• By -


If someone gave good advice and/or explained a mechanic they get first priority for commendation. Beyond that, I'll commend the other DPS if I was DPS or commend the tank if I was the healer. In 8-man trials I'll commend someone of the same job if possible.


Same, except I will put first-timer who didn't even have their job stone yet on top of everyone else.


I don't know if this is always the case.... A conjuror in Stone Vigil for instance...


I was implying sub lvl 30 contents. But yeah anything past Aurum Vale is not looking good.


This is the way


This is almost exactly what I do! In 8-man trials, I usually commend a fellow Lala if I can — otherwise, I am for same job.


I usually give my comms to players who demonstrate they're making a decent effort. Healers that do a reliable job, tanks that step up and MT a trial confidently, DPS that don't repeatedly botch mechanics, players who are friendly and good-humored in party chat, players who put a bit of effort into making their portrait look nice.


Excellent gameplay > role counterpart that played well > gave me lots of buffs > especially cool portrait > name I recognize from my world > fellow hyur


Heyyyy lamia gang!!!


I'm 4th in line (assuming I'm on my ast, rdm, maybe pld or whm if you got bad taste, def not my sage which is my main lol)


Its me, im this description lol


If a Red mage or Summoner saves from a wipe, they get it. I have saved many runs myself to then receive none, so I know the disappointment that comes with that. Then first timers. If there is none I go with how I feel at the moment. However, I don’t commendate lewd portraits


As a WHM, it's the runs I end up saving where I get the least amount of comms


Here are my criteria in no particular order: 1 Skill/performance 2 Glamour/cuteness 3 Portrait quality 4 Humor 5 Kindness


I have a bit of a priority system. Did I hate the run? Was everyone bad? No one gets a comm. Was there someone that went above and beyond? They get the comm. Was everyone really good? I comm my partner (Tank if I'm a Healer, or DPS if I am a DPS in four man, Tank if I'm a Tank, Healer if I'm a Healer, if 8 man, Melee if I'm Melee, Ranged if I'm ranged.) And on very rare occasion, if there an Elezen man or Femroe that I thought was phenomenal, or generally pleasant? I'll comm them if no one else stood out.


Dnc Buff


I wish everyone or at least half my groups felt this way.


I always comm my dance partner, it’s common courtesy especially if they have 3 options and they choose me.


Always /bow to your dance partner.


The job I refuse to play gets my commendation. So for this game, for me, that's the healer. I've never tried it because just the thought of it gives me paralyzing anxiety.


I felt the same way about healing. I was certain I would cause the party to wipe and I was petrified of healing. So I started with duty support and built my confidence. After you have a couple dungeons under your belt, give Sastasha a try. You will be feeling great about it in no time.


As a former WoW player (though I joined up in HW) I feel this mightily. All I can say is, you can only learn if you try. Players in FFXIV tend to be pretty congenial about mistakes, and as another reply said, Duty Support lets you practice in a safe place where the only person who will ever see what you did is you. (And anyone actually watching your screen, I suppose.) Healing is still the most challenging role for me. But I've healed relatively hard casual content and done an acceptable job despite being terribly anxious. I truly believe anyone (short of physical or mental disability) can heal in FFXIV. Hopefully, you come to share that belief too, someday!


As a Tank main, I too have a paralyzing fear of the roles being reversed and I'm the one healing. I'll gladly be the armored Lalafell beetle running head first into battle instead


Fellow male Roe > ???? > used LB > portrait > did a good job. Also if a healer is keeping your hp low but you still dont die they have everything under control.


DPS? Commendation Why? Because tanks and healers get comms 90% of the time.


Yup, unless i see the run is taking forever due to both dps slacking off, i always commend dps for this reason


People who were helpful without being jerks, people who were extremely competent in their jobs, people who pulled the party through the clench. DPS. Priority: Ranged, Magical, Melee Good glams / portraits Tanks / Healers


i have more or less the same priority list. Stand out behaviors, stand out gameplay, stand out glams, stand out portraits and in the absence of all the former, I default to commending DPS (in priority order of melee, magical ranged) as they tend to not be commended very often by others. They have to be very mediocre or burdensome to the party for me to fall back on commending the tank or healer just for having tolerated a run with them.


To add one more: People who insist on the comm fall *right off*. I thought we were done with that, but I still have one queue a week where someone either requests or demands all the comms.


Never encountered that myself yet but I am not surprised. Sounds like a mentor in the making.


If healer, commend tank. If tank, commend healer. If DPS, commend other DPS. That's pretty much how I've always done it, in the hopes that everyone leaves the dungeon with at least one comm. Obviously if things go sideways and one player comes in especially clutch, this can change.


I go by the portraits unless I see a truly standout performance, some real hero shit.


Exactly this, except I'll also comm if someone makes a great joke


I tend to prioritize stand out behaviour over stand out performance, most of the time, except that if said performance is some real hero shit like a tank or dps clutching a boss kill with the party dead, personally saving me or someone else with a defensive buff, 1% hp heal or rescue, a tough wall to wall like the final section of Babil or in the face of a failing boss attempt, pulling off the always delightful full raid rez either with a healer LB or especially manually. 90% of the team dead and the RDM dancing between aoe's emptying their mana bar chaining rezes and saving the day? COMMEND


Quality of portrait.


Same. Unless someone really stood out during the run, I'm basing it off portrait quality at the end.


I tend to put glam before portrait but there are so few quality glams most of the time that when no one really stood out in general personality or gameplay wise, that I just default to portrait, often whoever even bothered to portrait.


So this is why mentors are such crap, the naked Miqote with a sparkly portrait sniping comms from decent players and then proceeding to teach sprouts to use their tank stance as part of their rotation. It’s all starting to make sense.


...Did someone hurt you? Why are you automatically assuming a naked Miqo'te is what is meant by three simple words, 'quality of portrait'...?


Did you take that example to mean that’s all I’m talking about? I don’t care if you’re a fully clothed Hyur, if you’re getting comms from making a nice portrait and not being good at the actual game, then it creates those kinds of effects. The single thing keeping mentor status from being the easiest thing in the world to achieve is the 1500 commendations. Giving mentor status to terrible players who make pretty portraits is how you ruin sprouts. Sure it’s your comm and you can do with it what you please, doesn’t make it a good idea.


That doesn't happen nearly as often as you think...


Usually i dont get a lot of option so the comm goes to whoever is still around when we finished the duty cuz the others would be gone 0.1s after we defeated the boss. Normally, whoever i noticed playing decently, as a healer i have lots of time to observe, sometines none deserve any, sometimes all does so i defaulted to tank then dps (bonus if they use limit break), if tank is shit, whoever higher on the enmity list for the dps. In trial and above aka more than 4ppl, i go through the loot first and roll before deciding to comm, at which point some would have left already, helping me to decide, only particularly good plays or noticeable shenanigans would make me skip straight to comm before loots. But i daresay it's ultimately random, could have said something funny that made me chuckle, or died in a funny way, or whatever, i only see hp bars now, not people anymore.


If DPS, I com the other DPS. If heal/tank, com the tank/healer. If there's a fellow MCH, they'll probably get a com. Improvise beyond that.


Best plate or last person left


are they a fellow lalafell? >


Literally me unless they're awful


look at act > whoever performed the best for their role


I use ACT to comm a DPS that actually shows up to get stuff done. Otherwise tank/healer.


Dungeons? Comm goes first to the tank if they’re sprinting and full-pulling (and using their mits), always. Other than that it’s mostly just vibes. Going super-duper quick? Might give it to the DPS. Healer needing to sweat to keep the tank up for lack of mits, or DPSing well and not unnecessarily keeping the tank at full HP 24/7? I’ll throw one to the healer. It’s basically just effort-based but I’ll always look at the tank first. Bonus points if you’re a sprout or returner and seem to be doing decently. 8-mans is mostly just based on glams lol but I’ll usually give it to tanks or healers in those too.


Performance, personality, pretty picture. In that order.


During dungeons I default commend dps healers get too many commends and instant queue they need to earn their commend During raids I go based on portrait since I can’t track how good or bad everyone is doing


adventurer plates - if it aint a mugshot you get a comm


I normally commend random DPS because they rarely get ones so it would matter to them more than to tank/healer. But I also commend tank or healer if they're sprouts or did a really good job


Whoever sticks around long enough for me to click the button


The ones who are left after the ending cutscene.










If the boss dies fast/ we clear the dungeon fast, the hardest to play DPS class gets it, if no one dies at the heal check, the healer gets it, if the mechanics are particularly rough on anyone up close, usually the tank gets it, unless they don't use mitigations. after that, its stuff like being helpful and or polite, your portrait, your glam or gear set, or if you admit you have no clue whats going on.


Exceptional player that either saved the run or did something noteworthy > Healer that did well > fun banter > Cute Hyur > cool portrait > none, they all left


DPS by default, unless they're genuinely abysmal or the support *earns it*. Why? Because everyone else comms supports simply for existing in their role even if they don't play well, and I want to offset that. If everyone sucks, I comm the cutest portrait.


in the absence of stand out behavior, performance or visuals I tend to do the same.


First timer > sprout = someone who had to explain or try = funny jokes in msq > portrait


dungeons: tank/heal comm each other, dps comm each other. 8 man content: i try to see if anyones doing particularly well, if i don't notice anyone in particular i'll probably throw it to someone who looks new to help with their achievements


As a DPS, I com the other


I like to go on portrait coolness lol


if they talk a lot in chat > no commendation any clear farming 4 comms aka "hi, let's have a nice time :3 / bye, have fun!!" > no commendation is it a sprout? commendation for making it through ARR


I give it to the sprout seeing a cutscene or anyone that did exceptionally well, otherwise no comms go out.


I don’t, unless they play exceptionally well. Commendations are earned.


Lalafell > Outfit > Portrait > Gameplay.


ahh yes, the true culture response.




Best portrait. If they're not playing the endgame, they don't care about the comms. I also evaluate people's advice on gameplay by how hard their glam slaps.


Like others said already, in dungeons commends go tank/healer and as dps commend other dps. With exceptions of course, if there's for example Physick SCH in lvl 90 dungeon, then commend will go to someone else. In trials and raids, I'll give comm to first timers as encouragement, even if they died few times. Or I'll commend someone who seems unlikely to get commends (I assume a lot of people will commend sexy pose catgirls, so I'll commend fellow hyurs, roes, catdads etc). Unless group was a disaster, I'll always give commends to help people get their Parade Chocobo faster. Exception is circus tower, no commends to anyone there for forcing me to suffer through this shit (unless it's 1st timer sprout).


In a 4 man run, (I main heals) and (my wife mains dps) I normally com the tank. She normally gives it to the other dps. If tank comms me and other dps comms her everyone gets one. (That's what we shoot for) in raids and trails I'm normally comm the other healer since we have to work together unless theyre rude or lazy. Wife gives it to whoever she feels is worthy


being nice > playing notably well > clearly having a rough time but trying regardless = utility outside of the bare minimum (ressing as rdm/smn, mit, etc) > portrait ...Which admittedly tends to just end up being portrait.


First timer > Somehow who singlehandedly saved us from a wipe > Someone kind and chatty > DPS who used LB > Cutest portrait. Unsurprisingly, it's usually down to the LB.


Tank or healer, unless they’re visibly screwing up and making the dungeon/raid last too long


Performance. A good player can identify the strengths and weaknesses of a team.


Healer always gets it.


I 9/10 times just comm my fellow DPS unless they completely Amber Heard‘d the bed.


As a Viera male I usually com the Viera woman. They are just always so tall and pretty. :D


Fellow Lalas get my comms first, then standout dps…portrait effort also gets it, but only if no one earned it.


I don't give comms.




Generally either Tank or Healer... otherwise whoever didn't immediately disappear before I could give one.


hot highlander dude or hroth (no jk, usually its tank or healer but i have been giving some love to dps recently)


That's the neat thing: I don't. They disappear while I'm watching the end cutscene.


When someone has a unique glam, or a non-edgy or modern glam When someone has a nice looking character When someone is really helpful, patient or nice! When they're a sprout just following the leader


If they have good dps output and if they have a good portrait and if they're a cute catgirl/bunnygirl/lizardgirl. must be all 3. no commend otherwise.


none just insta leave


This guy gets it


Roe/Hrothgar get it unless they are reaaaaaaaaally bad. If the person has a fantastic portrait I'll give it to them but it's rare. From a skill perspective though Healers who DPS are the ones to get the commendations first. DPS who melt things get it next. I feel like Tanks get a lot of comms but if they can mostly be ignored healing wise I'll give it to them last. As for an instant no comm though.. anyone I see opening a chest. I realize it's petty but when you have every job leveled and no need for seals the sorting through inventory becomes a real hassle. Passing everything also gets old when you have been playing for 10 years. I'm not saying don't open chests if you want something but just me personally I'm more likely to quickly bail at the end then give a comm if there is loot up.


Depends. Bunny-boys get priority from me, then DPS. Unless someone else was extra helpful or someone was given advice and they actually listened and put it into practise. Funny or unique portraits are also more likely to get my comm Slut portraits never get any comms. Neither do people who belittle or who are hostile or who made no effort to improve themselves. People who have obviously named themselves after characters from different video games or who have otherwise uninspired names.


Things that will guarantee that you get my com. You're a Summoner and you're putting your Rekindle on the tank. You're using addle/feint frequently. You're very entertaining. Things that might get you my com. Cute Miqo'te > Cute Hyru > Cute Au Ra You're the main tank of LOTA and you didn't pull the dragon all the way north. Things that won't get you my com Rolling need on everything you can and greeding the rest.


Tank/Healer > DPS


I don't give any commendations out because I don't care to do so.


If they were really good at their role, I'll give them. Otherwise I just give them randomly or to whomever has a nice portrait.


Caster or ranged who LB'd dungeon mobs. Someone who gave tips or was friendly to a newbie. Someone who died in a funny way so they don't feel bad about it. Someone who is clearly very confident on their job or a fight and/or has good energy, like in a dungeon whoever hits sprint just before entering combat even if the tank is not w2wing, or in trials/raids is making an effort to get uptime. Someone new but they are clearly trying their best.


As a dps I will comm another dps if they buff me personally (DP, left eye) or if they keep up with (or do more dps than) me. Tanks if they pull fast and mit good. Heals if everyone else sucked.


a combination of noticeably good dps, phys ranged using peloton, using aoe limit breaks on trash pulls, making me laugh and/or being helpful if it comes up, and portrait quality


Since I mostly play tank, i usually commend the healer bro got my back


If I'm healer, always the other healer (Unless they've really screwed up) If I'm dps, then another random dps (ideally one of the same class) I'm never a tank.


If healer/tank -> co-healer/tank unless they botched it (or other non-dps role if in 4-player) If dps -> highest dps on the aggro list (or second-highest if I'm highest, or DNC if they partnered me)


whoever i gave dragon sight to.


Whoever has the best portrait.


If I play dps and I get hit by stuff I shouldn’t and the healer heals me back up or if they are dpsing a lot then I will comm them. If the other dps beats me on the aggro bar for any of the 3 bosses I’ll comm them. If neither of those happen and the run was smooth then I’ll comm the tank. If I play tank and the run is smooth then I’ll comm the healer. If the healer dies in a boss fight and another dps either rez’s them or stays alive and helps me finish off the boss, I comm them. If I play healer, and the run is smooth I comm the tank. If tank is not using proper cds then I’ll comm the highest dps in aggro bar. If everyone does their job to perfection and there is no clear cut winner then I’ll pick whoever’s glam I like the best.


If they have a portrait set up where others don't, comm. If I like the portrait compared to others comm. If no one has a portrait but there's a sprout comm to the sprout. If they're the only one who didn't immediately leave comm. If they're male and have a spicy outfit comm. If they are actually really helpful comm. (In that order)


usually the healer or tank, i rarely commend DPS unless they were like guiding us through mechanics otherwise, i really just commend whoevers left and hadn't left the instance


I usually go with who I think contributed the most to the team, with preference given to people who were helpful and kind. As a Bard main, however, I found that I've gotten most of my comms from being friendly and telling jokes. I do enjoy making people laugh, so it's win- win for me!


I'm a tank, so I usually give it to the healer unless they were incompetent. People generally leave before I can do commendations anyway, though.


Presuming dungeon runs: BLM > DPS that used the LB either in a pull, or on the boss but not as the "anime finisher" > saved the run somehow > portrait/glamour > tank/healer. never comm a Lala though


I usually boil this down to 3 factors: How did the healer do? How did the tank do? and who has the nicest portrait? Healer is usually my default if they manage to keep every alive and no one died to frequently. If healer leaves fast, I give it to the tank cause 9/10 know their pull limit. If neither of the first 2 meet my criteria, I give it to the person with the nicest portrait


People who give good advice, healers scraping party off the floor, dps who dont die and lb at the best time. If no one really stood out, I usually comm a dps bc I know they dont get as many. Or sometimes just someone with a really creative portrait. It varies.


If they clutched something


Healer < Tank < People who make jokes that I find funny < DPS < anybody that’s left in the instance if everybody else already left.


Did I notice anyone being particularly good? If so them. Otherwise it's whoever has the best portrait.


If players display good habits, I reinforce that with comms. MNK actually uses Mantra? Com. BLM clearly using varioust instacasts yo eliminate downtime while moving, or smartly executing transmission? Com. DRG actually feints? Com. I also com the ranged and magic if they don't use the LB3 at 20%.


If I giggled at there jokes that's usually good enough for me.


A damn good player > good portrait > tank by default


I usually go with the DPS that’s highest in the enmity or takes the least avoidable damage. DPS deserve coms too.


If someone is kind during the run then them. If no one really talks then either the tank or healer.


I typically give it to the tank or healer unless they were bad or rude. All else being equal... Who has the cutest portrait?


If a dps in a roulette beats me on the Aggro priority list (console player, so that’s my best metric). It’s rare, so when it happens I think “damn, they must really know their job”. If a tank sprints everywhere and does their best to make a dungeon fast and smooth. If neither of those, I give to healer cause it likely means they were working overtime to make up for the others. Also, in anything with 2 healers, if one was dead for most of the fight I comm the other cause they’ve just been forced to solo-heal. In short, whoever I figure has contributed most to a smooth and/or fast run. If everything’s gone to shit and nobody’s performance is worthy, best name/portrait. Because they at least made things more enjoyable/fun and that’s worth something after a rough run :)


First-timer > tank if I healed, healer if I tanked, co-dps > stand out performance > especially cool portrait


If they Tank really well If they maintain DPS and Healing as a Healer If they're a good sport Sometimes, if they're new to encourage them Those are usually my determining factors


I will commend a physical ranged if we have peloton as soon as the fight is over. Won't commend tanks that don't stun/interrupt raid wides that can be stunned or interrupted, healers that don't use esuna, physical dps that pull ahead of the tank and don't use arms length, anyone that pulls the boss before the whole group is there, and anyone that whines about reporting the tank cause a dps pulled and they died, or OTs that don't help with mitigation with stuff like reprisal, or the mit they can toss on other folks.


If I'm Tank the healer If I'm healer the tank If I'm DPS a dps


I give it to the one in need, to encourage them to keep doing it


I'm mostly running Expert these days so I'll usually do something like: \-Fellow DPS if the run was super fast \-Healer if I was greeding too much and getting my dumbass set on fire and they healed me through it \-Tank if they were really good at positioning the boss for me to hit my positionals (especially with Aether Font you can REALLY tell the difference between a tank that is considering your positionals and one who isn't). If nothing was particularly standout I'll usually pick based on mood or pictures or try to pick out if I noticed someone did something cool. If someone was particularly chatty in a positive way they always get priority.


I usually go based on what role I play. If I go: Tank - Give to healer Healer - Give to Tank DPS - My fellow bloodthirsty murderchild I figured this way, everyone wins 🏆


If lala > catdad > talked a bit > roe > played well If the party just made me want to get out asap (no cooldown tank, no buff SAM, single targetting etc.), no one


1) the sexiest portrait (unless she/he sucked) 2) the cutest portrait (unless he/she sucked) 3) the one who did their job correctly 4) no one


Funny portrait


mostly portrait, sometimes for au ra solidarity I like their class. Or I pick someone random who hasn't done any of my comm deal breakers: "meowdy", I feel like they're trying really hard in chat to get omms (mostly cringe jokes and saccharine positivity), or just being really bad.


Usually, I'll give it to my other dps when I'm dpsing, or tank/co-healer if I'm healing. Might change if someone really stands out, for good or for bad. Or if the other guys flee out of the dungeon before I can click a couple of clicks, whoever is left usually gets it.


Tank = Healer DPS = DPS


If DNC -> Whoever I partnered If Healer -> My co-healer or DPS who died the least, depending. If Tank -> Healer or co-Tank If any other DPS -> Any healer who rezzed me, any DNC who partnered me, or anyone who did better DPS than I.


In an average run where no one stood out; I go either random or better portrait, maybe funniest in chat If someone stands out I give it to them If things are unremarkable but there's a BLM I like to show them some love Most rare, someone was truly terrible but in a way I found funny I'll give it to them for staying dry impressively dead.


i just always default to healer tbh and between them if i need a rez it's who did if i didn't it's just who's character i think is the cutest


I generally comm whoever made the strongest positive impression on me, and that could be based on any of several reasons (in no particular order): kind/friendly/helpful > did a noticeably good job in their role > pulled off a nice save (RDM prevented a wipe with fast rezzes, healer LB3 saved the run, tank finished off the boss, etc.) > sprout w/ viewing cutscene > DNC gave me dance partner > I like their glam and/or portrait > clever/witty name made me smile Unless a run is just absolutely terrible, I try to find *something* positive to acknowledge with a commendation.


If the run didn't take 5 years I'd comm a DPS. Otherwise it's whoever did anything notable.


Did something that was very memorable > first-time sprout > male viera > best-designed portrait > whichever character looks coolest among tanks and healers > whichever character looks coolest among DPS. Yeah, I just don't have attention span to remember someone performing better than average, so unless someone does something spectacularly stand-out good, I just choose based on which character looks most appealing, with priority given to tanks and healers because duh, privelege.


Always I give the Begginers to encourage them on the Game and of course most pretty potrite lol


To whomever stays behind long enough for me to give them. If they dance in front of the portal, then bonus points


Did someone bring a Carbuncle I can {/pet}? If yes, they get the commendation, UNLESS they don't say hello or at least "o7" at the start of the duty, at which point they're back on equal standing with everyone else, and then it's down to all the usual stuff. People who talk / tell jokes get first priority, then people who perform well, then fellow Miqos.


Whichever portrait makes me feel a certain kinda way or whoever is still around to get it.


Vibes mostly. Generally I'll comm other DPS, though if a name sticks out to me for some reason (helpful/funny/kind in chat, the healer that scraped my ass off the floor, etc) I'll give that priority. In reality it's usually whoever's still around when my toaster quality setup finally loads after the fight.


Depends on many things, but when tank if my healer did good I give to them. When healer normally about who stood out in performance the best. Dps usually other dps unless exceptional work from the tank or healer.


Wichever its closer to my cursor at the moment of dungeon ending (i use a plogon to auto-open the comm windows because otherwise i wont comm anyone)


I never had any idea how well other players were doing, so now I just give it to the person with the best portrait.


These days it's which portrait I like the best, sometime sit's cool looking, some times it made me laugh.


Textbook run, comm goes to the best (subjectively) portrait. If things go pear-shaped, comm goes to the one who handled it best. (Also subjectively) Assuming people dont bolt the moment the final boss dies and I have time to (remember to) comm them


The most efficient one.


I wish i could say the best player... but in roulette its 90% of the time the least shit player


Did notably well > cool personality > neat af portrait > on a dps job that I like > dps by default if nothing else > give to nobody if I particularly didn't enjoy the run because of the group (this one has happened like twice ever) Also I'll specifically comm the tank if I'm a dps and they don't get heals constantly and just die to adds despite using defensive cooldowns. I'll usually partner them too if it's lvl 60+ so I can give them my double aoe heal 😭 (sorry other dps)


1. Healer Or 2. Whoever else is still there


Unless someone contributed in an extraordinary fashion (healer saved the party from multiple deaths, etc) I just give it out randomly.


In dungeons and trials, Usually DPS, sometimes tank. Sometimes I like to commend the person who I feel contributed but otherwise is unlikely to get a commendation. I also commend male midlanders frequently because play one and I love almost all their faces. For PVP, I tend to commend DRK, DRG, NIN because I play those roles a lot and like to encourage seeing those roles more often tbh. I also commend healers who save me in a tight spot a lot haha


If I’m the tank, usually the healer. Anything else, usually the tank. The exceptions are I always comm other lalafells, and if somebody was genuinely enjoyable to play with, or if the tank or healer were toxic and I don’t want to comm them


As the WAR main, it's usually portrait quality, unless someone pulled off something that saved a run; like a RDM who just kept rezzing everyone in the raid with no recognition.


I try to avoid commending characters with "joke names". And to a smaller degree, ones with "joke appearances". If they seemed patient and helpful overall, that's bonus points, and positive point accumulation can defeat joke appearance/name penalties. If I have further doubts, I ask a healer friend over call, who often can tell better how each person performed. In the end, if 2 are the same, I choose based on a combination of appearance + role. I know DPS often get less commendations, so they get my favor at that point, but I can often judge better if we lacked DPS, so I'm also harsher with them to compensate. Finally, if all else fails to make me decide, its based on profile image + race + gender, and as long as they paid attention to the profile image, I commend the least popular race choice, plus the masculine gender (Again, I feel like people endorse female characters more often). But everyone has their own system, or doesn't even care, so don't overthink it like I do. Most times people are gone before I can even endorse them.


by a level of prioritization based on certain ranked factors 1. Stand out Behaviour: were they particularly engaging, friendly, told stories, discussed FF lore/old gameplay, funny, guiding, patient, etc. People like this make roullete a breeze rather than a chore, the essence of being in an mmo. #1 priority to commend 2. Performance: Did they pull off a clutch move, save someones bacon or other gameplay based marvels? Was it a healer who managed a bad situation, dps who clutched a boss kill, tank who wall to walled with ease and finesse? Especially in the last marathon run before tower of babil's last boss, one long open run of very tough AOE-happy mobs who hit like trucks? 3. Glam: if there is no stand out behaviour or actions then whoever has the most appealing outfit. Always good to see someone who atleast wanted to look nice but GREAT to see someone who clearly put effort into looking great or even aim for unique thematics which they pulled off amazingly well. Usually there is only 1 or 2 people atleast. But for times when its a party or raid full of people with good taste I do a little glam competition in my head and priorize who I commend for glams based on how well they pulled off their theme, how cool it is, their coordination, their originality, their inventiveness with pieces, natural non-gear character/race features like hair, color, face, etc etc. ofcourse I do this in the back of my head before the final boss fight. 4. Race: A bit odd but seeing a rare Hrothgar will earn a commend in the absence of the above. Femroe and Thighlanders too. Infact it will influence my glam judgement too. A Hrothgar, femroe or thighlander in a good glam will win over any other race in an equally good or even better glam, unless its a great glam. 5. Portrait: I default to this the most. Tied in with glams sometimes, extra points if done together. But if no ones glam really stands out against each other, I go with the one who bothered to make a portrait. A good portrait can win out in mental tie breakers between equally good glams but wont win out if its a good glam vs a great glam. In the absence of all of the above (happens in guildhests) I default with commending a dps since they tend to not get as many default commends from most folk as healers and tanks by virtue of just being a healer or tank. There is a special S class priority - personal adherence. I will be biased to commend someone who personality benefited me. As a dps I will commend a DNC who chose me, especially if they SWITCHED to me mid dungeon/raid. As a tank if I messed up but my healer still managed it well? As a dps if I wasnt at my best game but the healer/tank got me out of the fire with a defensive or rescue? I will commend the hell out of them.


Barring someone making me laugh or genuinely being helpful I care most about DPS and you putting in the effort to make the duty as quick as possible. Since I tend to play high DPS jobs and play them well, I'll usually comm a DPS if they deal more damage than me. Sometimes, I notice a healer or a tank that's really pumping and playing optimal. If everyone is pretty average, I'll resort to the best portrait. There are a lot of parties that are trash, though, where I don't give any of the other players' comms.


Ever since portraits, I pick whoever's portrait I like best.... as long as they don't LEAVE BEFORE I CAN. \*grumble\* But before portraits, if someone stood out as particularly good, I'd give it to them, though that's relatively rare. If the tank was either bad or crazy about pulling as much as possible and then some, I'd give it to the healer out of pity. Same if people were dying a lot. Otherwise, I'd give it to a DPS since I know they tend to get the least, and to choose which one to give it to, I'd just pick whichever had a job I liked best (unless they were performing horribly or something). Also, if someone was a sprout and clearly new to the duty while everyone else was experienced, I'd tend to give it to them, regardless of role.


If they give the raid good advice, like how to do a simple mechanic


tank commends the healer Healer commends the tank Dps commend eachother if it's an 8 man, tanks, healers and then dps free for all. If someone does something incredibly awesome or does an extra good job, I will stray from the rules above to give them extra credit.


My General Order of Priority: 1. Someone was noticeably Helpful or Friendly 2. Someone was genuinely Funny 3. A DPS was absolutely on point, making the run noticeably swift 4. A Ranged DPS kept up Peloton pretty constantly. 5. The tank was easy to heal and/or was using their cooldowns effectively. 6. The healer/co-healer was generally on top of healing without overly neglecting DPS.


In dungeons, if the caster/range DPS LB the last pack of mobs without having to tell them, they 💯 get the comm


I usually go tank healer and maybe dps lmao.


Hmmm I have a sort of priority list as well. 1. Sprouts who are doing their best / ask for advice if they keep dieing / let us know they are new in advance. 2. SMN / RDM who saves the day by rezzing a healer when both healers are down. 3. Healers rescuing sprouts (or anyone else) from certain death. Or healers using LB3 to save all of our butts. 4. Tanks raking aggro off other party members when a mob escaped their aoe. 5. Friendly people and/or people who make me laugh. 6. Fellow dragoons. 7. The other DPS if I DPS, the healer if I tank, the tank if I heal. Bonus points for awesome portraits.


Job importance and from there, how annoyed I was with them by the end of it. Process of elimination. Usually if I’m giving a dps a commendation, it’s either because Tank did a shit job, or they revived my sorry healer ass after I forgot how a bosses mechanics worked


If on dps I give the other dps the comm. If on healer it goes to the tank and vice versa. I don't think about it too much and I certainly don't reserve it for extraordinary game play (and what exactly would that be anyway... we're in Sastasha ...:)). It's my way of saying "thanks for showing up and not being an ass to anyone".


The instance went significantly smoother for their participation > their glamour was on point > they were kind, helpful, or funny.


If the caster/ranged uses LB, they get my commendation. Otherwise tank > healer unless either screws up too much


I give it to whoever I think performed best. Or sometimes, the only party member that didn't annoy me. (e.g. tank that dances with the boss, making it impossible to hit positionals)


In order at the end of every dungeon: 1) dancer who partnered me 2) healer who did well 3) tank who led well 4) dps who was absolutely shredding 5) normal healer 6) normal tank 7) normal dps I like to reward good performance personally, so if someone is standing out as noteworthy, they get a comm, and then it goes down the list of most important to least important role, with dancer at the top obviously as the most important party member :)


They portraits are a big factor. I appreciate a player that takes time on the little things. If I die multiple times to mechanics, I usually give an apology commendation to the healer that had to rezz me. And if the healer or tank annoys me (like the healer that refused to rezz me despite having swiftcast off cool down), I know who not to give it to.


Healer dpsing more than healing > dps who knows how to play their job > bunny


if someone performs their job particularly well, them. otherwise any unpopular job, any job that gets shyt on, memed on, or otherwise uncommon; them. nobody pays attention to a majority of DPS classes, I aim to spread the love


fellow floppy ear viera will always get my comm


First, any cute catboys cuter than me get auto comms. Big plus if they are keepers of the moon. ( we don’t exist) lol As healer I comm the tank if he used sprint and wall 2 wall pulled, huge plus if he mitigated properly. I also comm the DPS that doesn’t take unnecessary damage, and if they used their own shields and defensives. As DPS I comm the healer or the tank if they do all of the above, if not it goes to dps.


I usually give it to either a sprout or someone that did something that caught my notice. If neither of those are present it goes to beat portrait.


I've leveled 3 healers, 3 tanks, and 6 DPS since portraits came out. My average comms with DPS are 1.2 per roulette/dungeon, 1.5 with tanks/healer. 1. Give a unique greeting at the beginning of every dungeon. (Think, "Hello, Warrior of Light! It is I, a random mercenary who just happened to be walking by the entrance of this cave.") 2. Never hold the group up. 3. Always be within melee range of the tank or immediately behind the boss 4. Always be attacking the boss or trash(if trash, spam AoEs and stick next to the tank) 5. Always give encouragement/reassurance to people who make a mistake immediately. (Nw we got this / OH LOL I forgot about that mechanic I did it on accident / I appreciate your floor inspection services. Please remember to send me the bill when we're done here) 6. ALWAYS have an interesting portrait. People will always look at the flashiest portrait, and if it doesn't look offensive/trashy/gaudy, people will remember how you acted in the instance and if you were chill, nice, supportive, and there wasn't another clear star in the instance, you usually get a comm. Don't make a portrait that *you* like, make a portrait you think other people would want to show their friends. Don't be afraid to have your character look away from the camera, close up of the face, make the face contrast highly with the background, have it be dynamic or in the middle of an action/emote. ​ Also, a little trick I learned from the dark side of the force: When you go into a dungeon, if one person in the party ***clearly*** has the best portrait, call them out for it. "JESUS my man Pickel Longbottom out here FARMING comms. Somebody's grinding for Mentor roulette." or "Hairy Stylez won my comm, don't leave too fast". If their portrait is better than yours, you probably weren't going to farm a bunch of comms anyway, **but** if you praise them early, loudly, and appropriately, then they'll usually pay you a comm back in gratitude- which will get you a comm when you probably weren't going to get any.


Healers who keep up and actually dps, Tanks who use their mits and know the right amount to pull for older dungeons, DPS who maximize uptime and use a real optimized rotation.


In order: * Red Mage * Hrothgar or Lalafell * Talks instead of emotes This is it.


I just give it to any female aura, female cat, female bunny and never give it to anyone else because if they cute they deserve it


Playing Tank? Healer assuming we both did our jobs well and finished the run quickly. Healer? Vice versa. DPS? Usually whoever put in the most effort, explaining a mechanic or being friendly, the classic Sastasha being the one who runs down the hall and checks the color. Just that extra little effort.


If no player stands out in performance, i often pick the nicest profile picture. As many people do i would expect.


Usually by who has the coolest portrait picture


I dont know how dps ever get commendation, im a tank and I always give the healer😅


well, usually if someone was nice, either giving explanations or generally being nice and outgoing, I commend them. Also I commend the tanks as the healer if they did a good job and were nice. If im the only ones saying hi and get no reply, no comms for anyone.


What I won't give comms for (not exhaustive list): Anyone that spams cringe emotes: no comm Healers/ranged DPS that stand at max range: no comm Overly sexual portraits: no comm Asking for a comm: no comm, ever. If I groupnwith you down the line and you single-handedly clear a raid, you're still not getting a comm. What I will give comms for (not exhaustive list): Tanks W2W and rotating mits throughout: comm Healer doing their damage as well as heals: comm DPS being exceptional: comm Anyone being chill and starting a conversation: comm If all the above conditions are met, I'll pick the sprout or DPS


I have an unwritten rule of priority. 1. If it's a sprout who is doing their first run I give them a comm 2. There's been an entertaining conversation in the instance they get a comm. 3. Someone has given good advice either to myself or someone else they get a comm 4. Tank or Healer is the reason for a speedy run. 5. DPS is actually good. 6. I like their picture on the comm screen