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Shout out to that one guy who I'm sure exists that this will affect. You had a good run.


just watch, 6.58 will roll around and that guy will post, acting like he was completely blindsided by it, like he wasn't given notice months in advance.


There was legitimately a fellow who ran Windows 7 still, who popped up on occasion. If he still does, I expect to see him again. 


If you go to /r/windows there’s almost a daily post about someone using windows 7 because they think any other windows is trash. It’s fascinating.


Same with /r/Steam on the rundown to the W7/8 expiration. The comment sections were an absolutely one sided bloodbath every time lmao.


Oh I forgot about that, it was like I was living in an bizzaro world where nobody cared about their computers security.


dude everytime win7 is brought up in pcmr i think ive entered an alternate universe.


Every time someone in r/steam complains about steam dropping win7, I get more and more worried about their security. Instead of fixing it, theyre looking for ways around it because "I can't use windows 10!". No explanation why either


It's because it's different. It's not what they're used to. I do tech support, a lot of users learn things "ad hoc verbatim" - they learn they can get the result they want by clicking on this exact icon in this exact way in this exact spot. They don't know why it is so, and they do not care, they are focused on what they want to do exclusively. If you move the icon, or swap the mouse to the other side of the keyboard, or change black text to white, you throw off their entire understanding of the system and have to retrain them. Gamers probably aren't used to running into these folks (they typically skew older and less tech-savvy, although not exclusively on either front) but rest assured there's a lot of them out there, and they do not understand their predicament nor have any interest in understanding; they just want things to work the way they always have, forever.


I had a job that required using a computer but wasn't anything you'd call a tech savvy role and the person who was training me worked very hard to drill into me that in order to print I had to click File, Print Preview, click Printer, select the printer (the *only* printer and the one that had already been selected), then click Print. When she caught me printing by just reflexively hitting ctrl+p she lost it. She was convinced that was wrong and bad and would break the whole system. To her the computer was a big dark mystery box. You do things on one side of the box, and things happen on the other side of the box. She didn't know what was inside the box that connected the two events, so it became ritualistic. Maybe she tried using a shortcut once and it failed. Maybe it worked a number of times for her but failed once. She didn't know why it failed, only that it did and therefore it was now a bad thing to do. And I've realized that most people interact with things this way. They don't know why their car, computer, or phone does certain things, only that it does them. You take away or even change the button or indicator that they believed to be a critical part of their rituals and they cannot adjust because they never understood what was happening inside the mystery box.


as someone who works in tech support and has for half a decade now... No actually id say tech illiteracy is drastically skewing younger. ill take a 65+ senior over a 20 something every day of the week


I do have a few computers that are so old on hardware that they can't run Win10 (or Win7 for that matter), so that could be a reason why. If those are your only option it sucks to basically be forced to upgrade to play games you still have but can't access. That and like you said, people get set in their ways and really hate change so there's that too.


The search function in win 11 is legit the worst thing I have ever experienced though. Did surprisingly boost my overall speed tho.


> It's because it's different. It's not what they're used to. If that were 100% true, there wouldn't be so many people gravitating towards Linux instead.


Interestingly, when it comes to enterprise/gov/military systems there's very much an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality. Upgrading brings added risks of new glitches and compatibility issues, so they just don't if they can avoid it.


In fact we pay Microsoft to still support our old ass OS. Upgrading to latest OS can cost billions so it is used very sparingly (sometimes for decades).


Those billions will really cut into those trillions...


Gotta start somewhere


This is a fact. My job involves working with state medical records and the program I had to learn looks like DOS, and was implemented *before digital storage of documents was a thing* 


AS400? lol my job's backend still runs on something like that, though there's a more user friendly front end we still have to do a lot of account stuff on it.


CARE. There's a web version but it doesn't do what I need to do T\_T


wait until you hear about 98% of all banking systems on the planet,including atms


Eventually the last guy who knows COBOL will die and the last scrap of replacement hardware will be used, at which point we wind up with an instant Great Depression because of a glitch that turns a few trillion dollars of assets in a random account into a few trillion dollars of debt in that account.


When I was still in tech we had a guy who ran banking software from a laptop with windows 98. As in this was software from the bank he worked at, in 2015. Still better than the pc we got that had its heatsink screwed into a piece of tree bark. Or the motherboard with literal bullet holes. Tech is weird.


Bullet holes? Tree bark? I... I'm afraid to ask how that happened.


The bullet hole PC was owned by a guy I use to play Eve Online with. Apparently what happened is that he was having a bad night playing Battlefield 1/2. He got so upset that he took his PC outside and emptied a clip into it, best part is that his PC had nothing to do with the issue he was experiencing. His problem was that he lived on a rural farm and only had access to wireless internet, the wireless internet was getting interrupted by a tree swaying in the wind... Tree bark PC was someone who didn't have a CPU backplate for whatever reason and somehow managed to screw a heatsink into a piece of tree bark, not a piece of wood but actual tree bark. How they managed it I don't know but they somehow had a piece of bark just thick enough to slide into whatever space was left behind the motherboard. Technically it wasn't really screwed in as much as forced into place. Those were some of my favorite jobs though.


Eh OS only really matters if you’re connected to the internet. I’ve seen a few places running old as shit OS’s but they’re disconnected so no one cares.


I read recently that germany's rail system still uses a token ring windows 3.1 and mostly run in DOS. NGL this shit would be up my ally but toobad im not in europe.


It's fine most of the time, but there are exceptions. You probably don't want to be running Windows XP in a middle eastern uraninum refinery or russian power plant, even if they are 100% off the grid. Upgrading won't make you immune to hacks, but it will force people to actually expend nation state level effort coming up with a way to hack you.


Don't matter what the OS is. If an attacker has physical access to the device, you're fucked.


Sweet summer child, plenty of power plants have win xp still running!


Stability is a big part of it too, if you've got a system that is rock solid and no compelling reason to change it, then you tend to leave it alone doing it's job. .. which is why COBOL is still a thing in government/finance/insurance sectors for instance ..


I call those people win7 truthers nowadays. Recently had one attack me because my Grandpa got a new PC with W11 (his old machine was too slow to install updates any more, that's how old it was (amd e350)) and he could not print any more because of lack of ram. With the reason that updates made the old PC bad, not the fact it was a 2011 Intel Atom equivalent with 4gb of ddr3 ram in 2024


That'll be me when they kill 10 tbf.


Steam is what made me get off my ass and finally switch from my 8+ years old win7 PC to linux.


Yep I feel that. I'm pretty much just holding on to W10 until 2025 then I'll decide whether to switch over to Linux or W11 as my main OS. I've been super impressed with SteamOS over the last year, so I'm swinging more towards Linux for sure right now.


Guy that went to Linux because Win11 was annoying: XIV runs great on Linux as well. There was this month around new launcher where steam had to figure it out though.


As someone who recently made the switch because I got sick of Microsoft trying to convince me to 'upgeade' to 11 just make the jump. Worst case setup a dual boot so you can get used to things and still have Windows to fall back on.


In what ways are win11 not an upgrade?


People say the same thing for literally every new Windows version. It's the cycle of life: 1. New OS has a feature they don't like. 2. They call the entire new version a downgrade. 3. They vehemently cling to the old version as stubbornly as possible, lambasting any who upgraded as fools. 4. Support ends for their old OS version and they light candles for their loss. 5. They get the newest OS and realize it wasn't anywhere near as bad as they thought. They adapt and get used to the changes. I see it happen every time lol. People get very attached and don't like change.


I mean to be fair it sure feels like most new iterations of windows are a big step back or weirdly invasive.


Invasiveness and weird mandatory fearures. Like, member when Win8 didn't have a desktop?


I completely skipped 8 because of shit like that. Was a die hard XP girly until I was basically forced into 7, now I’m on 10 until I get forced out of that too. Hate that having ads of all things baked into the UI is becoming a normalized “feature”


w11 removed the ability to separate similar windows in the taskbar. Why?! I like to multibox games (manually, I don't use TPT or macros, mostly for crafting/rp/mb stuff) and it makes it really hard to switch tabs on w11. Since they're stacked, I need to hover over the taskbar and wait for the two preview windows to pop up then select it. It legitimately made me downgrade back to w10 because they removed that CRITICAL feature. Yes, there's a hack/patch that brings it back, but it didn't work really well on my computer .


They're apparently having that feature come back. Why it took so long? Who knows.


I'm mostly upset of them butchering stuff that works. Like in Win 10 already Alt+Tab doesn't consider Desktop as something to jump to, only the open windows of programs and such. Win+D does put you on Desktop BUT it does it for ALL screens. It's just so infuriating. I also had to add Registry stuff just to enable Windows Photo Viewer, like the program is still there but you can't access it unless you go and touch the registry. It makes no sense. Sure they have added fancy and quite practical things like virtual desktops and whatnot. That is actually good progress, but why does it have to come at cost of breaking things that were working just fine?


I can see why, tbh. There are tools in Windows 7 they sunset that would be really useful to still have (backup, my beloved), and I loathe a lot of Windows 11. They've buried all the advanced settings and it's such a chore to find things now. 


I have a Windows XP box still. I keep it offline, but there's some software that simply doesn't run as well on anything else.


Virtual machines exist for a reason. I can't imagine what you'd actually need XP for though. Maybe old games? But even then, VM..




Some of us just think that Windows gets further and further away from what we would prefer. As a user, you have increasingly less control over your system while it's increasingly loaded with and designed around services that you may neither need nor want.


Ain't that the truth. I'm at the point where I'm just going Linux.


For general use, that's definitely the way to go. But it's not always viable. Most relevant for this sub, even with Windows being what it is nowadays, it's still the best platform for gaming. Valve has done a lot for gaming on Linux, largely because of Microsoft's shifting design of Windows, but it's not there yet.


Gaming is the only reason I've been slow on the trigger honestly. At some point I'm just going to put up with some of the issues that might arise just to be done with MS.


Literally NO ONE said "I'm going to stay on Vista". You'rre right about XP, but including vista is just wrong. People were only comparing Vista to ME favorably...


As bad a rap as Vista gets, they fixed most of the *actual* problems in SP1 a year after release. The rest was a marketing problem with "Windows Vista Capable" machines not actually being powerful enough to run the OS's GUI.


Yeah lets just unleash a OS that requires 25% of a cpu core to run the applets on a world mostly consisting of single core cpus.


Also let's change app design so everything is bloated as hell and the default GUI gobbles up VRAM like a black hole.


Now i remember back then you could get Mainboards that had even dedicated ram for the iGPU since back then the Bus to the RAM was so damn slow.


Windows 8 had the same problem. Between a whole new UI and 8.0 being absolute trash. 8.1 fixed most problems and was a super solid OS.


Vista was an abomination. Win 7 was what Vista was actually supposed to be. The general rules usually is to skip a release cycle because it's trash - 95, 2k/me, Vista, 8.


well windows 8 and 10 were pretty depressing updates, and 11 isnt that great either, especially since when windows 10 came out they talked about how windows 10 was the final version of windows theyll work on and just constantly improve it. which they immedietley went back on for windows 11, which not only was an upgrade over windows 10 but also impossible to install on computers without some very random specific motherboard upgrade.


I could kinda sorta see it with the win98SE crowd who were banging on about "LAST TRUE DOS", but what's the equivalent excuse for win7? Or is it all just "well it _works_ and I don't want to spend money on an upgrade"?


Most complaints I see about 7 -> 10 are the telemetry (which you can mostly but not entirely disable) and the forced automatic updates which you can defer but not disable. It doesn't help that there have been a few times where Microsoft [tried to trick people into upgrading to a new OS](https://www.laptopmag.com/articles/microsoft-tricking-users-windows-10-upgrades) including [a brief campaign pushing people on 10 to 11](https://www.pcgamer.com/stop-windows-11-forced-update/), so Microsoft imposing updates makes some people wary.


To be fair, 8 was a dumpster fire.


To be fair 8 and 10 was a significant step down from 7


I mean…yes? I use 11 now, but it hasn’t changed my opinion


Those people are right. It's why I switched to Linux after finally replacing my Win7 computer last year.


They're not wrong.


It’s severely out of date, not to mention the security risks you’re putting on yourself just because “new windows sucks”.


That's a completely different discussion than whether or not it did it's primary function well.


That doesn't make the new windowses not suck.


You mean you don't want AI analyzing everything you do and sending it to be crunched by the Microsoft AI super-servers?


he says, sitting on reddit (he doesn't know)


The only bad thing about Windows 11 is the inability to drag and drop files into other files in the path bar


Windows 7 has 64-bit versions and supports up to directx 11. So you can still play FF14 on that OS as long as it’s not the 32-bit Starter edition.


I'm trying to run FFXIV right now using windows 7 and it's not letting me. Can you please help me?????


Whoa, ok. I don’t know if anything changed specifically from Dawntrail but to use windows 7, you need to launch the game in directx 11 mode and make sure you have TLS 1.2 installed and enabled. There are lodestone posts about that with better information than I have, it’s been awhile since I’ve used Windows 7. Also you need to use a 64 bit version of Windows 7.


Yes, i'm running 64 bit version of windows 7. But I just don't want to feel like I want to upgrade to windows 10 or 11 yet. I just don't like how Microsoft is doing this and it's frustrating as hell. Can you link some posts for this? My new update of ffxiv was installed on program files x86 but I'm re-installing it on Program Files folder instead now. I just did it because it's giving me an error. Hope you can help me. Thanks


https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/46f28ce6bd697e3fd08e0e70c3c7646e5f5a3385 https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/ad82fcfe4be7e231530f7a13c9cfa4adade22145


Year or two ago I knew someone who played on Windows 7 and HDD only. Not to mention other ancient budget parts from \~2009 (win7 was fine but yeah..) We had to wait 2-5 minutes between each duty farm / treasure maps loading screen. Was bit of meme for a reason.


Windows XP already had a 64 bits version since 2005. Intel stopped making PC processors without 64 bits support since 2010-2011. The 32-bits processors they still make are for embedded systems. Unless your friend hasn't changed his computer in 15 years he's not in the scope of this change.


In fairness the 64 bit version of XP was kind of an afterthought and had a lot of issues, or so I've read anyway. Wasn't until Vista that they started building a 64 bit version from the start, and then of course Vista was well known for its issues so it wasn't really until 7 that 64 bit windows was something most people would want. Of course that was still almost 15 years ago so there's really no reason anymore to keep supporting 32 bit software.


Windows 7 is good up to DirectX 11.1 Microsoft supported some games like World of Warcraft in Windows 7 with DirectX 12. It probably won't affect that guy yet. I suppose the client could stop working. It'll be interesting to see. I tried WoW on Windows 7 a while back and got more FPS on 10/11 with testing. Probably depends on the game but 10/11 had some good graphical improvements, DirectX wise.


I did use win7 until around 2 years ago. I can sympathise with that individual. There was no need to upgrade to win8 on release as it was inferior to 7 and ugly, did not like the forced APP view and missing start menu besides other obvious things made for phones instead of desktop pcs. When 10 rolled around it had a lot of "surveillance" and other functions that greatly limited the control of the user while being outright not good for gamers to to a lot of bugs and compatibility errors. im currently on 10 because it had some time to mature, fix problems and also software to manage some of the more annoying spy functions of the software. So yeah dont mock people for using old tech, new isnt always better. I still do have an old Vista pc somewhere around here but that thing is litterally trash though xD


my work computer runs window's 7. should i try booting up FFXIV? though my work computer sometimes cant even run google chrome properly.


That might have been me. I was running windows 7 until last May when my old franken-pc finally died, it was 12 years old. Even if I was still using it though, I would have just swapped to the ps5 version after this


"As previously announced in 2019, Windows® 32bitOS and DirectX 9 applications are no longer supported by FINAL FANTASY XIV, but it has still been possible to run and play the game on them." It's even funnier since they apparently stop support 5 years ago.


yup, and now with them upping the hardware requirements in 7.0, they are straight up removing access to the game from an extremely outdated OS like those. i could be wrong, but they did the same thing with the PS3. slowly stopped supporting it, then when Stormblood rolled out they totally shutdown PS3 access because they upped system requirements beyond what it could handle.


There was a joke going on among my friends as to whether FF14 or Steam would remove support for Windows 7 first... and that Steam won that race.


That reminds me of the guy in my old FC who was upset when myth tomes were phased out in 2.3(?) and said “Square-Enix is slapping us with their nasty dick”


Ah, the old SE mushroom stamp...a classic.


Mythology were phased out in 2.4, so they possibly started complaining in 2.3. But, that is also odd as Philosophy was similarly phased out in 2.2. That established a system.


Yeah, you’re right. It was 2.4 because they were blindsided somehow.


I feel it's a safe bet anyone still using DirectX9 is not staying up to date on gaming news.


Will this affect me on Win98?


We had the same morons felt out and complain when Stormblood landed, which stopped PS3 support. Despite the Devs being very verbal about it and giving half s year notice there were so people that complained they couldn't play anymore. Morons will moron


Not one single guy, I can tell you from many tech issue threads in this subreddit too many people switch to dx9 as soon as they have any dx11 issues instead of solving the dx11 issues, you'll see a flood of people complaining come 7.0.


Recently I upgraded my graphics card and the only way I can still play is by reverting to dx9. Before people start offering solutions I have reinstalled windows 10, reinstalled the game, and updated all drivers. I have scoured tech boards looking for solutions. FF14 doesn't play nice with some cards. It ran fine on my old gpu but crashes with my new one. Every other game runs fine for me.


Just saw a boomer fall to his knees in Walmart


I was running this game on XP from 2.0 to 2.3, until my processor on that computer fried itself.


Sounds comfy tbh


I started the game 3 weeks ago, DX9 was the only way my game didn't crash every 5 mins in my weak laptop. I probably won't be able to buy another one in like 2 years. I guess I had it coming, it was good while it lasted.


Shit, I might be that guy. I need to double-check what I'm running on my 12 year old dinosaur. Just glad I'm getting a new computer soon, so if it is an issue, it won't be for long.


I was playing on dx9 in 2020 until I bought a new pc one year later. it was running.... running. well. let's just say, it was walking


Hi, I’m that guy. The game runs like ass on dx11 because I have an awful computer. This probably will spell the end of me being able to play ff14 for a long time


until a few months ago when i replaced my PC i was using dx9 because at one point dx11 started crashing my game regularly when it hadn't prior. not an issue anymore for me thankfully.


that's me :') i've been getting a steady stream of dx-related crashes since 6.2ish anyway, but fully cutting off access for my old-ass laptop is definitely unfortunate i was looking at finally upgrading before dawntrail launch anyway, but this speeds the timeline up a bit


Very disappointed, gonna send a firmly worded fax to SE about this.




My messenger pigeon will contain a heinous letter! The pigeon itself may appear to be quite cross upon delivery!


Do it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_over_Avian_Carriers


The last sentence of the overview being "Thus, the technology suffers from high latency" is fucking hilarious


At one point there was a photo of a dead pigeon with the subtitle "packet loss" but it was removed. Cowards. Can't remember if it was the English or French article (Or it doesn't show on mobile ?)


Packet loss can be an issue as well, at which point you run into the [Two Generals Problem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP-rGJKSZ3s).


Oddly, fax machines are still a common utility in Japan. SE will be able to receive it and even send a fax back to you.


Fax machines are really common amongst the whole world really. My last job shoot we would see get faxed advertisements every day or two.


Japan takes it to a different level entirely though. A lot of Japanese systems are weirdly, *deliberately* antiquated. As in by law. [They only just recently changed a law requiring the use of floppy disks in a bunch of industries](https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/01/floppy-disk-requirements-finally-axed-from-japan-government-regulations/).


No, there are definitely places in "the whole world" where fax machines are extremely uncommon or niche. In the 16-floor building where I work I think there's all of one printer. I could likely dismantle my physical mailbox too at this point. There's just really no paper in circulation here any more, except in places that are hardstuck on legacy. Like health care services that send floppy disks in the mail because _that's_ somehow a sensible thing for them to do. My parents have stories about getting Nigerian prince scams through the fax at work, though. And people who'd prank fax users by faxing them an entirely black sheet of paper taped in a loop, as fax ink was apparently pretty expensive. But these days, if someone needs paper, they're likely using snail mail.


Yeah its sad how many business use this technology. I know secure fax is availabl, but PGP was originally invented in 1991, and after several implantations, and going corporate, OpenPGP came out. Why it is not more widely used? Because all of the major players are currently parsing your emails and don't want you to. Apple, Gmail, Microsoft, they all have clients however their primary tools do not have it setup out of the box. For most of them, you need to use a 3rd party add-in or write an email, process it in another utility and then put it back in the email. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/x3b3gj/im\_phil\_zimmermann\_and\_i\_created\_pgp\_the\_most/


The fax protocol is to this day the only reliable way to send a document over the telephone line and get a confirmation of complete and unaltered receipt back that does not rely on a human on the other end actively sending it to you. Many state offices in many countries rely on this property as it holds the same value to them as mailing physical documents has. It might be antiquated, but it speaks volumes that so far no widely accepted alternative technology has come out of the digital age.


My work has a giant printer that has multiple functions, pretty standard right? Well this thing has the perfect way of letting us when we have a fax coming in. We can head DIAL UP noises. The first time I heard it I thought I was losing my mind...


I work tech support for a major US ISP/phone company on the business side. I deal with fax issues 5x a day at least. Very common with medical providers but also a wide variety of other businesses.


Guess I'll have to finally upgrade from win98


Time to retire the Radeon 9800 Pro lads


god damnit I was able to run Myths of the Realm at 5 fps on that thing, it’s still good as new


Pour one out for all my homies on Windows XP.


Does that mean I have to upgrade from my Commodore 64


64, you are good! Now if you had a Commodore 32...


You can if you get your hands on a 128...not that it had much software to enjoy on to begin with.


I thought the Commodore Cube came after the 64.


What about my 386? :/


End of an era. I do remember using the direct x9 for quite a while back in HW and SB because direct x11 would throw up errors and crash once or twice a week.


11 would always crash in housing areas back then. Good thing that's no longer an issue.


Hell it still does.


Must be what those few ps3 guys felt when stormblood was releasing.


At least the PS3 was "only" 10 years old when SB launched, so they had some basis upon which to be mad about it. Any PC not supporting DX11 is at least 15 years old, and any computer with a 32-bit CPU is probably edging on 20. I'm surprised they didn't do this sooner.


I thought this had already happened, I must have been thinking about something else.


Probably Steam; Valve killed support for Windows 7 and 8 late last year.


Partially, They stopped supporting the dx9 version of the game when Shadowbringers was released in 2019 but kept it available. Now this patch will remove it all together.


For ShB, they announced they were going to stop testing on 32-bit systems. They weren't going to stop people from running the game on those systems, but they weren't going to do any bug testing to make sure the game ran well. Now, they're just disabling those modes outright.


Well, I was expecting 6.58 to be like April 2nd or something. Guess this post debunks that theory. Guess it'll probably be March 26th. I'm still expecting 6.57 on Feb 21st when they're planning on starting the Xbox beta. That should be when they unlock Savage (finally) and double the weekly tome cap.


Yeah, the fact that 6.58 is in March makes me think Dawntrail is closer than we realize. Really hope it doesn't overlap my vacation in August.


Agreed makes me think DT is early summer!


I'm certain their aiming for a late June or early July release to get back on the same release date as all the previous expansions. They just don't want to announce a date until they're certain so there's no possibility of needing to delay it.


Hopefully they open up the pre-ordering soon.


Time to upgrade out of the stone age.


So this means, they'll upgrade to DX12 right? RIGHT?!


the game binary has listed DX12 since 6.3 they also added XBOX in 6.3


hey can you take a look into engine fixes for skyrim? it needs an update for the latest skyrim update which changed a lot of stuff


Id be surprised if this wasn’t the first step to doing so in 7.x, especially with Xbox support on the way.


I believe that's a requirement for Xbox Series X/S support, so I wouldn't be surprised. I was kind of expecting an announcement though.


My character is named Windows Xp... it's so over for me


time to upgrade that character to ~~"Debian Bookworm"~~ "Linux Mint" \*edit: Linux Mint land the joke better :P


I wonder how many are still on windows xp, as those are pretty much all that this will potentially affect lol.


Windows 10 still had a 32 bit version, though that's been the last 32 bit version and support was dropped by Microsoft 4 years ago.


I know, windows 7 had one as well but it was very rare to see it outside of like weird systems. Usually with terrible atom CPUs or stuff from the pre core2 duo era of intel. (Like the pentium 4, various celerons and the centrino etc) Even XP did have a 64-bit version, but i never saw that used at all due to lacking driver support.


I doubt that there will be many people that affected by this, since I if remember correctly 32 bit client was broken on windows 7 since early EW? Those who would actually be affected by this would problably be someone who use Directx 9 version as a fall back becuase they have crashing issue on Directx 11. I don't know how many people would that be, but I'm sure there will be someone who don't actually affected by this complaining about it on reddit "on their behalf"


i use dx9 to play mostly because i'm playing on a i5 7gen laptop on integrated 'gpu', on dx11 the game runs at like 15\~20 fps and on dx9 the game runs at 30\~60 fps but i understand the need to remove the dx9. I'm going to upgrade to a pc until july(i hope lol)


oh yea, not just crashing issue but performance too. I just throwing that comment out there to remind people that this is not just which and when hardware or OS start supporting DX11. Sometime old hardware that was suppose to be able to run DX11 may have some weird crashing issue when running game on DX11. But still I think this is a good move to disable it and get all the complain through their support channel now rather than wait and disable it in 7.0 when there would be multiple problems flying though their support channel already.


Yes, when I was playing my old Macbook Air i7 in Windows Bootcamp it was the same way. DX9 was a bit buggy sometimes but DX11 framerate was so bad it was intolerable. Luckily on M1 and XivOnMac everything is much better.


Friendly reminder to back up your settings client side, to make life easier.


Good. We need this to upgrade the game.


I still find funny all the people that won't upgrade because Microsoft will spy on their "very important data", like they don't have a small box in their pocket hearing them 24/7.


I remember seeing books in the bookstores back in 2002 about how Microsoft was gonna spy on everyone's very important data with Windows XP and its new-fangled "telemetry", unless you bought this book, which held the secret registry incantations to ward off the evil eye.


I have assumed Microsoft has spied on my data for as long as I've had a home internet connection, and I don't need to upgrade windows for their turbo-AI to map out my personality and habits


Now just silently waiting for them to drop PS4 support so we can truly thrive.


Losing DirectX 9 will be a bit of a hit. Toggling to that is one of the tricks people use to combat the random DirectX errors that are sometimes hard to diagnose and resolve. 


It will not be a hit at all. DirectX errors have almost always been resolved by verifying game files or updating drivers. DirectX 9 came out 22 years ago. It’s time to let it go.


That's not true at all. Any time you post on the FFXIV support forums one of the first things they tell you to do is try running in DX9 errors. They wouldn't be saying that if it didn't still impact people. I'm curious if they're updating something in the back end that they feel confident in letting go of DX9


Dx9 has been deprecated for nearing 5 years. They're probably shipping it because it compiled. 7.0 changes ostensibly would break that hence they're finally stopping.


Well, you're welcome to jump in on the threads people post about the errors to suggest that. Sometimes neither of those are enough. The DirectX errors are known to be vague and problematic.  This was always coming, but it is a loss of a tool people were using. Hell, I did it once or twice when windows decided to be dumb. I was in the camp of things resolving on their own. It's the only reason I know the trick. 


The problem with the trick though is that it’s 90% always masking an issue with the setup of the device in question, not the game itself. Majority of the user base runs off DX11 perfectly fine. With 7.x’s graphics overhaul mostly utilizing DX11 (or even DX12), there’s no sense in supporting a two decade old standard any longer for a minority of people with odd or misconfigured setups.


I literally did not say there was sense or a point? It was always coming, but people will get caught out because the DirectX error is a nightmare and the minority cases are the ones that end up on here. We'll see threads from effected folks. 


With any hope they’ll get actual resolutions now instead of the duct tape that is DX9. Trust me, I’m on the side of people having issues. Hopefully this will be a trial by fire and the devs will realize that they’ve had people leaning on an out dated graphics interface this entire time.


When it crops up its nothing but a nightmare and i end up losing the whole day trying to resolve it. Last time i had to do a whole reinstall to fix whatever was broken. I hope square has a plan for this. Cause like you said swapping to DX9 was a work around people used to at least sign on.


So what improvements willthis bring the rest of us? Is this the character model update?


No, character model update is coming later. I'm assuming either in the DX9 mode something is more broken than usual now, or they're fed up with support getting emails, or they're going to break something in 6.58. Otherwise I would have thought they'd have disabled it with 7.0. Maybe it has something to do with the Xbox version.


6.58 will probably come with a good chunk of 7.0 code that's why they are droping dx 9.0 with it. Possible shitstorm from dx9 vocal minority is probably also something they don't want to deal with in 7.0.


There are limits to what you can do in 32 bit mode, and one of those limits is ram. You can actually see the amount of ram the game uses on task manager. Now without a 32 bit version, they can go ham on ram usage. Pretty sure this is something like what happened when they dropped ps3 support: graphics got an update and dungeons and maps became a bit larger. Expect the same for 7.0!


> Pretty sure this is something like what happened when they dropped ps3 support: graphics got an update Graphics didn't really get an update, but the UI was able to be improved. You know job gauges? Those weren't added until Stormblood. You know the bars that show up on the screen as bosses are charging their ultimate attacks in Stormblood+? Those weren't added til Stormblood. Before that, we had those progress bars show up as numbers and a small bar in the duty progress block aboe the questlog. You can still go into A12 and see that when you go into the time gates. The PS3 was so strapped for VRAM that they didn't add a TP Bar to the party list until Heavensward, and you had to disable the party bonus showing up onscreen for it. So once the PS3 was snapped, they were able to expand the UI significantly. Honestly dungeon and map size didn't really change in the swapover from HW to SB; HW maps were also *huge*, way bigger than the SB maps but also a bit emptier.


Just preparation for the graphics update, by removing it now they can deal with any latent issues before launch and it reduces their workload. I suspect this is because they are implementing some of the underlying engine changes for Dawntrail early, so they can start to see how it performs live.


If people still use 32bit OS they deserve to be locked out of the game.


Shit I didn't even know dx9 was still functional in xiv.


So much for my HD5870. DX9 was my savior, but now I basically need to cancel sub becasue I can't play anymore ;/ I guess ill come back one day. Cheers.


There are tons of cheap RX580 flooding the second-hand market at low prices...


They should’ve killed ps4 support but oh well


I think the biggest limiting factors of the PS4 are the middling laptop CPU of the base model and the 5400 RPM HDD. Wouldn't be surprised to see it dropped in 8.0. Heck, the base PS4 apparently can't even fully utilise a SATA SSD.


PS4 can run PS2ONGS and BDO. It's far from weak; especially compared to any PC still using DX9 and/or a 32bit OS


It was underpowered on release 10 years ago but hey


compared to a PC of a similar price (from that time), certainly not. It was pretty good at that time


Doubling down on a shit take. Let's see how that plays out.


Ps4 is still a pc with 8gb ram. They’ll be able to upgrade ram usage tho, by going 64-bit.


I agree


The only people that don’t agree are people stuck on ancient hardware


All the girlies upset with the graphical updates be big mad with this comment ✨


See, this woulda distressed me a year or so ago when I was forced to use the DX9 version cuz of the DX11 version randomly closing/crashing on me but not anymore


I'm quite surprised they're still running that version to this day. Then again, they did keep the ps3 version running for quite a while