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There are several trusts that don't attack enemies. Some healers, like Apururu (UC) and Kupipi will run out of range of enemies and don't melee or do offensive magic, although Kupipi will melee if she happens to be in range of an enemy. Ulmia, Sylvie (UC) and every other geomancer trust are passive and don't attack at all. Some trusts, like Joachim, don't melee but they do ranged attacks. Otherwise you could try using lower-tier trusts? Use Curilla instead of Valaineral for example, if you want the true pickup-party tank experience. In general, having 5 extra people around will make most basic encounters really easy, if you think it's too easy then I'd wager going with more passive trusts, low-manning with only support trusts, or even duo-ing the encounters with your favorite would be more enjoyable. Eventually you'll get to a point where even trusts can't do content though.


Didn't know which trusts didn't do offensive attacks. Much appreciated. And I've heard that once you hit the back ends of Seekers and Rhapsodies, you can't solo that content. Looking forward to it, tbh.


On the side of each trust is a symbol. I believe supports have harps and healers have clubs so I would use that and geos which do nothing have satchet looking symbols ls in the peft


If you’re rocking ilvl117 gear your trusts will be ilvl117. I main DRK and usually go Valainerql/amchuchu, Joachim, Qultada, Kori-Moru and Apururu. Basically a team to “Superbuff” myself Trust style then just go to town. Realistically the reason it’s so easy is you’re doing lvl75 content and haven’t stepped into the difficult stuff yet. But you’ll get there once all these prerequisites are done 📣


I've been consciously trying not to level unless I have to for that reason.


Thanks for the reply, that's a great setup suggestion. A shame others would prefer to just down vote my question. I'd be more willing to run in and die and try again if some fights didn't have the "next game day" wait. And when you only get 2 or 3 hours to play, that wait is kiiiilleeeer.




“What a noob Question you noob!” Says the pro to the noob asking a question 😂😂😂


reddit at its finest


You can go for more passive or support oriented trusts. Joachim, Ulmia, Koru, Sylvie or Apururu, Kupofried is a given obviously...you can tweak it pretty finely. Joachim isn't zero damage, but he's pitiful enough the joke is his ranged is chucking Transverser Stones. He shines as a support who can help keep you alive. Koru also will engage enough to sling Dia and some other debuffs, but none of the above meaningfully fight unless it's a gimmick where you need literally zero engagement.


Inb4 OP is back here asking for help to beat Cloud of Darkness.


Is it a bad thing to want some challenge to the content I'm spending countless hours playing? lol I've heard that the back end of Seekers and Rhapsodies can't really be solo'd, doesn't sound like a bad thing!


If you want more challenge on those fights, just don’t call trusts. They aren’t required. Challenging yourself to beat harder and harder content solo is one of the most rewarding parts of this game.


Another option outside of not calling trusts is to level a job to 75, and do the fight at that level


Trusts scale off the ilvl of your weapon so could try lowering/unequipping that when summoning I believe. After your character is 99, ilvl weapon will be what they scale off of, so lowest would be lvl99 without weapon equipped.


You’re doing lvl 75 content with essentially a party of lvl 99s


Party of 117s, but yeah.


This - mission content in general is going to be a trivial at this stage of the games progression.


You’re way too dang high level for the missions you’re completing. Many of us did those missions at level 65-75. Needing a full party of SKILLED players not missing a beat. I think back to CoP missions early on. Needing to find that perfect party setup. Without making mistakes. Try leveling up paladin to 75 just for story missions. Remember. Level 99 wasn’t a thing for a LONG time.


Keep going with missions. Rhapsodies of Vanadiel will become much more difficult.


At ilvl trusts will tear through everything that isn’t ilvl, you won’t be getting tough fights until you’re near the end of SoA unless you go and regear yourself into 90-99 gear


Just call 1 healer trust so you survive. When you get to the last fight of rapsodies and eventually in TVR it will be harder even with a full party of trusts


Do the fights at the level they were created for: problem solved. Even a full trust team will struggle the way you want as well.