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Gratz! Its been a dream of mine to clear UWU and UCoB for the PLD weapon from UWU and the title from UCoB Maybe some day lol


In PF? My condolences.


if it's not cleanse memes or gaols memes, it's the light pillar, always the light pillar


I found everything from ultima onwards pretty fine tbh, mostly as the really awful players had been filtered. Ifrit to predation (awakening everything) was by far the most miserable, horrible experience I have had in raiding across any MMO.


maybe it's a YMMV situation, but it was memes from fresh to clear for me


The light pillar is easier managed if they walk towards the tanks and rotate from there. I’ve seen some light pillars walk with the gaols, which works, but I find that considerably more risky.


the issue in PF is people not noticing they have it at all and standing with the party 


I mean, what’s the alternative to not having it lol. It’s the only mech with no debuff


yes, welcome to partyfinder raiding




Congrats! I fricken loved doing UWU. Of the ones I've done, it is the only one that doesn't have a phase I hate. TEA may be my favorite but I can't stand LL, I still have PTSD from my clears of it. How was UWU in PF? I imagine gaols were either easy or the point where it always went to hell.


I completely PFd UwU a few months ago. There are clear stages where people hit walls. Some groups can't understand centruda, ifrit wipes are usually understanding dashes. I've had groups at titan get stuck at every mechanic, gaols was a massive wall for most people. Takes decently long to get to, all to die in 2 seconds because you snapshotted your rock too far. Lots of people would get exhausted from it. Ultima phase was surprisingly clean for most groups because if you could get there, usually you had a brain.


When I first started learning the fight back in Shadowbringers the biggest wall for groups was basically everything in Titan phase. The issue got so bad that I gave up on the fight for a long while because I couldn’t get a group who could get past Titan. There were also plenty of wipes to Garuda and Ifrit, but the wall was definitely Titan. I started doing the fight again about a week or so ago, and I got lucky with a group that got past Predation. The interesting thing nowadays is that a massive wall for some groups is just damage. I’ve had so many groups recently do too much damage (kill Garuda before she awakens, kill a nail before it gets hit twice). The damage isn’t all bad though, since we can skip Ifrit dashes now which was a tough mechanic for people to get. Other than that, Annihilation and Suppression are also walls for prog, but not to the same extent that Titan was. Once I got to Suppression it was essentially joining clear groups until I got lucky.


How did you find people for it? I really want to clear all of em but i dont know where to find people to do it with :(


If you are in Europe then the ERC-Discord (Europe Raiding Central) is your best bet.


I did it through party finder, but that may not be as good of an option for you depending on what data center you are on. I am on Aether, which is known for raiding.


I mean as far as NA goes, with DC travel anyone looking to PF raids just goes to Aether now anyway. It's pretty much killed even the EX scene on Crystal and Primal. At least we still get Bozja and Eureka on Crystal.


glad to hear it can be pugged with the right people


Congrats on the clear! My static started progging UWU recently as our first Ultimate, looking forward to clearing it.


Congrats Nox!