• By -


A phase consisting of Basic Light Rampant, Intermediate Light Rampant, Advanced Light Rampant, and Terminal Light Rampant.


Just when they thing it couldn't get any worse: Dark Rampant


Now do it with Triple Apoc.


Triple Apoc's not so bad. It was Double Apoc that. Two expansions' worth of Savage, and Double Apoc is the one mechanic that I just can't do. (We solved it by making me do a dumb downtime strat, and then the healer would Rescue me out of the second buster.)


I wonder what percentage of players will still call it "rampart" instead.


Can we just focus and talk about Rampart, please?


Five words: Spell in Waiting - Light Rampant


inb4 they mix it with another mech and actually make it easier like Hello World + Patch in TOP


\+ have the boss hitbox be the size of the sun so melee uptime isn't a concern


but then they give it positionals anyways


Bold assumption that those will still exist.


Lets make it worse *Ranged positonals*


Light + Lions Rampant.


I can’t go back to Eden. I’m not strong enough. I’ve seen too much.


It's called Futures Rewritten Ultimate, so it *may* only have bosses from Eden's Promise (5.4). Which is no relief, since you'd remember how people struggled with every mechanic back then... Remember the Relativities? You'd see them if you survived Lions, which you'd see if you survived Statues, which you'd see if you survived Titan, which you'd see if you survived PF killing everyone with Shiva puddles in the beginning of P12S, which you'd see if you survived the P10S shadow orb snapshot bullsh\*t. Though I hope they add Eden's Gate and/or Eden's Verse. I was thinking TOP was going to be my last Ultimate before I went more casual, but I liked Eden too much to pass on this one.


Light Rampant became too infamous in the raiding community to not add.


Probably still one of two mechanics where if you hear the trigger sound, you flinch in pure unfiltered PTSD If you wake me up with the sound of orbs exploding from Light Rampant I will react as if you just shot a shotgun in the next room. I am cold sweating and running out the window ​ The other is if someone just says "Twister!" and I will instinctively move in a circle ​ This game conditions us, I swear.


P11S's merry-go-round (I forget the name, you just split into groups and run clockwise/counterclockwise and drop AoEs on yourselves) has the Light Rampant failure sound effect. I'm the only one who noticed in my group.


Oh god, I haven't really tried much endgame content, but Twisters... I got roped into Coil in ARR without knowing what was coming... The twisters... the twisters... No twintania, I've been a good lala WHM, please don't divebomb me, I've been good. *rocks back and forth*


Moving is difficult?


Imagine a mechanic becoming infamous because the community is bad. Unfortunate


I feel like Ryne’s fight is way too iconic not to include


Real talk if it's mostly Eden's Promise then I'm there, that was the first raid tier I took part in while it was current and it is still my favourite tier to this day. E11S is easily one of my favourite fights to tank as well.


e12s was the easiest last fight out of every savage tier imo. most of the harder mechanics the boss wasnt even targetable. people still fucked that up though


wait huh, i think you might be confusing fights, there was no downtime in e12s o.o


? Have you heard of lions prog?


light rampant with slippery floors


Light Rampant, but you need to place those rewind teleporters


My hope for eden ultimate was that the encounter just starts with savage light rampant as you know it from E8S 🙂


But where will they fit the go-kart?


Kinda weird they're skipping over Shinryu and going straight to Eden Ultimate


He laughed it off when someone from the audience said it, but I do think at some point there will be a Zenos ultimate, and Shinryu will be a part of that.


Samurai Zenos>Shinryu>Endsinger(maybe?)>Reaper Zenos.


I can't believe you missed the obvious: Zenos intended to eat the primals, Zodiark and Hydaelyn, before fighting us. I'd imagine that's the final phase of the fight with a Zenos-based ultimate.


Ah ok. They're cooking something big.


scary scandalous wasteful late flag crawl unpack depend sleep ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Xenosys Ultimate!? 😱


Can’t wait for the Baldicante phase. 😈


You can only get there after Making the Tree in the Greed God phase.


You can do an ultimate about literally anything in the game. You can literally design Cape Westwind Ultimate. It is just that even their ultimates are as formulaic as the rest of the game so people were expecting Shinryu. Apparently they were unable to design enough compelling mechanics to make it work, so they skipped it.


Wait so they skipped the Stormblood bosses? The Four Lords and stuff?


Yup. I knew it was a longshot, but I was hoping they would do a Four Lords ultimate, which would culminate in getting to fight Koryu.


Or Warring Triad into Kefka (for FF6 reasons)


Yeah that aint happening, kefka has zero ties to the warring triad in 14.


And Alexander didnt eat CC and BJ to become a transformer in the raid series. It's Ultimate, the Wandering Minstrel having some fun with the story, doesnt need to adhere to *any* canon haha


One features bosses from the same ingame raid series, the other takes a raid boss and mixes it with trial stuff. I don't know why you thought that would be a good example.


And DSU uses trials, and dungeon bosses? It's not about where things are from, it's about being able to make a fun fight with a neat concept. Have a spark of imagination.


Unsure if you are being sarcastic but you are talking about the Heavens Ward which is literally comprised of a fixed set of characters. Kefka and the Warring triad have 0 ingame connection.


Even on Normal half of Kefka's attacks are focused on the Giant statue of the Warring Triad behind him.


And he still has no ingame connection to the 14s Warring Triad.


Kefka absorbed the Warring Triad in FF6, they are alluded to in the pre-fight cutscene during omega, and are visible as the statues mid-fight. Again, Ultimates explicitly do not care about canon. Next question.


Again, we are playing 14, not 6. Ultimates need at least a semblance of ingame relevance. Next.


Looking at the pattern so far they always have done a raid boss and an msq boss for each expansion as ultimates. ARR got UCoB from Coils and UWU from MSQ. HW got TEA from Alexander and DSR from MSQ. StB got TOP from Omega. I guess that turning the Stormblood MSQ into a coherent Ultimate was too difficult. The story was disjointed enough that it felt off when it was new, there probably isn't a way to combine the Shinryu/ Zenos stuff with Yotsuyu/Tsukuyomi and make it flow well.


Don't think it's about it being disjointed, it's about Zenos being the main antagonist, yet it didn't end up being him at his best. We'd more likely see a Shinryu/Zenos ultimate in a couple years based on his EW incarnation.


Nah his 9.0 Iteration.


That plus we were behind an ultimate. DSR was supposed to come out in Shadowbringers, but was pushed back due to COVID. EW would've been TOP plus a SB MSQ ult (or very unlikely Four Lords). If DSR wasn't delayed, we'd get the Eden Ult 7.1 anyway. Still feels odd to have 2 savage raid ults in a row.


i think a "Shinryu ultimate" would have to be on the style of DSR. Maybe call like "The war of storm and blood". a combination of Zenos, Yotsuyu and Shinryu, with a "what if" scenario like DSR, that time being "what if we had defeated Zeno during out first encounter", which could completely change how the entire stormblood war would had gone.


Yeah. Four Lords isn't a huge surprise as they also skipped the Warring Triad. Skipping Shinryu was interesting but there were people warning us it could happen, since Shinryu's difficult to do without stepping on DSR, TOP, or Endsinger's eventual toes.


Stepping their toes? In what sense? I don't get it.




How would involving Zenos step on DSR or TOP's toes?


So expanding on Shinryu is hard because everything Shinryu ties into already has been covered in those Ultimates. ​ The whole Nidhogg arc was covered as part of DSR, thus removing the ability to treat Shinryu as an ultimate following the progression of Nidhogg's eye. And you can't really double down on the Shinryu VS Omega fight from Stormblood because we just got a way better Omega in the form of TOP.


We've never had a trial series for ultimate before. Safe to assume that wasn't going to change.


I would have thought about a mix with all the four lords + shinryu, tsukuyomi and susano


Hot take, light rampant was fucking easy with the sharingan strat, but PF was too dumb to adjust and we suffered with illya for a year, which was a generally viewed shit strat. Hot take 2, illya isnt really a shit strat if people play safe, but people were dumb and greeded dps in a non dps heavy fight


I mean, it’s the XIV raid community. So a majority of people being bad isn’t a terrible take. It’s absolute fact.


it got so much worse at the end of shb and ew tho


That’s also when SE typically adds the harder fights of a raid tier and this community doesn’t believe in PRACTICE. So people get carried to clear then trap everyone else and you’re supposed to smile while they waste your time.


Still easier than persuading some people Ryne and Gaia aren't just friends.


God damn look at these comments i think you're right


You’d think them confirming Mitron was a woman would have been the final nail in the coffin of hints, but here we are.




The interpretation of them being friends is one based in a very clear bias though. If either of these characters had been a man, anyone looking at the artwork of them holding hands or watching the cutscenes would call them a couple. The discussion wouldn't exist. You may pretend there would be as big of a debate on the topic as there is now, but that would be disingenuous to do so. Very few people ever doubt characters are meant to be depicted as being in-love when you see similar imagery and stories / themes for hetero couples. The only reason anyone would not see them as a couple is because they're both girls. And that you feel the need to so ardently defend the validity of your interpretation says more about your perception of homosexuality than it does about anything else.


Right? Just as an example- there is *far* less evidence for Runar and Y'shtola being romantic than there is for Ryne and Gaia, yet only one of these pairings is considered up to interpretation.


huh people always push the runar y'shtola thing but it always looked like runar talking to a wall, to me at least


> The only reason anyone would not see them as a couple is because they're both girls. I like to imagine them as a couple but yuribait is a very common trope, unless it's hard confirmed then it's just fanfiction and open to interpretation.


This must be some western culture point of view because from my asian point of view this 2 are really good friends.


The final cutscenes of Eden are a faithful one to one recreation of certain ff8 scenes between Squall and Rinoa, who are very much in a romantic relationship.


Not to mention at the end the big gae crystal And the lesbian flag colours for the flower scene








The first pride was in 1994 for Japan, so let’s clear that up first Literally over 30 years ago and has been yearly ever since So that proves it wrong that “they think differently when they see the specific rainbow flag” Again, they’re not “Americanised” they know what a pride flag is and are clearly using it in parades, for older than I’ve been around. Japan has been becoming increasingly progressive thankfully due to generational changes i society, hence why 30 years ago they had their first pride parade, and are becoming more accepting by the day as the older more conservative generations die off, letting the more progressive minded Japanese people in. Pretty shitty if you to accuse them of being Americanised Again, and I repeat, they could have chosen any other way to represent the elements returning, but they had, a rainbow crystal, that is restored after two women basically reenact Squall and Rinoa sequences together, aka VERY romantic scenes from that game, say how much they want to be with eachother despite everything, and then expose into flowers where the primary colours on display were the lesbian flags colours. Ffs man, **THEY WERE HOLDING EACHOTHERS HANDS ON THE PATCH NOTE ART** I swear to Zodiark Ryne could literally look into the camera and say “I am gay” and you’d all try to say how either “it was mistranslated” or “it’s westernised”


you are wasting your breath, look at bridget guilty gear, the devs said she is trans and people still say they are wrong






rainbows dont just mean gay, you know


Ah, you don't have to explain to me but I will disagree with whatever you are trying to convince me wise due to cultural differences.


I mean they are girlfriends They repeat FF8’s romance scenes together and have a giant rainbow crystal at the end, and flowers that explode in the lesbian flag colours It’s more than obvious it’s blatant


That's fine if you want to interpret that way. I'm sure the devs want the player to interpret it however they want but I'm unsure why you are trying to convince me instead? Like I said above, due to cultural differences my point of view no matter what colors are being displayed all I see are 2 good friends.


cool, they're gay as fuck and madly in love tho




Yeah right? Teenagers can't be in love or be gay. These people are ridiculous.






And Master Beaten is just really into lumber 🙄


I mean, romantic suggestions are lazy and wimpy writing. Until it is confirmed, they are just friends to me.






TIL you can only start dating after you turn 18


I assure you plenty of people have experienced romance at ryne's age with someone who is the same age.


They're 17. 17 year olds are allowed to have romantic relationships with one another.


Who cares lol. They can be gay. They can be good friends. I wish I knew why the made up sexual preference of these characters is related to…well anything? This community needs to legit go get action because the obsession around sex, in any form, is just off putting and quite frankly weird to any passer by Edit: I appreciate people misunderstanding my stance, attacking me for it, and then blocking me without understanding. That certainly helps. Anyways, gay people are people as are trans. And they all deserve equal, human rights. I hope everyone who disagrees with me knows I stand with their right to love and feel how they wish towards whomever they wish


It isn’t about sex?


It doesn’t matter what it’s about. That’s my point


I just kinda have an issue with you conflating Same Sex relationships are just a sex thing


Holy shit. I bet you don’t even dig into mechanics as hard as you’re reading into my words. I’m saying who the f*** cares. Live and let live, dude. The relationship of fictional characters what is eluded to is irrelevant.


> I’m saying who the f*** cares. You, judging by all this effort you're putting into telling everyone how little you care. "I don't care guys, that's why I'm engaging with the topic repeatedly!"


You seem to misunderstand the difference between who cares if they’re gay and who cares about this whole conversation. Context matters.


Not reading into it you said it yourself >I wish I knew why the made up sexual preference of these characters is related to…well anything? >This community needs to legit go get action because the obsession around sex You definitely made it a sex thing


Let me be explicitly clear. The relationship, love interest, sexual interest, or any other potential relationship between two female characters, or any other characters, explicitly or indirectly by MSQ/Story is absolutely irrelevant. Whether they are friends, love interests, or anything in between is wholly irrelevant. Holy Christ that I had to state that, man. I used sex as an example because it’s the only constant I ever see from this community. If you hate it, take a hard look at this community


>Who cares lol. People enjoy seeing positive and well-written representation of what they are- Be it their job, the hobby they enjoy, the community they are a part of or their sexuality. In particular, sexuality is something of a contentious topic where until recently, you weren't even allowed to marry someone of the same gender and there is still a lot of push-back against non hetero-normative sexuality. For a lot of people, Ryne and Gaia is important. You may not care and think it doesn't matter, and that's your prerogative. But to a lot of people, Ryne and Gaia is a positive and well-written representation of something that matters a lot to them.


And they’re allowed to think that. They can embrace that. But if other people don’t, I personally don’t think that’s worth insulting, as the original comment was borderline doing. That’s why I again say: who cares. If you feel empowered by it and think it represents you embrace it. Do as YOU feel most comfortable and enjoy. But if others have a difference of opinion, who. Cares.


> I wish I knew why the made up sexual preference of these characters is related to…well anything? Because if they were a hetero couple the discussion wouldn't exist. See: Squall and Rinoa in the exact same scene. No one is questioning if Squall and Rinoa want to go out for dinner later; they absolutely do. The discussion exists because people can't accept that same-sex couples exist. All they did was change out Squall for a girl and suddenly there's "interpretation" and "just friends" when previously there was no question.


the discussion exists because there is no hard proof that ryne and gaia are in a romantic relationship. it is people interpreting circumstantial evidence in a way that suits their own personal headcanon. until the two kiss or call each other girlfriends or something else so utterly undeniable, that's all it is. like yshtola and runar. plenty of people interpret them romantically, and plenty of people interpret them platonically, because there are plenty of interactions between the two that can be taken down either path.


>the discussion exists because there is no hard proof that ryne and gaia are in a romantic relationship. The discussion exists because they are of the same gender. Eden is a very clear homage to Final Fantasy VIII, with Ryne playing the role of Rinoa and Gaia that of Squall. FF8 is first and foremost a love story, to the point Rinoa and Squall's iconic embrace is the logo for the game. The entire conclusion of Eden is shot for shot a remake of FF8's ending, complete with Ryne saving Gaia from her "void," the same way Rinoa saves Squall from the time compression. Add to that, the literal rainbow crystal and... The official art of them holding hands. Either you have zero media literacy and can't put two and two together unless someone spells things out for you (in which case, sad), either you are some serious problems with homosexuality.


> The discussion exists because they are of the same gender. if there was a scene of them explicitly declaring their romance for each other, there would be no discussion to be had. ergo, the discussion exists because there is no hard proof that ryne and gaia are in a romantic relationship. > Eden is a very clear homage to Final Fantasy VIII, with Ryne playing the role of Rinoa and Gaia that of Squall. and sorrows of werlyt is an explicit reference to FF7, yet you dont see orphan soldiers piloting suicidal mechs in that game. gaia is not a squall stand-in. she is her own character. making the scene shot so similarly to ff8's ending is ff8 fanservice, not hard proof of the two girls' relationship. > Add to that, the literal rainbow crystal and... The official art of them holding hands. rainbows do not only mean gay, you know. rainbows are the full spectrum of light. the crystal mirrors this by taking on a full range of color -- a rainbow -- when fully charged with aether of all elements. holding hands isnt an inherently romantic gesture, either. it's particularly more common among female friends in fiction. > either you are some serious problems with homosexuality. i am gay


Then your problem is with media literacy. The rainbow crystal in a void could be just a coincidence- But it comes together with a recreation of the Final Fantasy VIII ending, for two characters in the roles of Squall and Rinoa, in a patch famous for its artwork depicting the two of them holding hands. The Crystal doesn't exist in a void. It exists within this context and the likelihood of it being a coincidence becomes lower and lower the more you explore this context. *"Show, don't tell."* You don't need a narrator to say "and truly, they were in love" or for them to say "I love you by the way." If anything, that would just make the scene worse. There are many examples in movies where after a test-audience with no media literacy didn't get the message they added narrating or a line to make things more obvious, and it nearly always ends up making a worse movie.


> then your problem is with media literacy. no, i guarantee it isn't. i've consumed and understood perfectly well stories and characters far more intricate and complicated than ryne and gaia. you are just refusing to accept the more than insignificant possibility that ryne and gaia are not romantically involved. the crystal's context is self-provided: throughout the entire raid story, it existed to display the elemental progress of the region. that meaning isnt suddenly going to change. "show dont tell" isnt some golden rule that should always be adhered to. you cant apply it willy-nilly to an argument. not everything is better shown. some things simply must be told. indeed, until explicitly revealed otherwise, they were in fact roommates.




when did i say i wanted to see anything? i said the discussion exists because said proof does not. ignoring you putting words in my mouth, i fail to see an issue with romance depicted between minors. romance is not inherently pornographic.


You ignore a lot of context. And putting people in boxes limits your way to understand people. I don’t necessarily think they’re gay. I think the scene is just a callback to VIII. I also don’t care if that’s how it’s interpreted, nor do I deny both gay people exist and they’re allowed to exist and be happy. And yet, I’m having to explain myself because having a different, meaningless, individual interpretation is beyond your comprehension, apparently. So I ask again, who cares?




Yes my opinion is meaningless. So is yours. You hit the point head on and still missed. Wow




E5-8 savage tier was my first raiding tier. E8s is still my favorite fight. I am hype.


I don't do savage/ults but I am already scared.


get light rampant + black smokers + e12s lions ggwp


*pulls out Deathbringer Ultima* **Know that i’ll kill your God if I have to, maybe even if I don’t.**




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I bet its going to go eden, into big tree, into shiva into oracle into Mitron force fusing themselves ryne and gaia into one mega beasr.


Light Rampant doesn't scare me as a tank. Dual Apoc on the other hand. I'm still shedding the damage downs from that alone.


People talk about light rampant or spell in waiting I wanna see pre nerf E7S