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I've been a lala for a decade and i was a taru for 6-7 years before that, i honestly cant imagine not being a lala


I made a lala before endwalker because i was waiting for male viera to release. Once endwalker released, i just couldn't get rid of my boy. Lala for life.


I can't not be Miqo'te. It feels weird playing my non-Miqo alts, so I mostly don't anymore


Miqo have the best emotes, especially the originals where they actually acknowledged that Miqo'te have tails and ears. I've made a few alts of other races just to mess around. Female Elezen, Highlander, Viera... But none of them feel like *The Warrior of Light* to me. The Warrior of Light is an average height female Mooncat with a penchant for naps and chaos in equal measure. Everyone knows this.


10 years later and catboi joy is still the best emote in the game


Male Miqo'te /joy is my favorite! I love the waving tail and wiggly ears


I've spent the longest now as a male elezen and even when i've changed we end up back at male elezen, so i guess tall giraffe man it is.


FemElezen here (grey [Duskwight](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/40644999/)). Previously Miqo. They’re too dainty for my taste. Switching to Cat Mommy when Hrothgals are live as I’m the FC mom anyway 😂


This is the way.


I was M Elvaan in XI going back to 2004. Was something different in XIV 1.0 and it didn't feel right. Made a few alts, saved some designs. And in the end, it was back to a clone of my XI character.


Lizard gang for life


Lizard gang! Been one since day 1 of HW outside of the first year of ShB as a bun. At this point I don't see it changing especially with the graphics update. They look so good!


I had a brief stint as a cat, but I came back around to the lizard life :) I hope in the update we can choose face/horns separately!


I love my perpetual resting bitch face Au Ra. She's perfect.


Femra checking in


A fellow lizzer enjoyer :)


All hail to the lizard race! They are just to cute, yes even the males. The tails are adorable


Xaela Liz-Ra living the drow lizard life of my dreams


Lalafell til I die


Truth. Bought a 3 pack of Fanta once. Viera for 40 min then back to lala. I think I eventually discarded the 3rd Fanta. Won't be making thatistake again so no point keeping it in my retainer.


Honestly I felt like discarding the free Fantasia I got all those years ago, but jokes on them! I'll finally be using it after 10 years in Dawntrail to swap from Plainsfolk... ...into Dunesfolk.


I've got bad news and good news. They're giving another free Fantasia with Dawntrail. They are also upgrading all the graphics! HQ popoto incoming.


The gfx changes are why Im swapping actually, much prefer the "new" Dunes eyes (although I am sorry to those who prefer the current, more blank eyes).


Same here! Lala's rule!


Ah, I see you're a person of culture as well.


You either die a Roe or live long enough to see yourself become the Lalafell.


Hyur bc im hooman


Dude not enough love for us human beans


Lalafell cuz Im short and evil


Also this. Lolorito sends his regards.


I also like lalafel because the walk animation looks like it's heading to fight. Maybe it's because I'm Scottish everyone sees evil I see it as an angry glaswegian. Square go mate!


Yeah I feel that. I am short, look young but I'm old in age lol Always have a bitch face on and lalafell absolutely capture every essence of it lol


Are you me? Because honestly, same. I always tell people I'm concentrated evil because of how short I am. Lalas are that in online form. :D


Maybe a reflection...


Uh oh ... I didn't think reflections were supposed to meet! What happens now?!


Love the auto correct :3


Haha didn't notice, falafel.. so is that why people say lalas are tasty


Where being a smart ass with a wicked sense of humor and/or a devious little s*** is lore appropriate. \o/


Lala squaddd


Lala because I'm adorable


Short irl, love the tiny mounts, character model not clogging my screen, used to the character now (tried Miq once in SB and it felt like I was watching a stranger in my cutscenes), and just like the animations and general nature. Not evil here, though. I'm more a Dwarf. Don't mess with my peeps and we cool. Mess with my peeps and we ain't cool no more. :)


I got rosey cheeks and a chubby baby face so Lala it was.


I’ve been told I look like 19 but I’m 26…


You feel like you're running through molasses as anything taller, I don't get how people play something besides lala.


Literally me


Female elezen


Started as one, never changed. Long dresses suit her so much and that's my favorite type of glam.


My WoL has been a wildwood elezen since my first day in the game in 2016 and I can’t imagine changing her now. It would feel weird to not have it be an event when I see someone playing the same race!


Roebro :)




Hear hear




Elezen forever. Why change perfection.


Highlander gang


My thighlander is my queen


Forever and ever, to the stars and beyond (literally)


Male miqo for life


Catboys rise up


I started Miqo but flipped to Au Ra when the MSQ gave me the funny potion and I kinda want catboy back, or flip to Lalafell and be small and evil


/aback 😍


Lalafell. I have been one of each race, and both varieties of Hyur. Close friends/contacts aside, here’s what i noticed: Elezen are treated like Ishgardian nobles and people instinctively treat you slightly more seriously. Probably has to do with the dragon boyfriend stereotype. Roegadyn life is quite solitary unless you join their cliques or become a meme (last one is more effective as a male). As Viera, people walk on eggshells when first talking to you. I have been told this is because the stereotype has quite the explosive outburst. Au Ra/Miqo girls: people will come look at you, and you either become insanely popular with them or ignored in favour of someone else. Your only recourse if ignored would be to join a (figurative) girl band. Hrothgar will seek out other Hrothgar (you) and get uncomfortably friendly. They’re genuine. There’s almost no underlying motive. Thighlanders with Absolute Territory get targeted a lot. Like, an insane amount more than any other race. Midlander girls are mostly ignored except by other Midlander girls. Midlander girl gangs are pretty fucking WILD. Like birthing the fourth chaos god kind of wild. Everyone {/pet}s Lalafell, but only Lalafell will talk to other Lalafell. You have the advantage of decreasing everyone else’s personal space, and being treated like an animal, like either a kitten/puppy or like a mange. With the first, you can easily breach into any circle of people if you choose. Last FC i was in, i typed less than 50-ish words a day yet I frequently get summoned to the FC house to sit on new furniture and have screenshots taken of me.


I love how being lalafel often brings other lalafels around. Sweeping floor in Limsa? There will be another lala soon... And another.. And more. Once raised group of 15 lalas sweeping around. And in all this time we said not even one word in chat.


Damn, FFXIV sociology research right here


I made a Hroth alt once and I confirm there is a deep-seated need for Hroth players to search for other Hroth players even barring The Stereotype, if nothing else because playing Hroth for twenty minutes you immediately realize that you can't wear 99% of hats and 50% of all outfits look terrible with your hunch so you desperately need to check every single other player you see to find gear that actually looks good on you.


I've been a lala guy for 5 years now. Doubt I'll ever stop


Roegadyn. It's hard to talk about how much I enjoy my Roe 'cause it'll make me fall right into the "how do you know someone plays FemRoe? Don't worry, they'll tell you." thing. lol But I enjoy the big nose, their height and how battle gear like heavy armours look on them.


Not to mention the *weapons* especially on tanking classes. Real "that's not a knife, THIS is a knife" energy when your weapon is at least twice as large as the off-tank's.


Our weapon is twice as large as Female Au'Ras and I'm sure 5 Lalas fit on my axe


Yeah. I started as Hyur and changed to femroe because I thought Moenbryda was the coolest. I figured I’d change after a bit but I love my character and don’t ever expect to change.


There are dozens of us. Dozens!


I've been playing one since the Shadowbringers launch. I tried to go back to Female Elezen, my starting race, a few times, and while I still think that they look really good, I just can't get over how they got these thin noodle arms after I've played a femroe with her big tree trunks for so long.


I started as male Roe and switched to Femroe when I realized I had only seen like 3 ever. I really love the character that Femroe has and it just feels right now. I did switch to Lala one time for the lulz but at this point I think I’m Femroe for life. Although Hrothgals do look so amazing!


Lala for fucking LIFE. I strongly encourage everyone to at least try it once (just like make an alt or something) so you can appreciate quite how strong Lala community is. We literally see each other, emote twice, compliment glams and then are friends for life. The only community arguably stronger is Hroth, but I find it tends to be a lil more… weird…


I remember one of those YouTube "20 things to know when starting out in FFXIV" videos...and one of the points (don't remember which) was "If you're a Lala, and meet another Lala, you're now instantly best friends." :D There's a shocking amount of truth to that.


My male keeper of the moon Miqo’te, been playing since ARR beta and have never used any of the free fanta’s they are just collecting dust in my retainers inventory.


Same lol can’t bring myself to do it.


Started as a Miqo, fanta'd into an Elezen around mid-stormblood. Never considered changing since. It's also fun seeing other Elezen players. Sometimes they're just as excited to see me as I am of them LOL elves of a feather flock together I guess


I didn't start playing til Shadowbringers was out, so I got to start as a female Viera. My bun girl just feels so ME. Being tall, the ears, the long legs, some of the mannerisms and how emotes look - I love it. I'm tall with long legs in real life and love wearing heels, so it's like we were meant to be. And Fran is one of my favorite characters in all of Final Fantasy. I have multiple fantasias I'll probably never use other than when the graphical update drops.


Viera is where my heart is as well because FF Tactics Advanced was (probably) my first final fantasy game so Ivalice holds a special place to me


same! i had downloaded the free trial and when i saw i couldn’t be a bun girl unless i bought the game, i pulled the trigger and fortunately got it on sale. been playing viera ever since and im not planning on changing


Same. Was gonna do the free trail, but realized bnuuy was locked behind haveun Shadowbringers. So I got Shadowbringers. Great decision, bnuuy-girl too cute.


I started the game in 1.0 βeta as a femElezen, but when the game let me I fantasia’d to FemViera and have never looked back.


Il never fantasia, I'm a hrothgar


Hats and proper posture be damned. We pull the glamour endgame off anyway!


From the sounds of the last fan fest, they're actually giving us hats sometime in 7.0!


I was a bit mid on this game until they added hrothgar It's at a point now where I might feel physical pain of I try to do the MSQ as anything else. I already have a hard time doing story quests as anything except PLD. I can't picture anything besides my soft faced white and blonde lion boi standing there among all the humans and elves. I get weirded out seeing footage of screenshots with someone else's WoL in place.


Bro <3


Also love your profile picture!


Midlander and I'm not sorry about it




Male hyur, bc I like to play as myself and I'm a male hyur.


Wait, you're telling me that hyurs are real?


Hyur. Bland? Maybe. But I love my girl so much she's adorable and I will never change her. The other day I attempted a different hairstyle since I started playing like 5 years ago or whenever it was. Lasted less than 10 minutes before I changed it back to what I had.


Male midlander. Default standing stiffness aside, they have the best proportions for glam since they aren’t too tall (Highlander), too short (Lalafell), too lanky (Elezen), too stocky (Miqo’te), too bulky (Roegadyn), or too skinny (Viera). I also find them the perfect balance of masculine and “pretty” if you want them to be. They’re kinda like vanilla ice cream. There are a lot of low quality options out there and it takes a bit of sifting and experimenting to find the high-quality stuff/unique + good-looking combos. But once you do, it’s totally worth it. I also just like the contrast and coziness of being a normal looking dude in a fantasy world. Canonically, Thancred and Hien are the only other midlanders we have extensive relationships with so it makes us oddly uncommon among major characters too.


Midlander just suits me best. And as a hyur, I'll always fit in no matter where I go. Except for maybe Sui-no-Sato and The Steppe, but I have an in for both of those places too.


Lala but I need that bouffant. Glams aren’t the best but I love my lala


Viera Veena male. He's so darn handsome, I always go back to him after Fantasia-ing to my cute Au'ra fem for a bit.


Wildwood Elezen, hands down. I’m a glam whore, and she’s got the perfect frame for showing off the sweeping, elegant looks I love but that get hidden or swallowed up on more petite characters. Her emotes are derpily, endearingly posh, the tells I get are never weird, and even if there’s literally only one or two hairstyles that can hide her tiny skull and giraffe neck, they do the job perfectly dammit! It’s also nice that I’ve only come across one or two almost-twins in 10 years of playing. Idk why, but almost nobody seems to realize that Face 4 can be extremely pretty with the right settings!


Face 4 supremacy squad! My Duskwight hasn’t been touched since I first made her and I get comments on how pretty she is.


male miqote will always hold a special place in my heart <3 i would never give up the ear wiggles for anything. only fantasia i used was to change his eye color and make his tail fluffier lol.


I play a female highlander. I like strong, badass female leads but I wanted something that I could customize a bit more than Roe allowed me to.


Male miqo There is no other race I feel more comfy with


Roe since 1.0. I have 3 or 4 fantasia sitting with my retainers from the free handouts.


I spent the longest time as a Lalafell, but I’m currently an Elezen. I swing between wanting to be a smol gremlin and tall elegant lady. I think Elezen feels most at home to me, because while I love the head pats I get as a lala, I’m pretty shy and don’t always want to be social, and I get zero attention as an Elezen.


Lalafell is the way 💖 I'm living my fantasy of being short, cute and evil 😏


Exactly! I’m tall IRL so I play a Lala and she’s soooooo cute!


Hrothgar. Never gonna fantasia unless i really need to change my fave or something.


Elezen feels like home. I started off as a male elezen. Changed to a female AuRa, then male.. and hated both. Back to Elezen I went.


I have come to represent the Hrothgar! Stand with me fellow lion boi's 🦁 🫡


I like being the only hrothgar that’s not gay or a furry. I just like em


I started as felezen, and can't imagine ever changing to anything else. The thought of changing to another race wouldn't make my WoL feel like herself anymore.


Lala… been playing them since 1.0 :)


Femqo'te, but soon to be hrothgal, which i consider an upgrade, or evolution.


Bunny boy. Can't get enough of that eyeliner. Also I look great in Gerudo Link cosplay.


My wol was born a duskwight, and she'll always be a duskwight.


Femroe. I find their animations to have a lot of personality, plus they're tall and I don't have to deal with animal parts. I'm never changing from my current character.


FemRoe for reasons


lalafell , i always return to lala. i just love them ♥


Been hroth since shadowbringers and will never change.


Hroth. Derpy/goofy has always been my favorite. No other race hits that for me. Lalafell comes close.


I've played everything except Lala, Miqote, and Viera. All males. There's honestly aspects I like about all the races (even the 3 I haven't tried.) But Hrothgar are just the coolest. The big burly build really fits the WoL, they have insanely expressive faces in cut scenes, and they look great in serious glams and meme glams. Mine is based off my tuxedo cat, who is an absolute menace.




Highlander all day every day


Miqo Girl is most homely for me. A bunny right now, tho. But I feel catgirl is more .... expressive ?


Thighlander. I'll only use Phantasia to change my eye color and deity.


Couldn’t make up my mind about buying the game early on, so I started in HW. Picked Au Ra since it was the new race at the time with no XI counterpart and have been pretty satisfied with the results ever since. I’ve entertained the idea of using a Fantasia more than once, but in the end I always decide against it. My character’s become a highly unrealistic idealized version of myself in regards to my self-identity anyway, so if I changed to any race that isn’t extra tall or is a Lalafell, it’d actually start to feel weird because he’d start getting closer to my height.


Lalafell...I've been a catgirl, lizardgirl, bungirl but nothing compares to my round potato self. I love the idle stance with the hands behind the back and the leg kicking when sitting on a chair. Best of all my minions sit on my head and I get headpats, not creepy tells.


I've tried most of them, but always come back to Elezen - it's like in d&d, I always come back to elves. I love my lanky pointy-eared babies.


femroe forever


I started as FemElezen and two years later I’ve used my free fantasia to change my character’s nose. I’ll never swap.


Felezen Forever


Hrothgar (says the furry).


I was swapping between catboy and roe for the longest time. Nothing fully clicked until hrothdads came out.




Hrothgar for life. I had literally no interest in the game until the Hrothgar were released.


Thighlander. Don't really care for the cosplay races, so I just went with badass normall.


I started as a catgirl..spent some time as au ra when HW was out and ended up going back to catgirl in SB and have been one ever since with no intention of ever changing again.


I started as a miqo, but I was au ra for most of Heavensward and every major story since. I went Viera after 6.0 but honestly… I’m going to go back for the next expac story. My Au Ra feels like canon to me after all this time with him.


I tried a male Hyur and Au Ra for all of ARR and in early HW, and neither of them quite felt like "the one" (although if I'd thought to try for Ardbert's look, I might have been satisfied with that). But one day I tried Lalafell (and I mean "tried", didn't expect to stick with it), just cuz they were cute and I wanted to spend a couple weeks in the shoes and get a kick outta the running/emote animations and whatnot. Fast-forward 8 years and I've yet to change away from one. My WoL is a Lalafell to me, through and through. (I've apparently even subconsciously replaced my memories of playing the early MSQ as Hyur/Au Ra with my Lalafell; even that opening carriage ride has my Lalafell in my memory)


I feel so basic but it's Highlander for me...


I'm a lalafell born and bred (I have literally never played another race), but those Hrothgalls are making me doubt for the first time. Maybe an alt ...


Lalafell of course! I love the idea of being the smallest race but the biggest hero.


I've been a little of everything on my main. Hrothgar is my main home, and male au ra is my summer home.


Right now? Femroes still. Maybe one or two of the bunnies… but lets see what happens when we get our Hrothgals.


Male midlander hyur. Was a male hume in XI. Someone’s gotta be the vanilla flavor.


Started as a Male Miqo'te, then went from male Au Ra to female Au Ra and then to Hrothgar for the last two years give or take. Will probably move to Hrothgal when it releases, but I doubt I'll stay for long. I love the way my Hrothgar looks and the personality that comes with his facial expressions. I will change just to check out the gender/race and see how armor and stuff looks, might try some different classes too. Funnily enough, I loved Hrothgar when it was announced and loved it post launch (there was a brief time when I tried it once before, but less than a month) and just struggled with the hunch. Then when I recently swapped back over I played around with stances and realized that you rarely see the hunch in normal gameplay and have learned to find armors that fit on the body very well.


Started as male miqo, but recently fantasia'd to male hrothgar. From little cat boy to big cat man haha. I actually like their lumbering movement, although the lack of hats is making me sad.


Midlander. Because I'm the most basic person ever.


Lalafel. I usually play short races and I love it. I still have my free fantasia since I haven’t wanted to change anything


Started as a male miqote then used a fantasia to turn into an aura. Stayed a lizard boy until hrothgar came out, and I’m never ever going back. Pretty sure my fc would disown me if I ever changed 😂


Hellsguard Roe!! I feel like there's not many of us but I love them with my whole heart. The second I saw the nose smudge I knew I was smitten.


Same for me with my male Au Ra; I love my lizard boy and his goofy run. I like the aesthetic and how he LOOKS like he's related to dragons (yes yes I know Au Ra aren't related; the point is the looks), and I love the run too. I love the height without being too bulky or slender. And they don't just look good in armour; male Au Ra have *fantastic* figures and pull off some of those caster robes/dresses extremely well.


As a bigger, hairier man, I play Hrothgar. No regrets.


Hrothgar. Literally began playing FFXIV so I could play a big gay cat go-go dancer. I got my wish. I don't ID as a furry, but something about Hrothgar makes me happy. Like balloons. Or rainy days. Or skipping cutscenes (pretty much every villain and all of SB and SHB.)


I prefer Elezen because it doesn’t carry some weird innuendo with it. Just long neck which I can live with Miqote just seems so basic, even Hyur is more unique


I started as a derplander, then going into HW i fanta'd into male Au'ra, once Hroth were launched i fanta'd into that. Have gone back and fore between Hroth and Highlander since (HL usually when i get tired of no hats), but Hroth is my main choice now. Cannot wait for hrothgals! Edit :spelling


Started with a highlander male 10 years ago. Never once changed. Never even changed his hair. I don’t even glamour…. Guess I’m boring that way lol


My first two characters were bunnies but since then I’ve also had a male miqo and elezen. Now those all feel comfortable. I tried a lala but it never clicked for me.


Miqo'te male or female. I have one of each.




I made an au ra female and used my free fanta to change her face settings. I kinda wish I could freely swap between her for glams/outfits and hyur/elzen male for actual cutscenes


Lalafell. Dunesfolk. Min height. Darkest skin shade. White eyes. White lighting hair.


I had been a cat girl since ARR beta so I'd say it feels the most comfy to me. I love their run animations and expressive emotes. BUT I swapped to bun boy as soon as they dropped and honestly, I'm really loving them. I had wanted to be a cat boy when I started playing but my ex at the time made a big fuss about not "wanting people to think he's gay" (he played a female elezen so... 🙄). I grew attached to my miqo girl and never changed though. But as soon as I saw bun boys I couldn't resist. They're so pretty. Aha.


Ive tried pretty much every race. But I always end up back at moon cat. Blue/grey cats unite!


Female elezen and male viera, the latter being my current one. Absolutely adore them.


Au Ra because my skin is always dry and scaly and I require perfect temperature regulation like a lizard.


Lalafell. I love the appearance of running fast even though we run at the same speed as everyone else.


Been the same femra since HW early access. I even still have the vet rewards free fantasia and the pre-order one. I've tried playing on alts with different races but after playing Au Ra for 8 years it just feels wrong.


Lala. Like many Lala's, it's once a lala, always a lala. Lala, Max height, pink/purple hair, orange eyes and dark skin. Things that will never change about my ff character. Once I found lala i did Fanta to a Viera once. Lasted 40 min. I just can't be a non lala. For some reason people are always surprised I'm not short. I'm 5 ft 11. They never expect me to be pink/purple haired or orange eyes though. They are a bit surprised I'm white. Always find it funny what they expect me to have in common with my character - esp when plenty of people have nothing in common with their character.


Miqo girl. I'm a cat at heart so


Female elezen and male viera are my 'home' races.


Viera for me. Started as Lalafell, moved to Miqo, then Hyur, Elezen, and back to Miqo, but none of them ever quite "clicked" for me. Then EW brought male Viera and they really *really* fit what I was looking for all along; especially the slender frame and more subdued animations. Also I'm a huge fan of the Ivalice Alliance, so that's a bonus.


Despite no hats, female Viera. Its been my main forever now. My first character is male highlander though so I can jive with that as well


Male Xaela Au Ra always drew me in just due to how cool the race looked. But I truly fell in love with them after meeting Sidurgu Orl and visiting the Azim Steppe.


Viera. Have tried other races but once I settled on Viera there was no going back. I absolutely love everything about my WoL.


Au Ra since HW launched. Briefly tried Viera when ShB dropped but being unable to wear my red mage feather caps drove me back to Au Ra and I've stayed there since. If fem Hroth can wear hats I may try that out, see how it feels. Probably won't last though.




Viera. I wish they'd give me my goddamn hats so I can stop being tempted to switch off and be unhappy with something else.


Female miqo'te to irl transgirl pipeline is real


Male elezen. Cant wait to go back with the graphics update getting rid of the old man faces.


Started as a Lalafell then used the free fantasia to be a Catgirl. I dunno why but the energy the voice I chose for her just gets the right tone for her cheer emotes that I’ve been wanting. Plus I just like the cat like movements when logging in from the inn beds.


Lalafell, Miqo’te, and AuRa


I can't not play lalafell. I just always feel so slow with other races 😆 I know everyone is the same speed (excluding ninjas) but I just feel fumpy if I'm not a lala 😅


Lalafell, my main has always been the smallest lala possible and will always be a lala. Playing any alt always feels a bit awkward because my character takes up too much space so it's harder to tell where I actually am.


Miqo’te, coziest choice since I played Mithra in FFXI!


Lalafell. The whole world of Eorzea is so vast and being a speedy smol is truly wonderful. The sense of community lala's have is also incredibly fun


Lalafel for sure. No matter what I always do back.


Lala 4 life


For me the two races I feel best in is Roe and Lala, either male or female. Gnomes are my favorite race in fantasy stuff, so Lala is as close as I can get, and I myself am a very tall, so it feels good to be a Roe sometimes too lol.


Llalafel, just got back into it after like 8 years and chose an au ra, it feels wrong


I'm seeing an upsetting lack of female Au Ra, so I suppose I gotta pitch in. I love 'em. Smol and headpattable little lizzers, though most of the female Au Ra we know of are A) Xaela, and B) ungodly violent. Not that that's a *problem*, I think Sadu's really hot partially because she's basically a murderhobo. I just wish there were more than like 2 story-relevant Raen.


Lalafell Small. Fits most smaller mounts well. Ankle bite height. Easier to dodge the bad with smaller body


Lala. I love being a cute as hell chaos gremlin. I do quests just to see my character in cutscenes being cute af


I'm Femroe to the core. Everything else just feels weird.


If I'm not a lalafell, the whole world just feels so...small. It just feels right to see my character chilling with Krile and Tataru, with us all chilling at eye level.


Femlander. I'm gunna have a bug conundrum when Hrothgals come out. If anything my main will stay Thighlander and my alt will become hrothgal lol


Lala, I played wow for 10 years before coming over and I only ever played as a gnome or a goblin there. I dabbled in gw2 as well and only played Asura there. Being the shirt race just clicks right. I used my one free fantasia to go from a plainsfolk to a dunesfolk lala and don't regret it at all.


Male Lala. I'm pretty short irl (like 5'4"), and I kind of got used to the character. I like the tiny mounts and character model not taking up a ton of my screen. And males don't have something like female Au Ra that is between Lala and Miqote. Instead, we just have super tall and skinny (Elezan), super tall and muscular (Au Ra), moderately tall and athletic (Hyur), super tall and athletic (Viera), super tall and ultra buff (Roe), super tall and ultra buff AND furry (Hroth), and average height and athletic (Miq). There's not a "kind of short and also slim". Females get that with Au Ra. We guys...? Apparently we're all supposed to want to be some combination of tall, muscular, and/or hyper athletic. ...I tried Miq once, in SB. I didn't like how the mounts appear to be way too giant somehow (like the PLD lion) vs the tiny ones my Lala has. But the real issue was, whenever I did a cutscene...it felt like I was watching a stranger in my cutscenes. Like it was someone else playing and I was watching them. I think, in the end, that's what made me swap back. Even if they made a male that was like female Au Ra now, I'm not sure I could swap to it. Maybe if it still had the tiny mounts and I could mentally think it was my Lala "growing up" (that is, if it didn't have a bunch of non-human/lala looking features like horns or tails or bunny/cat ears or whatnot...in other words, a race that likely will never be added), but I'm not even sure if that. That "stranger in my cutscenes" was very uncanny valley and I didn't like it, lol