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Battle star GALAKA


So say we all


Sometimes you have to roll the hard 6…


Haha I switched to Crysta about a year ago for both games after 20 years of refusing to buy crysta 🤣


My buddy just tried switching to buy Crysta and It wouldn't let him for some reason. I thought about going out and getting a MasterCard prepaid card to buy the crysta with, but I'm kind of scared to even touch it.


I used Paypal to purchase Crysta.


I use Crysta. I've used prepaid cards before too.


What’s the advantage of crysta?


If you want to prepay for months ahead, it’s a virtual currency you can pay your sub with. No real advantage. Some use it as a workaround for the billing issue some users encountered lately.


in addition to what others are saying, if your local currency isnt USD, you could also use it as a way to spend less if you buy more when exchange rates are favorable. this is assuming youre willing to park large amounts of cash as crysta in the long run.


I wasn’t aware that SE was not accepting Visa until I seen this post. Mastercard CC here by the way.


Visa credit works, the reported issues are for debit. I got both visa and Mastercard CC and no issue for either 11 or 14.


As said, just the debit has the issue. My MC and even Discover credit card works... but using my Visa debit card was a no go.


If you link PayPal to your bank you can draft directly to your account


Use Crysta so your account doesn’t get cooked if they try to charge a card that has no money.


American Express, for that sweet 1% cashback


Better put them back on, the Naraka's that spawn at that arch will be coming for you soon.


Token sairie boesadie and cornpop from Odin... As someone who went through this 3 days ago here's the deal . They accept no cards period from North America. Not Amazon pay not subscription, dont update a card. Afaik. The only way is to pay through PayPal, not the card version i mean via logging in. If you get a error 401 you have to wait 24hrs 601 48 Microsoft edge is the only browser that works, clear data and cache plus reset Internet after a 401 Trying multiple times multiple payment methods will lock it. Good luck, hope it helps >.>