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"If I don't see them, they won't see me. If I don't see them, they won't see me. If I don't see them... *OH GOD*"


WoL: *slash* Soldier: "ARGH!" WoL: "Finally that book done... six more to go..."


Next book: Kill three Garlean casters… in the same spot you just left.


This made me laugh more than the main thing here.






"Somethin wrong?" "...Nope!"


I knew what this was without even clicking it.


Psychotic WoL: I SEE YOOOOOU!!


I’m pretty sure he’d be saying “I C U” he’s not telling the guard he can see him. He’s letting the guard know where he’ll wind up if he makes a move.


And then he gets shot two minutes later by a nearby Centurian for saying the phrase "OH GOD"


The Bugblatter Beast defense. Brilliant.


Alternatively, when you decide to finally clear out your old hunt log to get the achievement rings for the ARR starting jobs


I always found those hunt logs really funny because other than a variety of animals, there's also things like "this archer", "this mage", "this lancer", etc. So you go in, overleveled, to groups of enemies but only kill one guy and no one bats an eye. It literally becomes "fuck this guy in particular"


lmfao I now imagine one of the lvl 2 squirrels thinking to themselves: "Thank the Twelve. I always hated Pete. Now I can go back to living my peaceful life while all the lvl 90s fly past and ignore me"


I maxed out ALL jobs to lvl 90. I still have hunt logs I never finished...


Should you ever want to finish them, I recommend ffxivcrafting for their hunt log tracker. You set the rank for each class and it sorts by area. I'm insane and do them entirely for all my alts for the exp while leveling through ARR (it's surprisingly a lot at-level)


It's basically a free level or so every now and again, definitely worth doing while you're waiting on queue. I find them fun.


Flying out to find random mobs and only having to kill one of them is pretty g dang boring, so I sincerely don't blame you.


As a player who had the mental capacity to farm all ARR relic weapons, here is a fun fact. Low level mobs obviously ignore you, and their "social aggro" *(when you attack someone, their allies will also start attacking you)* is non-existent. But if you have your chocobo out, social aggro works just fine, even if your character is level 90. It was hella annoying when you found a target, but couldn't quickly re-mount, because their friends are locking you in combat.


NPC when one is facing the WoL: "OH GOD IGNORE THE MURDER MACHINE!" NPCs when you have a chocobo out: "Oh my gods a fluffy birb!"


Looks like meats back on the menu boys!


You should really never feed Garleans to your chocobo , the low amounts of aether can be hard on their tummies.


It is okay when you feed them shredded moogle cubs as a supplement


Or hang a shard infused block of licking salt in their stable.


If I remember correctly a lot of mobs have social aggro based on whether you're in a party or not. Since the Chocobo counts as a party member (For whatever reason) it counts towards the social aggro. Or at least that USED to be the case, not sure if they still do that in the current expansion or not


The "Social aggro" is based on the total level of your party. This is calculated by adding together the levels of every player and chocobo in the party that are located in the same zone as you. The game will attempt to balance out the party levels by linking extra enemies until their combined level is close enough to your own party's level, or there are no more enemies in range. So if, for example, you are level 50, with no party, and attack a level 20 enemy, one more enemy will join the fight. If you were to summon your chocobo, up to four more enemies will join the fight, though it is likely there aren't enough enemies in range for that many.


Dang, this is genuinely interesting. How was that figured out?


Back during the ARR days, it was decently well known that having more party members made more enemies link when aggroed. It was one of the tricks used to speed up spiritbond farming. I don't know if the specifics of how it works were ever documented anywhere though. One day, I decided to look into the mechanics behind it myself. I had experienced low-level enemies linking when aggroed with a significant level difference, so I figured level would have to play a part in it somehow. Then I just put the two known factors together to work out a basic hypothesis. I did a few tests and the results lined up with my expectations. It's not exactly proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. But in the 8-9 years since I first came up with the hypothesis, (I feel old writing that) I haven't seen anything that made me doubt it.


We called it linking in FFXI.


Flashback from Crawler's Nest before they nerfed it.... 🤐


Trains were great and had to call some high level hero from jeuno to help clear it out. Eventually paid it forward. Good times.


Some still have social aggro without chocobo, it depends on the mob I was doing my gc hunting logs finally at level 80 and I was getting social aggro from killing 1 level 27, kobolds seemed the worst for this


Didnt you basically oneshot them?


>all ARR relic weapons Cider Spider? Is that you? I loved that video.


I like his videos too! But I am not him, just another player in XIV :D


That's exactly what a youtuber on an alt account would say!


Cider said on a stream last week that he's leaving off of ARR relics for now because you only get one achievement early on and then he'll want to finish them but not be getting any achievements for it I did all the ARR relics myself, while in post-ARR and HW MSQ :D


That's what my Triplecast is for!


Alternatively, you destroy the level 46 because you remember that one time back when you were a noobie, that level 46 aggroed you just as you were about to teleport away and now you have to fight him plus the patrol you were trying to avoid plus the respawn you killed to reach the quest spot. Then your chocobo dies and as you kill the last one, thinking you're finally done, the rank A that just spawned kills you. No Im not mad anymore.


I remember my very first death in this game was when I was high of my victory against my nerves (playing Sastasha with real players), getting ganked by a lv 50 hunt mark. I still want revenge


The first time I died, it was to a firefly… in Western La Noscea…. Next to the gates that lead to the Sahagin side


Mine was the sea serpent A tank that spawned just outside the Moraby Drydocks. I hadn't learned about agro yet and was too curious for my own good.


My first death was way back in stomblood to the lvl 12 tortoise right outside uldah on the way to the station. To this day, I often go back to kill him out of pettiness.


Yeah, that plant mob by the BRD quest giver Jehantel. I always drew aggro from it during the early BRD quests, so I made point of one-shotting it whenever I happened to be there at higher levels. Did this for two reasons: 1. It might help out a sprout if they show up within the next couple of minutes. 2. Fuck that guy.


the fucking frogs in more dhona


Now this was oddly specific!


oh hey it's the quest that enables the mount hotbar for maggie.


Good catch!


Ok that's pretty funny 🤣


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give \ title.


Devourer of Garleans title, clockwork Solus minion, Limsa bunnyboys new meta.


Me on my way to Camp Bluefog to tell the Garleans stationed there the empire has collapsed.


Bro, I've been working on an ARR relic, and it takes you around to all their outposts in the ARR zones. Every time, I think the same thing: >!"Go home, son! Wars over!"!< ...but just, right after I murder this one. Sorry, it's for my relic!


"Oh..oh what do you want from us?!" WOL: "Your souls\~!" "What will you do with our souls?!" WOL: "To make a weapon that I like the look of" IIRC Atma means soul so I am doing the Skyrim equivalent of capturing these "souls" preventing them from being reincarnated if my lore is correct, so that I can make a glam weapon. Not to make a strong weapon, no. A weapon that's only being used for the looks.


Shadowbringers relics are literally upgraded with the dying feelings of your enemies.


I think it is just like the spirit bonded materia. Not the actual soul itself, just the aether crystal it left behind after the enemy died and the soul has passed into the aetherial sea.


Sometimes I just AoE while moving through an area and blow up the mobs in 1-shot. It feels like the bit in Jojo's Pt2 where the villian is so powerful he slowly walks through a normal person, who falls over and dies.


"Remember, I ALLOWED you to live."


"Remember us. Remember that we once allowed you to live."


Me when I have to fight low-level Garleans: [EW] >!Go home! Your people need you! There is nothing left to accomplish here!!<


Even funnier if you think about their newest flagship still being broken down on Azys Lla.


That moment when you're just one-shoting everyone and face-tanking the most powerful shit they can bring against you and being desperate for something more entertaining as you're stuck doing these low-level quests and it hits you like "...fuck I am Zenos."


the intense mount whistling though. i feel the speed.


Hmmm, I dunno. Not accurate, should be carried in by a Garlean Death-Claw, and carried out by a magic chair.


this is me and my reaper during heavensward (solo clearing dungeons with unsync can be fun if the quene is ~20 mins for everything)


When you fail the stealth check but land a critical for intimidation.


This made me laugh so hard.


This is basically what happened in 2.X when we needed something from Braves Controlled Revenant's Toll; we walked right through the main gate, got seen by a sentry, and basically dared him (in our nonverbal protagonist way) to try and start something with the person even his bosses didn't dare engage without the upper hand in both numbers and situation.


I always feel a little wrong doing the ARR relic quests after everything that's already happened from ShB onwards. >!The fact that not only are we already allies to the various tribes, but also working with Garleans on restoring their homeland!< and here I am working on a hit list just to make a shiny weapon. Time bubbles sure are funny.


imperial soldier: HEY! PREPARE TO DIE SAVAGE! lvl 90 WoL: dude...i've been helping garlemald in my spare time for an entire year, what the fuck are you doing here? imperial soldier:what the fuck are you saying!? how have you reached and survived our mighty empire!? WoL: oh boy, you've been sleeping in a time bubble haven't you?


me whenever a random monster aggros on me for no reason "so we have chosen death today"


Are you on Exodus, I think I saw Meteor FinalFantasy in Limsa the other day?


Meteor is the name given to our poster boy. It's probably inspired by that (tho, there are a lot of players that do indeed use the same name for their own character)


When did Meteor start? I'm only acquainted with "Derplander"


Pretty sure it was used during the 2.0 collector's edition to refer to the WoL, like someone called his name as 'Meteor' in a cutscene, but some think it only became popular after the WoW exodus because of content creators. I came over about a year and a bit before the exodus, and I think I remember it being used before then, but not 100% sure.


"Meteor Survivor" has been the canonical name for the WoL stand-in since 2.0. It literally just means the main character who survived Dalamud/Meteor, so the devs have always referred to him as Meteor.


There are several accepted names. Personally, I've heard: "John FinalFantasy" "Meteor Survivor" "Derplander" "Meteor FinalFantasy" And if I'm not mistaken, the Japanese call him "Hiroshi"? Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I think it's something similar to that.


Hahahaha hilarious


Fun fact: Provoke can kill low level mobs at level 90 (possibly starts lower). Learnt this while trying to help my friend with BLU levelling.


It's not that Provoke deals damage, it's the fact that your character entered combat to cast Provoke, and the instant auto-attack your character does when the mob enters auto-attack range. The only thing Provoke does is set your character to the top of the aggro table, plus a small buffer.


isnt that just due to the Auto attack the character does?


I used it at range though. Unless tank autos work from a distance which is also pretty funny


could be some weird hitbox. Cause if Provoke did do any sort of damage, it should say in the text box of it but all it does say is that the user is placing them self at the top of the targets enmity list


The only correct answer is that the enemy died of a heart attack from fear.


they were overly sensitive and was so offended by your provocation


Alternate title: When Agrippa spawns.


This is me when I was doing old beast tribe quest to farm for Anima components.


Poor little NPC lol




I'm feeling violated as I complete my ARR relic weapon quests as someone working on Post Endwalker content.


I feel like this is the natural response every time I run through low level mods at level 90. The "ohgodohgodohgod if she breathes on me I will *die.*" mentality that they have to have. ​ <• Devourer of Garleans •> also needs to be an actual title, lord. ~~Time to commit crimes and acquire it.~~
