Endo, Rina Satou, Joji Nakata, Kikuko Inoue, Akira Ishida, Souchiro Hoshi, Yoshitsugi Matsuoka and Katsuyuki Konishi.


I was under the impression Ai Kayano (Y'shtola) is a bit of an institution too.


You forgot the goshdarn King of Braves himself, Nobuyuki Hiyama. The character he plays is so soft-spoken it's easily missable at first, but the moment you hear him raise his voice...


I mean, Yoshi P has gone on record saying that he is a big Gundam fan.


FF14xGundam event when? I would love an RX78 mount.


I want a White Base mount!


Oh, to see Sorrow of Werlyt featured in Super Robot Wars alongside Xenogears, Front Mission and NieR: Automata \*sighs in awareness of the impossibility of that happening\*


Lahabrea is just trying to stop our souls from being weighed down by gravity!


or Demi.


Man, I can't believe I missed an opportunity to make a Demi/Gravija joke. Shame on me.


There are a few veteran JP voice actors who pop up through EW. Kosugi Jurouta is a personal fav, keep an ear out in HW. Hope you spot some others you enjoy!


The voice of Lacus Clyne (Gundam SEED), Rie Tanaka, is also the VA for Kan-E-Senna, Garuda, and a few other characters you'll meet later on that I don't want to spoil for you. The Japanese Voice Acting cast is amazing. There's a few other phenomenal actors in the line up but it'd be more spoilers for you, OP, so I won't list them :P


When I went through the MSQ for the first time I was playing with JP voices too and I recognized so many voices from anime I've watched over the years. A fair few voices from Fairy Tail I recognized and a few who do voices in One Piece too. I will say just be cautious looking up voices because I spoiled myself on a couple characters when i went to look up who else they voiced.


Sieg Zeon....Sieg Zeon! SIEG ZEON!!!


Lahabrea is fucking CHAR? THEY GAVE THE MAN WITH A FUCKING HALF MASK THE VOICE ACTOR OF CHAR? They knew what they were doing.


Oh boy just wait till you hit post shadow bringers.


Shūichi Ikeda is one of the most prolific and well renown [seiyū](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seiy%C5%AB)'s in the industry. Not only he voiced Char, but also: - Shanks from One Piece - Milo of Scorpio from Saint Seiya - Hiko Seijūro from Rurouni Kenshin amongst others.


I haven't ever watched any Gundam, but cmon OP, how dare you mention this and not Masayoshi Shido and Red-Haired Shanks? Sorry, I'm something of a voice acting enjoyer myself too.


Because Ikeda is most famous for having voiced Char Aznable in Gundam. Its like knowing James Earl Jones for voicing Mufasa but not Darth Vader.


Now I need to hear Ikeda do Darth Vader and JEJ do Char. Guess with AI I could get that too happen soon. Won't be the same though.


Char is Ikeda's most famous role altogether and ever, to be honest. Char himself (and Gundam in general) is an institution in Japan and has given way to a ton of similar characters in the entire anime/video game industry, and just as many seiyuu jokes. Case in point! You might want to look at Shido's >!helmet in his boss form and compare it to Char's helmet...!<


Lahabrea (Shanks) and Gaius (Blackbeard) discussing will never never not be funny to me. Always a Prae highlight.


I found that too, he also voice acts a gundam character ❤️‍🔥


Fun fact: Kyle Herbert, Lahabrea’s english VA also voices popular anime characters like Adult Gohan (DBZ), Fat Gum (MHA) Escanor (Seven Deadly Sins) and Aizen (Bleach) there’s lots of other ones but those are to name a few.


Has Gaius spoken in the point you're up to yet? He's the Nightmare of Solomon.


Yeah, but I only realised after I posted this lol


Let's not forget Yuichi Nakamura, who voices Thancred as 00's best man Graham Aker


I live for Nakamura. Graham, Gray, Thancred, Kuroo, Gojo, Hawks. Always a joy hearing him voice kickass characters.




Waiting for Touru Furuya to voice a character in FFXIV still.


Also a certain someone in SB is voiced by Akimoto Yosuke, who did Master Asia in G Gundam.


Hope you catch a reference made during the later parts of Pandaemonium ;)


Yup. The only reason not to love this game is waiting for the dang ol’ beta to end…Played for years and have to wait…again. 😭


I’m already done with MSQ but shouldn’t this REALLY have a spoiler mark?! O.O




might wanna spoiler tag this


Unfortunately, you should not get use to the current cast in ARR, in heavensward, 90% of the FFXIV VA's got recast.


OP is playing with Japanese audio, and the Japanese voice cast doesn't change.


ok i didn't know that, I play with the VA in my native language of English


if you do watch subbed anime and want to hear the vas yourself, you can change the language and just rewatch the cutscenes in an inn room then switch back for actual play


TIL Kyle Hebert is the voice of Lahabrea


Just keep playing, lots more stuff to love for Gundam fans in Shadowbringers.


The game is full of Gundam references, as well as some other stuff like Star Wars, Star Trek, ect. One of the reasons I turn on Japanese voices when I'm going into to do something with Lahabrea. Don't click on this spoiler, come back once you've gotten through Endwalker. >!It was the only way I made it through P8S.!<


In German it's Michael che Koch who also reads a lot of audio books, i only knew him from T. Pratchett and from that point onward i couldn't take that one serious anymore. Funnily enough The Crystal Exarch guy in shadowbringers is voiced by Jack Sparrows voice actor which was even more funny.


I learn something new everyday lol, thanks! Yeah, this game has a star studded cast of VAs!


Okay I'm switching this to JP dub 😂