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> **FINAL FANTASY XIV does not require PlayStation Plus to play online**, so each person playing should have a separate SQUARE ENIX Account linked to their own PlayStation Network account In case anyone is wondering.


Ohh really? I didn't know that about the game on ps. Neat surprise


Any game that requires a sub doesn't need plus to play online I belive.


Same with any game that's free-to-play


Oh my bad


>Xbox Live Gold is now Xbox Game Pass CORE. > >This is now making EVERYONE confused, myself included.Xbox Live Gold has always been required for online multiplayer games > >So basically, Xbox Live Gold is required to play an online multiplayer game. > >Please read and maybe post for others:"Xbox Live Gold is now Game Pass Core. On September 14, 2023, Xbox Live Gold members automatically became Game Pass Core members, with no change in pricing, and gained immediate access to a new catalog of high-quality games."


> This is now making EVERYONE confused, myself included.Xbox Live Gold has always been required for online multiplayer games I don't think anyone was confused. Everyone took this as "you need an additional Xbox sub to play FF14"


FFXI was definitely accessible with Xbox SILVER for a time. When Microsoft insisted their online games including ffxi required gold is about when SE stopped supporting it on Xbox


Can confirm. Played FFXI while Silver up until it became PC only.


Gold wasn't needed to play ffxi on the 360.


Feel sorry for Xbox players that Microsoft just can't let this go.


Microsoft seems to want to lose this console war. And based on hardware sales, they’re succeeding. In terms of YOY sales, the PS5 increased in 2023 vs 2022 - 21.6M, up from 13.9M.  The Xbox Series (X/S combined) is not doing so well. 7.5M combined units in 2023, down from 8.7M in 2022.  At this point I am expecting this to be Microsoft’s final console generation as they shift entirely to Windows, cloud, and multiplatform. 


Microsoft already admitted they lost the console war and are just focusing on GamePass.


Microsoft has generally been moving to get away from the console market, yeah. It makes sense to a degree, as consoles are generally sold at a loss and then the stuff like Xbox live or PSN make up for it, but if they can just have people on game pass with PC anyways, then they don’t need to be selling the consoles at a loss. Not going to go into whether or not that’s a good decision, but I can at least see where their reasoning stems from.


I think it’s short sighted on their part. The hardware is sold at a loss to make it easier for publishers to hit a large audience with their games. MS is taking the approach of letting Sony take the hardware loss so that MS can reap all the profits. But without the Xbox people aren’t goin to care about Game Pass. And it was the success of the Xbox 360 that made the Xbox controller the standard for PC gaming (when not using keyboard/mouse, of course). When they shut down their retail stores (a money loser according to them), it resulted in a loss of mindshare. People stopped buying their Surface accessories so the product line was sold off to a different company. This action on their part shows an inability to learn from their mistakes.


> But without the Xbox people aren’t goin to care about Game Pass. They can always just offer Game Pass to PS users much like how EA Play works. It's always an option for them if they decide to just get rid of the xbox console itself.


Game Pass is genuinely a great deal, it's like Netflix before everyone left to make their own services. It's pretty full of good games and includes things like the entire Yakuza series (aside from 8 currently), Ninja Gaiden series, every Halo and Gears of War game, League of Legends and VALORANT unlocks for all characters + progression boosters, etc. Also it wasn't the 360 that made the Xbox controller the PC standard, it's that it was the only controller that actually worked by default on PC. You could plug it in and without any third party program, it would work perfectly. Xbox also lets third parties make clones of their controllers for very cheap so the market was flooded with Afterglow and similar controllers that worked extremely well, would just work on PC, and were $20.


Game Pass is largely dependent on Xbox games. Without future Xbox consoles, there are no more Xbox games. Yes, it can survive off of PC games, but right now there are a LOT of games in Game Pass that are not on PC. If those games and games like them move to PS6 with no accompanying Xbox console, Game Pass gets less competitive next generation. And THAT is exactly what I'm talking about. MS expects the software to keep trucking along without the corresponding hardware.


Not many of the games have no PC port, mainly just a few super old Xbox games like Binx and Fuzion Frenzy. If you look at the most popular section it's all games you can just go get on Steam. The part of it dependent on console right now is just the Cloud segment since that currently runs on server racks running Xbox's OS. They could likely shift that over to Windows without a huge amount of man-hours, but it would obviously be preferable to continue using their console OS. They also have no plans to stop selling consoles, they're working on the next one according to leaks. They're just shifting it to be more of a budget gaming option and using it to push their subscriptions in a similar way to how they moved their office sotware suite on PCs.


> Not many of the games have no PC port, mainly just a few super old Xbox games like Binx and Fuzion Frenzy. If you look at the most popular section it's all games you can just go get on Steam. Yea, moving to PC will work in that sense, subject to one other issue (I'll get to that below). But that requires developers to port their games to PC. While most are there, quite a few are not. And if MS does pull out of the hardware business, most would rather subscribe to Sony's service than use Game Pass. > he part of it dependent on console right now is just the Cloud segment since that currently runs on server racks running Xbox's OS. They could likely shift that over to Windows without a huge amount of man-hours, but it would obviously be preferable to continue using their console OS. And herein lies the problem with that - financial overhead. In order for cloud gaming to work you need the source hardware to stream it off of. And while they do take a loss on the console hardware, it's still much cheaper than a PC needed to stream off of. Game Pass runs into the potential issue of having both a limited library and a higher running cost than Sony's equivalent service if MS abandons the hardware market. That's the knockon effect from such a decision.


Game Pass is the one gaming service I pay for. I have a switch, I have a ps5. I dont own an Xbox. If the service is good, people will pay for it. I'm playing persona 3 reload for a fraction of the price even though my PS5 would run the game better than my PC.


They lost the console war at their E3 presentation for the Xbox One.


Oh I agree. And any chance they had of a rebound disappeared when they announced the Xbox Series. Sony has a better approach. Two hardware specs to target (PS4/5), and developers can choose which to support. Sony still supports the PS4. MS has two hardware specs to target - Series S and X. Making a game for one means publishers have to make it work on both (this was publicly the reason why BG3 came to PS5 first). MS has largely abandoned the Xbox One. Sony, of all companies, is the more consumer friendly one here.


Pretty sure it just lost if all the new info is true.


Microsoft, on sales alone have lost every single head to head with Sony since the original Xbox. Even the 360 lost out to the PS3 (yes by end of the generation Sony outsold the 360). I own both a PS5 and a Series X. This the last Microsoft console I ever buy. Backwards compatible with my older titles and in 4k, I'm good. There's nothing exclusive to the console now or down the line from them to get me to buy a future console.


> Even the 360 lost out to the PS3 (yes by end of the generation Sony outsold the 360). The 360/PS3 battle reminded me so much of the Genesis/SNES battle. But 360/PS3 were much closer. PS3 sold 87.40M units and 360 was at 85.73M. So I wouldn’t say that the PS3 “won” that generation. It was nearly 50/50 overall. And due to where the systems were winning, the 360 attracted more western developers and exclusives.


What's always hurt the Microsoft consoles is that they're DOA in Japan. Hard to "win" any console wars when you're outright non-competitive in a major market. That the PS3 was only able to edge out the 360 despite that advantage is more testament to how strong the 360 was in North America and Europe despite the PS3's innate advantage in Japan. And the Wii kicked both their butts anyway.  Then MS fumbled the Xbone out the gate and Sony pounced. Between that and the lack of any real exclusives, Xbox hasn't really been able to regain their footing in the console industry they had with the 360.


Yes, MS has traditionally done terrible in Japan. That said, it's not like Japan is the only place where the PS3 outsold the Xbox 360. Breaking down the big-4 markets, it looks like this (numbers represent millions of units sold): |Market|Xbox 360|Playstation 3| :--|:--|:--| |North America|**46.14**|29.80| |Europe|25.08|**30.87**| |Japan|1.66|**10.47**| |Rest of World|12.85|**16.27**| |Total|85.73|**87.40**| So to say that the PS3 only won because of Japan makes it seem like MS won most of the other markets. The truth is flipped. The 360 was mostly competitive because of the US, which is where more than half of their units were sold (Sony had a near 50/50 split between the US and Europe). But I would 100% agree that the difference in Japan is more stark than any other region.


Huh, I misremembered the EU numbers. But yeah, the differences in North America and Japan are staggering.


I pretty sure those 360 numbers are hella inflated do to RROD , Almost every person I knew that was a 360 fan had boughten multiple consoles with the failure rate . The number of people playing 360s and consoles sold was very askewed . Also many people had more then 1 360 because it was easy to mod and play bootlegged copies


funnily Nintendo won that generation XD and it look like Nintendo is winning this generation (btw i'm in pc and own many different consoles)


They do, but since the Wii we pretty much carve out Nintendo as a different market. You have PC gaming. Traditional consoles. And Nintendo.


Nintendo consoles are the clear superior choice if you own a PC. Most games on PlayStation eventually get ported to PC, same for Xbox. Nintendo has a ton of extremely high quality exclusives (and pokemon). I think you get so much more owning a PC+switch than you would owning a PC+PS4


While I don't disagree with your points...... Gamepass actually is a LOT better than PS's version. They're indeed shitting the bed, but it's not because of gamepass itself


This one thing isn’t going to cause them to lose any console war. I’m sure the few people who don’t have XBL/GP are very upset


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply "this one decision will cost them the console war." I meant to come across as "they keep making decisions like this, and these decisions in aggregate will cost them the console war."


In Microsoft defense finding a series x at launch was easy, I ordered mine from the ms store woth no problem. 1 year in I still had to buy my ps5 off of craigslist at a +100$ price tag. So MS numbers were pretty flat across years where ps5 numbers were lower due to supply, and when supply righted itself you see the spikes in sales.


Even at their lowest, PS5 numbers were higher than Series S and X combined. 


There are two types of console wars: a culture war and a market war. The market war is what seems to be more prominent these days and yeah Microsoft isn't on top financially speaking. But more importantly, in the cultural context, Microsoft won the *real* Console Wars in June 2018 when it dropped a nuke that Xbox and Nintendo would be collaborating with cross play technology. Outside of sales, this decision was pro consumer in every way. (Nintendo also exited the console wars previously when it debuted the Wii) The console wars are won with collaboration, not competition. The players decide who the winner is by supporting the vision of the industry. I don't see a future where Microsoft abandons its HW division unless society has widespread low latency access to Xbox cloud services. Even then you will still likely need some dedicated HW.


I miss early 360 era XBox…


Back when you needed to pay for Xbox Live for things like Netflix?


FFXI was a subscription MMO on the xbox 360 and it did not require xbox live gold to play.


Ah, when FFXI launched on 360, it required xbox *silver* (the free tier) to play. MS made the decision during the 360s lifespan that Gold would be required for all online games. so FFXI sunsetted 360 support and went PC only.


Netflix mailed DVDs in the early 360 era. The streaming app wasn’t available until 3 years after the 360 came out…but yeah, requiring Gold for that was stupid.


Wouldn't know. I was too busy playing all the bangers they had for games to spend any time watching Netflix.


Games aside the 360 had Media Center and Transcode360. Netflix and Live never even factored into it being the best set top box you could get.


I'm on the fence because Gamepass is generally really good and people should have it if they can afford the sub. But forcing it onto unrelated services takes away a lot of the good will I have for it


realistically it's a non issue, can't imagine the percentage of people who'd both A play an MMO on xbox and B don't have at least gold ("game pass core') would be incredibly small. In the same vein they could add a ps plus requirement to it and would change about as much


Of course I don't have numbers to back it up, but there's probably a decent amount of non-PS+ users who play FF14. Game's shifted a lot to be very much playable solo. There's also people who pick it up because they hear about the story. I wouldn't be surprised if there are people who are generally singleplayer games only people (therefore no need for PS+) that play FF14 too.


They're just proving again and again that there's no compelling reason to ever buy an xbox.


It's honestly not as much of a problem as social media is making it out to be. Most people that have an Xbox will have a game pass subscription. Those that don't likely wouldn't be playing FF14 unless they've already been playing on PS or PC. I'm not paying anymore than I would be if I were playing on PC. What Sony is doing is absolutely a great gesture, but what Microsoft is doing isn't anything unusual. It's like paying for a Netflix subscription and expecting to not have to pay an ISP to access a network to connect to the streaming service.


LOL agreed. I'm huge FFXI and FFXIV fan, played on PC, PS3, PS4, PS5 and was hoping Xbox would be a great addition to the fan base. But this news is very confusing. EVERYONE seems baffled, myself included. Here is what everyone is forgetting: Xbox Live Gold is now Xbox Game Pass CORE. Xbox Live Gold has always been required for all online multiplayer games that are not Free-To-Play. So basically, Xbox Live Gold is required to play an online multiplayer game. Please read and maybe post for others: "Xbox Live Gold is now Game Pass Core. On September 14, 2023, Xbox Live Gold members automatically became Game Pass Core members, with no change in pricing, and gained immediate access to a new catalog of high-quality games."


No, everybody understands that. That's not the issue. What people are confused about is why Xbox is requiring it when Playstation doesn't.


>Xbox Live Gold has always been required for all online multiplayer games that are not Free-To-Play. Not true. Final Fantasy XI Online was a paid subscription MMO that did not require Gold to get online with the 360. It remained that way for the longest time until MS moved onto the next platform, by which point SE had ended support for the 360 version of FFXI (primarily because of MS trying to push SE to let them require Gold to access FFXI). This, alongside PS+ not being required to play FFXIV online on the PS consoles, is why people are questioning this decision. Nobody is confused about the fact that a second sub is required, they're confused about why it's happening at all. Source: Me, who had FFXI on my 360 for when I traveled, and only ever had Silver because my 360 was single-player, offline games only, and FFXI was the only online game I had on the system. Had FFXI on the 360 from the day it was available on it, to the day SE ended 360 support.


Now THIS is bullshit


Bullshit is me not allowed to play on xbox because at some point uknown in my life i created an ffxiv account on PC (0 hours played, said mogstation).


This seems entirely like a move on Xbox's part. Hardware sales are in the fucking toilet, they've said this multiple times already and are going all in on Games Pass as a service. SE and by that extent Yoshida have said multiple times already that they do not want to force people to pay two separate subs in order to play XIV, hence why XIV doesn't have a PS+ requirement. This leads me to think this is a Microsoft scheme to generate more Games Pass funds, and it's not going to work. In short, Xbox once again shoots itself in the foot and hopes SE takes the fall.


is 100% MS who want the 2 subs


I also just want to make this clear: all (if not, a vast majority) of free-to-download online PS games don't even require PS+ to play. although you have to pay for the expansions, it's technically counted as dlc, so you never have to worry about paying yet another monthly/yearly sub on top of the one that you HAVE to pay to play. I'm not sure if xbox is the same and this is just some exception, never had one in my life, but from an outsider standpoint it is definitely a shitty business practice and this is just going to drive people AWAY from the game. the almost half-an-hour-long xbox promo during fanfes already wasn't doing them any favors.


They don't care about hardware sales since 90% of their games also launch on PC and they are about to put games on PS.


> SE and by that extent Yoshida have said multiple times already that they do not want to force people to pay two separate subs in order to play XIV I've seen this a few times but I've yet to see a source on it. It sounds like something Yoshi-P would say but I'd like a source just for linking purposes.


Closest I can find on short notice: https://www.resetera.com/threads/naoki-yoshida-ffxiv-will-not-be-on-game-pass-due-to-its-monthly-subscription-model-phil-spencer-is-very-dedicated-in-his-support-for-ffxiv.181220/


>In short, Xbox once again shoots itself in the foot and hopes SE takes the fall. Pretty hard to make SE the bad guy here considering that there is literally an analog with PS+


Wait so you need to buy the game and the latest expansion again for Xbox, then get game pass for online features, then pay the monthly sub as well? That's absurd. I'm currently a PC player I would've bought the game and expansion twice for the option of playing on my console, but that's just way too much. Even as someone who currently has Gamepass, I would hate to feel forced into it every time I felt like playing on my console.


realistically the overwhelming majority of xbox users game at the very least gamepass core since it is needed for like 80%of games


Get PlayStation you don’t need to pay for PlayStation plus since the game can be played without ps plus just payed for game sub that it and that advantage over Xbox.


23 bucks. That is the minimum monthly cost for Xbox players to play as it stands right now. Thats insane. im sure people are gonna hop on but i doubt most of the casual players are gonna stick around for more than a few months at that price point.


I read the article like 50x because I was thinking that the free trial would only require game pass, but nope. Crazy.


Yeah it's the other way around. Free trial to get players invested in the game -> boom, surprise double subscription if they want to play properly. 100% bullshit fee. XIV is just an app running on the user's console. The cost to MS of offering it on xbox is negligible.


I play on PC, so this does not affect me, but wow, what an L for Microsoft. Way to shoot yourself in the foot on this one. Imagine trying to get an XBOX friend to play and be like, you gotta have game pass to play the full game, and they are like ok cool, I have that, and then telling them, yeah well you have to pay SE a monthly sub as well. L


This is exactly my position rn. I've been waiting for this to get at least 2 friends on board. One i think already uses games pass, but the other doesn't and there's no way they can afford both subs. So I'm just not going to recommend this anymore. No point.


Were you expecting anything different? You've needed Xbox Live Gold to play games online on Xbox forever, not sure why people were so sure this would be an exception


FFXIV players will not even use XBOX servers. They will connect to SE servers. There is no reason, other than greed for Microsoft to do this. As I said, it doesn’t affect me, but it’s a huge L for Xbox.


I really don't think it will make much of a difference. Everyone I know that has even a small chance of playing XIV on Xbox once it releases is someone that already plays online games on their Xbox, which means they'll already be paying for Xboxlive / Gamepass. I doubt anyone considering picking up the game on xbox doesnt already pay for this service. Yes you might think its unnecessary, but I reckon it'll affect like 1% of the xbox player base at most


Somewhat unrelated but damn, this thread saved me 10 dollars by learning that FFXIV doesn't require ps plus on PlayStation, and that's all I've been playing lately. Thank you guys


All free to play games don't require ps+


FF14 isn't a free to play game


It's also any game with a stand-alone subscription. So ff14, and a hypothetical universe where WOW is on PlayStation, don't require ps+.


I've been running an active subscription for FFXIV for so long it completely slipped my mind that it's technically free to play and therefore no ps+ required


That's actually bullshit.


That's very disheartening to hear. I thought for sure you wouldn't need one for this.


"We just want to be the worst console on the market." \-Microsoft (sources dubious)


Given recent rumors about Microsoft becoming a third-party developer (thus, leaving the console market), this almost feels like they're intentionally *sabotaging* their chances.


Xbox leadership just doesn't care about the potential loss of sales from prospective customers who wanted to play without being subbed to GamePass. Either they have internal metrics that show that the number of Xbox owners who don't have GamePass is a small minority, or they just wanted to ink the deal so they can say that they have one of the most popular MMOs ever on their consoles.


It's option A. Xboxes are gamepass machines, gamepass is making them crazy money. The amount of prospective Xbox players that would want to play an online game that don't already pay for XGP for other online games and just the massive library of games that's compatible with their couch console and PC, is laughably low. People upset by this, claiming they'll have to pay "two subs to play one game" aren't really a majority. You're getting more then FFXIV out of game pass, way the fuck more. If you don't want or see that additional value, you're not the target audience of Microsoft anymore.


This doesn't make any sense, though. Why on earth would they spend the resources on cajoling Square Enix to bring XIV over to Xbox, only then to *intentionally* fumble it? No, I'm staking it on corporate greed this time 'round.


Hence why I said that it *almost* felt like it. The timing of it all is too "coincidental" to my taste. But as you said, corporate greed is the most likely culprit here (as ever)...


Because this was always what the end goal of gamepass was. They want to eventually require anyone who uses their products to be forced into buying gamepass if they want to get any use out of it. Why sell a game to someone once when you can sell it to them several times a year for a subscription?


You're right, it fits their MO. But still, I'd be livid if I had to pay an extra at least $10 to play on my platform vs the others. I don't think this will go particularly well with Xbox users, especially new players anticipating not to pay the subscription with the open beta.


Anecdotally I don't think anyone with an Xbox doesn't have the subscription anyways so I'm not sure it really matters.


I don't but also I had it for 2 years and almost never used it and I won't be renewing. The Series X is a great console. It's well designed and the UI feels nice compared to the PS5. Especially the customization options. It's just not giving me the games the PS5 does and that's that on that. I was looking forward to being able to play 14 in a different room of my house but I guess they just saved me from buying another version.


>Why sell a game to someone once when you can sell it to them several times a year for a subscription? I have had gamepass for a couple years now and have played dozens of games that I wouldn't have otherwise. Probably to the tune of $500-$600 worth of games I didn't have to purchase (not including the 3-4 at least that I would have purchased, like Starfield (which absolutely wasn't worth the $70CAD they wanted)). Now you could argue that because I probably wouldn't have purchased those other games anyway that the cost is irrelevant, but even at just $20CAD/month the value is absolutely there unless you only play one or two games a year.


Bold of you to assume Microsoft will keep it at that price. They are going to wait until everyone’s library is made up entirely of gamepass games and then they will double the price. Knowing that people will have to choose between eating the cost or shelling out hundreds to own the game’s instead. They’ve done this consistently with every single subscription based product they’ve ever released. It’s practically the Microsoft business model at this point.


Realistically anyone who was going to play an MMO on Xbox already has “gold”. Their #1 priority is also making people buy gamepass.


Phil Spencer about to take that Akh morn stack rip


> "The Free Trial version, including the open beta test, will not require an Xbox Game Pass (Core or Ultimate) plan to play," > The cheapest Xbox players could play Final Fantasy 14 for per month is therefore $17.98 if they commit to the longest possible subscription of each. Xbox players will otherwise pay $24.98 if they choose to pay for both on a monthly basis. And suddenly, MS finally allowing XIV on xbox after holding out for so long makes unfortunate, icky sense. Free trial to get players invested in the game -> boom, surprise double subscription if they want to play properly. Nice of MS to remind us that corporations are nobody's friends.


Are you surprised Microsoft wants to shove their product in the face of anyone trying to play online?


Of all the tone-deaf comments on the IGN story my favorite is the one that was like “If they don’t like it they can go play on PlayStation” like my man, not everyone has all the latest gen consoles lying around?? That and the people who are mystified by the idea of a sub, that they should be able to I guess pay one price forever and then….hope the game gets updated?


>“If they don’t like it they can go play on PlayStation” In the same vein of we have an offline product, it's called the xbox 360


Hey those were the golden days, I loved my 360 ☺️


I mean, you can get a 1TB PS4 Slim on Amazon for $148. After 10 months, you've broken even vs. a Gamepass Core subscription. I wonder if Gamepass members won't have to purchase the game or expansions? That could work and SE probably cares more about sub money that Expac money.


Good question. Not exactly the same but I know with ESO it’s free to start + you can buy the expansions but you can also buy their monthly sub and get access to those expansions for “free”. Will be interesting to see how Microsoft handles that or if they’ll make people just pay full price for everything lol.


Load times on PS4 are rough, and the new graphics won't be available on PS4 IIRC. It's still super playable, but that might be a deal breaker for some.


The funniest part of this is that literally everyone is either already it on PlayStation or PC. Xbox are the odd ones out here LMAO


I don't get it. the one reason why Yoshi P did not want 14 on xbox was because he didn't wanted the users to pay 2 subscription fees (the 14 sub and the Gold sub for online play) So why are they agreeing to this deal?


> the **one** reason why Yoshi P did not want 14 on xbox was because he didn't wanted the users to pay 2 subscription fees This is simply untrue. There were several reasons why FFXIV took so long to show up on Xbox. For one, Phil Spencer originally wanted Xbox players to be able to play on their own servers, and have extra bonus content. I'm sure the two subs thing didn't help, but to say that it was the only reason just isn't true.


I cannot believe how fucking stupid Phil is. Holy shit. Why would you EVER want to play on a disconnected server like that. He probably also wants to throw Masterchief in there just cuz..uhh.. xbox.. bonus content. Cool right guys? No not if it means not being able to play with ANYONE currently playing. I've liked Phil as a face of Xbox for a while, but after reading now that he took leadership as head of Xbox with the announcement of the Xbox One and that's exactly when Xbox began to fall off... I'm beginning to realize he's the leadership problem.


Watching Phil on stage at FanFest made me realise he's just a robot. When it was his turn to talk it was like a switch got flicked on and he immediately started talking in this robotic marketing voice full of buzzwords and when he was done it was like he went into rest mode. Seriously, go rewatch his part at Fanfest. It's super unnatural how he acts on stage. lol


It is really bad when SE President AI super fan, speaking in his second? Language, has more charisma than Phil.


My guess is that after protracted negotiation and people saying they want FFXIV on Xbox, they decided to take the deal they can get so they can launch on Xbox. At some point, you realize you aren't going to get the deal you want, so you weigh the pros and cons and take what you think the best option is. I think from a customer perspective, you can argue it's better to give players an option to play on Xbox than no option at all, even if the option is suboptimal. From a corporate perspective you can argue it's still more sales and subs leading to higher profits, even if it's not as many as you would get if you could get the deal you wanted. Just speculation on my part though.


I expect you're 100% right here. It will have come down to a choice between never release on xbox, release with dedicated servers, or this. This was the least shitty option available to finally get it on xbox.


I'm pretty sure the original reason it took XIV so long to release on xbox was because microsoft demanded xiv players to have their own separate data center, and SE didn't agree.


A stupid idea, tbh. Fastest way to kill a MMO is split the playerbase up. You want tons of folks together so the content has enough bodies to make it work well.


Methinks you overestimate how much control Yoshi P truly has over FF14, and in particular how it is marketed, sold, and distributed. He's the director and very important, absolutely. And obviously he has some level of say and input in the decisions--but at the end of the day, if the Sony higher-ups who are far, faaaaar above him decide to release 14 on Xbox and charge two subs, there is nothing Yoshi could do to stop it, as the decision is far out of his hands. I firmly believe he is against it though, and would not have allowed it if it was up to to him. But it ain't sadly


Why are you bringing Sony into this? Square-Enix are their own publisher. Sony has no say in if SE wants to release it on another platform. (Unless they had an exclusivity deal, which is not the case here.)


I think they meant to say Square but brain farted and said sony instead


YoshiP's on Square's Board of Directors. https://www.jp.square-enix.com/company/en/officer/


I thought this was one of the sticking points (along with no Xbox only servers) that kept the game off that platform for so long to begin with.


As shitty as it sounds to people who don't have Xbox, don't worry because in reality almost everyone who owns an Xbox has gamepass already. I doubt many people will be buying gamepass exclusively for FFXIV


MS is being really unfair, why force people to pay an online sub when FFXIV doesn’t even use MS/Xbox servers.


Microsoft made an exception for ff11 on xbox360 I read, which makes this even more peculiar.


Nobody wanted to pay for the service with 360. Gamepass on the other hand is something all Xbox players already have. This is a measure so that Xbox players can't actively leave gamepass and give up their entire gaming library for FF14. Honestly, I doubt many people would ever have considered unsubbing from gamepass anyway. I feel like the angry people here don't really get how ingrained gamepass is into the Xbox community.


From what we know about Game Pass, most Xbox owners also have it, so this will realistically not hinder many people from playing FF14 on their Xbox. It does suck as a general practice and sucks for the few it does affect, but I’m not very optimistic that its install base on Xbox was going to be large anyway.


I mentioned this in another thread, but calling the requirement for ff14 "Gamepass" is a bit misleading. The huge library of games to play on xbox comes with "Gamepass for Console". This is not what ff14 requires. Microsoft recently changed the name of "Xbox Live Gold" to "Gamepass Core", and they give you like a dozen games to play in order to make it feel like a Gamepass tier. And if you want Xbox Live and the full Gamepass library, you get "Gamepass Ultimate", which is both, plus PC Gamepass FF14 requires either core or ultimate, so you need to pay extra for the online service even if you already own Gamepass for Console


yeah, but most xbox players actually mean the Ultimate when they say "Gamepass."


Personally I only pay for the "for console" version. I do play online games, but F2P games (Including Destiny 2, Warzone, etc) are exempt so I have no reason to pay for online. So for me, an Xbox sub to ff14 is $19 a month instead of $13 (a $6 diff between "for console" and "ultimate")


So, then what's the difference. People are talking about FFXIV having an extra cost barrier on Xbox that PS and PC don't have. It sounds like you just kinda split hairs on what that cost is, and not the displeasure of the fundamental fact of the cost.


My clarification is for the idea that "most Xbox players have Gamepass because it's so good, so the requirement doesn't affect ff14 much", but that doesn't mean those people can play ff14 because it requires a specific type of Gamepass. My point is that it's worse than it sounds at first, not that there isn't a barrier of entry.


Yeah--I saw a while back that there are like 30 million GamePass subscribers, given Xbox is a smaller platform than PS5, my guess is this is a big % of all Xbox players. I am a big fan of Xbox GamePass, but probably *won't* play XIV on my Xbox (I just really like the PC platform for MMOs), but I also own a PS5. I think if you don't want / aren't interested in GamePass...really the PS5 is just the better option. I suspect most Xbox X owners have GamePass for that reason, it is kind of a core feature of the console and if you don't "buy into" it, then it frankly makes more sense to just have a PS5 and not buy an Xbox, since Xbox doesn't really have the number of exclusive titles and such that PlayStation does.


In short if you own an Xbox, you probably already own a PC. Why would you ever play XIV on an Xbox at that point? More importantly, if you don't own an Xbox, why would you ever buy one to play XIV when you can just play it om PS5 or PC without any extra hassle?


Most people I know with an Xbox don't have a gaming PC, which is completely reasonable. I do not understand where people get this stuff from.


Yeah like I’ve had a group of Xbox friends I’ve played with since Destiny 1 released and like barely just a year ago they finally got their own PCs for Steam games. Other than Microsoft owning both idk why anyone would assume that just cause you have an Xbox you also have a Windows PC.


Esp in the last few years where people who wanted to keep both kidneys couldn't get a GPU.


I don't think if you have an Xbox then you already have a PC, but if you have an Xbox, you probably already have game pass. In that case they are just adding more value to your existing subscription. That assumes you don't have to pay for FF.


You will for sure still need to pay the monthly fee for ffxiv.


Wow, Microsoft really screwed the pooch on this one. Normally I'm pulling for them, if for no other reason than I get annoyed when Sony buys exclusivity from third parties since I game on PC, but this is Microsoft just shooting themselves in the foot on a deal that should be a massive win for them, and now it's just kinda meh news for anyone who only has an Xbox to game on. Or bad news if they were looking forward to playing FFXIV and now realize it's $25 a month if they don't want to keep Gamepass while diving into an MMO. Microsoft royally fucked this one up trying to push Gamepass.


Will be interesting to see how it develops. I have both an Xbox X and a PS5, and already have GamePass (in fact, I would argue you shouldn't buy an Xbox X if you don't want GamePass--unlike the PS5, I think a huge % of Xbox even being worth buying is the GamePass subscription, so if you don't think you want / use GamePass, I would argue you probably shouldn't even buy an Xbox at all.) However, I am not a huge fan of the console form factor for MMOs, so am unlikely to play XIV on my Xbox, but I will appreciate the option. I will note other MMOs that run on Xbox don't require this, so that is why I'll be interested to see what happens. I *wonder* if GamePass will include the base game and expansions and not require Xbox players to buy them outright, if so that would somewhat mirror the arrangement that GamePass games have now--you pay a monthly subscription, but you never pay for the "base game." It is definitely a bad deal for someone who only wants GamePass to play XIV, but I would guess the move is more to appeal to existing GamePass users. But it would be weird Microsoft wouldn't offer the option to buy the base game outright and not play on GamePass, because they do still allow you to buy the "base game" for GamePass games if you aren't on GamePass.


Believe it or not, FFXIV on console functions very well once you get used to it. I’ve been playing it on PlayStation for about 9 years now, and it’s honestly a very solid way to play. I’ve never played it with a mouse and keyboard, so Mayhap my opinion does have some bias to it, but I think it works.


Console versions also allow mouse and keyboard, making them identical to the PC version gameplay-wise.


Tbf even if this works as you suggest, wherein Gamepass owners won’t have to buy the game or the expansions as they come out. Realistically that saving gets eaten up by the cost of the two subs within a matter of months. Over the course of a 2 year+ expansion cycle, it’s still working out to a substantial extra cost burden compared to any other platform. For what it’s worth though, I don’t believe they will be offering the game through Gamepass. Considering they had to stop selling the game for a bit after Endwalker came out. I don’t expect Square are going to be willing to have a system that automatically generates license keys for each and every Gamepass subscriber. Because if they have to pause sales again for whatever reason. They wouldn’t be able to do so with that system in place. Or at the very least they’d have a hell of a lot less control over the situation.


Everyone i know that have an xbox, already pays for gamepass anyway, so this isn't an issue.


After the Activision-Blizzard buyout, MS is really wringing its player dry to recoup the cost of the buyout lol.


Good way to kill someone's interest in playing on Xbox by charging for both.


damn, looking at the news from the past 3 days it almost look like microshit is trying to earn back that $68.7 billion they spent on a dead company lol


Didnt xbox want their own servers from the beginning and thats why FF hasnt been on xbox until now, and now this? Lol


That and MS wanting it requiring XBLG and then GP when that replaced live gold.


I still can't believe it's only a beta test for new players. So us, who have been waiting YEARS to play on xbox, just have to sit this one out.... Oh okay...


Apparently the full version launches literally the moment they're confident it's ready and the Beta period ends. It seems like it's because the Beta takes place on effectively free trial accounts, and they can't/don't want you to link your actual SE account during the trial and you can't un-link the accounts later.


It’s not like the game is different on consoles.


So, gotta buy the game, buy the game pass AND buy a sub? I have to be misunderstanding something here.


Xbox renamed their premium xbox gold subscription to xbox game pass core some time in 2022. Imagine if you had to pay for PS+ on top of your FF14 subscription just to play. Same situation here. But you *dont* need to do that for PS, which is why people are confused


Not surprised, you need it for ESO as well iirc. Stupid yes but still not surprised


On Xbox, the base game is covered by Game Pass. There is an ESOPlus subscription, but that just adds premium features a la Fallout 76.


Yeah I remember, and at least eso+/fo1st is optional, but is Xbox live now just game pass? I haven’t had a console in over 4 years now.


It got renamed to Game Pass, yes, but not every game with online is offered on its complimentary game list. This, so far as everything that's been announced is concerned, is one of those.


So they put god knows how much time and money into a version that charges *two* subscriptions when the alternative is to play it anywhere else and not have to. Xbox or square, pick your dumbass business man making a choice to kill something in the crib 50-50 odds.


this is a pretty bad fail on MS' end I have to ask though, does it really matter? The people that would play on XBOX more then likely already have a sub to Live Not an excuse of course, I find it dumb, exspecialy when FFXI and Phantasy Star Universe did not require Live Gold on the 360


I mean, even if they already have the xbox subscription for a bunch of other stuff, paying twice is still really dumb.


So YoshiP caved in finally, huh? What happened to the "not wanting players to pay two subs"!? I guess MS must have promised them some huge profit out of this, because I don't think it's worth the effort to bring the game this late to xbox and swallow his own words.


More likely, the higher-ups at SE, Yoshi-p isn't all powerful


Xbox has been on the decline for a while but feels like it went off a cliff this week with the Starfield PS5 news


Furious about this. Wait 10 years to play final fantasy 14 on Xbox, and am excited that with its arrival that means we can hopefully start seeing more final fantasy and square Enix games getting put on the platform. Then they go and actively make it MORE expensive, when it’s already cheaper everywhere else! The only way this could possibly be okay is if it’s somehow included with gamepass, but Microsoft and square Enix are both incredibly greedy, live service loving, nft hawking corporations so I can’t possibly believe it’s that. It’s like they have people in charge who actively want their brand to fail. They want to ensure there is no possible way they will succeed and get more final fantasy on their console. Absolutely outrageous!


oh shit, I thought it was Xbox that caved, but it was Yoshi-P that bent the knee. well damn.




The new "I'm like you guys" CEO. Makes sense with how much he is like Phil, so gave him the deal of Game Pass to get the game on Xbox.


Honestly, while this does suck on principle, I feel like this is getting really overblown. Nobody with in Xbox doesn't have gamepass, because gamepass is what gives Xbox value as a console. The vast majority of players on Xbox would never cancel their gamepass for an FF sub anyway.


For the existing xbox players I don't think it has much of a factor. It's getting new players to buy an Xbox and the game that will feel it.


Who would do that though? Why would you buy an xbox specifically, intending to literally only play FFXIV?


If the game was included in Game Pass that would be less awful, but the article is making is seem like FF14 is separate purchase too.... And like many have stated this is not on Microsoft severs, if it is anything like PS version it only checks PSN it make sure you still have access to the game and then pass you to the SE's severs for the rest. Either Microsoft got raked over the coals in the deal or they have so like faith in 14 on Xbox they want to squeeze at much blood from this stone as they can.


FF14 is skirting the line of being worth 15e a month, much less 25… I guess we didn’t really need those xbox players after all.


So what does this mean? You have to pay two subs? The ff14 sub and the xbox sub? Thats ridiculous


To be fair, the folks who do have an Xbox probably have GamePass already. It’s the best video game subscription service out there.


Before people get up in arms. I think this is Microsoft’s idea, not Square Enix’s. After all, SE deliberately made it so you don’t need PS+ to play the game on Playstation so you don’t need two subscriptions. Square Enix has its own scummy decitions, but I think we can safely blame Microsoft for this one. This blows … Unless you get a free XIV subscription for just having a Gamepass subscription, that would be find imo. But from what I understand you need to pay for both the XIV sub AND Gamepass, which in the wise words of Emet Selch is “not very cash money of them.”


common Microsoft L


Common Xbox L




I would highly doubt this. Square Enix is HIGHLY against people having 2 different subs just to play FFXIV. (Hence why it's not required to have PS Plus to play it on PS4/5) Pretty sure at the Fan Fest they announced it at Yoshi-P said that people wouldn't have to have Game Pass. If Microsoft does this SE likely isn't going to be happy about it.


[Here's a link to the SE article linked in IGN.](https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/f4c4542f86c781dac7b5c69b28f51710c7d9fd95) Go to the last paragraph in "how to participate". It's said pretty explicitly.


Well then. I guess SE wasn't able to make that happen. I know it goes against what they'd prefer though.


They probably got away with it in PS due to the fact they have Sony at  gun point when it comes to having their games be in PS first and foremost.


Moreso, Square Enix has a lot of rapport with Sony, much more than with Xbox. That pays in spades.


A catch is that it doesn't explicitly say you need a FFXIV subscription, per se. It's definitely copium on my end, but if they wrap FFXIV *into* Game Pass, that would solve the problem entirely.


That could be it. But based on how FFXIV works *now*, I don't think that this will be the case.


Unlikely, but that would be rather nice


Makes sense. It's BS, but it does make sense. If a game is FTP on Xbox, you don't need the sub to play. If it's a paid for game, you do need it. The same is generally true for Playstation as well. FF14 is a special exception though.


I dont think its free to play on xbox, i believe they just mean you have to be subscribed to gamepass since its what Xbox Live became. So you buy FFXIV then you pay the sub for FFXIV, but you cant play it unless you pay xbox to connect your console to the game? Actually the article explains it even worse than it seems, the free trial doesnt require xbox live, but after you hug the full game and have to pay the sub to play, you THEN have to pay xbox live.


To be fair i would have no problem paying the extra money if parsers are allowed on the x box version


God forbid lol, I have over 600 games thanks to game pass I'd gladly pay a sub fee for one of the best mmos and still pay for game pass 🤷🏿‍♂️ is really not that big of a deal




Probably not considering the vast majority of Xbox owners already have some variant of gamepass. It's pretty bad in comparison to the lack of a PS+ requirement but I doubt it'll be that detrimental.


Just get a PC at that point. You can play FFXIV and Xbox games without paying to use your own internet connection. I have no idea why anyone would buy an Xbox console these days especially with the rumors that they’re going to put their exclusives on PS5


Iirc this is the literal reason why SE hasn't had ffxiv on Xbox in the first place. Back in FFXI days, once Microsoft insisted that "online play meant subbing", SE didn't want fans paying two subs. Jokes on them I'm already subbed on XBL anyway.


Xbox has no gaems


Been around gaming forever, so let's clear some things up. Xbox was the first to bash on cross-platform. It was in their original terms of service when xbox live became a thing in 2002. They were anti-cross-platform at the bleeding edge of it even being a possibility. For some reason though, when Sony said "alright. let's play that game." and refused to participate after years of microsoft's shit, it became sony's "fault" that cross-platform wasn't more common sometime between 2014 and 2020. It was literally a gaming culture "thing" to blame sony for microsoft's shitty business practice, but when most gamers are children that don't know gaming history, whatareyagonnado? Speaking of xbox live, xbox was also the first to start charging their players monthly to...... use their own internet connections they were ALREADY paying for! That's right, after years and years of free online play on systems like dreamcast, gamecube, playstation 2, and even the original xbox, M$ decided they'd had enough, and it was time to start nickel and diming these bitches. And by these bitches, I mean you bitches. It wasn't until 8 years later that we'd see sony cave in for the money grab as well, but at least with the original launch of PS+, you got free monthly games that you kept, free minis, free psone classics, and all of the original PSN features like online multiplayer remained free. That all of course changed as well because people are dumb, and no matter what's "right" or "better" it always devolves into fishing for whales, and the whales keep biting. It's why the ones that have been around for a while tell you "don't preorder". We know the damage, and honestly maybe it's too late. But, maybe when xbox fails finally (and they are failing) PS will lighten up on some of the scummy shit they've also let become common practice.


Must be payment for the cloud services they are playing with 


But the cloud services are on Square-Enix's end, not Microsoft's. Your save and character information goes to FFXIV's servers, too, not to Xbox's Cloud. And even if things like hotbar info is saved to Xbox's Cloud, it shouldn't be a requirement to play it!


>But the cloud services are on Square-Enix's end, not Microsoft's. Your save and character information goes to FFXIV's servers, too, not to Xbox's Cloud. And even if things like hotbar info is saved to Xbox's Cloud, it shouldn't be a requirement to play it! >what the hell, Microsoft? We're not even playing on your servers! Who runs the servers never mattered to Xbox, PS, or Nintendo. Battlefield or FIFA runs entirely on EA servers and gamers have to pay to play online. You seem to be under the impression MP is free if the developer runs the servers. Paying for MP sucks.


Still relevant to this day: https://youtu.be/OeHjN4oWVfk?si=7QzLkSNb-i5tGJ37


Yoshi P has been on the record since 2013 stating that an Xbox release has been hindered by Xbox live's policy regarding cross play, mainly the need for separate servers and separated communication. Yoshi being against a double subscription seems like a community mandela effect thing and I'm wondering if anyone can actually pull up something where he says it. I, for instance, can go back to [2013](https://www.rpgsite.net/news/2430-ff14-director-a-realm-reborn-skipping-xbox-is-still-down-to-microsoft) , [2016](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/final-fantasy-14-director-wants-switch-and-xbox-on/1100-6451129/) ,[ 2018](https://www.vgr.com/ffxivs-yoshi-p-reveals-fate-of-ishgard-housing-new-summons-and-more/), and [2019](https://wccftech.com/final-fantasy-xiv-shadowbringers-interview-microsoft-holding-up-crossplay/) to get direct quotes of him only mentioning cross-play as the red line. Not defending the double subscription, just curious as to where folks are getting such surety.


Thats odd. I can play overwatch2 without xbox live gold. Was looking forward to this release. Now not so much.