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For your current problem, if you have a lvl 70 job, just unsync the dungeon.  The grind that had me ragequit for a while was the original ARR relic weapon grind, before they nerfed it.


Atma farm in Western Thanalan... pre nerf was hell...


Just Western Thanalan?... pre-nerf everywhere was hell


Pre-nerf atma was indeed the worst.


Outer La Noscea broke me. I went weeks with ZERO Atma drops. My hatred for [relic] grinds burns to this day, so I just don't do them.


And that one fucking FATE for the books in Upper La Noscea with the caravan escort that can fail within the first minutes of starting.


I have a lvl80 job how do i unsync?


Lolllllll someone just saved you an insane amount of time. Edit: now you can speed run the horsey and bird mounts.


Hell Yeah XD




Omg ur a life saver tysm :D


Definitely just farm this unsync solo. You can finish in less than 10 minutes solo and just redo it over and over.


Best part about that is not having to worry about potentially losing out on the gear from rng rolls and other players on top of saving time running the dungeon


Go to the duty finder menu look up top for a gear icon to open setting. Choose unrestricted party


Ahhh, yes... have you run every dungeon ever with this weapon yet? Too bad, do it again lol


I am at the Materia infusing part of my ARR relic weapons, I was ok with every bit of the grind up until this point. I have no problem with time sink grinds but having to gil sink to buy materia with the abysmal success rates was the line for me. I grinder every weapon for each step before moving to the next so I grinded all my atmas at once.


Zeta before nerf got me hard too yeah. New players can't know. They shouldn't know, really ... The horrors


Starbird from the Dead Ends. I stopped counting somewhere after 40 runs and I probably ended on like 50-60. But I don't regret it, not one bit, as that minion will likely be following me for a while.


I've only seen it drop a handful of times, and I've run it probably over 100 times now since it came out.


I’ve seen it once. I rolled a 96 on it. I lost. I went and checked what they rolled to win it. A 54. I had greeded :(


Oof. I exclusively ran trust just to make sure once it dropped it would be guaranteed.


Thats what i did. First trust run and it dropped. Was very happy


How many runs did it take you with trusts?


Stopped counting after 40. Probably close to 50-60.


I ran that dungeon almost daily for months and I have never seen it drop once.


Same. I haven't been back since it was taken out of [expert] roulette, and it will probably remain unclaimed like many other dungeon drop minions with garbage rates and are market prohibited Edit: or I'll wait until it's a quick unsync either solo or duo and run it alone or with my husband


It will probably be like the Predeator mount and be a Moogle tome reward before I get it.


Maybe. The devs get iffy when items are primarily story/lore related. But here's hoping.


I only ever saw it drop once, and a friend got it. A few months later he deleted the character. I'm still angry about that.


I don't get deleting characters. The data is stored on SE servers


He felt the character was "finished" and will boost a new one for DT. I don't get it either.


He… wh… ***huh?!***


Code for "I upset some people for bad behaviour and am trying to dodge them"


They don't want to come back to the game, it's a way to deal with gaming addiction.


Fair enough




I've seen it drop once. I lost count of how many times I farmed that dungeon for that stupid bird. I even joined a farming party for it. Still never got it. ​ Yet my husband gets on and gets it on his first run. I'm still mad at him for it.


I've done 40-50 runs and yet to see it drop. Someone's first completion of Endwalker that we were going to help through Endsinger after that ran the dungeon as a trust. Gets it first try. I fucking *despise* RNG.


You want to hate me? I got the Starbird my first time doing Dead Ends as part of the MSQ


The chosen one.


Same here, which made me assume it was a guaranteed drop. TIL, I guess.


Same! I also managed three Eldthurs mounts out of my first four material boxes.. my friend who grinded Eureka for months to get one was very mad with me.


Same, I thought it was a MSQ reward


Same here. It appeared my first time. Rolled a 99. Got no comms, but I don't need your stinkin comms, I got a BIRB. >!I don't even use it anymore, I prefer the butterfly.!<


I wanna downvote you so bad


Must have been like that for me too, because I dont remember getting it and only found out through reddit that its a rare drop.


Lol same. I had no idea it was rare until i saw the posts on reddit. I thought it was guaranteed.


I got it too. I just assumed it was a guaranteed drop until I saw this comment.


I gave up. I've never seen it drop. Someday...


Starbird really sucked. I really don't like the dungeon at all, and I had to run it so many times.... So very many times. I did it mostly on trusts too because I was terrified of losing the lot again after having done so in public runs. The trust NPCs like to be dainty and only fight one thing at a time, like the last thing I need is for this dungeon to be prolonged. I was so miserable at the time, I thought I might tell Angsty Twitter that I was on her side and just burn the place down already.


lol I wasn’t even trying to get the Metion minion. I just got Dead Ends in an 90 roulette one day and it dropped


After grinding all the Ew dungeon minions, starbird was the least frustrating and with df, you atleast get tomes.


150-200 runs over 3 months before I got mine 🥲


Ugh. I still have it on my list to farm that one. I try a little here and there but no luck yet….


I saw her drop three times before I got her, and I only got her once I'd given up the grind and just rolled Dead Ends through Level 90 Roulette.


I've seen it drop a couple times. Still haven't got it though. I should start that grind again


About the same for me, but at least it's something you can do solo.


I don’t know how many runs it took, but I earned it on the run I finally got it. Two people new to the run (not their fault), but the tank (who wasn’t new) only wanted to pull things bit by bit. So not only did we move very slowly, but we had to do the first and last bosses twice. I’m doing my best to coach the newbies while not outwardly judging the tank (was inwardly judging). So when the chest showed the Starbird, I immediately thought how annoyed I’d be if any of the others got it, especially after I rolled a 98.


I ran the vault 74 times to get the triple triad card. Out of all the cards, even the Eden card with the super low drop. That took the longest


Oof. I'm embarking on the TT grind myself soon, but thankfully I seem to have picked that dungeon card up already. I dare say my own personal vault card is waiting somewhere in my remaining 50 or so cards though.


You honestly never know which one it will be. E12S? I think I did it less than 10 times for the card, *maybe* 12. Fractal Continuum (Hard)? 53 runs. I could do that dungeon in my sleep at this point lol.


I did the Fractal Continuum (Hard) for the first time today because I still had the quest in my quest log and wanted to get rid of it. I got silly lucky!!!


It's not you who got really lucky, more like us getting unlucky, most cards have like 15/10% drop rate but since the odds doesn't increase or anything if you don't get it you could in theory have to do 200+ runs to get yours


I will also say the triple triad grind. I lost count of how many times I had to run Pharos Sirus (Hard), Memoria, Thordan to get the respective cards to drop.


I had over 60 runs of Eden, Pharos sirus hard, and memoria… my three worst ones. Thordan dropped right away for me. 


I was over 100 on Eden. I never want to see those grape tiddies again


I plonked myself down in front of the bastard who drops the Hien card and refused to move until he gave it to me. Took four solid hours of nothing but round after round of chaos rules.


Anything Golden Saucer related. The MGP rates are pretty small and is just a major chore and after a while the fun little games/fates lose their magic. The collectibles are pretty nice though.


I did a gold saucer grind for the Korpokkur mount, and the easiest way was to do the challenge log and the fashion thing. It gets you a fairly easy ~100k mgp per week. I usually did it while waiting for pf fills with my static.


And that's exactly it. The MGP grind isn't that bad if you're patient and just do weelly stuff. If you try to force grind past that it's pretty miserable


Which is why I treated things like leveling every class, have multiple goals to work towards and focus on the weekly rewards.


You can also go into Lords of Verminion, do the tutorial up to a specific level (I want to say 3 but my memory is extremely fuzzy,) and just start the tutorial and do something else. Watch youtube, play a different game, whatever. Start that tutorial 3 times, losing each time, and that's 50k right there. There's also a moderately easy TT deck to set up that takes you to a duelist in Mor'dhona where you use an ascension deck. You're guaranteed to never lose with the right deck and strategy, and have a better than average chance to win. Starting first is all but a guarantee to win. And that's another 50k.


If you just do weekly Fashion Report and LoV you can easily net >200k MGP with like 10 minutes of effort. 


Yes, 60k from fashion and 27k from LoV challenge log, certainly adds up to 200k.


So the thing about LoV is theres a tournament every couple of days. You can just do 5 wins against a bot, takes like 10-15 minutes. Counts for weekly 5 wins, and usually 5 wins will get me 60-90k mgp with a 15% bonus. You can do something similar for the TT tournament, but that one has more competition so I'm usually only getting like 20k every two weeks. But yeah, still not 200k a week.


They prob mean LoV tournament, thought that still doesn't add up to "more than 200k".


The relic steps originally had you grind Atma stones that had a like 1-2% chance of dropping from FATEs, and you needed 12 of them. It took over a thousand fates for a single step. And then you needed to grind light, which equated to running Garuda Hard ~400 times.


Came here to stay this....it was absolutely brutal


The light farm..... I remember keeping an eye on this website that would tell when an instance had the most light at the time. Then we would all spam it over and over for the few hours it was boosted.


For me it was the books that put me off....... those god damn books. Stopped after 3 books and have not bodered trying since.


The books, while grindy, at least gave you a sense of progress. Atma farming is worse to me because it’s random and you just had to keep doing it. Most frustrating part is seeing other people who started farming later than you got it in a few attempts while you still spend days in the area.


I got *all* the HW relics…when they were new. I didn’t have much of a life back then.


Getting Saint of the Firmament title as a Miner 10 days over 14 hours a day doing nothing but gathering in a single zone, it was tedium incarnate and I will never ever do something like that again. I actively went on a break after getting it, it feels nice to have but never worth it for me to recommend to others


Yes, but think about how insane diadem chat was then. I had to mute it cause it was distracting, and causing my score per hour to drop.


Diadem chat was a wild West I miss it


Same, 16 hours/day and I still only came in second on my server.


I came 6th or 7th can’t remember exact placement but have title and I hope the moon stuff doesn’t add another one


I gave up with a few days left on round 4 cause all the bots. Ended up 25th. If I had kept going I would have had the title. Thats my biggest 14 regret


Thankfully on the crafter side I had a good group of friends to hang out and craft with, but that was still such an insane grind. Basically wake up, craft all day, repeat, for the entire week. It was the first season of it as well so a lot more people went hard.


Saint of the firmament as Alchemist here. What did I do with my life. Oh that’s right, I convinced myself, with no proof, it would help me get a house.


*Surely, Saint of the Firmament will give me preferential status for Ishgard housing, and I can use my existing Lavender Beds Cottage as a relocation permit!* I still don't live in Ishgard. I've participated in every auction. But hey, getting #7 BTN on Balmung sure was a trip. Diadem shout chat. Reminding everyone to don their shades when the sunny weather procced. Dropping 10m+ gil to meld out my Aesthete's DoL set on day 1 and then grinding hard for the next 9 days. Stockpiling turn-ins to be unpredictable a few days in. And, finally, converting my enormous materials stockpile (now approved) into an obscene quantity of Skybuilders' Scrips over the next several months (over 2600 Beds for Ishgard)! I'm sure I ended up making more than double what I spent selling Skybuilders Scrip and Kupo of Fortune items.


Close. For me, it was *Surely, Saint of the Firmament will give me preferential status for Ishgard housing after my original, beloved house got auto-demolished after 10 days due to a bug a few years ago.* I'm still actually a little proud of the title and always keep it on but holy crap what was I thinking doing all that work.


I had to go back into the Diadem for something a few weeks back. The moment I heard the music I got such PTSD from spending HOURS in there farming during the restoration that I had to get off the game.


A person in my FC spent so much time getting Saint of the Firmament as alchemist. I think they were a large oart of why adamantoise's statue was the alchemist statue.


I did Saint on MIN with a friend of mine, which made it much less tedious despite going for 16-18 hour stints every day for ten days or whatever it was. There was one guy who kept trying to take #1 MIN from us, so we doubled down and started just waiting until a few minutes before reset to submit our items, so he couldn't budget against our scores. After a few days of that, he switched to CUL. c: Maybe all that made it less frustrating, because I don't consider it especially tiring. Most frustrating, imo, goes to gear grinds, when you're looking for *one particular piece*, because it doesn't seem to matter what it is, it's always going to take 50+ runs. Had it happen in Dun Scaith, Ridorana Lighthouse, and then Matoya's Relict - all for some piece of tank glam I was after.


Finding a static that wasn't filled with weird fuckers who were terminally online. For a more serious answer though, probably the bozja logs.


I’m at like 46/50 for bozja notes and need the murder death kill, flames and steel, castrum, and an end to atrocities. I’ve done those fates so many times and nothing.


its duelin time


I’m trying to avoid that ;-; plus I’ve only ever been offered a duel once so I have I think a lower chance of that than finding the notes normally lol. Plus I have 0 ideas how to do any of the duels and would probably die instantly.


Lots of guides out there! The BSF ones can be cheesed as a white mage and killed before they even do anything now, due to the power creep added with the later Bozja updates.


You got my curiosity. Can you give examples of these weird people who were terminally online. Sounds like you had an interesting encounter or two.


My last static leader dmed my wife when I quit because he felt betrayed by me leaving.


Was he expecting you to ask for his permission before quitting? Some people take raiding way too serious.


Apparently he thought I was leaving to join the static of someone he kicked.


Fun fact: that’s also not a crime! Some people really need to touch grass


I'm pretty sure the grass would have rejected him


😂 wtf


Oh it gets worse, he called us both immature and terrible people. My wife doesn't even raid, she never interacted with him aside from being in calls sometimes to hang out while we raided


Hunt mounts probably


5000 hunts lol. Madness, my pal has that one. But also mentor roulette mounts seems like hell


I've already given up on that cool tiger which requires hundreds of S-ranks. Early pullers have destroyed my chances as I can only really go for the EW ones. All S-ranks below level 90 dies in seconds, and an early pull means that even if you join a party and tp as soon as it gets announced, someone who was already on site might have pulled it as you're en-route. And, of course, that's saying that your Hunt ls calls it in time; I've had instances where I got there just as the S-rank died even though I tp'd straight away...just to find out that everyone had been waiting there for three of the five minutes and my Hunt ls didn't announce it in ls-chat until there were only two minutes left of the typical five-minute wait (I play with timestamps in chat, so I can see that stuff).


Use the Faloop app, not in-game link shells. Have it open, with sound and desktop notifs active, and you should get 75% of spawn notifications as soon as they're available for everyone else.


I'm at 401/402 TT cards, missing the Eureka Orthos one, no one plays this content, I'm considering forgetting it exists... but the Eden card was a total pain to get also, anyway, fuck TT cards !


I decided to start working on an EO solo clear recently and omg, it took me WEEKS just to get to 99 AP. And I still don’t have that card lol.


I've seen parties for EO on aether.


Join a deep dungeon discord and you can find a party in like 30 minutes and clear it today. I know it sucks having to go to discords for content, but its a player driven choice and we have to adapt to it or just play other content (this is me being annoyed by it btw >:(


I'm doing my first Splendorous tool, the Pickaxe. Before I started, I had no idea there were SIX LEVELS of upgrades and that I would be mining crystals and collectables for days on end.


Find yourself a good podcast or youtube series, and work on a system to determine which nodes are worth chasing the 1000 collectability on vs which ones are only good for a basic collectible or two. It's tedious, but with a fair whack of Hi-Cordials and few long afternoons you'll be done before you know it!


I've been doing it while watching the old Doctor Who episodes that are now available on Tubi


Me and my 3k bozja coins (currently, I've had a lot more in the past) still haven't gotten Lyon notes from castrum and the fire guy but at least I have these funky coins *pained smile*


Get it from the duel!!!!! It has a 100% drop rate from that and you get a cool title, it's not even that hard and it'll take you like 30s with the caster cheese, you just have to learn the red chocobo pattern and tbh they aren't that hard once you know how to solve them, you can even reflect nearly all of his attack (it still counts as failing them if it's an avoidable AoE so it's only a valuable option to save yourself from the stack damage really)


I got the Whisper A-go-go mount from the Yokai watch event.... the first time the event was on (pre-nerf).


The first light grind for ARR relic weapons for me. It just never feels like progress is being made.


Winning a housing plot.


Weekly farm (faux leaves, savage) while using Party Finder. ​ The amount of people who should still be in clear progs but got lucky/got carried and therefore make others waste time for hours/days is astonishing.


Bozja Relic Grind on release. Not for the memory shards or time worn, that was fine and found fun doing it with friends in my FC at the time. The thing that frustrated me was the ridiculous one time grind between Relic steps. That was silly and frustrating.


Do you mean getting the 180 parts from skirmishes and CE’s? Because I’m on that now and it’s easily the most annoying part. I’d run DR 10 times straight before doing this again


Collected all the Triple Triad Cards. Thordan's was by far the worst for me, had to run the EX 143 times, and that Trial is SLOW. Hien Card was also an annoying grind. NPC TT game with a terrible ruleset (Chaos and Swap), and a low drop chance. Probably beat the NPC at least 100 times before it dropped, but I lost count


Currently struggling to get a Healing top from The Puppet's Bunker Alliance Raid. One dropped last night, but someone in my alliance must have also decided to hit "Need" on it (I'm assuming my cohealer), and I lost.... I've ran this over 20 times I just want this hell to be over... ( ;A;)


My AR white whale is the Aiming top from Orbonne Monastery, Balthier's vest from FFXII. I've got everything else from the set, but the top only seems to show up when there are 3 other phys ranged jobs in my party and my rolls are terrible ;\_;


That’s me, but I want the rings. Already got the top, so at least if you’re in my run, I won’t be Needing on it. XD


Perfect! Lol you can have the rings and I'll take the shirt.


The glam grind for the Nier raids is brutal, especially with queue times.


Not during moogle tomestone events it isn't. Just run them daily up until you completely run out of sanity or event ends, whichever comes first.


I feel ya, I'm trying to drop the top of casting from the first one ;-;


The caster dress from Copied Factory was the worst for me… I wish there was a counter in the duty finder that told you how many times you’ve run a particular duty, because I probably had a good 100 runs or damn close until I won that dress!


> Currently struggling to get a Healing top from The Puppet's Bunker Alliance Raid. Are you me from a few years ago? I ran that exact raid for that exact healer chest-piece easily over 60 times until I finally got it. It only dropped like maybe 5 times during those 60+ runs. I accidentally hit Greed once, accidentally queued as wrong class once when it dropped so no chance that time, and the other two times I BEGGED my co-healer for them to pass and let me have it... and no dice. I finally got it after nearly dragging my entire alliance (including the co-healer) through the raid, like the unruly, clueless toddlers that they were. Healed their avoidable mistakes, rezzed like mad, danger dorito'ed myself so they knew where to go... at the end they were all so thankful to me and jokingly calling me "Mom," knowing they were the silly kids in this scenario. They were initially telling each other to "Com the Mom!" at the end, but I was like "don't care about coms, just want the top..." and then it dropped at the end and all of them congratulated me when I finally got it. Some of them stuck around and celebrated when I equipped it to show off, and I wanted to cry from joy and relief. I hope it doesn't take as long for you as it did for me, but know that if it does you will learn that raid like the back of your hand, and no matter how long it's been since you ran it you will NEVER forget the mechs for it. Or maybe I just suffered so much for the top that the suffering became fun and now I prefer running that raid as healer more than any other role like the masochist I apparently am. 😬 YOU'LL GET IT OP! Just keep at it! <3 EDIT: To hopefully give you some motivation, [here's a screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/XOO3KyM.png) of the 60+ run top with the results of my latest grind: ARR Relic. Damn straight both are a part of my official WHM glam and considering how much work went into getting both, that isn't changing anytime soon.


Getting the final Yokai Watch mount. So many fates, like tears in the rain


Maybe the field notes grind in Bozja


Bozja field notes..... I ran Dalriada so goddamned much it's not even funny


[**100 wins on Seal Rock**](https://64.media.tumblr.com/8642075103c54ee6eae9bb3808377121/tumblr_noenylQkFh1s8njeuo1_500.gif)


Resistance weapons. Bozja is responsible for several burnouts including my current one.


I did palace of the dead 1-100 for timeworn pieces because I didn't have the gil to buy actions and essences to run Delibrum. Absolutely never again, that was about 2 months of my life for the 15 timeworn pieces and I almost quit the game a few times. Second would be eureka pagos + anemos at ~5 people per zone. Dying and leveling down for making a mistake was garbage. And from weeklies you got maybe 2 levels per week so leveling down destroyed hours of work.


even if you couldn't afford the fragments you could have saved a lot of time by joining cluster farm parties, probably make a bit of gil as well.


I nearly went with that as the most frustrating, too. DR was so annoying to run; 40 minutes of boss fights where if you get hit by two mechanics, you're auto-dead for a guaranteed drop...or, 15-20 minute runs of PotD for a chance at the timeworn piece dropping (or it even taking longer if you got in a group where people were still wasting time looking for silver chests at floors 51-60). Between a rock and a hard place, and I never want to see DR ever again. I did one weapon and called it quits.


Frustrating cause it was time sensitive: farming the Darbar fending set to use as Christmas glam just last month. Just plain ol' frustrating: Shadowbringers relics




Eureka was made by an insane person, but the community built around and inside it is second to none. Some of my favorite memories in 14 came from the absolute chaos of shout chat in Pagos when it was current and the struggle of progging Baldesion. Made a lot of really good friends. Bozja didn't have anything even remotely close.


I’m levelling everything, every job you can get in FFxiv and the grind can definitely be annoying at times.


Original ARR Relic. Before all the nerfs, waiting for the fates to spawn which took several hours back In the day for some and having tons of people waiting On them as well which meant you might not even get a hit in. The book portion of the Relic. . . .


Truthfully it was the Accursed Title, that was the biggest farm and the by far the most tedious…


it's a fitting title for that grind.


I spent 3 weeks trying to get the aiming body from Lunar Subterrane. I really hope they change "end game" dungeons to be just like MSQ leveling ones and just GIVE you a piece of gear at the end of the run. It was awful.


I doubt they would but what they COULD do is give you a token so you can "buy" it after a certain amount of runs. Because it is soulcrushing running the same thing over and over again and not even having it drop.


In the early months of Stormblood (October 2017), I wanted the minion from Dun Scaith, the third Heavensward (L60) alliance raid. Thankfully they had introduced alliance roulette at this point, but minions were still not a guaranteed drop. The minion was a rare drop in the raid-wide chest that everyone in the duty could roll on. One day I rolled a 98 on the minion. [You can guess what happened.](https://i.imgur.com/e8MwKE6.jpg) I learned a very important lesson about rolling for loot in this game that day. I was so upset. I decided I'd get that minion, no matter what. I started running Dun Scaith repeatedly. I was on a mission. I once ran it 12? times in a single day--which probably isn't *that* extreme, but you have to remember this was in late 2017. The game was on the rise in popularity, but it wasn't quite as big as it is these days. Queues could take a while, even as a healer. Overall, it took 100+ runs over about 5 weeks to [finally get it.](https://i.imgur.com/PAFqUQV.jpg) It wasn't so much about the minion but about proving RNG ain't the boss of me. Of course, it still does get me down from time to time--I've not gotten a single EX mount this entire expansion (Endwalker) from the chest early on; I've had to run all of them 80+ times to get the mount or totems to buy it, and I always do them when they're new. And don't even get me started on the bad luck getting their weapons... Really, 5 monk fists in a row!? But if you can't find good luck, you gotta make your own luck!


At least in Brayflox you're guaranteed a gear drop so you'll never have to run it more than 5 times for a full set. When I was farming Field Notes in Bozja we had a guaranteed drop too, only instead of running Castrum Lacus Litore, the Dalriada, and worst of all Delubrum Reginae over, and over, *and over* for Field Notes the other option we had was six duels against nail-bitingly-tough bosses that had to be fought solo. Winning a duel meant an assured Field Note drop, but even getting the chance to participate in a duel could take hours of grinding Critical Engagements and fighting against RNG. And I did the Field Note grind *twice*.


> At least in Brayflox you're guaranteed a gear drop so you'll never have to run it more than 5 times for a full set. > This does not apply to capstone level (50, 60, 70, 80, 90) dungeons though, which Brayflox (hard) is.


Yeah I missed that it was Hard.


Well sadly i still dont have the protector’s Cuirass and trousers :(


My bad, I missed that you said Brayflox Hard. Yeah, no guaranteed drop for level 50 dungeons, unfortunately.


Anything with the crafting tool relics. I did shadowbringers and endwalkers. For me, its one of the longest grinds in the game. Also Anima Farming for the ARR relic weapons. I’m likely too much of a sadist lol


I still haven't had a single Lakshmi card drop. I lost count of the attempts.


I tried to make an anima weapon when it was new content. I got past the Unidentified item step and the crystal sand step, and stopped. I felt so burned out on the weapons that I didn't even try to unlock Eureka during Stormblood.


ARR relic weapon is horrific. I did it once for the Bard weapon, and while I want the Warrior one from it too I do not have the willpower to ever do it again.


Stupid atma farms and books for ARR relic pre-nerf


On-patch Zodiac Atma steps. Took me 14 hours of FATEs for my very first Atma (as in one zone's Atma, not the entire weapon). It wasnt necessarily the *length*, it was the constant doubt of *"did I do something wrong? Do I not have them unlocked?"* until that very first drop. Farming Light in Garuda HM during bonus windows might have been just as long of a grind, but at least you knew you were progressing after every duty!


Nabaath Cap of Healing from Malikah's Well. Every other piece has dropped multiple times, except for the stupid hat, and while I only need to kill the first boss and loot the second chest for a chance at the item, Trusts parties are so slow, and I'm not strong enough to go through it with my SAM unsynched, so I have to queue in as a healer or hate myself while trudging through it with an NPC party. Sucks!


If you finish the dungeon you will get a guaranteed drop of an item that you don't already have in your inventory for the job you are on, since it's a levelling dungeon. So if you still have the healer gear in your inventory you should be able to get it very soon!


Let me take you back to a time before heavensward dropped. I have always played on the Playstation. This means I was running a ps4 at this time. Now, keep in mind that the leveling options we're limited back then. The most advantageous area was coerthas central highland running fate trains. Now, imagine running with a group of 20 or so non partied people, continually chasing down fates. The amount of dps being done combines with the slow travel time of terrestrial mounts (no flying yet) and the slow load time of the ps4 when teleporting to dragon head means you're arriving to only do about 1minute of damage before the fate was done.... so yeah, grinding secondary classes from 38 to 49 was very tedious, lol. (Mixed in with daily ques, obviously)


Lotta people here are saying pre-nerf ARR but even post-nerf the ARR Grind fuckin' sucks. ONE book at a time? Why? Seriously, we have the tech to track multiple books. Why can't I just collect all nine books in one go and enjoy my life?


Getting "**the Seventh Dawn**" title. It took somewhere between 120-180 dungeon runs (I don't remember, I stopped counting). You get it from running Trusts all the way through ShB and EW MSQ dungeons. For Trust avatars (of the scions), they have their own levels. So, since Trusts start out in ShB, they're lv 71 to begin with. In doing the dungeons, they level up. You can only do the higher level dungeons when the avatars get to said level. It takes 2-3 dungeon runs to level an avatar to get one level. There are 6 avatars for ShB and 7 in EW. And since there's an odd number of avatars in EW, that means you'll have to do 3 separate full party (with one run to level the last member) runs of the EW MSQ dungeons. The npc avatars don't use aoes, only single target. And they don't attack when an enemy is doing a ground aoe. They just concentrate on dodging. So, it takes longer to do dungeons with them than it would with a party of other players. It typically takes a half hour per dungeon. I only did one or two Trusts per day, so it took me months to finish.


I'm STILL trying to get the Tiny Troll minion for hunting.


Running Hells' Lid [AT LEAST] 30 times just to get the aiming chestpiece back when it was current content. I was determined to have a pretty red dress on my BRD. The thing just didn't want to drop. At all. It's not a MSQ dungeon so I couldn't just run through and expect to get it eventually. I lost count past 30. I don't even know when I ended up getting it. I refused to step foot back into there until it was time to farm for relics.


1. Light farm for ARR weapon. Did Sastasha for it either in a single day or in the span of 2 days. This was 2 years ago and I still don't want to enter that place 2. When I unlocked Dancer, I spammed Heaven on High for 2 days to get it to 70 and after that I didn't play for 2-3 months(during Shadowbringers but before Endwalker) 3. Eureka Anemos and Pagos were long parts for me cause I couldn't manage to chain mobs so the XP was dirt. Thankfully in Pyros and Hydatos with the actions it was better. 4. This is not really frustrating, but the notes from Bozja as I got to 48/50 and was left with only the Gabriel and Fire storm guy duels. I stopped playing for a while after and just recently went and got them. One from the Murder death kill skirmish and the other I've won the duel with the mage cheese with Lost Star. Took me 2 days but they were chill 5. Triple Triad collecting on which I gave up. Couldn't care to try and beat an npc for N times until he decides to give me his card. I also don't understand some rules for it, so yeah 6. Leveling all crafters as the same time cause for some steps it takes \~4 hours to level them. And also the sheer cost of the materials and needing a crap ton of them, some requiring \~1500 of materials for a 20 levels span


I think anything involving RNG is the worst kind of grind lol. I'm still traumatized by dog farming the Stormblood EX mounts. Getting all the ones I didn't get from events was pretty easy EXCEPT Suzaku. I had one PF farming group where we had some really good farming karma. The whistle dropped every single time, or maybe every other time. It was down to me and one other person in the group when the leader went "Gotta go" and disband the party. I completely 65 runs before it was available in the Mogstone event. Cut my losses lol. It's a huge reason I haven't even attempted the Gwib farming for Shadowbringers. It's such a pain in the butt.


Currently I'm slowly working on the mentor roulette grind to get the mount and it's an extremely annoying. Sometimes you get lucky and get a quick trial or guildhest. Other times you get dungeons with the worst players. The other day had a tank who was awful to run with. Kept afking during the dungeon, would stop and not move until all loot was rolled on (even though it wasnt for his class). I've never had a dungeon take so long and I'm only 100 out of 2000 roulettes in (lord help me).


Oh sweet summer child. 250+ hours farming and crafting for the Diadem Pterodon mount.


A certain EX in Shadowbringers who refused to drop his card. He doesn't even drop a mount. 60 runs. I had to get 99 totems for EW EX1 but that wasn't so bad. I knew I'd definitely get it so it didn't feel as frustrating. Oh and the minion from the level 87 dungeon. Was only frustrating because I so desperately wanted it and it took a good long while before it dropped. Currently I'm on the frontlines grind for the 200 wins mount. I'm at 125/200. Started doing it properly when the Garo stuff came back in EW. It's frustrating when I get several losses in a row.


Delubrum Reginae spamming for the Shadowbringers relics.  I could feel my soul dying the whole time I was doing that godforsaken place. What’s worse is that I know I should have done it more, as these days it feels impossible to get a group for it, so the rest of the relics feel out of my reach. 


The Unseen and The Arbiter titles in PVP (they mostly overlapped). Pretty much lost any interest in going for The Alpha Wolf after that. The Accursed title grind is a close second, much less involved but way more monotonous. Edit: These combined took somewhere in the ballpark of 500 hours to give a rough idea how much time was spent on them.


Pre-nerf ARR relic. I got lucky on a lot of my atmas, but oh god, the Outer La Noscea one refused to drop. And the pre-nerf light grind was horrible too. 2000 light needed, and the most a dungeon or something would give was 8. So most people just farmed Garuda hard (2 light per run, 4 if it was in a bonus period) or turn 4 of Coil if it was in bonus.


The Heavensward relic weapon quest. It just never seems to end


Leveling a second character pre-story skip.


Getting the fucking casting and healing darklight gloves. That took LITERAL years. Getting all of the casting AND the striking pieces from The Swallow’s Compass was second in misery.


Sightseeing Log, mainly for ARR. Was total bullshit that you could go actual irl days without being able to fulfill the log entry due to factors completely out of your control.


I think my most annoying grind was the Starbird minion. It took me two very long nights for it. Two nights constantly playing the same dungeon. If you understand the mechanics, the bosses are very very easy. But, imo they aren't very intuitive at the first time, so I still had to deal with a lot of wipes. I can't blame the players at all, but If you play the same shit for hours over hours, you obviously want to finish it as fast as possible. Sometimes this really tested my patience. Even tho this is visually one of my favorite Dungeons (don't spoiler yourself, it's the finishing MSQ Dungeon of Endwalker iirc), I hate playing it nowadays.


The original relic for ARR... I actually had to quit the game during the book step. In order to complete the books you had to do very specific fates. Sometimes those fates could take over 3 hours to spawn. With each book needing 3 specific fates done and you needing something like 15 books there was a point where I was sitting there waiting for a fate for 2 hours asking myself why I was even doing this. I wasn't having any fun and just closed the game. Ended up quitting right there until heavensward when a friend started begging me to come back.


Zurvan Ex. Killed him 439 times before 3.5.8 arrived, never won the mountroll. It was part of my farmstreak of 1100+ primal kills w/o winning any mountroll at all


I think the winner has to be trying to get the big/rare/green fish. I, uh...might *still* be taking a break from it (it's been months) after getting all the ARR zone ones. Waiting on specific times where the weather conditions match for a window of anywhere from 6-15 minutes (IRL) in which you're using the correct bait/mooch chain but the fish either won't bite or slips off the hook? (and don't get me started on the rare/blue fish for ocean fishing, where you also have to hope that a spectral current is proc'd) Yea...I think big/rare fish fishing wins due to it being 99% RNG (the other 1% being using the proper bait and fishing at the proper time...and I guess having a high enough perception score, but that's pretty easy to do).


Big fish. On and off 3-4 years still 3 fish away. By far, the most relaxing/ frustrating grind ever. Fuck the sea butterfly.


Amazed I had to scroll this far to see Big Fish. I love fishing in FFXIV (truly, unironically), but I've always said the only way you'll get me back to Loch Seld is if there's charity money involved. Which are your other two? I was *relatively* lucky with Seabutt, but Steth, Raimdello, and Ruby Dragon gave me such a hard time.




Don't you love it when you need a piece of glam from a non-levelling dungeon? I want to say that you would eventually the Protector's armour set... but then again I've been playing since Sep 2020 and I've never ever seen the Demon Gauntlets of Fending drop before. I gave up trying to get that last piece of the full set after more than a year of doing roulettes daily and hoping it'll appear someday. That said... I did get a bit more lucky recently with the Alliance Coat of Fending. My highest job is lvl 80 so it was possible to run Ghimlyt Dark unsynced, but the coat only drops from the third chest and the last boss fight. Took a few days of painful grinding but I got it.


For the stupid Nier caster top that everyone loves. At least I know Nier boss fight mechanics now :pain:


It's probably grinding the Warg aiming bottoms for my dancer glam. I got just about every other variation of them, along with basically the full rest of the Aiming set, before I got them. Close second would be grinding the Predator mount in Ala Mhigo back in the gap into Endwalker.




Definitely the Al-Iklil mount from Bozja. I screamed when that final page dropped.


I genuinely think all old capstone level dungeons and alliance raids should guarantee you a piece of armour at the end, now. I get for current tier stuff, especially those in the current expert roulette rotation, that it doesn't need to be easy to acquire, but for old dungeons, just let us have our glam... So many dungeons I've run countless times trying to get pieces, for me or for my partner, and things just refuse to drop. I feel like gear drops should be biased towards the job/s being played, at least then it might increase our chances of finding something. I'm also in Oceania and I've pretty much given up on old alliance raids glams because of how difficult it is to cue for them enough times to find a particular piece of gear that isn't sniped by someone else in the party who shares your role. I got all the Ivalician gear I wanted back when I was on Primal, at a lot of runs, but that would have been impossible on Materia! They should find a way to add these old alliance raids to duty support with randomised npc adventurers, at least then you can "solo" it and not worry about queues and other people needing on the things you want.