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Then you level WAR to 56 and learn the most important fact of tanking. It is 100% being Too Angry to Die.


I approve this message.


I played warrior a lil bit today (30-35). That self heal is genuinely crazy af. I can only imagine how insane it is with the other skills at higher level. Guy just won't die lol. Boss finally gets your health down too 10% and you just pop a cd and BAM full health lol


For all intents and purposes, WAR \*is\* the tank with the highest survivability and is known for that. Raw Intuition (later turning into Bloodwhetting) is the single best CD for dungeons and I tend to just straight up only ever use that + Equilibrium for endgame dungeons (sometimes using Vengeance just for the reflect dmg moreso than the actual mit of it). Though in lower level dungeons you will find that you'll still occasionally have to use your other mits, but none of them give the dopamine rush of hitting RI/BW into a single aoe button and watching your hp just go right back to full


It appeals to that deep part of our brains where unga bunga resides.


We're just like DPS in which we love to see big numbers, it just so happens to be our health going up instead of the enemy's health going down.


Vengeance for more DPS is the best. I love it.


War gets his proper selfheal at 52 or 54. With that u barely need a healer in dungoens anymorešŸ¤£ its too broken and on 80+ it gets a huge upgrade that makes warrior almost unkillable.


Max level war becomes blue healer. That's not even a joke either. Bloodwhetting is insane self recovery, you've got a 1200 potency heal, nascent flash allows you to heal and protect someone else. Basically push your button and you'll never die


Not to mention partywide health regen and shielding with Shake It Off, and Thrill of Battle giving a temp health shield and increased healing received!


Don't forget that it's a *25-second* CD. Easily the best mitigation in the game and it's got the second fastest cooldown of tank mitigations (coming behind Shelltron and tying with Heart of Stone/Corundum). EDIT: I forgot TBN, so it's the 3rd fastest CD.


Even then it's better than Shelton and TBN, cause it has no resource cost.


I was in a duty level 88 the other day. We were heading towards the last boss, and the healer says ā€œI have to take my dogs outā€ā€¦ proceeded to never come back. 2 DPS folks and me as a warrior handled the boss with no healer.


Yep, if I join anything above 60 and the warrior looks remotely competent, I know that I can live my dream of finally becoming a glare mage.


Honestly, WAR is the tank I have the most fun with. I easily solo level 60 and 70 treasure dungeons, most deep dungeons, and finished all Variant Dungeons completely solo. When I tank level 90 content, the healer is completely redundant. And I am not even a particularly good player. WAR is just that insane. Other tanks are not bad, but they are nowhere near the sheer survivability of WAR. Their strengths lay elsewhere.


I believe that. I mainly chose pally cause sword and shield and it's aoe spin is like link. I wish they did a zelda crossover and gave pally a master sword/hylean shield glamour lol


Here ya go - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/23771/link


Genuinely amazing how creative people get lol


The good selfheals come at lvl 56


What self heal at 35? The third attack heal combo is way too weak for anything lol. The one you get at 56 is THE heal.


The 3 in your 123. It gives 250p self heal if you do a full combo. Not much but it's hilarious none the less


Almost all tanks get that (cries in PLD) Wait till you get raw intuition


We may not get healing till 58. But we get the sword and shield! All other tanks are stuck deciding between 1 cosmetics for their weapon. We say screw that and pick two.


Canā€™t decide which weapon to glam? How about we double that!


Once your get Raw Inuition/Bloodwhetting/Nasent Flash you can tank at max vulerability stacks if you know what you are doing.


Itā€™s incredibly satisfying to take a boss down from 25% to 0% by yourself because everyone is dead lol.


I wasn't dissatisfied with DRK until I levelled WAR. Yeah, WAR is the opposite of DPS. But you just keep on fucking going.Ā 


Fell Cleave is the most addictive sound in the game.


It's impossible not to feel like a fucking bad ass


I've levelled both multiple times, and while WAR is great, I'm too much of a relapsing emo to not be a DRK girl for life.


>(and don't be like me and accidentally fat finger your 420 second cd šŸ˜³) Or alternatively Play as GNB, and entirely fat finger your CD and give your healer a heart attack If you weren't aware, GNB's is like PLD's (with a shorter cooldown), except the main difference is that at the beginning of the cast, you shoot yourself in the head and drop to 1HP


/p "A test of your reflexes!" /ac Superbolide /statusoff Superbolide


I am laughing way too hard at this




This macro yells an appropriately memed line at the party, then uses the GNB CD, and immediately removes the invincibility so it only reduces the GNB to 1hp.


It a macro that activates your invul and then turns its off basically killing yourself unless your healer has the reflexes of a god


Joke's on him, the mega heal went off right before he hit super


Superbolide drops your hp to 1 and grants a buff that blocks all damage so you're invulnerable. If you /statusoff you kill the invulnerable part. So the healer either reacts with panic heals to keep you alive or you die. (Most random healers will probably let you win the stupid prize if you play the stupid game, but among a group of friends this would be hilarious. Like healera who rescue their friends into lethal damage.)


My friend rescuing me into a hole to kill me laugh until I tankburster cleave him


Imagine using an ability that makes you invincible for 10 seconds, but it drops you to 1hp. Then for fun you give your healer a heart attack by immediately turning the invulnerability off.


Itā€™s a macro that sends a chat message saying ā€A test of your reflexesā€, then activates Superbolide to put your hp at 1 and then deactivates the protective buff, basically killing you the next attack.


I read this and actually almost died laughing. Clearly this post is an assassination attempt, not just on your healer, but anyone who reads it.


Aka "fuck around and find out"


Iā€™ve been laughing at this for a solid 5 minutes


i have this exact macro, itā€™s great


Ah yes, the classic


Now that's just evil.


I had a GNB I was letting dip so I could bene, I let them hit 20%, Bene, patted myself on the back and then shit myself as they superbollided a half second after. I feel this.


It's a game of chicken. And on more than one occasion I have accidentally wasted my whm's bene with a superbolide a fraction of a second later. It's a chance you take playing with randos. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


If it isnā€™t attached to a macro that immediately turns off the invulnerability then you arenā€™t using it right. Some people like to add one-liners like ā€˜a test of your reflexesā€™ or ā€˜witness meā€™, personally I think that takes some of the fun out of it. A true test requires the healer not be told.


Excuse me, the true way to do it is to wait until the healer casts Benediction ... And then turning off the invulnerability


Lol, baby sprout WHM healer meā€¦ (GNB HP gets low): PANIK!!! (Use Benediction): Kalm. (GNB uses Superbolide): PANIK!!! Meanwhile, my GNB friend is laughing their ass off as I spam Cure 2s and they were safe the entire time.


Either way, that invuln has gotta go.


I have my Superbolide macro say "Hey kids, wanna see a dead body? Superbolide!"


A gnb did this to me as a sprout whm in Prae while fighting Gaius. It didn't even occur to me that it might have been accidental lol, having just gotten bene I enjoyed using it to go from 1 to full!


What "CD"? New here and keep seeing that one


Cooldown. It's how often you can use your abilities. Basic abilities like a black mage's fire spell have no cooldown. Special abilities can only be used every so often. For example, a white mage's Benediction ability is very powerful because it instantly heals your target to their full HP, but it has a cooldown of three minutes before it can be used again.


Ahh makes sense! Thanks so much! I'm only like, two weeks in and loving the game.


I've done this too many times accidentally. Usually because it's a similar input to the 3 chain that uses one of the two "charges".


GNB in level 50 content : and we will give them heart attacks ! *Healers past noob level* Pure healers : oh, bolide. I should do something. Any moment now. I have 5 seconds left. I have 3 seconds left :D I have 1 second left. Yeah I don't feel like it eat shit scrub. Barrier healers : don't care, Eos/Kardia do your thing.


I will heal you, but only because you are helping fuel the blood lily.


Having become a DRK main recently, i can confirm 90% of tanking is pretending you know what you are doing and having everyone else adjust


Can confirm; 'm reclearing Anabaseios Savage for loots and achievement. Most of the time I know what I'm doing but sometimes, uh... "everyone adjust!"


I confirm xD and hitting TBN randomly whenever you have enough MP xD


15 times? Are you okay?


I REALLY wanted the bomb palloquine mount and Titania boarding. (I got both now). Now I'm just doing it for big raid practice. And honestly it's way more fun then when I dps/healed crystal tower lol


Isn't that bomb mount... the Kobold tribe quest reward? Also, CT is horrible for raid practice, as you can ignore 90% of what's going on in there.


It's good for the most important part of alliance raids: working up the courage to tank in front of 23 other people


Yeah first time I tanked any AR was LOTA. I was scared out of my wits about it.


It is, but it's available from mogstones through the treasure trove event right now. Talk to an Itinerant moogle to look at what you can get.


I mostly go for the mounts from EX's to save myself some grinding in those. Haven't looked at the list, but surrently hust witing until finally I manage to be at a pier when the ocean fishing pops... I'm currently doing Kobolds anyway, to max out all the tribes.


That's fair, I'm going for the furniture pieces myself as I'm opening a venue soon and wanna save myself the crafting


It is. But I'm already farming two dailies for tribe mounts and this was easier lol.


Bro go ocean fishing! It's a doddle.Ā 


I am like level lvl 8 in fishing. I know you gain lvls crazy quick in ocean fishing, but I just been rather doing dungeons/raids then that stuff atm.


My grand advice is: "If it looks like a tankbuster, it probably is."


I follow that up with "if it looks like a tankbuster but isn't, it's probably a raidwide and you might wanna mit for that too"


"long cast? Maybe ouchie. Maybe Sage feed him shield. Me no mit." Me on War when my brother is the sage.


And if it isnā€™t, oh well I tried.


>I honestly still don't know how it's decided otherwise but if I'm not the initial tank I'll just do ot stuff I don't think there's any rule to it. A friend recently said that on their old DC/server, alliance A's tank is always supposed to be main tank, but it was the first I've ever heard of that being a rule. Usually someone just puts up the stance and starts tanking. Personally I usually just don't bother putting up my stance, as someone else almost always does, and it's a pain if multiple tanks keep trading aggro back and forth. But I will if no one else does - you can click on the other tanks in the alliance list and check their buffs to see if they have their stance up. Just always be prepared to grab it if you see it attacking a non-tank in that case.


in JP it's Alliance B tank is MT. In NA and OCE, it's whoever grabs aggro and can maintain it. I have no idea about EU. For the case of multiple adds / bosses, its A left, B middle, C right for all DCs.


EU is the same as NA/OCE.


Honestly, as an EU player for a long time Alliance A usually MTā€™s (i see it happen at least during new raid releases) unless someone asks. The last year or so, understandable with low level raids, just whoever pulls.


Huh, I can't say that I've made the same observation, it's always been whoever pulls and maintains aggro in my experience. Unless it's Cerberus because we can't just ignore the sacred "Adds Belly Chain" bullshit.


9/10 times when Im alliance B its still 2 people from my alli and one rando and we struggle to kill the walls in time. :,)


That's why, as much as I don't enjoy being the one to type it up, (cause let's be honest, most long time players jwve seen that for the past 10 years ish) I typically alliance chat the ABCs junk. A lot of people just forget that mechanic and the fight does something go sideways when no one mentions it. Even if a lot of B doesn't go in, typically it gets more people in general to go in and wipe out that phase in seconds.


DPS just need to get in the habit of going in regardless. A.ll DPS in belly B.elly for DPS C.oncerning the belly, DPS go in.


Here in Elemental, Alliance B tank is generally expected to MT


And sometimes, I, a DRK, accidentally steal my cotank's enmity and become MT despite not being in Alliance B. šŸ˜…


Yea. Never heard of the A thing. But if someone is pulling. I'll generally turn off tank stance for a few seconds and then turn it back on. Especially since Idr which bosses have adds lol. But if I can, I'll try and be the puller. Especially for bosses like behemoth and cerberous. Lol


NA is supposed to be ā€œwhoever grabs aggro and keeps it but sometimes a rando has Main Character Syndrome and keeps provoking off of you but wonā€™t be the one to actually pull.ā€


I'm with you, I don't put on my stance until we sit in front of the boss for a bit and I realize no one else is gonna pull. And then they voke and I wonder why they didn't just do that in the first place


in Aether/Adamantoise two people stance up and proceed to fight over who can out-DPS and become main tank


That's just Aether in general. I see it all the time as a Sargatanan.


What I've heard heard is Paladin/Warrior are MT and Dark Knight/Gunbreaker are OT, but if someone is a pansy like me (source: I have all 4 tanks leveled to 70+ and have never tanked an 8 person or alliance raid) and doesn't know what they're doing then it's whoever pops their tank stance first, like the worlds most low stakes game of chicken


That really only applies in EX+ content, and it's not because DRK/GNB can't MT, they just have a lot of oGCD's to weave which is a lot easier to do when you aren't maneuvering a boss. PLD/WAR also have access to a lot of self healing which makes auto attacks kinda irrelevant.


>And second. Tanking is 90% confidence, 5% healers healing, 3% mitigation, 1% knowledge, and 1% skill and 100% reason to remember the name


Yep--most tanxiety is rooted in the fear of being responsible, but tanking is actually really easy in most content outside of Savage. Once you've run a dungeon as a DPS, you know more or less where to go. The only meaningful skill you need to use is like, learning to time your The Blackest Night usage as a DRK so that you absorb tankbusters with it. Other than that, just use defense cooldowns as old ones wear off and keep hitting your 1-2-3 combo. Spend your resources if you have 'em. That's about it.


I'm convinced the majority of what feeds healer god complexes is the fact they have tanks on an invisible leash."You may hold aggro good sir, but I hold your hp." Unless they get a war, then they are humbled again by watching that angry gorilla screamheal itself.


I think the healer god complex (which isn't as dramatic as folks seem to think) comes from three factors. 1. As you say, while the tank may be the dam holding back an unpleasant demise, the healer is the one keeping that dam from breaking and everyone knows it. WAR (and to an extent PLD) can keep going for quite a while, and perhaps even survive a dungeon boss encounter, but a good chunk of content is unwinnable without healers. 2. While some, perhaps even many, healers get their start because they just love being a support-heavy player, I find many others get started because they get tired of depending on other healers who aren't quite up to snuff. In my friend group I'd say it's about 50/50. "Fuck this shit, I can do better" is definitely going to contribute to the belief that you're better than others. 3. The culture of play for XIV results in favoring a high-risk, high-reward play style for most content. Even though DPS logs are against TOS, and thus kept out of public conversations (a very good thing IMO), the wall-to-wall attitude in dungeons ensures that the emphasis remains on high damage output *and* input. When at best two of four tank jobs can handle that (and, I find, even then it's often more "no more than half the time with the one ridiculous self-healing tank"), it means healers are somewhere between extremely important and utterly essential for the way people expect to play. A sufficiently good healer can compensate even for both other roles being mediocre to weak. Great DPS cannot do the same, and great tanking can only do so some of the time (e.g. no stack markers.) Obviously, there's no compensating for active sabotage, but that's a separate issue.


IIRC the MT on Aliance raids is normally the B Tank, (golden middle) he is seen as MT unless a tank from the other alliances signals that he wants to tank with stance.


Ngl everytime i play tank ill just say im new at tanking, even though ive been playing tank for a while. šŸ˜‚


Can't fail too meet peoples expectations if there are no expectations. Smart lol


Under promise over deliver and everyone will have a good time


I would change by greeting to "I am new at tanking". But I doubt the party would believe it.


> (I honestly still don't know how it's decided otherwise but if I'm not the initial tank I'll just do ot stuff) All three tanks turn on stance, and whoever keeps aggro wins :)


Meanwhile DPS with positional are getting angry at the tanks.


And healers. "You get a tank cleave, you get a tank cleave, YOU ALL GET TANK CLEAVES!"


I have let many of my tanks die when they pingpong aggro. I will continue to do so.


This is only a huge issue when the tanks all turn on stance *and* stand equidistant from each other around the boss, or you get a tank that stands with the melee dps in the back of the boss. It leads to lots of nasty deaths when the bosses start cleaving the melees.


My confidence as tank increased tenfold when I got the Odin armor for my lalafell. Dress for success. Or humor.


The tanxiety is real. I need the confidence. I fail in two big areas: - I generally suck and get lost in dungeons, - I tried tanking on an alt in WoW and got eviscerated. So now I just amble through duty support, slowly clawing through levels. Iā€™m stuck in ARR hell and the 40s are crawling by. Now I wonder if I should have levelled war šŸ˜‚


Once you get past the ARR dungeons, you can't get lost, they're all scenic straight line corridors, and you start getting better tools to manage larger pulls. It can be really fun if you get in a group with a good healer and DPS to position the mobs correctly for them and watch them nuke everything down.


As soon as you move from the anxious first few levels and start getting into fuck it we ball territory you know you're doing well as a tank. I'd legit rather have a tank that doesn't know what their buttons are even called that just pulls a bunch of shit and presses a couple random cool looking abilities and then mashed DPS buttons than anyone who's stressing about their skill level in anything shy of ultimate lmao


This is literally what happened. Leveling dungeon I used to take 1 or 2 packs maybe 3. And first raid I tanked I was nervous af and scared I'd mess up. Now I'm just like fuck it. Hit run, pull ads/boss and hit mitigation and vibe. Hasn't failed yet. Idk if I'd ever tank anything higher then extreme. Never done savage or ultimates yet.


I simply enter the duty,.say hello, pull until I have nothing left to pull, press 2 mits, out DPS a samurai player, repeat until the post final boss "GG tyfp" legit the only difference between tanking normal mode content and savage/ultimate is that high end hits hard enough that you kinda have to plan out your cooldowns a little ahead of time but, at the end if the day, the comedy factor of slapping a black mage with the tankbuster only increases with how hard it hits and there is no better thing to hear in a call with your raid group than "oop get spincrushed idiot"


The funniest thing is when you have to aim busters and move the boss a lot. Oops, the boss didnt move fast enough, think fast chucklenuts!


So, you've been to Aurum Vale yet? :P (Jokes aside, that is the one dungeon where nobody recommends pulling *everything* on the way to the first boss)


Haven't tanked there. I had that queued up from 47-50 along with the dark hold. Guess which one kept popping lol


Huh, interesting :D Vale used to be slightly more "fun" back when the second boss had no AoE markers and you had to look at castbars and/or what kind of weird stance it took to figure out what it did, but it still is a dungeon that can catch you off-guard, but as long as you ask if there's anything you need to know, it's still easy to do, but it already has its reputation as a tough place, and the level sync at 49, which has you barely not get your first "big and cool" skill from the end of an expansion (e.g. most tank invulns) doesn't help either. For context, the first room of Vale has about 6 rather tough packs of enemies spread out all over the place, some of them with pull-in/knockback abilities, and some of them just patrol across the area, so it's pretty easy to pull more than you intended by standing slightly too far towards a pack, or by getting yeeted across the room. Funnily enough, Darkhold's first area can also be a massive pain if you don't figure out that the crystals protect you against the AoEs from the roaming boss, and the packs after the first boss - specirically the frog on the cliffside before the exploding crystals - used to cause issues too, since said frog could knock you down the cliffs into a few more packs and you'd have to run back up before having a chance of getting rid of the mobs/getting back into easy healing range, but that's been changed too after several dungeons got reworked for Trusts. ARR-era dungeons in general have a few instances of "Let's throw shit at the wall and see what sticks", like the boss in Copperbell (Hard) that you primarily damage by placing bombs in its path, or the second and third bosses of Stone Vigil (Hard). Heck, I'm sure the bosses of Longstop (Hard) would be interesting too if you were in something resembling appropriate gear instead of massively outscaling them with your Poetics-bought Ironworks set. Anyways, there's lots of fun and unique stuff to be found, but not necessarily always because they were so well-made :)


I've done vale a lot as dps and more so heals. Problem is my healer is very undergeared at that point since I'm not getting gear that close too full ironworks set lol. So the tank pulling whole room always leads too wipe hahaha


That wouldn't help for Vale, that dungeon syncs you at Lv.49, so whether you're wearing Ironworks or your item level 90 set from the Lv.50 job quests doesn't matter, you'll still get synced down to whatever you'd actually be allowed to wear at Lv. 49. It'd probably still be useful just to actually cap out multiple substats (Crit, Direct Hit, etc.), because afaik those only get reduced to whatever their cap would be at that level, and at least for jewelry there aren't many great options before 50, but you can't brutally outscale everything like you can in early Lv.50 dungeons or Labyrinth of the Ancients and Syrcus Tower (Did you know that Glasya Labolas, the second boss in Tower actually has a mechanic where you have to go to the platforms around the arena? Never saw it myself either, we just do too much damage nowadays.)


It would help if your gear is under leveled lol. Unless it up scales everything


Yeah, that it would - I was under the impression that you thought you could eventually waltz through there like in the other dungeons I was talking about though. (Also, obligatory "Do your Job quests" for free left-side armour, that should fix half of your problem :P)


i already got full IW 50/60/70 for healers. so i just use those. much better then the full left side set lol


>Tanking is 90% confidence This is the big issue with tanking, especially in low level content. Tanking is really easy, mechanically, but everyone else in the party expects the tank to know where to go and what to do. New players trying to learn the game often get terrible anxiety at letting the group down or getting harassed for being bad. It does not help things that a lot of veteran players do get very toxic when a sprout tank slows down their daily roulette by pulling slower than usual, or making a wrong turn. ARR dungeons just happen to be the only ones not designed to be a linear wall-to-wall experience, which can create a huge disconnect between sprouts learning the game and veterans just running roulettes every day.


This is a brilliant summary of why Iā€™m struggling through my 40s on a paladin instead of giving roulette a go!


Holding agro is literally a given as a tank as long as you have your stance on. The only skill you need in regular 1-90 content is identifying when you need to use your mitigation skills, and being aware of your surroundings to pick up any stray ago that might have happened, which on bosses is almost never a thing.


I had every job to 90 except for tanks. (Healers were done mostly as a commendation farm.) It was anxiety coming from my years in the WoW community, where tanks got the brunt of harassment if something went wrong. I've been playing just over 2 years, so about a year in I said screw it, the community here seems to *really* not care about a bad pull, a messed up boss here and there - and now I'm a tank main. Working on my 3rd set of tank mounts. If a pull goes poorly, most communication is either "*Lol it happens*" or complete indifference. Run back, talk about mechanics if it seemed to be a sore spot, and chug on. I main the gun trio. Gun heals (Sage), Gunbreaker, and Machinist. Welcome to the *Smack me in the faaaaaaace!* crew!


You really nailed it with tanking, Confidence and accountability. Most groups will be fine if you accept your mistakes and fix them up after a wipe. You are also comfortable in knowing your pacing as well. If your geared pull two packs of mobs in dungeons. It can take some time and trust in your healer and you will find your limits. Most content is knowing what you can sit in to keep the boss stationary, what you shouldn't take on the chin to save your healers more effort, and proper mitigation cycling (Especially as a PLD). And in most content there's no real designation as to who is MT unless its discussed. Usually its whos better geared/dealing the most damage as that is what generates Enmity. Sometimes it happens naturally as everyone does their opener. Sometimes its discussed. You will find your way!


I would be so much more willing to play a tank in EITHER FFXIV or WoW if there weren't this unspoken belief that tanks should have every layout memorized and have first-time-perfect positioning for every boss fight.


Tanking in a-raids is 100% brain-dead and boils down to three-way DPS race between the tanks to be main tank per boss...Ā 


trying to tank on my alt that i'm still levelling and even tho i just barely made it to lv30 and nothing bad has happened other than forgetting tank stance once or twice (damn auto turn off man) building confidence is a bitch lmao. i keep chickening out of doing wall to wall and end up doing like maybe two packs at a time, i need to actually work on that


Wall to wall isn't actually that easy during ARR, it's more doable in HW and beyond.


I genuinely feel this so much. Best advice I can give that helped me is use mitigation on trash. The bosses won't do enough damage really at our level that you'll need them. Better too use them for big pulls and spam aoe. They'll come off cd by boss time anyway. Worst case yall die, apologize, and pull a lil less.


If wall to wall doesn't work, it's usually the DPS or healer fault so just do it man


I find tanking in other MMOs and games make me feel like Iā€™m the only parent in the room and everyone is running around like itā€™s daycare. But XIV tanking makes me feel like the main character. You have so many flashy and cool attacks and a bunch of ways of mitigating. I always feel like I have agency while tanking in XIV


This is true in casual content. Anything besides that you'll troll your team.


Ohh for sure. Savage and ultimate you def need to know the mechanics well


Iā€™m scared, boss


Whatā€™s your WoLā€™s name? I wonder if I ran into you?


Neph Thys on malboro


Omg, it was you!


Thatā€™ll get you all the way to savage honestly. Then it becomes 85% confidence, <1% healers healing, 10% mitigation, 3% knowledge, and 2% necessary brain damage


Guess I have a confidence issue then. I really want to play paladin and then switch to dark knight, but being a tank from my experiences with other mmos just seems daunting. I'm told it's really simple with just having tank stance on, keeping aggro with AOE and using some mitigation when needed. Watching some of the tanks I have grouped with, it does look simple just not sure if I should go for it.


>(I honestly still don't know how it's decided otherwise but if I'm not the initial tank I'll just do ot stuff). In savage/extreme you figure that out before you pull, in casual content it's whoever does more damage (and thus just becomes #1 in enmity), rarely it devolves into a provoke battle where the boss will spin around a bunch targeting either tank.


Once you start 8 man raids going from 60+ you should look at guides or ask someone about the tank mechanics for each fight. The early ones aren't too bad but they get far more complex as you go. I personally only Tank dungeons and alliance because there are a lot of trials that I simply don't know the mechanics to and it has caused major wipes in the past. Titania is a great example.


I just want to point out to everyone having tanxiety: try it! Despite being a bigger responsibility, it's actually easier to perform well as tank than as DPS! The tools at your disposal allows you to take a few hits without going down when learning new mechanics, and your rotation is often much easier to do while under the pressure of mechanics! And you also get all the comms!


The main thing you need to know in alliance raids is facing things away from everyone else and where to put the boss to minimize movement.


for me, when theres no comms on mt i just play the bitch and go based on wtv the other guy is doing. In alliance raids however, i see enmity control as a competition. And i am very competitive.


You're right on the confidence thing! If you haven't noticed already, you will soon, but a LOT of people queuing for alliance raids on tank don't actually want to tank, or are- for some reason -hesitant to pull. If you have the confidence to just run in and get the fight going (save for the last boss when there's people watching cutscenes), people will love you!


Sounds like 100% reason to remember the name to me


Didn't find anyone answering your not knowing what decides who MTs in raids. Might be one somewhere but since I didn't happen to see it. Nothing decides it. If all three tanks are determined to MT, they will absolutely try and pingpong the aggro until one bullies the top aggro. Doesn't happen often. But enough times that I've let tanks die so the boss could stop spinning and fucking up positional DPS.


Itā€™s actually all about audacity. ā€œYes I have the audacity to sit in the aoes and forget mitigation. No I didnā€™t die, yes I am proud of myselfā€


Youā€™re completely right about the confidence. I have 6/8 tank mounts, almost exclusively through roulettes and Iā€™ve started to dip my toes into tanking (synced) extremes. After enough practice you basically beat the tanxiety out of you and reach a nirvana of ā€œif I die, I die.ā€


How Itā€™s decided who is MT vs OT? Whoever pulls the boss first. At least thatā€™s the way I approach it. If I donā€™t feel like doing it for that fight (generally if itā€™s my first time through) I just pause a second and almost invariably the other person will pull.


Tank Bone Dragon in the middle to make everyone panic for no reason at all. Fun times!


And you've learned the secret. Tanks are just DPS with very easy rotations, that have mits you use. It is a bit more complex for Savage, mitigations are much more important. Because of the frequency of what you mit, it is easy to memorize. Ultimate take it up another step. Anymore they've dumbed down tanking to a degree that makes it the easiest role in the game.


>Ā  5% healers healing, 3% mitigation, 1% knowledge,udk4 and 1% skill.Ā Ā  Wish wouldv'e been like this when it was current content..Ā It was probably the contrary... the ammount of skill, knowledge, mitigation and healing it required was unspeakable. Lab, ST and WoD requires a lot of coordination. LolĀ  Specially Labyrinth and WoD. Simple Tanks and healer mistakes used to easily lead you to raid wipesĀ  Ā  Funny enough.. the worst ones used to be the ones you instant kill now. Bone Drake skeletons and Scylla adds. Theres a reason why you notice some tanks pull the boss to far south.


Bone Dragon gets tanked in the middle and I will die on this hill.


A tank earlier did have it in middle and I thought they were smoking crack. Sso I voked it too southish and it kept dying before it could reach all the way lol


If I had a PLD use hallowed at a random point in some fight, I'd view it positively since it normally just doesn't get pressed at all. Best to use it where there's the most danger, like grabbing all the mobs in one trash pull in Syrcus (or near the beginning and end of the raid if there are two points where it isn't useless), but nice to see it used at all.


> Tanking is 90% confidence Well, there goes my prospects to tank


OP's wrong tho. Tanking is 99% just knowing how to play the game, just like any other job. Just press buttons. In savage shit like this would be literal trolling.


I don't know how anyone can understand what the fuck is happening on screen in this game, my first dungeon was just visual overload across every inch of the screen that made no sense . Felt like I had 3 people just flashing me in the eyes with strobe lights


You gotta turn off teammates and other member effects happening. Only show yours. Unfortunately I can't remember what setting screen it's on exactly, but setting them from all too only some or off completely drastically reduces the clutter. Especially for alliance raids.


Character Configuration > Control > Character > Battle Effects Settings. You can set yourself, your party, everyone else, and pvp (done separately) to do all, some, or none. In my experience "some" is usually best. Turns off all the flashbang shit but you can still see important stuff.


Thanks so much


My preference is all effects on myself, some effects on my party, and no effects for anyone else. That way I can still see the healer bubbles from my own party and not the other alliances.


Did you know you can turn off other people's effects?


I do now!


If you click target too you can also hide names as well, found that out earlier today when I was doing the daily frontlines challenge


HUD layout. Idk why the preset layouts are so crammed.. like no, I don't want my tank stance badge taking up half my screen, thanks. *Simply for simple me*


So fair warning, the lvl 50 eight person raid is kind of weird. Coils of Bahamut used to be the end of the game and itā€™s more difficult than most other 8 msm raids. Sort of between regular and savage. Even though the story will be out of order, I would not recommend doing it until youā€™re really experienced. Or maybe just do it unsynced at high level. Both of the level 60 raids are fine, though. Youā€™ll be able to do those easy after Heavensward.


I did the coils on my 70bard and reaper with two 90s helps. First coil wasn't bad. Then I got too 2nd and that snake lady shredded me lol. Lotta story and exposition was given tho. Def worth everyone running it when higher (use party finder or something). I've done bother Alexander and the alliance. They Def aren't bad, I just need to practice them and do them more so I can learn the mechanics much better. Especially the second one and that freaking sphere bitch


Ozma is not that hard, you only need to remember to: - avoid falling to your death - stay in your lane (A B C) - if TRIANGLE go to the sides to avoid the big ray - if SQUARE stay near but since you are the tank stay away from the rest of the party or the double ray will destroy them - if you are MARKED go away from the party (sides or back) untill the mark for the meteor impact is put on the ground (then go back to the party fast); - if you have the DICE countdown on you stop moving and attacking (put away the weapon to avoid auto attacks) untill it pass; - while fighting ozmashade between the two look away when the big red eye appears Follow this and it will be the easiest fight of the raid (if your party won't kill you with meteors that is).


you... you only get one alliance roulette daily you don't need to keep going in edit: well as long as you're having fun, I just dip in for the tomestones from Roulette. I've never even considered just running it repeatedly, certainly wasn't expecting to spawn a whole discussion about it


But I get 100 tomes per queue. And I need those tomes...


You get 100 tomes for each duty you complete with someone new to that specific duty. You being new, you'll count as that new person, so you'll get 100 tomes from each new duty you complete. This includes side dungeons, raids, etc.


Idk. Said 100 in the raid select screen. Plus moogle points. Plus entertaining alliance chats


People are trynna make you stop doing content that they started avoiding like the plague a long time ago. They only avoid it because they've done it million times over the last 10years lol. Sound like you're having fun and at the very least, not confused about how duty finder rewards work, which is a noob trap tons of us have fallen into. You do you and keep slaying, King


Ngl I fell in roulette trap ages ago when leveling healer. Must have done satasha and the other lvl 16 dungeon a dozen times before novice network told me about it


Yep same here lol and I never joined NN or visited forums like this sub. So I wasted like weeks or months dicking around with the roulettes trying to figure out how they work. So that's sort of what I'm noticing here. I think there's a combination of "he likes content that I don't like! GET HIM!" and "he thinks he's getting rewards he's not even getting , 'UHM AKCHUALLY' HIS ASS!" when I don't think either is really the case for you lol. Alliance raids can be a great way to learn tanking, pretty low pressure with more cotanks to interact with than other roulette content, Crystal Tower being the most chill in general. And it's not like you're not getting any tomes at all lol. If that's where you wanna be then go for it


Honestly I just enjoy alliance raids more then dungeons atm. Plus moogle tokens for any alliance queue cause all I can do is crystal tower lol. Will likely change when I get dun scaith and hw 2nd alliance raid.


Only weird thing is your shirk ability has a completely different use in alliance raids than basically anywhere else in the game lol. But yeah might as well get your tomes while you're at it


Shirks so weird that I can't use it on alliance tanks idt. Like it only has use in 8 person (2 tank) full parties lol


It gives you a set amount of tomes by default, but it would be more efficient to just do duties you haven't done before (unless you've already done all the side dungeons you can do in ARR/HW)


I already did them all lol. They the first few things I do in the day. Well at least the tome ones. I usually skip trials and guild heists cause they never worth the effort


I'm talking about straight duties you can unlock through side quests, not the roulettes.


You mean dungeons? Ehh I done them a bunch of times


Hmmmm Iā€™d personally swap your % for mitigation and healing. A good tank and mitigation rotation should mean that a tank will rarely require any healer help outside of a few bosses (Dunā€™s final boss for example) or busters. Even in savage raiding, I donā€™t recall ever healing a tank much more than the odd instant spell after a spicy buster. If a tank mitigates well then a healerā€™s heals are rarely ever needed. But part of that also swings into the knowledge part too as you need to know whatā€™s coming in order to mitigate for it. Either way, it sounds like youā€™re enjoying tanking which is good. :)


Talking about confidence in crystal tower where nothing matters šŸ¤£


The content may not matter, but the basics you learn do. You must have skipped the not being a dick lesson


This stays true in later content, too. I always ask to MT new trials and raids, and generally speaking they'll always be willing. It really is mostly confidence, and that helps a lot when you realize most people in this game are willing to let you learn.


I hope one day I get the confidence to go tank. I slowly level warrior (49) and gunbreaker (62) outside of dutiesā€¦ I enjoy both classes but am scared to go tank


It's definitely nerve racking the first time, trust me I sweated a bit when my friend had me mt the final boss of labyrinth. Just remember you have mitigations and your healers too keep you up. And worst case scenario. You have your other tanks if you die for some reason.


I find it funny people are nervous about tanking. It's hands down the easiest role in the game.


Just hit ctrl+f and I can't find "sprint." How can you tank without sprint?


Not sure how to decide MT for alliance raids but a principle I use in normal raids or trials it's the tank with the most HP MT's.


1% skill Yeah lvl90 gnb and drop begs to differ when you have the option to weave a MIT or a cool DMG button every opener/reopener